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Romanian Environmental News

No.019 Published 31st July 2012 In This Edition

Editorial Leading rti!le" #a$$iness Towards an Improved Financial System Romanian Agricultural land: a layground !or !oreign investors FanFest: rotecting Rosia "ontana t#roug# $ulture "ulc# Restores %and roductivity Romanian News %orld News bout REN

'appiness( well)*eing( prosperity( t#e a*ility to !louris#+ t#ese are t#e words we t#in, o! w#en trying to imagine a li!estyle w#ic# pleases us and is in #armony wit# t#ose around us. T#is li!estyle develops !rom a com*ination o! circumstances w#ic# toget#er result in our success as an individual and mem*er o! society. To ac#ieve t#is we need suc# ingredients as su!!iciently well)paid employment( a circle o! !amily and !riends to love and provide support( good #ealt# and t#e ,nowledge we s#all receive t#e *est possi*le treatment i! we #ave #ealt# pro*lems( security !rom t#reats( !reedom to !ul!il one-s potential and to !ollow reasona*le pursuits. No dou*t t#ere are more necessities w#ic# one could add. In most countries it is currently assumed t#at t#e way to ac#ieve t#e a*ove goals is to #ave constant economic growt# wit#in a democratic society. I! t#e economy does not grow( t#ere will *e rising unemployment and de*t leading to pressures on society( w#ic# in e.treme cases may well lead to violent up#eaval. T#ere are two !laws in t#e economic growt# model w#ic# #ave lead to muc# de*ate recently. As t#e current de*t crisis illustrates growt# re/uires ever increasing de*t levels. As people suc# as( 0osep# Stiglit1 in t#e 2SA and t#e organisation( ositive "oney in t#e 23 #ave clearly demonstrated t#is de*t creates #uge pro!its !or *an,s w#ile leaving t#e general population wit# an ever increasing !inancial *urden. 4e*t *ased growt# is not sustaina*le and will inevita*ly lead to rising de*t levels and eventual cras#.

T#e second !law is t#e ecological limits imposed *y our planet. 5rowt# is wit#out limits i! t#e resources it depends upon are also limitless: t#ey are not. 5rowt# is eating up t#e planet-s natural and mineral resources at !ar greater rates t#an t#ey can *e replaced. A rapidly increasing #uman population is ma,ing t#is situation worse *y t#e minute. Some economists tal, a*out -decoupling- growt# !rom t#e increased t#roug#put o! materials. 6e can continue to grow and still remain wit#in our -ecological limits- In #is ground *rea,ing *oo, - rosperity wit#out 5rowt#-( pro!essor Tim 0ac,son( descri*es decoupling as a -myt#-. 0ac,son poses t#e /uestion+ can -growt# wit# decoupling- deliver ever increasing incomes !or a world o! nine *illion people and yet remain wit#in ecological limits. 0ac,son demonstrates t#at t#e argument !or t#is is( to put it mildly( -!ar !rom convincing-. 7ur use o! resources is *ecoming more e!!icient( *ut t#is is #appening !ar too slowly and growt# still re/uires #ig#er material input ( leading to increased car*on emissions( increased resource e.traction( increased waste generation and increased species loss. As t#e !ollowing article( 'appiness( s#ows t#ere is ample evidence to suggest t#at growt# *eyond certain levels is no good !or anyone. T#e title o! 0ac,son-s *oo, suggests( #ow we s#ould proceed: prosperity without growt#. T#is we now ,now to *e desira*le( essential( and possi*le( wit#out any resulting c#aos. Return to contents

