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Mobile: +91 9884051515; E Mail:,

Professional Profile Around 5 years of rich experience in the areas of HR & Administration Possess exce ent interpersona ! communication and or"ani#ationa s$i s %ith pro&en a'i ities in HR "amut (eft in monitorin" &arious Administration! exce ent emp oyee re ationships throu"h the pro&ision of hi"h )ua ity ser&ice Adept in mana"in" & eadin" teams for runnin" successfu process administration & experience of de&e opin" procedures! ser&ice standards for 'usiness exce ence Education M.B.A (HRM)! Annama ai *ni&ersity! +ay ,008 B. E. (Mechanical)! *ni&ersity of +adras! Apri 1998

Career Contour Customer Care Manager !"ain Housing # Constructions $td%& a leading Construction Com'an( in)ol)ed in Real Estate Pro*ects (+e' ,-.- /ill 0ate) +r. E1ecuti)e 2 HR # Admin !3elan Construction (4ndia) P)t $td%& a Mala(sian based Multi 5ational Com'an( s'eciali6ed in Po7er 'ro*ects (5o) ,--8 2 Ma( ,-.-) Recruitment & HR: -n&o &ed in mass recruitment of s$i ed personne for our pro.ects in *A/ and 01A2 3omp ete cyc e of recruitment acti&ities! inc udes fixin" up &endors for 4o' Ad Re ease! screenin" of app icants! schedu in" technica inter&ie%s! administerin" pre5emp oyment tests! post emp oyment forma ities inc udin" medica test! and coordinatin" %ith our A"ents in +um'ai for &isa processin" and confirmation of departure dates2 /sta' ished and nurtured peop e practices! processes and supporti&e system in the or"ani#ation 6ptima uti i#ation of a&ai a' e resources to reduce the recruitment cost 7iaise %ith &arious "o&ernment or"ani#ations i$e Pro&ident 8und 6ffice! 7a'or (epartment & 3hennai 3orporation on a administrati&e matters Administration: Ascertain and retain %or$in" re ationship %ith &endor companies P annin"! or"ani#in"! pro&idin" eadership and contro in" a administrati&e functions Pro&idin" document and te ecommunication mana"ement +onitor and maintain Asset 3ontro 7ist 6n"oin" 9oo$ 0eepin" acti&ities usin" information systems +aintain and re"ister office security access Achievements: 1tream ined the Recruitment process that %as du y appro&ed 'y the +ana"ement and inducted in the 16P Processed +a aysian :isa %ithin a day for an emer"ency 3 ient meetin" at 0ua a 7ampur

$ead 0ocument +'ecialist Multi 5ational Cor'oration

!9ffice/iger 0atabase +(stems 4ndia (P) $td%& an :+ based 7or; ,<=> (9ct ,--. 2 5o) ,--8)

;he presti"ious c ients of <6ffice;i"er= are from *1! *0! 0u%ait! >ether ands! 9ahrain! and a so from many other parts of the %or d ;he .o' needs iaison %ith c ients on ine o&er phone to $no% more a'out their re)uirements and proceedin" accordin" y %ith the pro.ects if any specific instructions are "i&en Administerin" the 8eed'ac$ and e ucidatin" that in a &ery constructi&e manner to other team mem'ers ta$in" care of e&eryone?s mora ity ;a$in" the responsi'i ity of de e"atin" .o's to su'ordinates dependin" upon the .o'@s comp exity and the indi&idua @s $no% ed"e %ith respect to the .o'2 ;his needs in depth $no% ed"e of 'oth the .o's and the indi&idua s Aua ity 3hec$ the documents formatted 'y the 6perators and formattin" them a"ainst the standards! if re)uired ;he .o' needs Promptness! Aua ity! ;ime iness! and Reportin" to meet the time dead ine "i&en 'y the c ient Achievements: 9een a%arded <1tar Performer= consecuti&e y for t%o years for coordinatin" and mana"in" the team efficient y -mp emented a ne% process of 6n ine Proof Readin" he pin" the team in cost cuttin" measures /eam $eader !"e''iaar +oft7are 0e)elo'ment Par;% (5o) ,--- 2 9ct ,--.)

3a 3enter ;rainin" from 1e&enth Bonder 3onsu tants! -nc2! 3hica"o /xtensi&e trainin" on -n'ound and 6ut'ound 3a s 1e ected as <;eam 7eader= after assessment 'y 1e&enth Bonder 3onsu tants2 -mparted the trainin" to ne% recruits Call Coordinator !Master Mind /echno +olutions 2 franchise of ?i'ro Peri'herals% (0ec .@@@ 2 5o) ,---) 3ustomer interaction Hand in" BP+3 operations 7o""in" of 6nsite 3a s (raftin" confidentia documents to Head 6ffice +a.or y into /3R+ Reportin" on dai y 'asis C tar"et oriented

Personal 0etails (ate of 9irth 3ontact Address D D ,5th 4une 19E1 >e% >o210F6 d >o244! Pooram Pra$ash Road! 9a a.i >a"ar! Royapettah! 3hennai C G00 014 PhoneD 91+44+,81HH,10

References 12 ,2 H2 02 1hi&a$umar! (I+ C 1a es! -dea 3e u ar 7imited! +o'i eD 909,005HGH I212 0arthi$eyan! Asst +ana"er C Pro.ects! 3;1 J1iruseriK! +o'i eD 98840E,E5H P2 Pra'a$aran! +ana"er C 3ommercia ! 1ter in" & Bi son! +o'i eD 95000EG558

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