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Fruit or Vegetable?

Lisa R. Bobich
This lesson focuses on building understanding of scientific classification and plant structures.
Keywords: Plant anatomy, Fruits, egetables

Grade Level: !"# Duration: $"% class periods: $& minutes determine students' bac(ground (nowledge) %* minutes to draw and label fruits and +egetables ,depending on number of specimens-) ,optional: %* minutes to allow students to dissect specimens-) %& minutes for discussion and wrap"up Standards: Builds on Fundamental .oncept: Form / Function 01T2301L 4.250.5 .30T50T 4T1061R64 Content Standard A: Science as Inquiry 1bilities necessary to do scientific in7uiry 8nderstandings about scientific in7uiry Content Standard C: Life Science 4tructure and Function in Li+ing 4ystems
o 4peciali9ed cells perform speciali9ed functions in multicellular organisms. :roups of speciali9ed cells cooperate to form a tissue, such as a muscle. 6ifferent tissues are in turn grouped together to form larger functional units, called organs. 5ach type of cell, tissue, and organ has a distinct structure and set of functions that ser+e the organism as a whole. ;illions of species of animals, plants, and microorganisms are ali+e today. 1lthough different species might loo( dissimilar, the unity among organisms becomes apparent from an analysis of internal structures, the similarity of their chemical processes, and the e+idence of common ancestry. Biological e+olution accounts for the di+ersity of species de+eloped through gradual processes o+er many generations. 4pecies ac7uire many of their uni7ue characteristics through biological adaptation, which in+ol+es the selection of naturally occurring +ariations in populations. Biological adaptations include changes in structures, beha+iors, or physiology that enhance sur+i+al and reproducti+e success in a particular en+ironment. 1n organism<s beha+ior e+ol+es through adaptation to its en+ironment. =ow a species mo+es, obtains food, reproduces, and responds to danger are based in the species< e+olutionary history.

6i+ersity and 1daptations of 3rganisms


Regulation and Beha+ior


1R2>301 4T1T5 4T1061R64 Strand 1: Inquiry rocess .oncept %: 4cientific Testing ,2n+estigating and ;odeling-

P3 *. Keep a record of obser+ations, notes, s(etches, 7uestions, and ideas using tools such as written and?or computer logs.

Strand !: "istory and #ature of Science .oncept %: 0ature of 4cientific Knowledge

o P3 $. 1pply the following scientific processes to other problem sol+ing or decision ma(ing situations: obser+ing, 7uestioning, communicating, comparing, measuring, classifying, predicting, organi9ing data, inferring, generating hypotheses, identifying +ariables P3 %. 6escribe how scientific (nowledge is sub@ect to change as new information and?or technology challenges pre+ailing theories.

Strand $: Life Science .oncept $: 4tructure and Function in Li+ing 4ystems

o P3 !.Relate the following structures of li+ing organisms to their functions: Plants Transpiration A stomata, roots, Bylem, phloem 1bsorption A roots, Bylem, phloem Response to stimulus A roots, Bylem, phloem

ur%ose: 2n this lesson, students will reinforce their (nowledge of parts of a plant and use this (nowledge to determine the scientific classification of fruit or +egetable. &vervie': 4tudents will obser+e, draw and label parts of the plant for a whole and hal+ed specimen of +arious fruits and +egetables. 1 discussion will then ta(e place on what ma(es something a fruit or a +egetable. (aterials: $. Printer paper %. Two each ,unless part can be bro(en off- of +arious fruits and +egetables) should include at least one from each category ,roots, stem, lea+es, fleshy fruit, dry fruit) examples: potatoes, radishes, ginger; celery; basil, broccoli; pepper, apple, orange, cucumber; peanut, beans) &b)ectives: 4tudents will be able to: $. 0ame main parts of plants %. 6efine difference between fruits and +egetables rocedures: PR5P1R1T230 Buy fruits and +egetables .ut one of each in half to show inside ,optional: ha+e students do dissection) may need many more specimens Label name of fruit?+egetable 1rrange around the room in stations 3P5020: L54430 ,6ay $: $& minutes-

2ndi+idual Tas(: 1s( students to list the main parts of a plant and how these are related to fruits and +egetables: how are fruits and +egetables similar and?or differentC :i+e eBamples of fruits and +egetables. Teacher led discussion: Dhat are the main parts of a plantC

65 5L3P20: L54430?1.T2 2TE ,6ay $?6ay %: %* A *& minutes 5Bplain to students that their tas( is to determine how to classify if something is a fruit or a +egetable 1s( them to draw the fruit?+egetable at each station ,both parts, whole and hal+ed- and label the parts of the plant ,optional: ha+e students dissect fruits?+egetables 1ssign them, as groups or indi+iduals, to a station Rotate approBimately e+ery % minutes until e+eryone has been at each station .30.L8620: T=5 L54430 ,6ay $?6ay%: %& minutes .lass 6iscussion o List all fruits and +egetables and prompt for parts of plants they labeled on their pictures. o ote on if it is a fruit or +egetable. 2f there is more than one answer, put both ,to be decided on latero 1s( students to find patterns between what plant parts are found in a fruit and?or +egetable. =ighlight these similarities in the list on the board. 2f needed, ha+e them list more fruits?+egetables. o 2f not mentioned, bring up flower remnants on bottom of apple and that these plants ha+e flowers before the fruit appears =a+e students write down their conclusion ,how to define a fruit +s. a +egetable 1s( students to name another fruit that is commonly thought of as a +egetable Assess*ents: 2ndi+idual o Labeled pictures of fruits and +egetables o 6efinition of fruit +s. +egetable :roup o 5Bample of other fruits that are thought of as +egetables +,tension Activity -Se,ual .e%roduction/ 10! additional day-s11: ;aterials o 4pecimens from flowering plants with large pistal and stamen Tas( o 1s( how plants reproduce o :i+e each student?group a flower and microscope o =a+e them draw and label all parts of the plant

6iscussion o 6escribe different parts of plant and hypothesi9e about their function o Dhy are plants organi9ed this wayC ,increased genetic +ariationo Lead towards reali9ation that fruits come from plant o+aries 1ssessment o =a+e students draw life of a fruit starting from planted seeds

Su%%le*ental Infor*ation ,for teacher beforehand, students afterwards, if desiredPollan, ;ichael. The Botany of 6esire: a plant's eye +iew of the world. 0ew Eor(: Random =ouse, %&&$.

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