Prisoner Transfer

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3Mathilda Evans Tel: 0447 529 933 Email: Cb For Dr ohn !alsh o" #rannagh Tel: 042$ 529 937 Email: %ohn&'@nor"ol(.n" 50) #o*r(e +treet Mel'o*rne 3000 )9 March 20)2 Dear Mr. ,mmo* "ind enclosed a "*rther co/0 o" the ,//lication "or Trans"er "orm &e have /re/ared on 0o*r 'ehal". This doc*ment re1*ests that 0o* 'e trans"erred "rom the /rison 0o* are c*rrentl0 held at in !, to one in 2+! 'ased on the /resence o" 0o*r "amil0 there. This &as originall0 sent to 0o* in mid32ovem'er o" last 0ear. 4o*r ne/he& 5ha' did indicate to me that 0o* had received this '*t 0o*r last letter to Dr !alsh s*ggested that 0o* had not- so &e are sending it again. .lease chec( it thoro*ghl0 and i" there are no ma%or mista(es 6minor ones can 'e "i7ed '0 0o*rsel" &ith a /en8 sign and date it. !e &ill send it9 along &ith co/ies o" the three letters "rom 0o*r "amil0 mem'ers 0o* sent *s and the "irst /age o" 0o*r latest 5ndivid*al Management .lan revie& :&hich s*//orts o*r statement that 0o* do not receive man0 visitors8 to the +*/erintendant o" ,l'an0 /rison. ;nder the reg*lations regarding interstate trans"er the +*/erintendant &ill /re/are some doc*ments to go &ith 0o*r a//lication and "or&ard it to the Minister. !e have incl*ded a co/0 o" these reg*lations "or 0o*r in "ormation. !e ta(e this o//ort*nit0 to reiterate that Dr !alsh has never 'een retained to <re/resent< 0m*Tte &as hired and /aid =5-000 '0 *lie >ham'ers to read the transcri/t o" th?decision in 0o*r a//eal and advise on the li(elihcc3om"cr/ s*ccess"*l ho/ed to the @igh >o*rt o" ,*stralia. @e did so- see(ing a second o/inion "rom another la&0erand concl*ded that there is little chance o" s*ccess in a @igh >o*rt a//eal. >laims that 0o* have made in /revio*s corres/ondence that Dr !aish told 0o* over the /hone that 0o* have a 90A chance o" s*ccess are incorrect. ,ll &or( &e have done "or 0o* since giving the o/inion to Ms >ham'ers that an a//eal &as *nli(el0 to s*cceed has not 'een /aid "or- and &e do not as( "or /a0ment- ho&ever &e are *na'le to contin*e to act "or 0Bo*Bon this 'asis. ,ltho*gh &e are &illing to "or&ard 0o*r a//lication "or trans"er to the relevant Minister Dr !alsh is not 0o*r la&0er and &ill not contin*e to res/ond to 0o*r letters &hich contain little o" s*'stance and man0 com/laints. +incerel0Mathilda Evans ,ssociate to Dr ohn !alsh o" #rannagh #arrister3at3Ca&

