Worldview Made Practical Issue 2-25

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Volume 2 Number 25 December 26, 2007

MarketFaith Ministries is an equipping ministry which is focused on helping Christians become more effective
in living out their faith in the midst of the increasingly diverse worldview environment of modern society.

We are really excited about the response we have been getting about the new book, Worldview Witnessing. People are
commenting how practical the book is in setting the stage for witness. Even those who are very nervous about the thought
of sharing their faith are gaining new confidence and excitement.

The cover graphic is now up on Take a look if you haven’t seen it yet. You can order your copy from there,
if you like, but if you want an autographed copy, you can order directly from our secure order form on the MarketFaith
Ministries website.

I don’t know whether you have noticed it or not, but it seems that there are a lot of articles on the news services lately
about evolution. Without an understanding of how to deal with this, many people, even Christians, can become confused
about their faith. Some of these articles make such strong sounding arguments. This is where our understanding of world-
view is so powerful. Darwinistic evolution literally does not have one leg to stand on, and we know why. It is our hope that
today’s article will give you confidence in the face of the onslaught of Naturalism.

(Continued on page 2)

The Nail in the Coffin of Evolutionary Theory

As I keep up with the latest news, it is not at all unusual for decided to abort a child because bringing another living hu-
me to see stories on the latest discoveries in science. In man into the world would contribute to global warming.
fact, most news services have entire science and technolo-
gy sections where they archive stories of the latest discov- But as frustrating as that is, articles on biology which as-
eries and advances in science. sume that evolutionary theory is the truth are even worse.
These article assume that Darwinistic evolution is the truth,
I don’t do a lot of reading in this area, but I do, at least, like then draw conclusions which end up not having any actual
to browse it occasionally just to stay up with the topics that empirical support. Let’s look at some actual examples of
are at the forefront. A lot of what is written about is quite articles which recently were reported.
interesting – advances in medicine, space science and as-
tronomy, robotics and computer technology are all fascinat- Scientist: Human Race May Split in Two in Far Future
ing to read about. There is one area, though, that This was the headline of a recent article which asserted that
aggravates me to no end because the science it is based in the next 100,000 years, two subspecies of humans will
on is so flimsy. emerge: a tall, slim intelligent privileged class, and a short,
squat, ugly, dim-witted race of servants. Reading the story,
No, it is not global warming, though the way that is typically though, there is no science in it at all. It is simply one
dealt with these days is also a bit frustrating. For instance, it scientist’s projection based on his belief that man has
was way over the top when recently the woman in England (Continued on page 2)

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(Introduction - Continued from page 1)

Would you like to reach beyond yourself and make a difference in the lives of Christians throughout America. Market-
Faith Ministries is working on a project to send a free copy of the new book to prominent Christian leaders around the
country who focus on evangelism. This includes the Evangelism Directors of many denominations and Christian minis-
tries, as well as evangelism professors at seminaries and Bible colleges. These are the people who directly touch those
who will be our future leaders. It will cost about $850.00 to make this a reality and we are about 1/8th of the way there. If
you would like to help us with this project, you may send your tax deductible contribution to: MarketFaith Ministries, 321
Anton Dr., Tallahassee, FL 32312. You can also donate online at our secure website. Simply click on the “Donate” but-
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Remember, we are here for you. Always feel free to contact us any time with comments, questions and suggestions.

God bless,

(Evolution - Continued from page 1)

already evolved from apelike creatures to our present form. His logical progression, then, is for that to continue until his
projection is fulfilled.

New Hypothesis: Life Could Have Started in Layers of Mica

This article asserts that since the primordial soup theory (the theory that the chemicals which formed life were pooled in
an environment which allowed life to develop) has pretty much been discredited, there needs to have been a different
breeding ground for the process. So, the new idea postulates that life formed between the layers of mica. It is the same
basic idea as before, but just provides a new, supposedly more protected, environment for the process to occur. Again,
there is no science here. Evolutionary scientists start with the assumption that there is no such thing a God who could
have created life, so it had to have formed naturally and evolved. It is strictly a faith assumption.

Human Evolution Seems to Be Accelerating

Here we have the assertion that people are evolving more rapidly than in the distant past. The assertion is that residents
of various continents are becoming increasingly different from one another. From the headline, you expect to see some
kind of indication that a new species of human will, at some point, emerge. But that is not at all the argument. What this
view touts is that within various segments of the human population, the bodies of the local inhabitants are adapting to
their environment (for instance, the pigmentation of Africans and Europeans are different because of the environments
they live in). The only problem here is that this is not an issue of evolution. There is a massive difference between natural
selection (which are natural changes which happen within all species of life) and evolution (which leads to new species
and types of living things). No one questions natural selection, but evolution is nothing more than a theory without any
empirical proof behind it.

