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REGISTRATION FORM for the 1st International Self-organized Antifasist Martial Art Tournament of Salonika

Name/Nickname: City: Group/Collective: Martial Art: Age: Weight: E-mail: Answering the following questions about your fighting experience you will assist to a balanced matching of the fighting couples among the participants, in an attempt that these friendly fights will be more enjoyable for every comrade taking part in them. Have you ever participated in amateur and/or professional fights (and how many times)? ... .. How many years and how intensively have you been training in martial arts? .. .. How many fights during the tournament would you like to participate to and under which fighting rules? (if you desire to fight under different fighting styles please specify accordingly) .. .. During the period of the tournament as well as few days before and after there will be running some collective guest rooms in several of the citys squats and social centers. H elp us to organize the accommodation facilities by providing some information about your travel plan. Do you need accommodation during your staying in Thessaloniki? If so, when do you arrive to and depart from the city? .. ..

Contact info: or via facebook: antifa tournament

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