T#e capitalist !ormula !or #appiness is simple. %ots o! money and lots o! material goods ma,e us #appy. T#is is w#y 8ust a*out every government in t#e world is o*sessed wit# economic growt#. Simply put( growt# is a measure o! t#e *usyness o! an economy. 5rowt# means more goods are moving more rapidly. T#e population is wor,ing( earning money and *uying all t#e innovative products and gadgets w#ic# are *eing produced. 6e are -prospering.T#e !act t#at a *usier economy uses more primary resources: trees( water( mineral resources at a greater speed as t#e economy -improves- is certainly a pro*lem. 'owever( *e#ind t#is lies many less easy to /uanti!y impacts on society. . As Tim 0ac,son puts it in #is *oo, rosperity 6it#out 5rowt#: 5rowt# is unsustaina*le 9 at least in its current !orm. :urgeoning resource consumption and rising environmental costs are compounding pro!ound disparities in social well)*eing. ;p.<=> I! it is growt# t#at ,eeps us #appy t#en t#ere is a #uge ecological cost to pay. A cost w#ic# will #it !uture generations #ard and very pro*a*ly destroy !uture prosperity. 6e #ave to live wit#in our ecological *oundaries w#ile !louris#ing in our social and personal conte.t. 'owever growt# is not only destroying our environment( it seems to *ring wit# it a #ost o! associated pro*lems w#ic# actually tend to reduce our #appiness. As t#e 2N supported &art# Institute report on #appiness notes: T#e 2nited States #as ac#ieved stri,ing economic and tec#nological progress ?.. wit#out gains in t#e reported #appiness o! its citi1enry. Instead uncertainties and an.ieties are #ig#( social and economic ine/uality #ave widened considera*ly( social trust is in decline and con!idence in t#e government is at an all time low .@iew Report Tim 0ac,son points out t#at it is not t#e a*solute level o! income w#ic# may *e important+ -6#at matters .... is #aving more or less t#an t#ose around us-. In #ig#ly une/ual societies( suc# as t#ose

w#ere -!ree mar,et- economics dominate( t#is situation is particularly pronounced and -social statusis a !orce creating tensions wit#in communities. &conomic growt# is not only costing t#e planet( t#ere are lots o! negative e!!ects on real people. syc#ological pressures and c#anges in relative circumstances #ave a detrimental e!!ect on society( community and trust. :ot# personal relations#ips and our relations#ip wit# t#ose in power deteriorate i! economic growt# is our road to supposed #appiness. 6#en relative #appiness across nations is measured t#e 2S( t#e ric#est nation on t#e planet( is not in !irst place. $ountries wit# average personal incomes o! less t#an #al! t#ose o! t#e 2SA turn out to *e 8ust as #appy. I! personal income levels are lower( t#en our consumption is lower and it !ollows t#at t#e negative ecological e!!ects o! our actions are lower. Ta,ing t#e -car*on !ootprint- o! individuals into account( along wit# !actors suc# as longevity( educational standards and well) *eing. t#e New &conomics Foundation in t#e 23 #as declared $osta Rica to *e t#e #appiest country on t#e planet. T#ere are two very stri,ing !eatures o! t#e New &conomics Foundation report. Nearly all t#e countries in t#e top places o! t#e report are in central and Sout# America. T#e ric# -developedcountries o! 6estern &urope and Nort# America are now#ere to *e seen. Norway is t#e !irst &uropean country to *e represented( coming in at num*er A9. &ven w#en we ta,e out t#e ecological element( Sout# and $entral American countries score very #ig# on #appiness ratings w#ile generally #aving modest personal incomes: 10 )1=(000 dollars per person compared wit# t#e over B0(000 dollars per person in t#e 2SA. T#e #ig# percentage o! Sout# Americas living in villages and rural settings may well *e a !actor in t#ese !indings. 6#en we analyse t#e e!!ects o! rising incomes and see, more sop#isticated answers to t#e /uestion( 6#at ma,es us #appy( we *egin to see t#at t#ere may 8ust well *e a great deal more involved t#an simply 54 ( economic growt# and personal incomes. . Slowly 9 !ar too slowly 9 governments are *eginning to ta,e notice. T#is #as pro*a*ly more to do wit# t#e !inancial crisis and t#e de*t mountain( w#ic# are acting as o*stacles to !urt#er -growt#-( rat#er t#an considerations !or t#e well)*eing o! t#e planet or citi1enry. T#e :ritis# government #as carried out a survey to measure t#e su*8ective #appiness o! t#e population. T#e !indings may #ave surprised t#e :ritis# government( *ut will not surprise you i! you #ave understood t#e signi!icance o! t#e !indings presented a*ove. 'ere is #ow t#e ::$ reported t#em: So w#ere are t#e most rela.ed places in t#e 23C Dou ta,e t#e #ig# road and #ead nort#. T#e least an.ious area is t#e most nort#erly ) &ilean Siar( 7r,ney E S#etland. In t#e outer isles some F1G scored t#ree or less. Ne.t is "oray. T#en A*erdeens#ire !ollowed *y Angus and 'ig#land. T#e !ive most laid *ac, places in :ritain are all in t#e nort# o! Scotland. And t#e region doesn-t 8ust do well on its an.iety rating. &ilean Siar( 7r,ney E S#etland also comes out top w#en people were as,ed #ow #appy t#ey were yesterday and #ow wort#w#ile t#ey considered t#eir li!e. T#e only category in w#ic# t#e remote islands o!! our most nort#erly coasts !ailed to come top was w#en as,ed to rate t#eir li!e satis!action ) t#ey came second *e#ind :at# and Nort# Somerset. It is not pots o! money or a !ancy car. It is clearly not t#e weat#er. T#ere is somet#ing a*out a simple rural li!estyle t#at is associated wit# #ig# levels o! well)*eing. #ttp:HHwww.**,HnewsHu,)1I9FJ9AJ

