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Bouhlel, Olfa, Mzoughi, Nabil, Skander Ghachem, Mohamed & Negra, Anissa, 2010, 'Online Purchase Intention', International

Journal of e-Business Management, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 37-51. DOI 10.3316/IJEBM0402037. This is a peer-reviewed article.

Online Purchase Intention

Understanding the Blogosphere Effect
Olfa Bouhlel

Nabil Mzoughi

Mohamed Skander Ghachem


Anissa Negra

This study examines consumers attitude toward the blog and the effect of the blog on the purchase intention. The research model developed by the authors on the basis of previous research can be used as a reference schema for predicting future choices of bloggers. It integrates perceptual variables such as the credibility, the interactivity, the ease of use, the usefulness, the attitude toward the blog, and the purchase intention. Using the model, the study surveyed 245 Internet users. The results show that the credibility, the usefulness and the ease of use of the blog generate a positive attitude toward the blog. The attitude toward the blog had a positive impact on the purchase intention. The findings provide some answers to marketers about the blog phenomenon and the behaviour of consumers in this context. They will help managers to understand the consumer assessment process in this particular field of the web. Keywords: Attitude toward the blog, perceived credibility, perceived interactivity, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness.

Weblogs or blogs belong to the new generation of Web 2.0 technology (Fieseler et al., 2010; Ng & Matanda, 2009; Youngs, 2009; Wyld, 2008). It is a way of sharing a private diary with other people over the Internet using different online multimedia (Lu & Hsiao, 2009; Ng & Matanda, 2009; Leight, 2008; Leu et al., 2007; Furukawa et al., 2007). The content is frequently updated with posts displayed in chronological order (Lu & Hsiao, 2009; Gunter, 2009; Wyld, 2008, Thelwall & Hasler, 2007; Pacquet, 2007; Herring et al., 2004). According to Ng and Matanda (2009), blogs allow direct and spontaneous interaction between the blogosphere members (bloggers and readers). It is an easy, simple and fast way to create web pages (Lu & Hsiao, 2009; Wyld, 2008; Demopoulos, 2007), making it a more popular online advertising and retail platform in comparison to websites (Ng & Matanda, 2009; Hsu & Lin, 2008; Albert, 2007). Blogs have become a powerful online communication tool that enables brands to promote products and services (Duke, 2009; Wyld, 2008; Ng & Matanda, 2008; Zhang & Han, 2007; Du & Wagner, 2006; Lei & Wang, 2005). Getting brands visible on blogs is an increasingly interesting way not only to improve attitudes, but also to better reach potential buyers (Wyld, 2008; Zhang & Han, 2007). Only few studies have investigated blogs, the antecedent of the attitude toward them, and their impact on purchase intention. The attitude of consumers toward blogs and their use in brands strategies have received little attention.

RMIT Publishing,

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This research proposes a conceptual model to understand the impact of blogs on consumers behaviour. It investigates the impact of the perceived credibility, the interactivity, the perceived usefulness, and the ease of use on the users attitude toward the blogs and the effect of the latter on the purchase intention. The study emphasises the importance of using the blog as an advertising and communication tool. The findings provide some answers to marketers about the blog phenomenon and the behaviour of consumers in this context. Results can help managers to understand the consumer assessment process in this particular field of the web; they can use this information in their e-marketing strategies.

Attitude Toward the Blog
Attitude refers to the positive or negative orientation of the consumer toward a product or brand (Assael, 1987). It concerns also a psychological tendency that expresses itself by the assessment of a specific entity, according to a certain degree of favour or disfavour (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993). Breckler (1984) identified three components of the attitude: (1) the cognitive dimension refers to the individuals beliefs toward an object; (2) the affective dimension refers to the feelings and emotions generated by a stimulus. It is the evaluative aspect of the beliefs. These judgments are intrinsically subjective and personal; (3) the conative dimension is related to actions. It is the predisposition to make a purchase expressed by a purchase intention (Vernette, 1998). Several researches have investigated individuals attitudes and behaviours toward shopping and non-shopping websites (Boulaire & Ballofet, 1999; Hocque & Lohse, 1999). According to Chen and Wells (1999), the attitude toward a website is the predisposition to respond in a favourable or unfavourable way in a particular situation. It is the assessment of a website on the bases of three types of information: cognitive, affective and behavioural (Wu, 1999).

