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Professional Development Plan Cheatham Middle School

Technology Professional Development plan for a school year

Training Objective: By the end of the school year, teachers will have the ability to enhance student learning by incorporating blending learning strategies and resources into their classroom with confidence and knowledge of technology that has been gained over the year. Summary: Classroom teachers have enough responsibility creating lessons and finding information and are not always fortunate to have the time to find technology resources that would benefit their instruction. There are so many resources that can make learning more engaging and do not require more effort on the teacher. Through these one-hour sessions, I am going to give multiple resources and demonstrate how to use them in order for teachers to incorporate blended learning into their classroom. Who: I will be the one presenting during the professional development trainings. I will also ask for some assistance from my fellow colleagues on certain content to better demonstrate the resources. The learners will be instructors in the schools Mac Lab. The sessions will be by grade level so that there are smaller groups, 6-10 instructors at a time. When: The hour-long sessions will be the 2nd Wednesday of every other month during each grade levels planning period. The sessions will take place in August, October, December, February, and April. During the months that are skipped, there will be a brief 10-minute session for teachers to ask questions and share how they have used the resource provided to them. Where: The professional development sessions will be held in the Mac Lab. There are 25 Mac desktops that are connected to Wi-Fi. There is also a Promethean Board present with a projector so the learners can follow along easily. Support: Administrators, RTI coordinators, and occasionally technology personnel will also participate in professional development sessions. The administrators will be there for support to encourage teachers through the technology implementation. RTI coordinators will help with instructing, ensuring the learners are grasping the concepts. Technology personnel will assist with any technological problems that we might encounter along the way. Concerns: A few concerns arise when teaching technology resources to educators: 1. The level of technology experience will vary 2. The attitude of technology implementation by educators 3. Having enough time to effectively demonstrate the resource

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