In case your ,nowledge o! :ritis# geograp#y and economics is not t#e *est( I s#all say a little more a*out t#ese !indings. T#e 7r,ney and S#etland islands are as !ar away !rom t#e economic #eartland o! %ondon and t#e sout# east o! &ngland as you can get. Nig#ts are long in winter and summer is cool and punctuated *y !re/uent rainstorms. Dou do not live t#ere i! you want to ma,e your !ortune and are envious o! t#ose wit# apparent or real greater wealt#. T#ese people are content wit# w#at t#ey #ave and #ave good relations wit# ot#ers in t#ere community( *ecause t#ey are not constantly see,ing !or *igger(wealt#ier or more power!ul positions in society. 6e are getting closer to understanding w#at ma,es us #appy. Fortunately it is mostly good news !or planetary ecology and #uman society. 5rowt#( especially in t#e ric#est countries on t#e planet( is not adding to #uman #appiness( indeed t#ere is signi!icant evidence to suggest it is weig#ing #eavily on #appiness. 2ne/ual societies wit# vast di!!erences *etween t#e ric#est and t#e poorest are muc# worse !or #uman psyc#ology t#an t#ose wit# a more e/ual income distri*ution. It is up to us in t#e movement !or a 8ust society and a green economy to ma,e t#ese !indings more widely ,nown. R&NA0 will loo, at #ow an economy wit#out growt# and dedicated to protecting !uture prosperity can !unction. Return to $ontents

Towards an Im$roved &inan!ial 'ystem

Headlines such as these below are everywhere, Action to cut debt and push financial reform were "critical", it said. Earlier, figures showed Spanish unemployment hitting a fresh high. Almost 5.7 million Spaniards are now out of work, with the jobless rate reaching !."# during the April to $une %uarter & the highest since the '(7)s. Spain may be one of the the worst examples, but many other countries are rapidly heading in the same direction. 'Cutting debt' and 'financial reform' are often cited as the solutions. Unfortunately no country that I now of has actually introduced serious financial reform. !"# supports the ideas put forward by the organisation ositive "oney for real financial reform which will remove the right to create debt for profit from ban s and place the creation of money in the hands of those who should have the general good of society and the planet as their motive, rather than financial profit no matter what the negative conse$uences may be to community or the planet. %elow is the introduction to how this new monetary system could function ta en from a pamphlet produced by &ositive 'oney. ( you can download t#e complete te.t #ere>

!emoving the power to create money from the ban s would end the instability and boom)and) bust cycles that are caused when ban s create far too much money in a short period of time. It would also ensure that ban s could be allowed to fail without bailouts from taxpayers. It would ensure that newly)created money is spent into the economy, so that it can reduce the overall debt)burden of the public, rather than being lent into existence as happens currently.

n (verview
*irstly, the rules governing ban ing are changed so that ban s can no longer create ban

deposits (the numbers in your ban account+. Currently these deposits are considered a liability of the ban to the customer ) after the reform, they would be classified as real money and only the %an of "ngland would be able to increase the total $uantity of them. ,he %an of "ngland would then ta e over the role of creating the new money that the economy re$uires each year to run smoothly, in line with inflation targets set by the government. In order to meet these targets, the decision on how much or little money needs to be created would be ta en by the 'onetary &olicy Committee. ,o maintain international credibility and avoid -economic electioneering., the '&C would be completely separate and insulated from any ind of political control or influence ) in other words, the elected government would not be able to specify the $uantity of money that should be created. ,he 'onetary &olicy Committee would decide how much money needs to be created in order to meet the inflation targets by analysing the economy as a whole ) not the spending needs of the government, nor the needs of the If the person or organisation ban ing sector. ,hey would use -big picture. statistics to /udge ma ing the decision to create whether meeting the inflation targets re$uires more or less money more money also stands to in/ecting each month. ,hey would also have access to all the benefit personally from the research resources that they re$uire to ma e an informed decision. creation of that money ) as do profit)see ing ban ers and Upon ma ing a decision to increase the money supply, the '&C vote)see ing politicians ) then would authorise the %an of "ngland.s Issue 0epartment to create decisions over the supply of the new money by increasing the balance of the government.s money to the economy will be -Central 1overnment 2ccount.. ,his newly)created money would be ta en on the basis of the non)repayable and therefore debt)free. benefit to the decision ma er, rather than the benefit to the ,he newly)created money would then be added to tax revenue and economy as whole. distributed according to the elected government.s manifesto and priorities. ,his could mean that the newly)created money is used to So if we can.t trust profit) increase spending, pay down the national debt, or replace taxation see ing ban ers or vote) revenue in order to reduce taxes, although the exact mix of these see ing politicians, then we options would depend entirely on the elected government of the day. must find a neutral, independent body who have Conse$uently, the decision over how newly)created money is initially no misaligned incentives and spent would be made by the government, but the government would who do not benefit personally have no control or influence over how much money is created. from increasing the money supply. 4wp)content4uploads456754654*ull) !eserve)%an ing)in)&lain)"nglish7.pdf