Perceived Credibility
Perceived credibility is the trust dimension that affects positively or negatively the acceptance of a message (Corritore et al., 2003; Hovland & Weiss, 1951). The more a person is familiar with a particular medium, the higher he tends to rate it in terms of credibility (Sweester et al., 2008). The credibility of the source of information is crucial for Internet users (Tseng & Fogg, 1999): 12 to 23 percent of them find blogs credible (Sweester et al., 2008).

Perceived Interactivity
Newhagen et al.s (1995) conceptualisation of perceived interactivity encompasses two dimensions: (1) internally based self-efficacy and (2) externally based system efficacy. The first refers to the perceived control of the web user over his navigation (where is he, and where is he going?). The second is associated to his perception of the responsiveness of the website to his actions. Wu (1999) labelled these two components navigation and responsiveness. The interactivity of a blog implies, first, the use of hypertexts, which are links to related websites (Ducate & Lomika, 2008; Zhang & Han, 2007). Second, an interactive blog implies expressing ideas and communicating with other blogosphere members (Sweester et al., 2008). It provides a space for readers reactions and allows them to deliver their comments (Ducate & Lomika, 2008; Zhang & Han, 2007).

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Perceived Ease of Use

Perceived ease of use is the perception of the effort made by the individual when using a system (Venkatesh & Davis, 1996). According to Davis (1989), the perceived ease of use is the motivational aspect inherent to the interaction between the user and the computer. People interact, probably more, with technologies when they expect the use of a few cognitive efforts during the interaction (Adams et al., 1992). Other researchers argue that website ease of use measures the effort made by the visitor on performing tasks (information search, purchase, etc.). It can be defined as the degree to which Internet users believe that the amount of effort needed to use a website is free or low (Rotchanakitumnuai, 2005, p. 4). Perceived ease of use of a blog is the degree to which a user believes that the amount of effort needed to use a particular technology is free or low (Hsu & Lin, 2008, p. 67).

Perceived Usefulness
This concept is a theoretical substitute to the relative advantage proposed in the adoption theory (Limayem & Frini, 2004; Chen et al., 2002). Drawing on the definition proposed by Davis (1989), Hsu and Lin (2008) define perceived usefulness as the degree to which a person believed that using a blog enhanced his or her performance (p. 67). In this research, the concept indicates the advantages that the web surfer expects to obtain when using the blog: avoiding waste of time, accessing to extra information, and to different ideas about the products.

Online Purchase Intention

Behavioural intention reflects the individuals likelihood of engaging in the behaviour of interest. It measures how hard an individual is willing to take a specific action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980). Online purchase intention refers to the strength of a consumer's intention to perform a specified purchasing behaviour over the Internet (Salisbury et al., 2001).


Perceived Credibility and Attitude Toward the Blog
Credible blogs are prominent determinants of consumers beliefs (Buzzlogic, 2008; Cohen, 2008). The individual considers the information in his data processing and wonders about the degree of credibility of its sources. His perception of the information coming from the market and the social environment guides his decision (Gurviez, 1998). The attitude depends on the credibility and the level of entertainment perceived on the site (Brackett & Carr, 2001). The credibility has instantaneous and deferred effects on the consumers attitude and behaviour (Ohanian, 1990). The source credibility can generate a change of the customers attitude (Bhate, 1999).
H1: The perceived credibility has a positive effect on the attitude toward the blog. H1a: The perceived credibility has a positive effect on the cognitive attitude toward the blog. H1b: The perceived credibility has a positive effect on the affective attitude toward the blog. H1c: The perceived credibility has a positive effect on the conative attitude toward the blog.

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Perceived Interactivity and Attitude Toward the Blog

The interaction with the media creates a flow between the transmitter and the receiver of the information (Steuer, 1992). Websites and blogs are multimedia products that contain audio, videos, graphic and texts with which the users interact (Wu, 1999). Wu (1999) pointed out the existence of a positive relationship between the perceived interactivity and the attitude toward the site. Cho and Leckenby (1999) found that the users intention to interact with a website and the number of interactive aspects provided by this site (chat rooms and search engine) are positively associated with the attitude toward the site. McMillan (2000) provided empirical support relating the perceived interactivity (virtual tours and online reservations systems) and the attitude toward the site. As they allow twoway conversations between the blogosphere members, blogs are considered to be more interactive than traditional websites (Demopoulos, 2007). The more interactive a blog, the more favourable is the visitors attitude (Ng & Matanda, 2009).
H2: The perceived interactivity has a positive impact on the web surfers attitude toward the blog. H2a: The navigation has a positive impact on the cognitive attitude toward the blog. H2b: The navigation has a positive impact on the affective attitude toward the blog. H2c: The navigation has a positive impact on the conative attitude toward the blog. H2d: The responsiveness has a positive impact on the cognitive attitude toward to the blog. H2e: The responsiveness has a positive impact on the affective attitude toward the blog. H2f: The responsiveness has a positive impact on the conative attitude toward the blog.

