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4 men took a high powered rifle and shot 3 holes into the oleymaniy Mosque in the suburb of Queens

Park in Perth, Western Australia on ebruary 4, 2 ! " #f you go into the publi$ with a firearm loaded and dis$harge it you dll go to %ail without question" &o fire it at a building is worse and to fire it at a holy will guarantee you a long %ail term" &he intent of the 4 people in'ol'ed was to use terror in the Perth Muslim $ommunity" (ut not only that, the 4 men were part of 'is$ous ra$ist )eo )a*i +roup $alled ,-ombat !.," )ow, how many years do you ink they re$ei'ed/ 0ne was fined 1! , " , the other 3 were ea$h re$ei'ed a %ail rm of only 2 months" 3uspended44 &hey didn5t e'en spend a single day in %ail" a$e

6hile # was in %ail, a %udge in the 7amily -ourt insisted that # would not de$ide if ! 8e my $hildren, the $hildren would de$ide" # ha'e 9 $hildren, 3 are under : years of 8 and the youngest was only ! when # $ame to prison" What this %udge said was not y out of line but outside the law" (ut as # am finding out, #n Western Australia, rthing goes" &hey do as they please" lile in ;akea Prison, my statement to my lawyer was stolen, poli$e ha'e ,snit$hes, "he prison system" &his is 'ery well known" Prison guards re$ei'ed my statement m another prisoner almost immediately and he was sent to prote$tion" &his tement was handed to the prose$utor Mr <a'e <empster and at the appeal he asked pointed questions whi$h showed he had a $opy of this statement" &his $an only be iwn to be blatent -0==>P&#0)" sault of Western Prisoners in Middle ?ast %ails does not happen, but the re'erse is s here" me terrible things ha'e happened to me in the %ail system"

#t is hard for ordinary people to a$$ept and understand that poli$e will openly lie to $on'i$t someone" <ete$ti'e @isa =eynolds ga'e the media wrong information and lied" A 3he $oa$hed witnesses" A 3he brought my !2 year old daughter to the $ourt" A 3he failed to eBplain that # arri'ed by taBi at 4pm at the property some hours before any in$ident" A 3he had no eBplanation to the $ourt as to why she lied to the media Why was there no media $o'erage about this/ Why $an she be allowed to say whate'er she likes and get away with it/ &o the poli$e, # was a ,-ra*y Muslim @eb," &o those who know me, # am a de'oted family man with a mentally ill wife who suffers depression, anBiety and $onstant paranoia"

#f # had known this, # would ha'e ne'er $ome to Australia" &he Middle ?ast and Muslims in general should seek their meat and wheat elsewhere" #he ra$ist an$@ religiously intolerant Australia should be seen as su$h" Australian should seek to look at their own problems and 3rd World legal 3ystem before le$turing others"

My own lawyer C @aurie @e'yD $ontinually insisted # should plead guilty" ;e read from a 3tatement of Material fa$ts whi$h was put simply ,total rubbish, and # told him so" ;e insisted # had taken a hammer and a knife with me" ;e fought me e'ery in$h of the way on a multitude of issues" # was subsequently found not guilty on the weapon $harge, that being the hammer and the knife" # should ha'e immediately dismissed @aurie @e'y in hindsight" @aurie @e'y eBplained to me that he would not apply for bail for me as ! had no $han$e of it being granted" ! insisted that he apply, but he $ontinually refused" ?'en the %udge asked if ,<o you ha'e a bail appli$ation for your $lient/, 3ubsequently, two people in Western Australia ha'e obtained bail in the 3upreme -ourt on Wilful Murder $harges to prepare their $ases, more serious $ases than mine" ;e didn5t e'en appear for the se$ond day of my trial" -olin @o'itt Q- was 'ery upset" 0n the day of the 'erdi$t he left the $ourtroom before the 'erdi$t was read to attend a swimming $ompetition" 7urther, on the day of senten$ing # appeared by myself" @aurie @e'y and -olin @o'itt Q- refused to put me and my wife Eulie on the stand after repeated requests and # did not sign any wai'er wai'ing my right to take the stand" ;ere is a simple eBample of the multitude of $onfli$ting and ridi$ulous witness statements as taken from the $ourt trans$ript" ;ere -olin @o'itt Q- is questioning the trial %udge, Eusti$e (laBell, regarding a poor and unbalan$ed summarising of the e'iden$eF @0G#&&F )o, but there is $ertainly $onfli$ting e'iden$e" &he toilet s$enario for eBampleF she5s in the toilet8 she5s stabbedF she5s hit with a hammer o'er and o'er again and there5s not a spe$k of blood on her" &hat5s a pretty big point your ;onour, and your ;onour didn5t gi'e it an iota of attention in your ;onour5s summary of both the e'iden$e and H you didn5t purport to summari*e the defen$e $ase eB$ept to tell the %ury that they heard the final address re$ently" )o attempt was then made by the %udge to amend this" IIIIIII