,li ,mmo*n ,l'an0 Degional .rison !estern ,*stralia 30 an*ar0 20)2 Ca&0er Dr !alsh5 &rite to 0o* concerning in"ormation 5 have onl0 recentl0 o'tained "rom m0 ne/he&lha'- d*ring a tele/hone conversation. @e states that 0o*- Dr ohn !alsh- m0 la&0er :s*//osedl08 contacted him revealing in"ormation regarding m0 */coming high co*rt a//eal. This in"ormation consisted o" m0 case s*ddenl0 'eing gro*ndless d*e to an alleged missing disc o" evidence. 5 have a 'o7 o" transcri/ts in m0 /ossession that contain several gro*nds "or a//eal and 5 am &ondering i" 0o* also have 'een availed o" these "ilesE 5 cannot (no& &hat 0o* have in 0o*r /ossession or &hat 0o* do not have- as 5 have received nothing &hat3so3ever "rom 0o*. The onl0 thing 5 have heard has 'een the conversation mentioned a'ove &ith m0 ne/he&. E recall o*r tele/hone conversation mid 0ear 20))- &hen 0o* ass*red me o" a 90 something /er cent chance o" a//eal in the high co*rt o" ,*stralia- hence m0 &ill to /*rs*e the matter "*rther. 5 also recall m0sel" re/eating the 1*estion and receiving 0o*r ass*rance that chances o" a//eal in ,*stralia &ere never )00A '*t in m0 :1*oting 0o*r &ords- not mine8 a 99A chance &as mentioned and 0o* then acce/ted the =5000.00 and have since not even graced me &ith so m*ch as a recei/t. 5" 5 am to *nderstand correctl0 0o* &ish me to /rovide the missing evidence disc. +ir 5 m*st remind 0o* o" m0 c*rrent circ*mstancesi a la/ o" an oval is the limit o" m0 "reedom. 5 have no &a0 to access an0thing in m0 c*rrent3/osition and it is even hindered &ith re1*ests made "or in"ormation 5 sho*ld have "rom F"reedom o" in"ormationG. There"ore- 5 no& in"orm 0o* that in m0 /ro/ert0 5 have t&o dis(ettes that ma0'e this missing evidence or it ma0 not. 5 &ill 'e ins/ecting them as soon as 5 can and ho/e the0 &ill 'e o" *se. The disc also 'rings 'ac( 0o*r &ords d*ring one /hone conversation &here 0o* stated that !.,. is &orse than the H.I.#. /ortrait '0 the &estern media. !ith that 1*ote alone- ho& am 5 e7/ected to get the missing disc- given that it is something that is /rod*ced '0 the co*rtsJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Degardless o" the content o" the dis(ettes 5 have man0 inconsistencies in the co*rt transcri/ts that 5 have in m0 /ossession and man0 inconsistent statements. 5" 0o* had ta(en the time o*t o" 0o*r '*s0 sched*le to dro/ in and visit me on one o" 0o*r visits here to .erth 5 co*ld have sho&n 0o* these man0 strange inconsistencies. 5Gm certainthat having seen these "iles 0o* &o*ld not 'e citing <2o gro*nds "or a//eal &itho*t this missing discK. 5 have 'een granted the right to a//l0 "or a trans"er to a 2+! /rison. This comes into e""ect in Fe' on or a'o*t the 23 o" the month. L" co*rse there are no g*arantees &ith

an0thing on this side o" the 'order line- let alone the "ence- '*t 5 can onl0 ho/e and /ra0 that this &ill event*ate and 5 can &or( &ith 0o* on m0 a//eal as 5 have no3one at all on m0 side over here in !estern ,*stralia. 5 am alone on this. ,nother reason 5 am an7io*s to get o*t o" this +tate- &here it lac(s a *stice s0stem- to a +tate that is o/en to corrective *stice. M*estions are at times as(ed as to &h0 one convicted m*rderer is given a sla/ on the &rist "or not "ighting and 1*estioning the s0stem. ,gainst those &ho (no&ing the0 are innocent- /*t a case "or&ard that ends */ in the co*rts. Dragged here and there- at times 'e"ore the media- ma(ing */ so3called evidence- li(e detective Cisa :in m0 case8 &ith no real s*//ort9 and then li(e me those /eo/le 'ecome /risoners "or )N 0ears or more. @o& can the claims o" O *sticeG 'e com/rehended in this +tate- &hen 5 &as "o*nd Onot g*ilt0G o" the claimed &ea/ons chargesJ The (ni"e &as something added '0 the /olice and 5 am mentioning this 'eca*se o" one case &here the /erson too( a ri"le to the intended victims ho*se and shoot him. That /erson onl0 got "o*r 0ears and "o*r months as his sentence. Than( 0o* "or ta(e this time to read thro*gh m0 letter and re1*est. >an 0o* advise me o" e7actl0 &hich "iles and transcri/ts- concerning m0 case- 0o* have received th*s "ar "rom either m0sel"- *lie >ham'ers or an0 other /art0J !ith this in"ormation 5 &ill 'e a'le to ga*ge &hat else ma0'e o*t there that 5 can get hold o"" to /ass onto 0o*- as 0o* ma0 re1*ire the content. Degards

