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Le Fevre High School

SACE Stage 2 Physics Projectile Motion 1 Solution

1. How long does it take a car to travel 30
s = 30m s = v1t + 1 2 at t 2 = 30 t = 30 = %"%s v1 = 0ms 1

etres i! it accelerates !ro

t =$

rest at 2"0 s#1 $

a = 2ms 2

30 = 0t + 1 2 2t 2

2. &hat is the sto''ing distance o! a car travelling at 2( s#1 )100k *h+1"0 102 k *h, i! the reaction ti e o! the driver is 0"%0 seconds and then the driver a''lies the -rakes with the car decelerating at a rate o! ."0 s#2 $ (a) Reaction Distance
s =$ s = v0 t s = 2( 0"% s = 1/m v0 = 2(ms 1 a = 0ms -2 t = 0.5s

(b) Braking Distance

s =$ v0 = 2(ms 1 a = -6ms -2 v = 0ms -1
2 v 2 v0 = 2as

0 2 2( 2 = 2 ) ., s s = .%m

(c) Total Braking Distance

s = 01m

s = ) reaction distance) + (braking distance) s = 1/ + .%

3. Su''ose a -all is dro''ed !ro a 00 v1 = 0ms 1 a = g = 9.8ms -2

s = v1t + 1 2 at 2 s = 0 3"0 + 1 2 1"( )3"0, 2 s = //m

high tower" How !ar will it have !allen a!ter 3"0s$ s =$ t = 3"0 s

Le Fevre High School /" A 'erson throws a -all u'wards into the air with an initial velocity o! 1% s#1" Calculate how high it goes and how long the -all is in the air -e!ore it co es -ack to the throwers hand" (a) Time o Flight
v1 =1%ms 1 v 2 = v1 + at 0 =1% + ) 1"(,t t =1"%3s time of flight = 2 1"%3s = 3"0. s g = 1"(ms 2 v 2 = 0ms 1 (at max height) t =$

(b) Height
s = v1t + 1 2 at 2 s =1% 1"%3 + 1 2 ) 1"(, )1"%3, 2 s = 22"1% 11"/0 s =11"/(m !he height of the thro is 11./(m

%" A -ird can !ly at 30k *h" How long does it take to !ly 23%k $
v = 30kmhr 1 = ("33ms 1 s v= t s t= v 2"3% 10 % t= ("33 t = 2"(2 10 / s s = 23%km = 2"3% 10 % m

." A rock thrown hori2ontally at a large -ell %0 away is heard to hit the -ell /"%s later" &hat was the s'eed o! the rock$ )neglect the e!!ect o! gravity and ti e taken !or the sound to travel to the o-server,"
t = /"%s s = %0m s v= t %0 v= / "% v =11"1ms 1

Le Fevre High School 0" At high s'eeds3 a 'articular car is ca'a-le o! an acceleration o! a-out 0"%0 s#2" At this rate how long does it take to accelerate !ro 10k *h to 100k *h$
a = 0"%ms 2 v 2 = v1 + at v 2 v1 a 20"( 2% t= 0"% t = %"%. s t= v1 = 10kmhr 1 = 2%ms 1 v 2 = 100kmhr 1 = 20"(ms 1

(" An advertise ent clai s that a s'orts car is a-le to sto'3 !ro &hat is its acceleration in s#2$ How any 4g5s6 is this$
v1 = 100kmhr 1 = 20"(ms 1 v v = 2as
2 1 2 2 2 2 v1 v2 2s )20"(, 2 )0, 2 a= 2 /% a = ("%1ms 2

a s'eed o! 100k *h3 within /% "

v 2 = 0ms 1

s = %5m


!his is e#$ivalent to ("%1

1"( = 0"(( g" s

1" A stone is dro''ed !ro the to' o! a cli!!" 7t is seen to hit the ground -elow a!ter %"%s" How high is the cli!!$ v1 = 0ms 1 t = %"%s
s = v1t + 1 2 at 2 s = 0 %"% + 1 2 )1"(, %"% s = 1/(m

