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Course Code ITA 501 Advanced database Management System 2 Version o!

Course Pre"re#uisites$ Co" re#uisites$ anti"re#uisites %i& any'! (t)er*ise+ ,-ease indicate as . one/ (b2ectives3 1 ITA001 LTPC 3 0 0 3

This course aims at introducing the students to the advanced concepts of distributed databases, multimedia databases and object oriented databases. It also aims at teaching the concept of parallel databases and to the current issues of database namely, data warehousing and data mining, web and mobile databases, active and deductive databases, spatial databases and temporal databases. The course teaches database administration and network administration. The students will be able to learn about the specialized databases as well as the current issues related to databases. They will also learn about database administration Distributed Databases 1 7rs

45,ected (utcome3

6nit o! 1 %8escri,tion'

Distributed Databases: entralized versus distributed databases, !ragmentation, "rchitecture, lient #erver Databases , Distributed transactions, $ocking and ommit protocols, Distributed concurrency control, #ecurity and reliability 6nit o! 2 %8escri,tion' Para--e- 8atabase 1 7rs

Para--e- 8atabase3 Arc)itecture+ #uery ,rocessing+ 2oins a-gorit)ms+ ,er&ormance! 6nit o! 3 %8escri,tion' %bject&oriented Database (anagement: )uery languages, theoretical models, storage organization, oncurrency. 6nit o! 0 %8escri,tion' (odern Databases 10 7rs %bject&oriented 'elational Databases 10 7rs

urrent Issues: Data warehousing and Data mining, *eb and (obile Databases, "ctive and Deductive Databases, (ultimedia Databases, #patial and Temporal Databases. 6nit o! 5 %8escri,tion' ase #tudy 5 7rs

%racle +i Database "dministration& ,erformance Tuning,

-ackup and recovery , )uery %ptimization, .etwork "dministration. Te5t 9oo:s 1! 2! ;ag)u ;ama:ris)nan+ <o)annes =e)r:e+ 8atabase Management Systems+ Mc=ra* 7i--+ 3rd edition+ 2003! 7enry >! ?ort) and Abra)am Si-bersc)at@+ 8atabase System Conce,ts+ Mc=ra* 7i-Internationa- Pub-ications+ 2002! (rac-e Ai 8ocumntation B (rac-e Press + 2000


0! A-e5 9erson B (LAP 8ata*are)ouse and 8ata Mining B Tata Mc=ra* 7i--+ 2001! ;e&erences /. -ell, David , Distributed Database #ystems , "ddison *esley ,ub, 0110 0. 2ugh 3. *illiams, David $ane, *eb Database "pplications with ,2, 4 (y#)$, #hroff ,ub 0110.

Mode o& 4va-uation

Continuous Assessment %Cui@@es+ CATs+ Assignments+ etc!' and T44 55"55"5555

;ecommended by t)e 9oard o& Studies on 8ate o& A,,rova- by t)e Academic Counci-

D5t) Academic Counci- )e-d on 55"55"5555

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