&he abo'e is but one of many glaring point on how bad the trial was" Jou must understand that both &anya and her mother are dri'en by re'enge and a twisted personality disorder" &hey must win at all $osts" 7or &anya, she must hurt me be$ause # will not put up with her games" 3he knows # only stayed around for the $hildren" 3he e'en demanded ! di'or$e Eulie and $ome ba$k to her while we waited for the ambulan$e"#n $ountries like Muslim #ndonesia, prisoners speak freely to the media and are e'en allowed out to restaurants for their birthday" #n Australia, prisoners are threatened if they speak to the media" )o media are allowed to 'isit" #f family members lobby for you, they are often intimidated by the poli$e" &his is $ommon" &he poli$e in Australia are 'ery $orrupt" &he prison works with the poli$e and legal fraternity to lo$k away embarrassing $ases" &here are many su$h eBamples in the prison whi$h # am held" oJ i \ A uK "9 LMr w f \ <LLSLS^ K

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An eBample of &anya5s personality followsF &anya stole my $ar, used my $ar and then sold my $ar by forging my signature" &his was reported to Poli$e and they did nothing" 3he stole regularly from my bank a$$ount by forging my signature" 3he stole 12 , " of my gold %ewelry and sold it for 12 " "

3he would regularly steal money from my wallet and would tea$h my daughter 3ofia to do the same" After # reHmarried she $ame to my businessNwhere my wife Eulie and son =ashid were working, with her Mother and two gangsters" &hey wore wigs, glasses and uniform" &hey threatened Eulie" &his was all $aptured on se$urity 'ideo and was admitted in the $ourtroom" &anya went to Eulies home and smashed her $ar window" A large tru$k $ame to my business and pushed Eulie approBimately ! meters" &here were many witnesses to this e'ent" Poli$e were $onta$ted and they again did nothing" >nable to ha'e any $ontrol o'er me or intimidate my new wife, &anya stole the $hildren with her mother and disappeared" &he only way she knew how to get to me" My son =ashid Cfrom first marriage in @ebanonD went to see his brothers and sisters" &anyas mother told him to lea'e and refused to let him see his brothers and sisters" When # returned from work, poli$e ser'ed me with a restraining order" &o this day, # ha'e no idea what it was about" 0ne day &anya in'ited me to her home" 3he told me that the kids miss their father" # went there with my son =ashid around .pm" 3ome time after, three men entered the property with guns and stated that they were Poli$e" &anya started s$reaming and my son was threatened by these men" After arguing with the men we left the property" All my $hildren witnessed this e'ent" &he following day # re$ei'ed another restraining order" 7ollowing this # mo'ed house to stay away from my eBHwife"

My name is Ali Amihoun" My story is your story" What has happened to me $an happen to you" #5m %ust like you" 0r, # used to be" # used to be a su$$essful businessman and the proud father of 9 $hildren" )ow # am lo$ked away for !O years for a $rime # ne'er $ommitted" # ha'e lost e'erything" My business, my $hildren, and my wife Eulie" 0nly my strong Muslim 7aith has kept me going through some 'ery dark times" What has happened to me $an happen to you" My story is your story"

0n 2! Eanuary 2 2 # was arrested at the residen$e of my eB motherHinHlaw, Pamela Pepi$ and $harged with Attempted Murder" &his was in Perth, Western Australia" Poli$e alleged # went to the residen$e of my former wi'es mother and brutally bashed her and then attempted to murder my former wife" #t was alleged # took a hammer and a knife H the %ury subsequently found me not guilty of the $harge of these weapons" &he lead up to the trial and the trial itself was high $omedy and a far$e" # emptied 1!: , " into my defen$e" #t would ha'e been wiser to gi'e it to a homeless man on the street" #n the $oming weeks and months # will detail my $ase" # will post eB$erpts from my book" Jou will not belie'e how the defense $ounsel, prose$ution and the %udges $an $onspire against you" 7urther you will see how the poli$e lie and how e'iden$e is fabri$ated" Why/ What has happened to me $an happen to you"

My eBHwife $onstantly a$$used me of infidelity" 3he was eBtremely la*y" &h"e house was a $onstant pig sty" &he $hildren were suffering" )o matter how # begged for her to seek help, she always had an eB$use" 3e'eral times # left, unable to stand her embarrassing tirades any more" 3he e'en followed me to the Middle ?ast arid ?urope begging me to return" # always did, fearing for my $hildren" A fear she woul d $onstantly use against me" 3he was a master of manipulation"

After the $onfrontation at her mothers house, we all stood at the front of the house" (oth my eBHwife and myself had tumbled down a flight of stairs after she atta$ked me with a knife" 3he had slashes to her fa$e and minor pun$ture wounds as a result" # had a stab wound to my hand when # fended off her lunging at me" # $alled an ambulan$e and my eBHwife be heard telling me $almly to tell them there has been a ,murder, so the ambulan$e would $ome qui$kly" &he tape was ne'er played in $ourt, on@y a written trans$ript was used in e'iden$e saying """ ,there5s been a murder," # was then hit on the head by a hammer by my eB MotherH#nH@aw" My eBHwife e'en ast$ed me to di'or$e my new wife Eulie, and reHmarry her, whi$h # refused" After this refi isal m'Australia $laims to be a multi $ultural demo$ra$y but it is not" &he (ritish in'aded Australia and stole it from the )ati'e Australians" &hen they filled it with desperate people from ?ngland who stole bread to sur'i'e and were transported here" ;ow a modem nation starts is a good indi$ator of its nature" #f someone had told me how Australia really was, # would ha'e ne'er $ome here" &hey $laim to ha'e KK%usti$e, but really there is only a ,system," &here is NO ,%usti$e," I KNOW this, # am in it" ?'ery day # speak with people who ha'e been burnt by the ,system,

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