Perceived Usefulness and Attitude Toward the Blog

Perceived usefulness refers to the advantages that the consumer perceives during his visit to a website (Au & Enderwick, 2000; Davis, 1989). It positively influences the consumers behaviour, either directly or, more often, indirectly through the attitudes (Malhotra & McCort, 2001). Consumers attitude toward a website are favourably strengthened by the perceived usefulness (Oh et al., 2009; Lee, 2009, Elliot & speck, 2005; Klopping & Mckinney, 2004; Shih, 2004; Ocass & Fenech, 2003; Moon & Kim, 2001). Hsu and Lin (2008) expected that web surfers appreciating the advantages related to the use of a specific blog exhibit a favourable attitude.
H3: The perceived usefulness of the blog positively influences the users attitude toward the blog. H3a: The perceived usefulness of the blog positively influences the users cognitive attitude. H3b: The perceived usefulness of the blog positively influences the users affective attitude. H3c: The perceived usefulness of the blog positively influences the users conative attitude.

Ease of Use and Attitude Toward the Blog

The perceived complexity of technology is one of the most important issues explaining the non-adoption of Internet and computers (Katz, 1997). Information system literature suggests that the ease of use has a direct impact on the attitude (Agarwal & Prasad, 1997; Mathieson, 1991; Taylor & Todd, 1995). Nevertheless, some scholars stipulate that this relationship is not so obvious. Liu et al. (2003) found that the attitude toward the use of a website is strongly affected by the perceived usefulness, and insignificantly affected by the ease of use. On the other hand, ease of use has been found to have a major influence on the attitude toward websites (Lee, 2009; Elliot & Speck, 2005; Klopping & Mckinney, 2004; Shih, 2004; Ocass

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& Fenech, 2003; Chen et al., 2002; Moon & Kim, 2001). According to Hsu and Lin (2008), perceived ease of use positively affects visitors attitude toward participating in a blog.
H4: The perceived ease of use positively influences the users attitude toward the blog. H4a: The perceived ease of use positively influences the cognitive attitude toward the blog. H4b: The perceived ease of use positively influences the affective attitude toward the blog. H4c: The perceived ease of use positively influences the conative attitude toward the blog.
demonstrated that the consumers attitude affects the intention to shop online (Lin et al., 2010;

Attitude Toward theMonsuw Blog and Intention of Purchase Lee, 2009; et al., 2004; Li & Zhang, 2002; Chen et al., 2002; Moon & Kim, 2001;
The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) proposed Ajzentoward and Fishbein (1980) Chen & Wells, 1999). The relationship between by the attitude a blog and the intentionconfirmed to that individuals use attitude has a positive impact on his behavioural intention. This relationship it was also supported in Hsu and Lins study (2008). has received substantial empirical support in the online shopping context. It has been H5: the The attitude toward the blog has a positive the purchaseto intention. demonstrated that consumers attitude affectseffect theon intention shop online (Lin et al., H5a: The cognitive attitude toward blog has a positive effect the purchase 2010; Lee, 2009; Monsuw et al., 2004; Li & the Zhang, 2002; Chen et on al., 2002; Moon & intention. Kim, 2001; Chen & Wells, 1999). The relationship between the attitude toward a blog and H5b: The affective attitude toward the and blog Lins has a positive effect on the purchase the intention to use it was also supported in Hsu study (2008).

