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Analytical Chemistry 1. Which of the following precipitate are hardest to filter? a. isomorphous b. gelatinous c. crystalline d. curdy precipitates 2.

What is the color of methyl orange at ph = 8? a. red b. yellow c. colorless d. blue 3. Which of the following conditions would induce precipitation? a. high temperature b. dilute solns c. low ph d. all of the above . What is the density of !.1"# $2%& which is '(.11 ) *w+w,? a. 1. g+l b. !. g+l c. 1.4 g/ml d. !.1 - 1(. g+l '. Which of the following has the highest purity? a. primary Std. b. /%0 reagent c. AC% reagent d. C0 reagent ". What is the color of litmus paper in acid? a. blue b. red c. orange d. colorless !. Calculate the molar analytical concentration of solute when 2.' gram of 1$ *2&3,2 is dissol3ed and diluted to '(( ml. *#W 1$ *2&3,2 = 34( g+mol, a. (.((" 1 # b. 0.01282 M

c. (.(2'" #

d. (.(38 " #

8. 5ri- scale is the hydrometer scale for6 a. gasoline b. sugar solution c. li7uefied propane gas d. water 4. A (.(1( 8 wea9 acid is .1! ioni:ed. What is the ioni:ation constant? a.1. 4 ! 10"# b.3." - 1(.' . c. 1.2 - 1( d. 1.2 - 1(.' 1(. What is the most commonly used reagent in the standardi:ation of acids? a. 12%& b. 5orac. 5aCl2 d. $a2%&' 11. What is the practical method of coagulation? a. increasing ( b. agitating+stirring c. digestion d. all of the abo3e 12. A (.(!22 # acid has p$ of 3.11; what is the 1a of the acid? a. .2 - 1(." b.8.'# ! 10") .! c. 8.3' - 1( d. .2 - 1(.! 13. What weight. in grams of 1#n& needed to form a 2'( ml solution of (.1( #? a. !.' b. 2.!' c. '.*# d. 84.'

1 . 2n a redo- reaction; you need6

a. a strong &A < WA b. a strong =A < a wea9 &A c. a strong &+ , a strong -+ d. a wea9 &A < wea9 =A 1'. %i-teen grams of a mi-ture of sodium < potassium is neutrali:ed with ( moles of $2%& . $ow many grams of potassium is present in the mi-ture? a. '.(1 g b. 2.43 g c.10.*) g d. '.( g 1". >wenty milliliter of a (.12' # $Cl is mi-ed with 2' m? of (.12( # @$3. What is the resulting p$ of the mi-ture? a. (.('' b. 1.2) c. !.'2 d. 8.'( 1!. What is the color of phenolphthalein at p$ = 1(? a. colorless b. blue c. red d. yellow 18. What is the color of 5romcresol green at p$ = 4? a. colorless b. yellow c. red d. blue types 14. Which of the following types of precipitimetry is used as a direct method for halide determination? a. Mohr method b. Aolhard method c. 8aBans method d. none of the abo3e 2(. What is the titrant used in #ohr method?

a. +g$&' c. 1 8e * C@,"

b. 1%C@ d. 1C@

21. What is the indicator used in 8aBans method of precipitimetry? a. methylorange b. phenolputhalein c. 5romcresol green d. Sodium fluoresclinate 22. A certain solution is 9nown to contain a compatible combination of two of the following substance6 $Cl; @a2$0& ; $30& ; @a&$; @a30& . >itration of a sample with (.'1( @ $Cl; using methyl orange; re7uires 28.1 m? of the acid. With the mass of the sample < phenolphthalein indicator; 1!.1 m? of the $Cl is re7uired. What components are present < how many grams of each are in the sple ta9en? a. @a$20& = (.32 g; @a&$ = (.1! g b. @a&$ = (.'1 g; @a$20& = (.!1 g c. $a'.&4 / 0.*21 g0 $a&1 / 0.12 g d. $Cl = (.' g; $30& = (.14 g

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