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T#e report *elow is ta,en !rom t#e newsletter noJ pu*lis#ed *y &coruralis. T#e newsletter can *e downloaded #ere

Romanian gri!ultural land" a Playground )or )oreign investors

For many years, Romanian agricultural land has been the playground for foreign investors. Attracted by vast, available land and lower prices than in the rest of Europe, agricultural companies occupy thousands of hectares of land. Today, more than 700 000 hectares of land are owned by foreign investors.

T#e national conte.t is in !avour o! land gra**ing. %and !ragmentation( t#e vulnera*ility o! peasants and wea, rural development causes a massive rural e.odus. "any !ields are not cultivated. T#e regulatory and political !rame !avour t#is p#enomenon t#roug# its ultra li*eral tendency and support !or large e.ploitation. T#e case o! Aiton village in $lu8 county( w#ere a Romanian company recently sowed cereal crops on t#e ma8ority o! t#e land and t#e case o! t#e village 4udestii @ec#i in Timis county( w#ere an Italian company #as #ad a monopoly on t#e land !or 10 years( illustrates *ot# t#e origins and t#e conse/uences o! t#is p#enomenon on t#e local community. Seduced *y t#e !inancial contri*ution o! t#e land lease or sale( many landowners didn-t #esitate to sign contracts wit# agricultural companies. Fre/uently *oug#t or leased !or a minimum price( t#e land is cultivated t#roug# intensive met#ods. T#is mass p#enomenon ta,es t#e land !rom t#e !armers and wea,ens rural communities( installing a *arrier !or all alternative development initiatives. T#e intensive agriculture practices on t#ese lands destroy t#e ecosystems and pollute t#e waters. 7n a local( national and &uropean level( land gra**ing t#reatens small scale agriculture and !ood sovereignty. 7*serving t#ese aspects( we want to see a c#ange in t#e political and regulatory perspectives. Rural areas #ave to *e reconsidered in order to attract t#e active population. %ocal aut#orities( t#e 5overnment and t#e new $ommon Agriculture olicy #as to stop t#is p#enomenon and #as to encourage small( diverse !arming w#ic# is t#e only via*le solution !or a sustaina*le rural development *ased on responsi*le organic principles. Return to $ontents

&an&est" Prote!ting Rosia *ontana through +ulture

T#e sevent# edition o! FanFest will ta,e place in Rosia "ontana !rom t#e 1=t#)19t# August. T#is year-s !estival is t#e longest and most varied yet planned. Since A00B t#ousands o! people opposed to t#e Rosia "ontana mining pro8ect #ave come to t#e !estival. T#e organisers say t#e aims o! t#e !estival are to promote cultural #eritage and give support to t#e activists w#o !or years #ave *een involved on a daily *asis in !ig#ting t#e mining pro8ect. T#e !estival demonstrates #ow a via*le !uture e.ists !or local people *ased on agriculture( tourism and ot#er activities w#ic# do not destroy t#e environment. 2nder t#e slogan Rosia Montana is not for sale a varied programme o! music( !ilms( guided tours( !orums and muc# more will demonstrate to locals #ow Rosia can *e a living cultural centre rat#er t#an a dead mining town under t#e constant t#reat o! ecological disaster !rom cyanide polluted wastes le!t a!ter t#e miners #ave disappeared wit# t#eir pro!its. Program :uilding on t#e success!ul activities o! last year( t#e !estival #as an incredi*ly wide and varied programme. T#ere will *e over twenty *ands and 40s all per!orming wit#out pay. A wide ranging !ilm !estival includes suc# !ilms as 9FG 7wned( 5asland( $rulic and many more. T#e social Forum will present ideas o! #ow to organise protests movements along wit# t#ose w#o #ave e.perience o! success!ul campaigns. T#e con!erence room will #ave presentations !rom leading arc#itects a*out #ow arc#itecture and community are ine.trica*ly lin,ed and very interestingly( an