,li ,mmo*nMathilda Evans Tel: 0447 529 933 Email:


Dr ohn !alsh o" #rannagh Tel: 042$ 529 937 Email: %ohn&'@&e'mail.n" 50) #o*r(e +treet Mel'o*rne 3000 ) Fe'r*ar0 20)2 Dear Mr. ,mmo*n!e &rite to 0o* in res/onse to 0o*r letter dated 30 an*ar0 20)2. 5n that letter 0o* indicated that most o" the in"ormation 0o* &ere rel0ing on came "rom disc*ssions &ith 0o*r ne/he& 5ha'- &ho has s/o(en to Dr !alsh a'o*t 0o*r matter. 5n 0o*r letter 0o* state that Dr !alsh indicated to 0o* in a conversation in mid 20)) that0o* had a 90 or 99A chance o" s*ccess &ith an a//eal to the @igh >o*rt. Dr !alsh did not ma(e an0 s*ch statement- '*t gave 0o* the same advice he gives ever0one regarding @igh >o*rt a//eals- and that is that 90A o" a//eals to the @igh >o*rt are not even granted leave to a//eal and never get heard. Dr !alsh &as retained and /aid =5000 '0 Ms *lie >ham'ers to read the transcri/t o" the >o*rt o" ,//eal decision re"*sing leave to a//eal and give an o/inion on the li(elihood o" s*ccess o" an a//eal to the @igh >o*rt. Dr !alsh advised that the e7traordinar0 circ*mstances re1*ired "or a s*ccess"*l a//eal &ere /ro'a'l0 not /resent and that an a//eal &as not li(el0 to s*cceed. We have a co/0 o" the transcri/t o" the deeis%PM"3the >o*rt o" ,//eal to re"*se 3Qteave to a/t/eal and doc*ments directl0 re"""ing io that s*ch as the a//eal s*'missions. !e also have *lieFs 'oo( and vario*s corres/ondences regarding 0o*r a//lications to 'e trans"erred to 2+!. *lie has s*ggested that the dis( &ith the recording o" the 000 call 0o* made ma0 'e an a//eal /oint. ;n"ort*natel0 &e have not heard either the original or the co/0 /la0ed in the trial. !e have re1*ested a co/0 "rom 0o*r a//eal la&0er Ms Megan in de #rae(t- '*t she states B B Bshe ret*rned it to *lie a"ter the trial. !e are not in a /osition to /*rs*e that an0 "*rther. 5" 0o* have a co/0 o" the >D that ma0 'e hel/"*l- &e s/o(e to *lie and she said that 0o* 'elieve that 0o* had a co/0 that has either 'een mis/laced '0 /rison a*thorities or le"t at ,cacia .rison &hen 0o* &ere moved. !e *nderstand that this has 'een a concern o" *lieFs "or several 0ears '*t she seems to 'e *na&are that 0o* had a co/0 o" the 000 >D all this time. !e *nderstand the limits o" 0o*r "reedom in 0o*r c*rrent circ*mstances and have not re1*ested an0 actions on 0o*r /art that "ail to ta(e that into acco*nt :the onl0 re1*est &e have made is that 0o* sign and ret*rn 0o*r a//lication "or


!e &ere not a&are that 0o* had an0 desire to meet &ith *s or that 0o* 'elieved 0o* had "*rther evidence 0o* &anted to /ass on to *s- as neither *lie nor 5ha' ever mentioned s*ch a thing &hen &e s/o(e to them. !e received a /hone call "rom .rison a*thorities in !, late last &ee( in"orming *s that 0o* had 'een moved to a /rison closer to .erth to allo& *s to visit 0o*. !e &ere *na&are that s*ch a move &as 'een contem/lated and do not (no& i" &e &ill have a chance to visit 0o* in !, as &e are 'ased in Mel'o*rne and have commitments here. .lease "eel "ree to contact *s at the a'ove n*m'ers i" 0o* &ish to disc*ss an0thing in this letter "*rther. +incereh Mathilda Evans ,ssociate to Dr ohn !alsh o" #rannagh #arrister3at3Ca&

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