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Lotus Green Infra

Eco Gardens Project Report

Concept and Prepared by

Srinivasa Rao Vunnava 1

Lotus Green Infra Pvt. Ltd.

Lotus Green Infra Pvt. Ltd was incorporated in the year 2014 with a vision to be a top rated enterprise in the infrastructure and housing sectors. The company started its maiden project in Shadnagar on the NH !anga"ore Highway. Eco Gardens was thus born to provide weekend home an opportunity to use "and as an investment medium. The company provides c"ean dea"ings# perfect tit"e# secured possession and continued services of a standard norma""y not avai"ab"e or e$perienced in the mar%et. &hi"e busy with imp"ementation of this project# the company has a"ready identified two to three new projects to be commissioned very soon. The company is deve"oping a team of dedicated and e$perienced staff# contractors# service providers and professiona"s to ma%e sure that the vision of the company is carried by each one associated with the company. ' customer with Lotus Green Infra Pvt. Ltd is an associate for "ife and the company has various ideas to %eep the bondage strong forever.

The company is set up by two professiona"s from industry and professiona" bac%ground# but sharing a common vision. They bring together their respective e$pertise to bear on the operations and finances of the company. Together they hope to ma%e a difference in the way business is done for weekend home projects or residentia" house projects. Their joint vision is to ma%e the company a top rated among its peers and competitors by customers# (endors# )mp"oyees and "arger society. They hope to drive every activity with a passion to preserve the environment and be in harmony with nature. Eco Gardens is part of a sma""# but growing# tribe which swears by eco friend!y houses. &ith an increase in awareness about conserving resources and "owering the carbon footprint*the amount of greenhouse gases an entity emits*going green is the in thing in the rea" estate mar%et# both residentia" and commercia". 'nd# it+s not just individua"s. ,ore and more deve"opers are mar%eting their bui"dings as eco*friend"y. -oes going for a green home ma%e sense. /t does. Eco friend!y homes# as a concept and product# are at a nascent sta"e in /ndia. The awareness "eve" is much higher in case of commercia! pro#ects. Having said this# we have started getting en0uiries about such residences. 's consumers become increasing"y aware of the advantages of "iving and wor%ing in an eco*friend"y environment# we wi"" see a gradua" increase in interest in such properties. Eco Green $omes are not a "ifesty"e statement for those concerned about their carbon footprint. ,any bui"ders are mar%eting their properties with the he"p of green ratings and certificates. However# a"" properties being advertised as %"reen% or %eco friend!y% may not be so. ,any sma""* and mid*si1ed bui"ders ca"" their projects eco*friend"y just because they have "awns and "andscaped gardens. 2/f bui"ders say a green "awn is eco friend!y# it is incorrect# because a "awn is not environmenta""y sustainab"e. The p"ants in it consume four times more water than the native species#3

2/n most housing projects# the %eco friend!y% "abe" is a green wash. The concept has not caught on in the rea" estate sector# e$cept with a few deve"opers. These homes tend to be more e&pensive' who specia!ises in eco friend!y desi"ns. Cause for concern: $yderabad has turned into a veritab!e concrete #un"!e with massive construction activity takin" p!ace' without any consideration for environment. '"" those who comp"ain that Hyderabad is no "onger what it used to be with the city "itera""y turning into a concrete jung"e with rising carbon emissions can ta%e comfort that eco*friend"y 5Eco Green $omes6 may we"" become the trend in the coming years. The booming construction industry is one of the major carbon emitting sources in the wor"d. !ut by going in for eco*friend"y construction materia" and conserving non*renewab"e energy resources# research studies have proved that carbon emissions and g"oba" warming can be significant"y brought down. 'nd ma%ing a pioneering effort in the city is Lotus Green Infra (P) Ltd.# the rea" estate company# through its 5Eco Green $omes6 concept. /t wi"" bui"d eco*friend"y homes in Shadna"ar "ocations. 7&e a"" worry about g"oba" warming and the a"arming impact it has on environment. Green $omes he"p in addressing the adverse impact of conventiona" concrete structures on the environment#3 ' "reen home is a type of house designed to be environmenta""y friend"y and sustainab"e# whi"e a"so focusing on the efficient use of *ener"y' water and bui!din" materia!s.* He"p save money in "ong run.

