Risk Management Policy

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Beta Phi Chapter Risk Management Policy

Ratified April 28, 2003

Amended November 17, 2003
Article I: Purpose
While Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity does not decree the personal ideals,
morals, or beliefs of its members, the pledge of brotherhood demands that a reasonable
standard of personal conduct be followed. After all, the actions of one or several
individuals can be detrimental to our Brotherhood, Initiates, guests, or National
Fraternity. Beta Phi’s Risk Management Policy is a plan designed to reduce the
occurrence of injury, damage, or financial loss. It is created under the understanding that
the Beta Phi Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi is composed of persons recognized as legal adults
by the state of Kentucky liable for their own actions under Western Kentucky
University’s policies, and federal, state, and local laws.

Article II: Hazing

Section 1: In accordance with The National Constitution, Article XX, Section 1, the
Beta Phi Chapter strictly prohibits the hazing of prospective members.
Section 2: Hazing shall be defined as, but not limited to, any action taken or situation
created, intentionally, to produce mental or physical discomfort,
embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule.
Section 3: Such activities under hazing include, but are not limited to: the use of
alcoholic beverages or controlled substances, paddling in any form, creation
of excessive fatigue, physical or psychological shocks, quests, treasure hunts,
or scavenger hunts that involve illegal activities, one-way road trips which
leave an individual to find return transportation, the wearing of public apparel
that is conspicuous and not in good taste, required engagement in public
stunts and buffoonery, morally degrading and humiliating games and
activities, calling Initiates degrading names, implementing silence periods for
Initiates, scaring Initiates with what may happen at Initiation, and any other
activities not consistent with fraternity law, ritual, or regulations and
activities of Western Kentucky University.
Section 4: To report a hazing incident, contact a member of the Beta Phi Executive
Board or the National Office. The chapter official shall then convene a trial
board to discipline those Brothers involved in the hazing. Also, the National
Council shall impose disciplinary action upon the chapter and/or involved

Article III: Alcohol and Controlled Substances

Section 1: The Beta Phi Chapter strictly prohibits the consumption of alcohol and/or the
illicit use of controlled substances at any membership drive event (i.e. any
rush or initiation event organized for or by the prospectives or Initiates that
requires their attendance for part or all of the time).
Section 2: The Beta Phi Chapter discourages, but does not prohibit, the consumption of
alcoholic beverages at events organized by our chapter, function, or meeting.
Closed parties, which are not advertised campus-wide, not open to the general
public, and have alcohol present, will consist only of chapter members,
guests, members of other Phi Sigma Pi Chapters, Alumni, or an invited
campus organization. Any person who is at the party but does not meet the
criteria aforementioned will be asked to leave. Responsible consumption is
advocated at all times.
Section 3: The Beta Phi Chapter prohibits the illicit use of controlled substances at any
event organized by our chapter, function, or meeting, as set forth by the
National Constitution, Article XX, Section 4.
Section 4: Official chapter monies shall not be used for the purchase of alcohol or
controlled substances.
Section 5: To report a violation of this policy, contact the highest-ranking chapter
official not involved in the incident. The chapter official shall then convene a
trial board following the Chapter Bylaws, National Constitution, National
Operating Policies, and National Interpretive Document.
Section 6: In addition to any disciplinary actions imposed by the Beta Phi Chapter,
members involved are also subject to the disciplinary actions of the National

Article IV: Harassment

Section 1: The Beta Phi Chapter strictly prohibits all forms of harassment, which may be
defined as any behavior or action that intimidates, threatens, or degrades an
individual for any reason.
Section 2: Types of harassment include, but are not limited to, harassment based on race,
religion, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability,
and financial status, and is therefore prohibited.
Section 3: To report a violation of this policy, contact the highest-ranking chapter
official not involved in the incident. The chapter official shall then convene a
trial board following the Chapter Bylaws, National Constitution, National
Operating Policies, and National Interpretive Document.
Section 4: In addition to any disciplinary actions imposed by the Beta Phi Chapter,
members involved are also subject to the disciplinary actions of the National

Article V: Emergency Procedures

Section 1: The highest-ranking chapter official present shall call all necessary services
and/or emergency personnel (police, fire, ambulance, etc.). If there are no
Executive Board members present, a Brother who is able, meaning in
condition to calmly and correctly able to asses the situation, shall contact all
necessary services and the President immediately. If unable to reach the
President, contact the Vice President, making sure to contact the President
within 24 hours of the emergency.
Section 2: Gather all event attendees, namely Brothers and their guests, together in one
location and end the event.
Section 3: Record the names of everyone present.
Section 4: At the approval of emergency personnel and the member who called
emergency services, event attendees are free to leave the event if the event
has been secured.
Section 5: As soon as possible, contact the National Office at 1-800-366-1916 to inform
them of the situation.
Section 6: Do not speak to anyone regarding the incident, including the media, with the
exception of emergency personnel, the chapter advisor, university officials,
National Staff, or National Council members. Also, do not allow anyone to
enter the event’s location except for chapter members and emergency
Section 7: It is at the discretion of the members involved what information the President
discloses about the incident to the Beta Phi Chapter or any other persons,
excluding the aforementioned personnel, officials, and staff.
Section 8: An official incident report will need to be filed with National Headquarters to
be placed in our chapter’s file. Also, a copy of the report will need to be filed
in the Beta Phi Chapter’s records.

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