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From: Megan IN DE BRAEKT [] ent: !" No#ember !$$% &':$( To )*olinl@melb+* ub,e*t: Mr.Ali Ra*-id AMM.

/N Im+ortan*e: 0igMr. 1o#itt2 I -a#e been brie3ed b4 1egal Aid 5A to undertake Mr. Ali Ammoun)6 a++eal again6t *on#i*tion. 7ou ma4 re*all re+re6enting Mr. Ammoun 8toget-er 9it- Mr. 1aurie 1e#4: at -i6 trial earlier t-i6 4ear 8Februar4 !$$%: be3ore 0i6 0onor ;u6ti*e Bla<ell in t-e 5A u+reme =ourt. Furt-er to m4 numerou6 re>ue6t6 86in*e Augu6t !$$%: to t-e 5A u+reme =ourt2 3or t-e tran6*ri+t6 o3 4our ? Mr. Dem+6ter)6 *lo6ing addre66e6 to t-e ;ur42 /i>#e re*entl4 been ad#i6ed b4 t-e u+reme =ourt2 t-at it -a6 a++arentl4 @m6: ,,k-e ta+e re*ording6 o3 4our ? Mr. Dem+6ter)6 *lo6ing addre66e6 8den7e3ed &AtFebruar4 !$$%:. T-i6 i6 mo6t un3ortunate2 a6 I am 6ure 4ou under6tand.Bi#en t-at neit-er t-e re*ording62 nor tran6*ri+t62 o3 4our2 ? Mr. Dem+6ter)6 *lo6ing addre66e6 to t-e ;ur4 are a#ailable2 I am obliged to en>uire 9it- bot- 4our6el3 ? Mr. 1e#42 a6 to 9-et-er eit-er2 or bot- o3 4our6el#e62 -a#e retained an4 note6 a6 to t-e *ontent o3 eit-er or bot*lo6ing addre66e6 in Mr. Ammoun)6 trial. I32 in t-e 3ortunate e#ent2 4ou ma4 -a#e retained 6u*- note62 I 9ould be mo6t grate3ul i3 4ou *ould +lea6e 6end t-em to m46el3 8b4 3a*6imile 9ould be great:2 at 4our earlie6t +o66ible *on#enien*e. It ma4 later be ne*e66ar4 3or me to dra3t an A33ida#it 3or 4our6el32 8? re>ue6t it be 69orn b4 4our6el3: to 9-i*- 6u*- note6 9ould be anne<ed2 or in 9-i*- 4ou de+o6e not to -a#e retained an4 6u*- note6 89-ate#er t-e *a6e ma4 be:.A6 4ou a++re*iate2 not -a#ing been t-e trial *oun6el2 ? not -a#ing Ali o3 t-e trial tran6*ri+t62 +ut6 meCu6 at 6ome9-at o3 a di6ad#antage. T-i6 i6 +arti*ularl4 6o a6 Mr. Dem+6ter 89-o 9a6 trial *oun6el 3or t-e tate: i6 a++earing 3or die tate in t-i6 a++eal. 7ou ma4 be intere6ted to kno9 t-at one o3 t-e a++eal ground6 relate6 to t-e trial ;udge)6 unbalan*ed 6umming u+ to t-e ;ur42 9-i*- 4ou ob,e*ted to. During t-e *our6e o3 4our ob,e*tion 4ou mentioned a *ou+le o3 i66ue6 t-at 9ere #er4 im+ortant in t-e de3en6eD6 *a6e t-at 0i6 0onor -ad omitted. I3 4ou are able to ad#i6e me o3 an4 more 6u*- i66ue6 omitted b4 0i6 0onor2 I 9ould be #er4 +lea6ed to re*ei#e 6u*- in3ormation. I 9ould al6o be #er4 grate3ul 3or an4 in3ormation 4ou are able to +ro#ide in relation to t-e 3ollo9ing +lea6e: 8&: T-e ;ur4 9a6 6ent out to *ommen*e deliberation6 8on ' di33erent =ount6:2 #er4 late 8E.&"+m: on t-e 't- trial da4 8&A Februar4 !$$%:. T-ere doe6 not a++ear to -a#e been ob,e*tion or *on*ern6 rai6ed b4 *oun6el in re6+e*t to t-i62 t-ere3ore +re6umabl4 4ou 9eren)t *on*erned about t-e +o66ibilit4 o3 ;uror 3atigue or 9earine66 ad#er6el4 a33e*ting t-e >ualit4 o3 t-eir deliberation6 89-i**ommen*ed a3ter a 3ull trial da4:F