10" A trout ju 's a water!all 2"% reach the to'$

s = 2"%m
2 v2 v12 = 2as

high" &ith what

v 2 = 0ms 1

ini u

s'eed did it leave the water -elow to

v1 = $

a = 1"(ms 1

0 2 v12 = 2 ) 1"(, 2"% v1 = 0 ms 1

Le Fevre High School 11" &hen %00 !ro a station and travelling at .0k h#13 a train driver notices a stationary train on the sa e track at the 'lat!or " 8he -rakes are a''lied and the train decelerates uni!or ly at 0"3 s#2" &hat ha''ens$
a = 0"3ms 1
2 2 v2 v1 = 2as

s = %00m

v1 = .0kmhr 1 =1.".0 ms 1

v 2 = 0ms 1

0 )1.".0, 2 = 2 ) 0"3, s s = /.3m !he train sto&s comfortabl' before the stationar' train at the &latform.

12" 8wo cars3 each travelling at the s'eed li it o! .0k h#13 collide head on" 8his is e9uivalent to a car -eing dro''ed !ro what height$ )assu e a!1"ms#2,
v = .0kmhr 1
2 v2 v12 = 2as 2 v2 v12 2a 2 0 )33"3/, 2 s= 2 10 s = %.m

)eletive (&eed = v1 = 120kmhr 1 = 33"3/ms 1

v 2 = 0ms 1


13" &hat will the resultant 'ath -e o! a shi' travelling due :orth at 10 s#1 i! there is a tide o! 3 s#1 towards the east$

+, = res$ltant vector = v1 + v 2 +, = 10"//ms 1 at 1* o !r$e

1/" A stone dro''ed !ro

the to' o! a cli!! is heard to hit the water -elow % seconds later" Calculate; v1 = 0ms 1 a = 1"(ms 1 t = 5s

)a, the velocity o! the stone just -e!ore it hits the water"
v 2 = v1 + at v 2 = 0 + 1"( % v 2 = /1ms 1

Le Fevre High School )-, its average velocity during this ti e"
v avg = v avg v avg v1 + v 2 t 0 + /1 = 2 = 2/"%ms 1

)c, the height o! the cli!! )g+1"( s #2 ,

v avg = s t s = v avg t s = 2/"% % s =122"%m

s = v1t + 1 2 at 2


s = 0 % + 1 2 1" ( % 2 s = 122"%m

1%" 8he 'hotogra'h -elow re'resents an o-ject launched at the Earth5s sur!ace3 with negligi-le air resistance" 8he -all has an actual si2e o! 10 c and the ti e -etween each i age was 0"02 s"

)a, <se the diagra

to veri!y that the hori2ontal co 'onent o! the velocity re ains constant"

From the $iagram it can be seen that the hori%ontal $is&lacements remain a&&ro'imatel( e)*al. Hence there is no change in the hori%ontal motion an$ th*s in the com&onent o motion in this $irection. )-, <se the diagra to esti ate the angle at which the 'rojectile is launched"

+onsi$ering the t,o initial images an$ $ra,ing a tangent to these images the initial angle a&&ears to be a&&ro'imatel( -3o.

Le Fevre High School

)c, Esti ate the initial vertical co 'onent o! the launch velocity" Distance bet,een irst t,o images ! 1." cm. .hotogra&hic si%e o ball ! "./ cm0 act*al si%e ! 1" cm Scale actor 1 cm1 ".2 m. Since the time bet,een images ! ".2 s then
v= s 0" 2 = = 10 t 0"02 s 1 2 verticall( *&,ar$s com&onent.

)d, State the velocity at which the o-ject lands" 3nitial hori%ontal com&onent o the velocit( 1
vH = 0"1 =% 0"02 s 1 $irecte$ to the right

s#1 10 s#1

3nitial velocit( *sing .(thagoras

v = 10 2 +% %

! 11.2 m s#1 tan =

10 =2 ! -3o to the %

hori%ontal . 3t ,ill lan$ ,ith the same s&ee$ as the initial s&ee$0 b*t ,ith a change o 14"o in $irection. i.e. 11.2 m s#1 2 115o clock,ise rom the hori%ontal.

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