H5: The attitude toward the blog has a positive effect on the purchase intention. H5c: The conative attitude toward the blog has a positive effect on the purchase H5a: The cognitiveintention. attitude toward the blog has a positive effect on the purchase intention. H5b: The affective attitude toward the blog has a positive effect on the purchase intention. H5c: The conative attitude toward the blog1has a positive Figure : Research modeleffect on the purchase intention. Figure 1: Research Model
Perceived credibility Perceived interactivity Perceived usefulness Perceived ease of use
H2 H1

Attitude toward the blog



Purchase intention


Methodology METHODOLOGY Measures


The measuring scales used in the questionnaire (Appendix 1) were drawn from the existing

marketing literature. They were selected according to their content validity, their reliability as existing The measuring scales used in the questionnaire (Appendix 1) were drawn from the marketing literature. They were selected according to their content validity, their reliability as well as their operational feasibility. All the items were measured using a five-point Likert 7 scale ranging from (1) strongly disagree to (5) strongly agree. The three-item Sundars scale (1998; 1999; 2000) was used to measure perceived credibility. The instrument that was used to assess perceived interactivity is Wus measure (1999). It is a ten-item scale. Perceived ease of use was measured using two items drawn from SITEQUAL Yoo and Donthus scale (2001). Perceived usefulness was measured using a two-item scale adapted from Chen et al.s (2002) research.

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Blog attitude was assessed using Wus (1999) scale. It consists of fifteen items measuring the cognitive, affective and conative dimensions. Purchase intention was assessed using the three-item scale developed by MacKenzie et al. (1986).

To assess the effect of the blogs features on the attitude toward it and on the purchase intention, a quantitative research design was utilised. The first step in the research methodology was to select the blog. Several researches on the Internet, within newspapers and specialised magazines were realised in order to make our choice. A group of experts, composed of five marketing university teachers, dealing with blogs frequently, were requested to select the investigated weblog. Experts based their choice on design, layout (Ducate & Lomicka, 2008), topics (Ducate & Lomicka, 2008), ease of use, and number of users (Dweyer, 2007). was accordingly selected. Bloggers were invited to visit it for at least 15 minutes, before answering a 39 item online questionnaire. The survey was proposed on a Tunisian forum in order to gain access to various online communities sharing interest in blog shopping. A notification was sent to respondents in order to invite them to participate to the study. A snowball sampling method was also used to invite more users. The online survey started on January 15 and ended on March 30, 2007 and permitted fast data collection. Ultimately, 245 bloggers participated in the study. The sample included few respondents who had experience in blog shopping (only 3 percent), as well as others with no experience in blog purchasing. It was composed of 130 women and 115 men, most of them belonging to the 20-30 years old group (88.6 percent). In accordance with, Internet users are mainly in the range of 20-24 years old (Chiou et al., 2008). In addition, young and educated adults are the group that uses blogs the most. Table 1 summarises the respondents profile.
Table 1: Respondents Profile
Characteristics Gender Female Male Under 20 20-30 30-40 More than 40 Table 1: Respondents profile

Frequency 130 115 10 217 16 2 8 189 43 5 245

% 53 .1 46.9 4.1 88.6 6.5 0.8 3.3 77.2 17.5 2 100


Education High School College/University Master PhD Total

Results A series of exploratory factor analyses (EFA) were first performed in order to purify the scales and to examine their dimensionality. Internal consistency of measurements was then assessed using Cronbachs alpha. In order to validate the research hypotheses, linear regression analyses were carried out.

Psychometric Properties of the Scales Each measurement was subjected to principal component factor analysis. As outlined in Table 2, PCA results show that perceived credibility, ease of use, perceived usefulness, and purchase intention are one-dimensional. The items of the perceived interactivity were reduced to two factors: navigation and responsiveness. Attitude toward the blog is three-dimensional: cognitive, affective and conative.

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Table 2: Summary of the Factor Analyses with Oblimin Rotation and Reliability
Items attib1 attib2 attib3 attib4 attib5 attib6 attib7 attib8 attib9 attib10 attib11 attib12 attib13 attib14 attib15 Blog attitude Co .888 .876 .838 .681 .569 Aff Ca Perceived credibility Perceived Perceived Perceived Purchase interactivity ease of usefulness Intention use navig respo

.918 .808 .786 .721 .615 .834 .827 .725 .790 .731 .853 .881 .707 .920 .870 .821 .767 .732 .773 .814 .875 .875 .865 .865 .873 .926 .876 .750 .868 .667 .693 .662 .871 10

Cred1 Cred2 Cred3 int1 in2 int3 int4 int5 int6 int9 e. use1 e. use2 Useful 1 Useful 2 PI1 PI2 PI3 Cronbachs .859 .890 .867

A series of exploratory factor analyses (EFA) were first performed in order to purify the scales and to examine their dimensionality. Internal consistency of measurements was then assessed

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using Cronbachs alpha. In order to validate the research hypotheses, linear regression analyses were carried out.