+he ,esi"n
' 1#800 sft conventiona" house bui"t in 100 s0.mtrs p"ot emits 900 metric tonnes of carbon per year whi"e consuming 9 :&H of energy as per ;overnment estimates. Eco Green $omes wou"d significant"y reduce this. The concept is yet to be imp"emented in the residentia" sector anywhere in the country.

-.ur "oa! is to create a /ero impact bui!din"0. That is a structure that

conserves water and ener"y to the ma&imum' uses no to&ic materia!s. /n "ine with its Green concept# the company intends to set up captive wind or so!ar power p"ants outsourcing it. The Green $ome pro#ects wou"d dep"oy recyc"ed# reusab"e materia"# minima" waste disposa" system# tota" so"id waste management# separate community washing space to prevent detergent mi$*up in the sewage as treating such sewage pushes up costs. Incandescent bu!bs wou"d give way to power conservin" LE, bu!bs and on"y refri"erators free of C1Cs wou"d be permitted inside these homes. /mportant"y ;reen Homes wou"d be offered to citi1ens who wou"d have to sign an agreement prior to purchase to abide by the norms to be adopted in Eco Green $omes.

2ey 3ana"ement
The company is promoted two e$perienced professiona"s. 444444444444 is the Chairman 5 3ana"in" ,irector of Lotus Green Infra Pvt. Ltd# is a businessman with more than 2 decades of techno commercia" e$pertise. He has to his credit introduction of various import substitutes. He is an ac%now"edged "eader in the Techno industry and is active"y engaged in various industry associations and their activities. Sri V. Srinivasa Rao is the E&ecutive ,irector of Lotus Green Infra Pvt. Ltd and a"so a dynamic visionary. He is a graduate in Science from Nagarjuna <niversity. He has = years of proven /ndustria" )$perience in Hyderabad and !anga"ore. He has 9 years of e$perience in the construction industry as a 6ui!der. He is the E&ecutive ,irector of Lotus Green Infra Pvt. Ltd' "oo%ing after >rocurement of "ands# 'dministration and structura" design etc. He is instrumenta" in construction of apartments in various ?esidentia" houses# "eading a team of professiona"s from various fie"ds.

3ission Statement
@ur business is driven by a passion toA Bontribute for sustainab"e deve"opment of our environment whi"e deriving profits from our enterprise. !e a company with whom it wou"d be a p"easure to do business whether as a customer or vendor. /nfuse a sense of be"onging and pride in a"" our emp"oyees who wor% hard for the success of our enterprise. !e a "eader in the industry segments we operate in.

Vision Statement
To be the most preferred company for peop"e to meet their needs for a weekend home.

.ur Stren"th
B"ean -ea"ings. No hidden costs. 'ssured Tit"e. -e"iver what is promised without compromises. )ncourage buyers to "ive in harmony with nature. )very aspect of the project wi"" show case concern for preservation of nature and environment.

7bout Eco Gardens

Hidden inside every city bred individua" is a desire to go bac% to roots and be with nature and ti"" his or her own "and. Eco Gardens is a project to ma%e that dream come true. Some of the major constraints faced by most city individua"s in ownin" and farm house or weekend $omes inc"udeA

Eco Gardens is a project designed to answer a"" these concerns. The project office is e0uipped to provide a"" re0uired services for cu"tivation and harvesting the produce for se"f*consumption. /n 'ddition arrangements are made to draw on the e$pertise and advice of Green 6usiness Centre. The "and is "ocated within 2 :ms distance from the !anga"ore Highway# in Shadnagar surroundings is beautifu" "ocations. &ith practica""y no air' water and sound po!!ution # it is idea" for any city dwe""er with an aptitude to own a 0uiet farm house or wee%end homes with an opportunity to be engaged with "and in an eco*friend"y way.