8!: 7ou ma4 re*all in 4our o+ening addre66 to t-e ;ur4 8' Februar4 !$$%: it 9a6 e66entiall4 admitted t-at Mr Ammoun Gbroke into t-e +remi6e6G 8Mr6. Hamela Ke+i*D6 +remi6e6: [T:I& ]. 8!.&: Hre6umabl4 b4 t-i6 it 9a6 meant Mr. Ammoun e33e*ti#el4 *on*eded -e 9a6 re6+on6ible 3or breaking t-e gla66 +ane o3 an e<ternal door to Mr6. Ke+i*)6 +remi6e6F 8!.!: I3 t-at i6 9-at 9a6 meant2 I 9ould be grate3ul i3 4ou *ould +lea6e ad#i6e -o92 9-en2 ?Cor in 9-at 3orm 4ou re*ei#ed in6tru*tion6 3rom Mr. Ammoun 8#ia 9-ome#er or dire*tl4: t-at Mr. Ammoun admitted to breaking t-i6 gla66 +aneF T-e rea6on 3or m4 >uerie6 i6 t-at Mr. Ammoun ad#i6e6 me t-at did -e not break t-e gla66 +ane2 ? t-at -e ne#er ad#i6ed an4 o3 t-i6 legal team to t-e *ontrar4. Mr. Ammoun 6a46 -e entered Mr6. Ke+i*)6 +remi6e6 t-roug- an unlo*ked door 8a6 -e -ad done man4 time6 be3ore:2 ? t-e gla66 +ane 9a6 alread4 broken 9-en -e arri#ed. 8A: Fled 4ou been ad#i6ed2 or 9ere 4ou a9are2 t-at on Mr. Ammoun)6 #er6ion o3 e#ent6 8a6 -e -a6 in6tru*ted m46el3 ? al6o ad#i6e6 t-at -e +ro#ided t-e6e 6ame in6tru*tion6 +rior to -i6 trial:: 8A.&: J Mr6. Tan4a Ammoun a6ked -im to *all G$$$GF 8A.!: J Mr6. Tan4a Ammoun told -im to 6tart t-e G$$$G *all b4 6a4ing: GI 9ant to re+ort a murderG be*au6e 6-e belie#ed t-e4 9ould get a >ui*ker re6+on6e to -er Mot-er)6 need 3or medi*al treatmentF 8A.A: J T-at Mr6. Tan4a Ammoun 9a6 a++arentl4 6tanding rig-t ne<t to -im t-rougt-e entire G$$$G tele+-one *on#er6ationF ? 8A.E: J T-at Mr6. Ke+i* a++arentl4 -it -im on t-e -ead 9it- a -ammer during t-i6 tele+-one *all2 9-i*- i6 9-4 it ended abru+tl4F 8A.I: Doe6 t-e abo#ementioned a**ord 9it- t-e in6tru*tion6 4ou re*ei#ed +rior toCdrum trialF 8A.': I3 not2 9-at are t-e di33eren*e6F 8A.": I3 4ou -ad kno9n o3 been +ro#ided 9it- t-e abo#ementioned in6tru*tion6 +rior to trial2 9ould 4ou -a#e *ondu*ted t-e de3en6e an4 di33erentl4F 8A.%: I3 6o2 -o9F 8E: Furt-er to 8A:2 I don)t kno9 9-et-er 4ou -ad an o++ortunit4 to li6ten to t-e G$$$G tele+-one *all re*ording man4 time6 o#er 8or i3 at all: +rior to trial2 but i3 4ou did2 did 4ou e#er noti*eC-ear Mr. Ammoun during t-at *all2 a6k 6omeone 8Mr6. Tan4a Ammoun: 9-at -i6 Mot-er in la9)6 name 9a6F T-e rea6on I a6k t-i6 i6 be*au6e I -a#e li6tened to t-e G$$$G re*ording man4 time62 ? I *an *learl4 -ear Mr. Ammoun a6k