Psychometric Properties of the Scales

Each measurement was subjected to principal component factor analysis. As outlined in Table 2, PCA results show that perceived credibility, ease of use, perceived usefulness, and purchase intention are one-dimensional. The items of the perceived interactivity were reduced to two factors: navigation and responsiveness. Attitude toward the blog is three-dimensional: cognitive, affective and conative. The reliability coefficients of the used measurements range from 0.662 to 0.921. Except for the perceived ease of use, the perceived usefulness and the responsiveness, all the other variables and dimensions meet the suggested minimum level for internal consistency of 0.70.
Antecedents of the Attitudinal Factors Results show that only the perceived usefulness (s = 0.471, p < 0.001) and the perceived Antecedents of the Attitudinal Factors credibility (s = 0.368, p < 0.001) significantly and positively influence the cognitive dimension of the attitude toward the blog. The positive impact of the perceived ease of use on

Results show that only the perceived usefulness (s = 0.471, p < 0.001) and the perceived credibility (s = 0.368, p < 0.001) significantly and positively influence the cognitive dimencognitive dimension of the attitude is not supported (s = - 0.273, p < 0.001). sion the of the attitude toward the blog. The positive impact of the perceived ease of use on the No significant impact of navigation (s = 0.049, p > 0.05) and responsiveness (s = 0.062, p > cognitive dimension of the attitude is not supported (s = - 0.273, p < 0.001). No significant impact of navigation (s = 0.049, p > 0.05) and responsiveness (s = As shown in Table 3, the affective dimension of the attitude toward the blog is significantly 0.062, p > 0.05) on the cognitive dimension is noticed. and positively affected by the responsiveness (s = 0.443, p < 0.001), the perceived usefulness As shown in Table 3, the affective dimension of the attitude toward the blog is significantly (s = 0.156, p < 0.01) and the perceived ease of use of the blog (s = 0.129, p < 0.05). and positively affected by the responsiveness (s = 0.443, p < 0.001), the perceived usefulness (s = 0.156, p < 0.01) and the perceived ease of use of the blog (s = 0.129, p < 0.05). Resignificant effects on the affective dimension of attitude. gression results revealed that the perceived credibility and the navigation do not have signiThe positive of the perceived credibility (s = - 0.314, p < 0.05), the perceived ease of ficant effects onimpact the affective dimension of attitude. use (s = - 0.121, p < 0.05), the navigation (s = - 0.092, p > 0.05), the responsiveness (s = The positive impact of the perceived credibility (s = - 0.314, p < 0.05), the perceived ease of use (s = - 0.121, p < 0.05), the navigation (s = - 0.092, p > 0.05), the responsiveness (s = - 0.256, p < 0.000), and the perceived usefulness (s = - 0.539, p < 0.001) on the conative dimension of the attitude were not supported.
Table 3: Regression Results on Predicting the Attitude Toward the Blog
Conative dimension s t p Perceived credibility .368 6.129 .000*** .064 1.000 .318 -5.127 .000*** .314 Navigation .049 .664 .507 .024 .376 .707 -1.635 .103 Perceived .092 Interactivity Responsiveness .062 .857 .392 .443 6.885 .000*** -1.635 .103 .092 Perceived usefulness .471 8.076 .000*** .156 3.031 .003** .000*** .539 12.170 Perceived ease of use .000*** .129 2.050 .041* -2.224 .027* .273 3.813 .121 Adjusted R 26.736*** 19.313*** 32.450*** Antecedents ***p<0.001, **p<0.01, *p<0.05 Cognitive dimension s t p Affective dimension s t p Table 3: Regression Results on Predicting the Attitude Toward the Blog dimension of the attitude were not supported. 0.256, p < 0.000), and the perceived usefulness (s = - 0.539, p < 0.001) on the conative Regression results revealed that the perceived credibility and the navigation do not have 0.05) on the cognitive dimension is noticed.