7dvanta"e of Eco Gardens

Eco Greens comes on the busy !anga"ore Highway near Shadnagar# Hyderabad. Bonvenient access from main centers of Shamshabad# ;achibow"i# Nana%ram guda# ,adhapur# :ondapur# !anjara Hi""s and Cubi"ee Hi""s. Docated in c"ose pro$imity to ,L1 Pro#ects 2ottur' area where many "eading projects are coming upE... >otentia" appreciation of the property va"ue due to various proposed /T and /ndustria" projects etc. /ndian ?ai"ways ,,TS is proposed from Shadnagar to Secunderabad

Eco friend!y Initiatives Pro#ect

/n %eeping with the objectives of the company that it wi"" encourage peop"e to "ive in harmony with nature the project comes with some conditions which inc"udeA &ee%end homes to be constructed wi"" harness wind or so!ar ener"y to the e$tent feasib"e. No chemica" pesticide or ferti"i1er wou"d be permitted inside the comp"e$. '"" buyers are e$pected to use on"y natura" ferti"i1ers and pesticides. '"" buyers wou"d agree to harness rainwater by harvesting it gainfu""y and agree to recyc"e waste water as much as possib"e. To the e$tent possib"e the construction of the 8eekend $ome wou"d use "oca" materia"s and eco friend"y materia" where possib"e.

3a#or ,istance from the Pro#ect site

,escription !anjara Hi""s and Cubi"ee Hi""s Hi*tech Bity ;achibow"i Shamshabad /nternationa" 'irport !anga"ore Nationa" Hi way NH !anga"ore Highway is 4 "ane highways. Samshabad just 48 :ms from the project "and. &ith a"" projects in p"ace in five years the "and shou"d see substantia" appreciation. ,istance 98 :ms. 'ppro$imate"y 90 min 88 :ms. 'ppro$imate"y 48 min 80 :ms. 'ppro$imate"y 40 min 48 :ms 'ppro$imate"y 40 min 1 :ms 'ppro$imate"y 1 min

+RE9,S: Rea! Estate offerin" better return than "o!d these days.

R7+I9G CRI+ERI7 )co*friend"y bui"dings are eva"uated on severa" parameters before being given a green rating * Site p"anning and eco*friend"y bui"ding design >reservation and protection of top soi" and "andscape during construction Heating# air*conditioning# venti"ation# "ighting and e"ectrica" and water heating systems @ptimisation of bui"ding design and structure to reduce demand for conventiona" energy /ntegration of renewab"e energy sources to generate energy &ater and waste management Se"ection of eco"ogica""y sustainab"e materia"s for construction /ndoor environmenta" 0ua"ity Gindoor therma" and visua" comfort and air 0ua"ityH Bonservation of soi" during construction and proper top soi" for vegetative growth ?enewa" energy*based water heating system such as so"ar water heaters

Pro#ect Certifications
't the time of buying an %Eco "reen% home# chec%ing certification from a rating agency wi"" he"p you distinguish between a green*washed and a genuine eco*friend"y project. /nstitutions such as /ndian ;reen !ui"ding Bounci" G/;!BH# which is part of the B//# and the 'ssociation for -eve"opment and ?esearch of Sustainab!e $abitats (7,aRS$)# a joint initiative of Teri and the ,inistry of New and ?enewab"e )nergy# ana"yse bui"dings and give them ratings based on parameters such as design# construction materia"s# energy efficiency# venti"ation# "ighting# and water and waste management. /;!B offers internationa""y recognised Deadership in )nergy and )nvironmenta" -esign ratings. ;reen ?ating for /ntegrated Habitat 'ssessment (Griha) by '-a?SH has been made mandatory for new government bui"dings# which must score at "east three Griha stars out of five. 2The current ;riha rating is for "arger bui"dings as the government of /ndia has specified incentives for green bui"dings with an area of more than 2#800 s0uare meters. Sma""

bui"dings such as sing"e*fami"y bunga"ows have a "arger co""ective footprint. So# we have designed a system for bui"dings with bui"t*up area of 120 s0uare yards onwards that serves as a rating cum design too". /t is a simp"e too" to guide end users#2 Though green ratings he"p in critica""y ana"ysing the green 0uotient of houses# individua" home owners can just go to an architect who has an e$pertise in "reen habitats. 2;o to an architect# estab"ish a good rapport and demand that the bui"ding be eco!o"ica!!y friend!y.3