economic argument against t#e mining pro8ect will *e presented. FanFest is t#e leading e.ample o! #ow more and more Romanians are realising t#at politicians do not wor, !or t#em+ t#at t#e consumerist society we live in is not #ealt#y !or community or t#e planet+ and t#at only *y *ecoming an activist on an individual and collective *asis can we *egin to turn t#ings around and create #ope !or a *etter !uture. I) it is at all $ossible )or you to get to &an&est we strongly re!ommend it, Return to $ontents

*ul!h Restores Land Produ!tivity

T#e wi,ipedia de!inition e.plains e.actly w#at mulc# does "ulc#ing is a process o! in*red !ertili1ation w#ic# employs certain decomposed organic materials)) including( *ut not limited to animal sediment)) to *lan,et an area in w#ic# vegetation is desired. T#e procedure enric#es t#e soil !or stimulated plant development w#ile( at t#e same time( preventing erosion and decreasing t#e evaporation o! moisture !rom t#e ground #ttp:HHen.wi,ipedia.orgHwi,iH"ulc# Romania needs mulc#. 2n!ortunately t#e ma8ority o! t#e !arming and gardening community are destroying large /uantities o! mulc# every year. 6#en an area is cleared o! organic material( *e it wood or grass or weeds or simply a *ig mi.ture o! all o! t#ese t#ings( it is inevita*ly *urnt. As we #ig#lig#ted in R&N1I *urning organic material is e/uivalent to *urning money( and #ig#ly polluting into t#e *argain. I am writing t#is on a scorc#ing #ot day. T#e summer is now#ere near its end and yet t#e #illsides are a pale *rown colour: t#e colour o! sun dried grass. In t#e autumn( t#is very same grass is li,ely to *e *urned. It is mulc#( and as t#e wi,ipedia de!inition says( destroying it( is destroying soil !ertility and t#e soils a*ility to retain moisture during long dry spells. Romania needs every single piece o! unused organic material( and t#at includes suc# t#ings as paper( card*oard and all !orms o! organic pac,aging( it can get. Returning t#e *are sun*urnt #illsides to !ertility re/uires trees and mulc#. :e!ore t#is can #appen t#e *urning #as to stop. 'ere is a simple recipe !or mulc#ing some land and creating !ertility !rom "a. %indegger: a respected and sought!after teacher in the disciplines of sustainable systems. "is reputation is born of #0 years of hands!on e$perience and leadership in the design and implementation of practical solutions to the challenges of sustainability. "e is the founder of the %lobal Ecovillage &etwor' (ceania ) Asia*, "ulc# gardens are to permaculture w#at !lat *reads and c#illies are to "e.ico. 6#erever I wor,( I introduce compost ma,ing and mulc# gardens. T#ey go so well toget#er and are t#e *eginning o! a*undance. 6#ile t#e gardens come in all s#apes and si1es and need to *e managed to suit t#e environment( t#ey are easy to *uild and not muc# can go wrong. K Ta,e any piece o! reasona*ly draining land ;or roo!L> K Trample( mow( roll.. Tall grasses and weeds !lat to t#e ground. K $over wit# a*out F s#eets o! newspaper. "a,e sure t#ere are no gaps. K $over newspaper wit# a minimum o! 10cm ;more is *etter> o! good /uality compost. K %ay out your drip irrigation on top

K $over wit# a !airly modest amount o! mulc# ;straw( #ay..> K lan #ttp:HHgen.ecovillage.orgHrossH1<=.#tmlClangMen Return to $ontents