Purchase Intention and Attitude Toward the Blog


Olfa Bouhlel, Nabil Mzoughi, Mohamed Skander Ghachem & Anissa Negra,'Online Purchase Intention' | 45

As shown in Table 4, the attitude toward the blog had a positive effect on the bloggers intention to buy the products and the brands that were discussed in the blog. Measures show

and Toward the Blog that the cognitive Purchase dimension ofIntention the attitude had a Attitude positive impact on bloggers purchase
As p<0.001). shown in Table 4, the attitude toward blog had a positive intention (s = 0.423, H5a is supported. The affective andthe the conative dimensions effect on the bloggers intention to buy the products and the brands that were discussed in the blog. Measures show of the attitude had a negative effect on purchase intention. H5b and H5c are thus not that the cognitive dimension of the attitude had a positive impact on bloggers purchase insupported. tention (s = 0.423, p<0.001). H5a is supported. The affective and the conative dimensions of the attitude had a negative effect on purchase intention. H5b and H5c are thus not supported. Table 4: Regression Results on Predicting the Purchase Intention
Table 4: Regression Results on Predicting the Purchase Intention
Purchase Purchase intention s Cognitive Blog attitude Affective Conative ***p <0.001 .423 t 6.932 p .000***

-.264 -4.760 .000*** -.213 -3.346 .001***



Data indicate that toward the the blog is determined through the perceived credibData indicate that the attitude toward the the blogattitude is determined through perceived credibility, ility, the usefulness andConfirming the perceived ease of use. Confirming the postulation that the perceived usefulness andperceived the perceived ease of use. the postulation that the
perceived credibility positively affects the attitude toward the blog (Buzzlogic, 2008; Cohen,

the perceived credibility positively affects the attitude toward the blog (Buzzlogic, 2008; Cohen, 2008), the findings show that this effect is only supported for the cognitive and the 2008); the findings show that this effect is only supported for the cognitive and the conative conative dimensions of the blog attitude. The more the blog is credible, the more the visitor dimensions of the has blog attitude. The more the blog credible, themore more he the hasto make a purchase. Accordpositive thoughts about the is blog and the isvisitor inclined positive thoughts about the blog andMatanda the more he is inclined to make a purchase. to can be enhanced through ing to Ng and (2009), a favourable attitude According toward a blog a positive buzz as attitude well astoward by relating to reputable (Ng & Matanda, 2009), a favourable a blog the can links be enhanced throughand a credible websites. Online shoppers comments about their past purchase is an effective tool to enhance positive buzz as well as by relating the links to reputable and credible experience websites. Online blogs credibility (Ba & Pavlou, 2002). shoppers comments about their past purchase experience is an effective tool to enhance Contrary to Ng and Matandas thoughts (2009), the positive effect of the perceived inblogs credibility (Ba & Pavlou, 2002). teractivity on the attitude toward the blog was rejected. This result can be explained through Contrary to Ng and Matandas thoughts (2009), the positive effect of the perceived the assessment of the perceived interactivity through the adaptation of a scale initially deinteractivity on theveloped attitude toward the blog was rejected. This result can be explained to measure the interactivity of shopping websites.through Nevertheless, blogs are considered the assessment ofto the interactivity through the adaptation of (Demopoulos, a scale initially 2007). Blogs allow visitors beperceived more interactive than traditional websites to be the partinteractivity of the discussion, interact and participate in blogs conversations. developed to measure of shopping websites. Nevertheless, are The findings support the hypothesis testing the impact of the perceived usefulness on the attitude toward the blog proposed by Oh et al. (2009) and Malhotra and McCort (2001). 12 Additionally, the ease of use of the blog was found to explain the favourable attitude toward the blog. The more the bloggers found it convenient and useful, the more they appreciated it. According to Hsu and Lin (2008), blog-hosting service providers should develop tools that require minimum effort in order to influence positively visitors beliefs. As expected, the bloggers with favourable blog attitude showed a predisposition to make real purchases. However, only the cognitive dimension of the attitude positively influenced the intention to purchase products and brands displayed in the blog. Brands futures depend

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on the fact that consumers control a part of the blog conversations by expressing their beliefs and opinions (Cohen, 2005; Lei & Wang, 2005).