Green Ed"e
'n eco*friend"y home a"so he"ps you get "oans at cheaper rates. State 6ank of India charges "ower interest rates for the first three years for "oans ta%en to purchase properties in green projects which reduce carbon emissions and promote renewab"e energy. Iou a"so get other incentives from the ban%. +he 9ationa! $ousin" 6ank# a"ong with ;ermany*based 2f8 6ank and 7,aRS$' is running a pi"ot project for offering incentives for energy*efficient homes. 2@nce the pi"ot project is successfu"# the scheme wi"" be avai"ab"e on a "arger sca"e#2 &ith active support from the government and the private sector# green bui"dings wi"" soon become the norm. 2Borporate houses such as Infosys' 8ipro and +ata have a po"icy to occupy on"y green bui"dings#2# 7There is tremendous growth in awareness about green bui"dings. Two years from now# on"y green bui"dings wi"" be in demand.2

The sites that were "ocated c"ose to companies "i%e /nfosys# Tech ,ahindra# TBS# /T >ar% and 9RI;s were se"ected targeting emp"oyees wor%ing there to reduce their commuting time and bring down congestion on the road. The company proposed to bui"d 8 homes in five years whi"e 80 homes wou"d be comp"eted in three years at a cost of ?s.28 crores. ' <S*based company CI+< 6792 )mp"oyees /nvestments entered into 3o= with Lotus Green Infra Pvt. Ltd to invest J1 mi""ion through K-/# it disc"osed. &hi"e the vi!!as to come up on 9$> 6an"a!ore $i"hway road# :othur and Shadnagar wou"d be in the range of (?@@ sA yds) Rs.B@ !akhs to Rs.?@ !akhs.

8hat is an Eco optionC

/ am often as%ed 7&hat is an )co @ption and why does The Home -epot have this program.3 The )co @ptions program identifies products that have "ess of an impact on the environment than comparab"e standard products. @ur intentions are to ma%e it easier for customers to identify which purchases wi"" he"p them reduce their environmenta" impact. /ndian ;reen !ui"ding Bounci" G/;!BH ;reen Homes is the first rating programme deve"oped in /ndia# e$c"usive"y for the residentia" sector. /t is based on accepted energy and environmenta" princip"es and stri%es a ba"ance between %nown estab"ished practices and emerging concepts. The system is designed to be comprehensive in scope# yet simp"e in operation.

LSAuare provides with a comprehensive ana!ysis to assist their c!ients for $i"h Rise 6ui!din" comp!iances.
The rating system has been deve"oped based on materia"s and techno"ogies that are present"y avai"ab"e. The objective of /;!B ;reen Homes is to faci"itate the creation of energy efficient# water efficient# hea"thy# comfortab"e and environmenta""y friend"y houses. /;!B ;reen Homes ?ating System is a measurement system designed for rating new residentia" bui"dings which broad"y inc"ude two construction typesA

-we""ings where interiors are part of the project. -we""ings where interiors are not part of the project

L/nteriors inc"ude but not "imited to refrigerators# interna" "ighting# furniture# carpets# etc. LEED Certification levels are as follows: ?ating >oints for >rojects with interiors 42 M 4= 40 M 4 >oints for projects without interiors 40 M 49 4 M 44

D))- M Certified D))- M Si!ver

D))- M Go!d D))- M P!atinum

4F M 8= 90 M F0

48 M 88 89 M 8

!ased on the scope of wor%# projects can choose any of the above options. The fo""owing categories of dwe""ing can app"y for ratingA Individua! homes

;ated communities High rise residentia" apartments )$isting residentia" bui"dings ?esidentia" bui"dings with major renovation Hoste"s# Service apartments# ?esorts# ,ote"s and ;uest houses


LEED FOR GREEN Homes addresses the following: Bredit 'rea Sustainab"e Sites D &ater )fficiency F@ )nergy N 'tmosphere FF ,ateria"s N ?esources GH /ndoor )nvironmenta" Oua"ity GH /nnovation N -esign B B E GF FG F@ E >oints for >rojects with interiors >oints for projects without interiors


+$E EC. 87<

Insu!ate roof and wa!!s 'dd therma" mass for insu"ation to ensure that the roof and wa""s radiate "ess heat into the room.

Lower heatin" from windows ?educe the si1e of window g"asses on the east and west or use doub"e*g"a1ed g"asses to "ower heating.

=se a!ternative ener"y /nvest in so"ar# bio*therma" and wind energy generating e0uipment.

$arvest rain water Kor a fami"y of five# the cost of a #000*"itre rain water harvesting system is around ?s. 80#000.


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