Romanian News
T#e Romanian press #as *een saturated recently wit# t#e useless and rat#er pat#etic struggle *etween t#e rig#t wing president and centrist government. T#e president seems to #ave won a #ollow victory as only B<G o! t#e population voted and a =0G turnout was re/uired !or t#e vote to *e valid. 7n one o! t#e #ottest Sundays o! t#e year( t#e turnout suggests t#at t#e president is rat#er unpopular. &ven at general elections( t#e vote *arely creeps a*ove =0G. T#e re!erendum was a waste o! money. oliticians are a waste o! money in general. T#is pointless re!erendum #ig#lig#ts once again t#e need to move as /uic,ly as possi*le to 4irect 4emocracy. Read more in Romanian T#e environmental news is( un!ortunately( as you mig#t #ave e.pected: *adL I am sure it #as *een t#e #ottest 0uly I #ave e.perienced since coming to Romania and I will not *e surprised i! records #ave *een *ro,en. It #as also *een very dry and !armers #ave e.perienced signi!icant losses. In many mountain areas grass #as *een very scarce and many !armers will not #ave enoug# to !eed t#ere livestoc, t#roug# t#e long winter. T#e #ot weat#er is predicted to last into Septem*er. 4eserti!ication is occurring in some areasL

Sudul Romaniei se trans!orma in nisip ;Sout#ern Romania turning to Sand>

%arge scale deserti!ication is ta,ing place in some areas o! sout#er Romania. In at least one area large sand dunes can *e seen. According to e.perts at least !our #undred t#ousand #ectares are a!!ected. T#e deserti!ication #as increased in t#e last !ew years due to #ig# temperatures and low rain!all. T#e uncontrolled cutting down o! trees #as also #ad a serious negative e!!ect on t#e lig#t sandy soil. %arge areas w#ic# !ormerly grew crops can no longer *e cultivated due to t#e dry conditions in summer. oor !armers #ave lost t#eir #arvests and money and #ave given up trying to wor, t#e land. &.perts predict a reduction o! up to A1G in mai1e production *y A0=0. Read more in Romanian -ead -ol$hins on .la!/ 'ea bea!hes At t#e #eig#t o! t#e tourist season( nine dolp#ins #ave *een !ound dead on t#e *eac#es o! t#e *lac, sea. :roug#t as#ore *y #ig# waves e.perts *elieve t#e dolp#ins did not die naturally and may #ave *een caug#t in !is#ing nets. read more in Romanian return to !ontents

%orld News
The Ri!h are less Li/ely to a!t Ethi!ally
It is o!!icial: *eing ric# ma,es you greedy !or more and is li,ely to ma,e you act less et#ically. A

series o! scienti!ic studies w#ic# appeared in t#e Pro!eedings o) the National !ademy o) '!ien!es o) the 0nited 'tates o) meri!an con!irms t#is: Seven studies using e.perimental and naturalistic met#ods reveal t#at upper)class individuals *e#ave more unet#ically t#an lower)class individuals. In studies 1 and A( upper)class individuals were more li,ely to *rea, t#e law w#ile driving( relative to lower)class individuals. In !ollow)up la*oratory studies( upper)class individuals were more li,ely to e.#i*it unet#ical decision)ma,ing tendencies ;study J>( ta,e valued goods !rom ot#ers ;study B>( lie in a negotiation ;study =>( c#eat to increase t#eir c#ances o! winning a pri1e ;study <>( and endorse unet#ical *e#aviour at wor,( ;study F> t#an were lower)class individuals. "ediator and moderator data demonstrated t#at upper)class individualsN unet#ical tendencies are accounted !or( in part( *y t#eir more !avoura*le attitudes toward greed. read )ull study 7ur governments li,e to tell us t#at it is necessary to #ave a ric# elite and t#at t#ey are good !or t#e country and t#e less !ortunate. Now science #as s#own t#is to *e ru**is#. A ric# elite is li,ely to lead to a less !air society and t#e ric# will e.ploit t#eir power !or t#eir own *ene!it rat#er t#an t#e *ene!it o! ot#ers. It is not envy to wis# to remove wealt# di!!erences in society. It is sensi*le policy t#at all governments s#ould *e !ollowing.

nother &ood Pri!e +risis Looms

Record temperatures around t#e world and associated droug#t is li,ely to #ave a signi!icant e!!ect on t#e price o! staple !oods t#is winter. 4roug#t is particularly *ad in some areas o! t#e 2SA( ?...*e!ore t#e droug#t #it( t#is year was !orecast to produce a record yield !or t#e corn crop. :ut( a!ter wee,s o! #ot( dry weat#er and no rain!all( a total o! 1(J<9 counties in J1 states across t#e country #ave now *een designated !or disaster aid. T#e 2S4A said t#at two)t#irds o! t#e 2S was now in mild or e.treme droug#t. T#ere are !ears t#at rising prices in t#e 2S will #ave an impact !urt#er a!ield as t#e country is t#e world-s largest e.porter o! corn( soy*eans and w#eat. Read more T#e last rise in !ood prices caused riots in some countries. T#e previous -s#ortage- turned out to *e not real at all and most rises in prices were due to *an, speculators arti!icially pus#ing up prices. er#aps t#is year *an,s will *e doing all t#ey can to reduce pricesL