This study emphasises the importance of examining consumers attitudes toward the blogs and its effect on the purchase intention. The research model can be used as a reference schema for predicting future choices of bloggers. It integrates perceptual variables such as the credibility, the interactivity, the ease of use, the usefulness, the attitude toward the blog, and the purchase intention. The concepts were assessed through the adaptation of scales initially constructed for websites. Data were collected using a survey involving 245 Internet users. The results show that the credibility, the usefulness and the ease of use of the blog generate a positive attitude toward the blog. The attitude toward the blog had a positive impact on the purchase intention. Practitioners begin using blogs to inform about the latest news on brands. This study allows them to use this emerging tool in a more strategic way. It can be used in the improvement of the content of blogs and reach a favourable attitude toward the blog. For instance, managers might improve the usefulness of their blogs and take special care of the content they display; they have to make sure not to publish false information or rumours that can damage the credibility of the blog and have lately negative consequences on their turnover. This study has some inherent limitations. The subjects were Tunisian blog users. Culture, values and purchase behaviour may differ among countries. The research model explains the purchase intention from a blogosphere perspective, but excluded factors such as the content and the design of the investigated blog. It would be interesting to study their direct and indirect effect on the purchase intention.

The authors would like to thank Kaouther Ben Nejma for her precious help in administering the questionnaire.

Measure of the attitude toward the blog (Wu, 1999) - I think that this blog is trustworthy. - I think that this blog is honest. - I think that this blog is credible. - I think that this blog is interesting. - I think that this blog is intelligent. - I think that this blog is attractive. - I think that this blog is agreeable. - I think that this blog is appealing. - I think that this blog is amusing. - I think that this blog is stimulating. - I would add it to my favourite sites. - I would recommend this site to my friends. - I would use the email or the online-form to contact the company. - I would revisit this blog when I will need information about products.

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- I would have the intention to buy from this blog.

Measure of the perceived credibility (Sundar, 1998; 1999; 2000) - This blog is fair. - This blog is neutral. - This blog is objective. Measure of the perceived interactivity (Wu, 1999) - When I was on the blog, I always knew where I was. - When I was on the blog, I always knew where I was going. - When I was on the blog, I was always capable to go where I thought I was going. - The hypertext links and the pictures indicate me exactly what I should expect. - The layout was like a roadmap during my exploration of this blog. - When I clicked on the hypertext link or the pictures, I felt well toward the published information. - When I was on the blog, I could skip quickly from one page to another. - I felt that I could not have sufficiently useful information merely because there was too much of it. - I was delighted with being capable to choose the link or to click on it. - I was happy to express my feelings and opinions about the blog through the comments or the feedback. Measure of the perceived ease of use (Yoo & Donthu, 2001) - The use of this blog is convenient. - It is easy to search information. Measure of the perceived usefulness (Heijden et al., 2000; Moon & Kim, 2001; Chen et al., 2002): - This blog makes my purchases easier. - This blog provides useful information about the products and the services. Measure of the purchase intention (MacKenzie et al. 1986) - This blog raised in me the desire to buy its product. - I am going to test the product proposed on this blog. - If I buy this product, it would be the brand that is proposed on this blog.

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Nabil Mzoughi is Professor of marketing and director of the research unit MaPReCoB at the Higher Institute of Management, University of Sousse (Tunisia). His researches on consumer behaviour and online consumer behaviour, has presented at several national and international conferences and published in various journals such as Journal of Internet Business, Journal of Customer Behaviour, Journal of Global Information Technology Management and Innovative Marketing. He is in charge of several PhD projects developed around the topics of banking, e-banking and e-commerce. Nabil Mzoughi BP 37. Khezama-Est. 4051 Sousse Tunisia Tel: +216 73 332976, Email: Olfa Bouhlel is teaching assistant of marketing at the University of Sousse and member of the research unit MaPReCoB. Her main research line is the relationship between marketing and online consumer behaviour. She participated in international conferences of several associations: International Business Information Management Association, and The International Group of E-systems Research and Applications. She has published in Journal of Internet Business, Journal of Customer Behavior and Innovative Marketing Journal. E-mail: Mohamed Skander Ghachem is a teaching assistant of management at the Higher Institute of Finance and Taxes of Sousse, Tunisia. He is a member of the Research Unit MaPReCoB. His research focuses on Supply Chain Management and e-management. Some of his research has been presented at international conferences to managerial and academic audiences and has been published in international journals such as Journal of Global Information Technology Management. He was manager at the second textile company of Tunisia. E-mail: Anissa Negra is a teaching assistant of marketing at the University of Sousse and member of the research unit MaPReCoB. Her current areas of interest include online procrastination, online consumer behaviour, e-marketing, e-commerce and e-tourism. She has published in various journals such as Journal of Internet Business and Journal of Customer Behavior. E-mail:

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