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Reading 1

2nd Class Astri Widoretno

Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan

scanning for specific information

Why? This method is very useful when you know exactly what you are looking for in a text. Since you have a very specific goal in mind, when you read, you only read the relevant part(s) and ignore the irrelevant. When? When we are looking for information about exam problems, movie theater schedule, or specified advertisement. What? Brochure, short text, part of book, longer text, conversation, etc

scanning brochure|

Where are the departure

cities of this promo? (2 cities)

When is the last date we can

travel using this promo?

Where can we book the

Can I book the flight on

January 2nd, 2013?

Where are the departure

cities of this promo? (2 cities) Manila and Cebu When is the last date we can travel using this promo? December 15th, 2013 Where can we book the flight?
Can I book the flight on

January 2nd, 2013? No, the sale period ended on January 1st, 2013

activity 2 activity 3

1. Catat di selembar kertas kata kunci dari topik yang ingin dicari dari bacaan. 2. Ingat apa yang ingin kita cari dari bacaan. 3. Jangan membaca setiap katademi-kata. 4. Perhatikan sub-judul (dan judul)! 5. Batasi sendiri waktu untuk membaca. Jika dalam waktu yang ditentukan kita tidak bisa menemukan info yang relevan, mungkin bacaan tersebut tidak menyediakan info yang kita perlukan. 6. Jangan gunakan kamus! (kecuali Anda sangat yakin kata yg tidak diketahui itu sangat berhubungan dgn info yang kita cari)

scanning short text

Tidak jauh berbeda dengan scanning brosur, sebaiknya kita terlebih dahulu mencatat poin informasi yang kita butuhkan. Ingat, jangan membaca kata-demi-kata!

lets try together!

Bacalah terlebih dahulu pertanyaan Activity 3 (halaman 2.20)

What is Laura's occupation? When did she start writing a book? Whom is she married with? What is her child name? What did Laura write in her book? How old was Laura when the first book was published?

Laura Ingalls Wilder

About the Author Laura Ingalls Wilder is the author of the "Little House" books. She started the Little House books on February 7, 1867. In her Little House Books, there was a girl called Laura Ingalls. She was really writing about her own childhood. Her Little House books are real stories. Laura was 15 when she started teaching. Three years later she married Almanzo James Wilder. The next year in the middle of the night in a blizzard on December 5, 1886, their only child, Rose, was born. Rose Wilder Lane was also a world-famous journalist and author long before the "Little House" books where even written. Rose had to goad her mother into writing the "Little House" books. It took Rose many years of goading but she got her mother to start writing. The first book was published in 1932 when Laura was 65 years old.

activity 1 [2.17]

activity 2 [2.18]

scanning bagian buku

Informasi tentang buku dapat ditemukan dalam beberapa bagian buku, antara lain daftar isi, index, cuplikan daftar buku, dll. Biasanya, informasi-informasi yang diminta berkaitan dengan angka-angka (nomor halaman, jumlah halaman, bab berapa, dll)

activity 2 [2.26]

activity 3 [2.28]
activity 4 [2.30]

scanning dua teks pendek

Sama seperti bagian-bagian sebelumnya, kita cukup mencari informasi yang diperlukan saja. Biasanya teks diambil dari berita/artikel dari surat kabar

Sekali lagi, ingat! Persiapkan catatan anda, dan jangan membaca kata-demi-kata!

scanning bagian buku|

activity 1

activity 2
activity 3 activity 4

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