+lub o) Rome re$ort highlights $roblems

T#e Report says t#e main cause o! !uture pro*lems is t#e e.cessively s#ort)term predominant political and economic model. O6e need a system o! governance t#at ta,es a more long)term viewP( said ro!essor Randers( spea,ing in Rotterdam. OIt is unli,ely t#at governments will pass necessary regulation to !orce t#e mar,ets to allocate more money into climate !riendly solutions( and must not assume t#at mar,ets will wor, !or t#e *ene!it o! #uman,indP. O6e already live in a manner t#at cannot *e continued !or generations wit#out ma8or c#ange. 'umanity #as overs#ot t#e eart#Ns resources( and in some cases we will see local collapse *e!ore A0=A 9 we are emitting twice as muc# green#ouse gas every year as can *e a*sor*ed *y t#e worldNs !orests and oceans.P Read report As reported in previous editions o! R&N( we support 4irect 4emocracy. T#is puts power directly in t#e #ands o! t#e people and removes sel!)interested( corrupt( ;and in in t#e age o! t#e internet and

mo*ile p#ones> redundant politicians.

&orest bio1diversity de!lining

A report in Nature maga1ine once again #ig#lig#ts t#e !act t#at *iodiversity is under t#reat around t#e world and it is #uman activity w#ic# is driving e.tinction. %oo,ing at reserves designed to protect species t#e scientists !ound: 7ur analysis reveals great variation in reserve Q#ealt#N: a*out #al! o! all reserves #ave *een e!!ective or per!ormed passa*ly( *ut t#e rest are e.periencing an erosion o! *iodiversity t#at is o!ten alarmingly widespread ta.onomically and !unctionally. 'a*itat disruption( #unting and !orest)product e.ploitation were t#e strongest predictors o! declining reserve #ealt#. $rucially( environmental c#anges immediately outside reserves seemed nearly as important as t#ose inside in determining t#eir ecological !ate( wit# c#anges inside reserves strongly mirroring t#ose occurring around t#em. T#ese !indings suggest t#at tropical protected areas are o!ten intimately lin,ed ecologically to t#eir surrounding #a*itats( and t#at a !ailure to stem *road)scale loss and degradation o! suc# #a*itats could s#arply increase t#e li,eli#ood o! serious *iodiversity declines. Read Nature report

&ormer +limate +hange '!e$ti!s admit *an1made 2lobal %arming Li/ely

A leading climate c#ange sceptic and a team o! top American scientists #ave reported t#at t#e evidence t#ey now #ave points to climate warming lin,ed to #uman activities. T#eir study( released early on "onday ;5"T>( concludes t#at t#e average temperature o! t#e &art#-s land #as risen *y 1.=$ ;A.FF> over t#e past A=0 years. T#e team argues t#at t#e good correspondence *etween t#e new temperature record and #istorical data on $7A emissions suggests #uman activity is Rt#e most straig#t!orward e.planationR !or t#e warming. T#e paper reiterates t#e !inding t#at t#e land sur!ace temperature #as risen 0.9$ 8ust in t#e last =0 years. In a piece aut#ored !or t#e New Dor, Times( ro! "uller( !rom t#e 2niversity o! $ali!ornia( :er,eley( said: RT#ree years ago I identi!ied pro*lems in previous climate studies t#at( in my mind( t#rew dou*t on t#e very e.istence o! glo*al warming. R%ast year( !ollowing an intensive researc# e!!ort involving a do1en scientists( I concluded t#at glo*al warming was real and t#at t#e prior estimates o! t#e rate o! warming were correct. I-m now going a step !urt#er: 'umans are almost entirely t#e cause.R see ::$ report

(ver1eating Rather than La!/ o) E3er!ise +ausing (besity

T#e idea t#at e.ercise is more important t#an diet in t#e !ig#t against o*esity #as *een contradicted *y new researc#. A study o! t#e 'ad1a tri*e( w#o still as #unter gat#erers( suggests t#e amount o! calories we need is a !i.ed #uman c#aracteristic. T#is suggests westerners are growing o*ese t#roug# over)eating rat#er t#an #aving inactive li!estyles( say scientists.