Study: Evolutionary Change Lets Pregnant Women Stand Upright

This article seems to indicate that men and women used to have the same skeletal structure, but since women needed
to walk upright while carrying a heavy bundle in their abdomen during pregnancy, they developed a different shaped set
of vertebra in the lower lumbar region to allow them to handle the load. The difference in shape is certainly there, but it is
beyond me to understand where they get off saying it is due to evolutionary change. There is no science to make that
statement. It is, once again, nothing more than the assumption that there is no other possibility. There is no God to cre-
ate women that way, so they must have evolved the ability.

(Continued on page 3)

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(Evolution - Continued from page 2)

Exposing the Flaws of Evolutionary Theory

When you see stories like what is written above, you can be sure that all of the conclusions are based on philosophy, not
science. These scientists start with a set of unproven, and unprovable, assumptions. They assume that God does not ex-
ist, or that if he does he did not directly create life. From this assumption, they deduce that there is no other possibility but
that life emerged and evolved to higher forms strictly through natural processes.

Given naturalistic worldview assumptions, Naturalists can generate some very interesting debates. They will make their
assertions and, to discredit them, Christians must show point by point why they are not valid.

There is a better way, though, to deal with this. Rather than trying to debate the resulting outcome of their theories, it is
better to go to the root of the matter and challenge their very assumptions. But by looking at the issue from a worldview
perspective, the real problems with the evolutionary theory rise to the top and are exposed.

Here are the four primary problems with the Naturalistic approach to origins:
1. Matter - Since no supernatural is acknowledged, matter had to have come into existence on its own. However, there is
no science whatsoever which can explain how something could have emerged out of nothing. Neither is there any sci-
ence to explain how matter could be eternal. For Naturalists, the very basis for the existence of the natural universe itself
is nothing more than a faith assumption.
2. Life - As evidenced by the article above on the theory about mica, evolutionary scientists are stymied when it comes to
explaining a natural origin of life. There is no science to explain it. Even the theories are nothing more than throwing mud

up against the wall to see if something will stick. Again,

since they don’t acknowledge the supernatural, the only
possibility is Darwinistic evolution. Once again, strictly a
faith position. Subscription Information
3. Macro evolution - Even given the fact of life, evolutionary
scientists are without any actual science to explain how the If you would like to receive Worldview Made Practical as a
many different species of life came into being. Once again, free email subscription, simply go to
the only belief that they will acknowledge is that lower life and click on the sign up link.
forms evolved to higher life forms through natural means.
This is nothing more than pure speculation based on the Past Issues of Worldview Made Practical are available
faith assumption that it happened that way. There is no sci- free of charge in .pdf (Acrobat) format in the archives at
ence to prove it, or to even show how it could have hap-
4. Consciousness - The final problem relates to conscious-
ness. How did consciousness arise out of unconscious- PERMISSION TO REPRINT: If you wish to reprint this
ness. For the evolutionary biologist, the only possibility is month’s article in your own print or electronic newsletter,
that human consciousness is nothing more then the evolu- please include the following paragraph:
tion of a brain large and complex enough to create con-
scious thoughts. Once again, though, this is nothing more Reprinted from Worldview Made Practical; a free e-zine
than speculation based on Naturalistic assumptions. There produced by MarketFaith Ministries featuring practical
is no science to show that it happened or that it even could teaching and life tools to help Christians become more ef-
happen. fective in their faith life. Discover MarketFaith Ministries at
When you read articles like what is above, or when you talk
to people who assert Darwinistic evolution, it is not neces-
sary to debate them point by point. Go to the underlying
worldview assumptions. If the assumptions are wrong,
there is no way the conclusions can be right. Armed with Support MarketFaith Ministries
this knowledge, you can stand with confidence in your faith
that God is the creator and sustainer of the universe, and The purpose of MarketFaith Ministries is to equip the Body
that everything he has revealed to us is the Truth about of Christ to become more effective by sharing the practical
reality. applications of worldview. We are involved in developing
training and resource materials for that very purpose. If
you would like to partner with us in this effort, you may
Next Month’s Article: Worldview and Sexual Immorality send your tax deductible contribution to MarketFaith Minis-
tries, 321 Anton Dr., Tallahassee, FL 32312.

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