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This is how I spent my life with blond blue eyes Australian woman, this is some information about me and


When I met Tanya she had problems with her family Tanya had knowledge about Islam and Arab Tanya followed me to Lebanon Tanya followed me to Europe I refused to come to Australia at first The ambassador gave me a visa for Australia Tanya put a lot of pressure on me to come to Australia I m not a refugee in Australia Tanya never worked a day in her life I bought three houses for Tanya I bought Tanya a !"#,### car I bought very e$pensive furniture for the houses I bought Tanya gold and diamond %ewelry Tanya lied to me when she said to me she would look after my kids Tanya speciali&es in fraud Tanya used to steal money from my bank account without my knowledge

Tanya stole !'#,### worth of gold from me and sold it to cash converters for !'## Tanya stole my car for personal use and forged my signature to sell it While I slept Tanya used to steal money from my wallet Tanya also sent (ofia, my daughter, to steal money from my wallet Tanya was very unhygienic, I had to force her to clean herself Tanya would travel at night with my kids to steal cloths from salvation army bins

When I married Tanya, she didn t receive anything from her family I had to continually show Tanya how to clean the house, kids and herself I offered my neighbor !)### to convince Tanya to clean the house, kids and herself

I have never had a girlfriend in Australia apart from Tanya I tried everything possible to change Tanya, but failed I used to take Tanya to my friends house so she could be shown how to do housework, by his wife There was always rotten food and fruit under the bed Tanya would only change her clothes once every three days There was always baby milk on Tanya s chest and clothes Tanya had no shame and could care what people thought about her I only stayed with Tanya for the kids I got too tired of Tanya and told her we must separate (he asked me three times for another chance but she never changed There was nobody I could ask for help in her family Tanya has no friends I offered her a lot of money to go and marry an Australian man Tanya used to take the kids to horse riding lessons* The owner there offered

Tanya her brother who lives in +ueensland

Tanya told me about that and I was happy I offered Tanya !'##,### to go and live in +ueensland Tanya changed her mind about going to +ueensland I left the house, on the second night after leaving to house I saw Tanya and my kids at a salvation army clothes bin at ,*##pm* Tanya lifted up my son and into the bin so he could pass her clothes*

I went over to them and said to Tanya, -What are you doing here at night stealing clothes with a !"#,### car ne$t to youI think nobody would be able to live with this woman I should have won a pri&e for staying with this woman for so long, ha ha ha I asked Tanya more than .# times to go and see a psychologist but she always refused Tanya started to show unusual behavior I went to (ydney on a business trip* I got a phone call from my friend /ulie and she told me that Tanya had called her and said -I am leaving Ali and the house and I m taking the kids with me but I am leaving 0achid in the park- /ulie replied why are you calling me why don t you call Ali /ulie called me and told me what had %ust happened I asked /ulie to pick up my son /ulie went with her two daughters to pick up my son from the park and take him to her place /ulie called me and she said to me 0achid is at my place now After Tanya s father died her mother became lonely Tanya really is inhumane 1nly an animal would do what Tanya did The very ne$t morning I flew back to 2erth when I returned home . found that my house was completely

empty I called /ulie and I went to her house I asked my son what has happened and he said Tanya and her mother brought a truck over and they cleared out the house then left me at the park at "*##pm I called her mother and I said what s happened, she said -I cant talk to you now I am busy-

I called the ne$t day and asked about my kids and she said -don t worry about you kids they are safe my husband told me before he died to look after the kids- then she hung up the phone

I called another day and she said to me I don t have any time for you and don t call me anymore I went to my lawyer because I don t want be above the law and do something stupid I thought I am in a first world country and I have rights 3y lawyer arranged everything and Tanya brought my kids to my place and it was a good day for me (he started to bring the kids to my place everyday Tanya invited me to her house and I refused to go there because I know she like a snake (he said -why don t you want to go to my place I want to show you how clean it is- I said another time 4e$t time my daughter (ofia asked me to come over and I went there I wasn t comfortable there I didn t want any trouble because I didn t want to loose my kids Tanya used to ask me what I m doing but I never told her what I m doing 3y son 0achid one day after school he went to Tanyas place to play with his brother and sister 0achid was .5 years old at the time

Tanya s mother was there and told 0achid you are not allowed here go back to your fathers place At 6*##pm police came to my place and they wanted to charge me with breach of a restraining order I e$plained to him what happened that it wasn t me it was my son that went there* The police asked my son what happened and my son e$plained what happened, the police still took me to 7remantle police station

They told me Tanya has a restraining order on me, I said I had no idea about the restraining order and he said you know now, I said yes I stopped all communication with my kids 3y lawyer made another arrangement Tanya brought the kids to my place and apoligised to me and she said -its nothing to do with me it was my mother that did itI used to go out with Tanya and the kids Tanya called me and invited me to her place to help her with a small party because her mother had an operation in her eye I said to her I don t want any surprises from the police she promised me nothing is going to happen so I went there with my son 0achid and we had a good time with the kids When I left the kids were very upset and they wanted me to stay there but I didn t stay Tanya used to visit me at my place almost everyday and she asked me to take her out and I did (he used to ask me all the time about my work address but I never gave her my work address I went to 7remantle court for some business and Tanya, her mother and my youngest daughter were there When my daughter saw me she ran after me and Tanya s mother stopped her and Tanya looked at me

and smiled After a while Tanya started to call me and say the kids want to see you so I went there to see my kids Tanya visited my place with her lawn mower and mowed the lawn Tanya invited me to her place after I went there with my son 0achid every time . visited my kids . would give each one !.##* After 8inner I went with Tanya to the video shop to rent some 898s

We rented a video and went back home, we all sat together and watched the movie :etween , and 6pm three men entered the house and start yelling and they had guns one of them threatened my son 0achid and everyone was scared* I %umped on him and told them to leave the house then Tanya stated to yell at me and told me to leave the house and told me don t come back here anymore this is my house, so I left with my son 0achid The ne$t day I moved house I asked /ulie to marry me and she accepted At the time I owned a petrol station and was building 6 apartments and /ulie and my son 0achid would come with me everyday to work At the petrol station someone ran into /ulie with their car, /ulie called the cops and the police didn t show up (omeone went to /ulies house at night and threw bricks at her car windows, she reported this to the police Tanya and her mother and two men came to my service station, /ulie and my son were there Tanya was wearing glasses, uniform and a wig to change her look and so was her mother, they threatened /ulie /ulie started to become very ill and scared I sent

my son 0achid to Lebanon for his safety and /ulie and I went to :ali When I came back from :ali /ulie was scared of going to the petrol station and the business collapsed I decide to find out what they want from me, on /anuary '##; I took a ta$i at 5*##pm to Tanya s mothers house to find out what they want from me

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