6omeone nearb4 to -im 89-i*- +re6umabl4 *ould onl4 be Mr6. Tan4a Ammoun:: G5-at i6 4our Mot-er)6 nameFG to 9-i*- a 3emale #oi*e re+lie6: GHamela2 Hamela Ke+i*G. T-i6 9ould 6eem to 6eriou6l4 undermine Mr6. Ammoun)6 te6timon4 at trial2 8E.&: 5ere 4ou a9are +rior to or during Mr. Ammoun)6 trial2 o3 t-e abo#ementioned on t-e G$$$G *all re*ordingF 8E.!: I3 not2 but i3 4ou -ad kno9n2 mig-t 4ou -a#e done an4t-ing di33erent in t-e 9a4 t-e de3en6e 9a6 *ondu*tedF 8E.A: I3 6o2 9-at mig-t 4ou -a#e done di33erentl4F 8I: 7ou ma4 re*all -a#ing 6trongl4 ob,e*ted to t-e trial ;udge)6 8e<traordinar4: re*ital o3 t-e G$$$G tele+-one re*ording tran6*ri+t2 89-i*- 9a6 not in e#iden*e: to t-e ;ur42 during t-e 6ummingJu+. T-e G$$$G tran6*ri+t -ad Mr. Ammoun a6 6a4ing G I tried to kill m4 9i3eG ? GI tried to kill m4 9i3e ? mot-er in la9.G 7ou ma4 re*all t-at during t-e *our6e o3 t-i6 ob,e*tion2 4ou remarked to t-e trial ;udge t-at Mr. 1e#4 -ad al9a46 ad#i6ed 4ou t-at it 9a6 Mr. Ammoun)6 +o6ition t-at -e ne#er u6ed t-e 9ord GkillG but rat-er -e -ad 6aid G*allG. 0o9e#er 4ou al6o 6aid to t-e trial ;udge 8T: I&A: t-at Mr. Ammoun)6 #er6ion 8ie G*allG rat-er t-an GkillG: -ad ne#er made 6en6e to 4ou2 ? *on6e>uentl4 4ou -ad not rai6ed it during t-e trial. I agree 9it- 4ou entirel4. 5-en Mr. Ammoun 3ir6t +ro#ided me 9it- t-i6 #er6ion2 I al6o t-oug-t it did not make 6en6e. 0o9e#er2 a3ter li6tening to t-e G$$$G tele+-one re*ording man4 time6 o#er2 I no9 belie#e Mr. Ammoun 9a6 *onne*t2 ? t-at -e did in 3a*t 6a4 G*allG rat-er t-an GkillK. T-e rea6on 3or t-i6 i6 t-at2 it i6 *lear2 8a3ter li6tening to t-e re*ording e#en onl4 a 3e9 time6:2 t-at t-e G$$$G o+erator re+eat6 ba*k to Mr. Ammoun: G7ea-2 6o 4ou tried to *all 4our 9i3e.GT-ere3ore t-e G$$$G o+erator under6tood Mir Ammoun to 6a4 G*allG rat-er t-an GkillK. Hre6umabl42 t-i6 +er-a+6 ma4 not -a#e been kno9n to 4ou +rior to or during Mr. Ammoun)6 trial. 8I.&: I3 t-at 9a6 t-e *a6e2 *ould 4ou +lea6e ad#i6e2 t-at -ad 4ou kno9n t-e G$$$G *all o+erator 6aid G*allG rat-er t-an GkillG 9-en -e re+eated Mir Ammoun)6 6tatement ba*k to -im2 9ould t-i6 -a#e *-anged t-e 9a4 in 9-i*- 4ou *ondu*ted t-e de3en6eF 8I.!: I3 6o2 -o9 ma4 it -a#e *-angedF 8': Did 4ou e#er take an4 in6tru*tion6 3rom Mr. Ammoun +er6onall4Cdire*tl4F 8'.&: I3 6o2 9-at in6tru*tion6 did 4ou take +er6onall4Cdire*tl4 3rom Mr. Ammoun2 ? 9-en did 4ou take t-emF] =on*lu6ion

I tru6t t-e need to 6eek 6u*- intonation6 i6 a++re*iated2 ? it i6 under6tood t-at no o33en*e or di6re6+e*t 9-at6oe#er i6 intended. I tru6t none i6 taken. I3 it 9ould be o3 an4 a66i6tan*e 3or 4ou to be 3or9arded a *o+4 o3 t-e tran6*ri+t o3 t-e trial ;udge)6 6ummingJu+2 ? t-e 6ub6e>uent ob,e*tion6 made b4 *oun6el 8or an4 ot-er material:2 to -el+ re3re6- 4our memor42 I 9ould be #er4 -a++4 to do 6o. T-ank 4ou #er4 mu*- 3or 4our anti*i+ated a66i6tan*e. I am mo6t grate3ul. 7our6 6in*erel42 Megan in de Braekt BA2 HBD 8Hol ee:2 MA2 11B 80on6:2 HBD 81egal Hra*: Barri6ter E$AA Alban4 0ig-9a42 Li*toria Hark2 5A '&$$. T: (A'& %!%! M: $E& AI( !&!$ F: (A'& %II% E:

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