7ne in 10 people will *e o*ese *y A01=. And( nearly one in t#ree o! t#e worldwide population is e.pected to *e overweig#t( according to !igures !rom t#e 6orld 'ealt# 7rgani1ation. 4aily energy e.penditure mig#t *e an evolved trait t#at #as *een s#aped *y evolution and is common among all people and not some simple re!lection o! our diverse li!estylesP @arious !actors are involved( including processed !oods #ig# in sugar and !at( large portion si1es( and a sedentary li!estyle w#ere cars and mac#ines do most o! t#e daily p#ysical wor,. Read Report

0' o$$oses +arbon Ta3

Ric# countries( #eavy polluters and oil e.porters unite to prevent &2 car*on ta. *eing introduced. T#e 2S is #osting a two)day meeting o! countries opposed to t#e &2-s controversial car*on ta. on airlines. 4elegates meeting at t#e 2S 4epartment o! Transportation will e.plore an alternative glo*al solution t#at would include t#e &2. $#ina( India( Russia and t#e 2S are among t#e countries opposed to t#e &2 sc#eme( w#ic# too, e!!ect on 1 0anuary. T#e 2S says t#e &2-s unilateral action could lead to a patc#wor, system i! ot#er countries impose t#eir own ta.. International airlines will *egin receiving *ills in April A01J( a!ter t#is year-s car*on emissions #ave *een assessed. T#e looming deadline to pay up and t#e prospect o! a trade war ne.t year may motivate t#e delegates in 6as#ington to !ind a way out o! t#e impasse( t#oug# no *rea,t#roug# is e.pected t#is wee,. 2S Transportation Secretary Ray %a'ood #as denounced t#e &2 ta. as Ra lousy policy( a lousy lawR( saying t#e &2 Rs#ould #ave done it in a more colla*orative wayR. #ttp:HHwww.**,HnewsHworld)europe)190<0IFA

bout REN #el$ REN +ontributors4Translators editors4$ublishing dates

%ebsites o) interest in Romania

!adical #ew &olitics3 http344viitorulesteverde.wordpress.com4category4green4 &nvironmental news in Romanian: htt$"44www,e!omaga5in,ro4 6677F Romania !or volunteering on organic and traditional !arms in Romania &coruralis supports traditional !arming met#ods and !armers Rosia "ontana: campaign to save area !rom mining pro8ect In!oomg: in!ormation a*out gm crops in Romania slow!ood: Romanian *ranc#es o! international campaign to encourage #ealt#y( local(traditional !ood #ttp:HHecoso!ie.*logspot.comHpHdespre)noi.#tml

+he!/ out these English language websites"

Transnational Institute+ a worldwide !ellows#ip o! sc#olar activists #ttp:HHplanetgreen.discovery.comH!eatureHplanet)100H you can watc# environmental news !rom around t#e world in &nglis#.

#ttp:HHwww.tree#ugger.comH is !ull o! all t#ings environmental and et#ical

bout REN R&N is a tiny part o! t#e largest movement t#is planet #as ever seen. T#e movement to #armonise our relations#ip wit# t#e &art#+ to remove pro!it as t#e sole aim o! enterprise+ to improve our /uality o! li!e !or now and !orever. Romanian Environmental Newsletter campaigns !or a sustaina*le( et#ical( e/uita*le !uture !or Romania. #el$ REN R&N is completely voluntary and no money is involved. R&N is always loo,ing to improve. $an you #elpC R&N welcomes contri*utions !rom all( in any o! our t#ree languages: &nglis#( Romanian( and 'ungarian. Articles s#ould not *e too long ;one page or less ) !ont 1A>. %in,s s#ould *e included to we*sites !or t#ose w#o want to read more. R&N1I is only appearing in &nglis#( *ut i! anyone would li,e to translate all or any part o! it into Romanian or 'ungarian( please !eel !ree. Send email to !ind out more R&N in!ormation R&N is pu*lis#ed /uarterly. Ne.t pu*lis#ing date 7ct J1st A01A. $7NTA$T R&N T#is edition o! R&N #as *een put toget#er *y -ouglas *!)arlane( . assisted *y 'ara *ea/er,

Editor 1 4ouglas "c!arlane

T#e content o! articles is t#e sole responsi*ility o! t#e aut#or. T#e accuracy o! translations cannot *e veri!ied. T#e original document .s#ould *e consulted to veri!y !acts i! necessary. R&N does not as a legal entity..

Publishing dates
REN20 (+T31st 20126 REN21 Jan 31 2013 'end !ontributions to douglasm!)arlane7hotmail,!om

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