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2A Environmental Management Solutions Inc.

Marketing Plan
MISSION STATEMENT 2A Environmental Management Solutions, Inc. aims: To continuously provide a complete range of quality solutions and technologies that ould minimi!e or eliminate the harmful impact of various industries and organi!ations to the environment. To "ecome a learning organi!ation here employees are productively happy and committed to e#ceed shareholder e#pectations.

VISION STATEMENT 2A Environmental Management Solutions, Inc. is committed to the protection, conservation, and enhancement of the environment, and is recogni!ed as the pioneering and leading environmental management company in the $hilippines.

I. EXECUTIVE SUMMA ! 2A Environmental Management Solutions Inc. is a %&&' o ned corporation and the first and only fully(integrated and comprehensive aste management facility in the country, 2A has earned the respect of local authorities )*E+,, $E-A, ..*A, ./01 and the recognition of international organi!ations )02AS Environmental Management, Anglo(3apanese American ,egistrars and 3AS( A+-1, thus arranting its IS4 5&&%:2&&6 and IS4 %7&&%:2&&7 accreditations. An evaluation of the company8s internal strengths and ea9nesses and e#ternal opportunities and threats served as the foundation for this strategic analysis and mar9eting plan. The plan focuses on the company8s gro th strategy, suggesting ays in hich it can "uild on e#isting customer relationships, and on development of services targeted to specific customer niches.

II. ENVI ONMENTA" ANA"!SIS 2A Environmental Management Solutions, Inc. is the pioneer and leading aste management company in the $hilippines. In 2&&%, Mr. :erminio S. Esguerra, ;hairman of the :erma /roup of companies, founded the 2A Technology ;orporation to operate the .as $i<as Transfer Station and handle aste management in Metro Manila. This station as later modified into a Materials ,ecovery =acility. In 2&&2, 2A technology ;orporation opened its plant in Silang, ;avite, and ventured into the treatment, storage, and disposal of industrial and "iomedical aste. In 2&%>, Ms. ,oanne :uelva purchased the company and, through full time commitment, turned into a very successful group(run operation.

A. Marketing Environment

1. Competitive Forces. The competition in handling aste management is strong on a local and regional "asis. There are a lot of aste management companies, among its top competitors are Innovative Technology Environmental Solutions, Inc. in Marilao, ?ulacan, @acuman Sanitary .andfill in +or!agaray, ?ulacan and Metro ;lar9 @aste Management ;orp. Sanitary .andfill in ;apas, Tarlac. ?ut in terms of competitiveness, 2A has top the industry "ecause of its high technology and state(of(the(art facilities. 2. Economic Forces. +ation ide, many companies have reduced their overall promotion "udgets as they face the need to cut e#penses. :o ever, most of these reductions have occurred in the "udgets for mass media advertising )television, maga!ines, and ne spapers1. 3. Political Forces. There are no e#pected political influences or events that could affect the operations of 2A Environmental Management Solutions. 4. Legal and Regulatory Forces. The ne ly elected government has changed some legal and regulatory issues including formal and informal rules under hich the firms operate. The ta# policies have "een revised.

5. Tec nological Forces. @ith the changing technologies, the operation is more efficient "ecause of the ne trends discovered. ?y upgrading the equipments of the plants, the efficiency in managing the aste can "e increased and the operating cost can "e decreased. !. "ocio#Cultural Forces. $eople are getting a are of their duties in order to maintain the healthy environment. =urthermore, the government is also ta9ing several steps to educate people that ho it is important for the people to live in the healthy environment.

#. Target Markets ?y focusing on commitment to service and quality, 2A Environmental Managements Solutions, Inc. has effectively implemented a niche differentiation strategy in a some hat diverse mar9etplace. Its a"ility to differentiate its service has contri"uted to superior annual returns. Its target mar9et consists of hospitals and clinics primarily in +ational ;apital ,egion )+;,1 that produces tons of healthcare aste. C. Marketing O$%ectives an& Per'ormance Marketing O$%ectives 4ur mar9eting o"Aective is to mar9et our consistently good service according to the demanding requirements of the aste management industry. 4ur strategy is to "ecome competitive in the mar9et through the quality and efficient operations. These o"Aectives are in line ith changes hich are happening in the environment. +e technology is "eing introduced hich ill decrease the cost of our service. ?y decreasing the cost of service, e ill "e a"le to compete more in the mar9et, "y having efficient operations and good quality service. Per'ormance Anal(sis In terms of volumes, 2A has an output of >& tons of medical aste a day, %BC tons per ee9, BB& tons per month and D52& tons per year. The performance of the industry is not declining as the industry is in gro th stage. @e have to ensure that e al ays deliver good and quality service to our valua"le customers and e have to e#pand the mar9et to gain more mar9et share locally.

III. S)OT ANA"!SIS A. Strengt*s %. 2A Environmental Management Solutions, Inc service differentiation strategy is the result of a strong mar9eting orientation, commitment to high quality, and support services. 2. The staff promote camaraderie ith co( or9ers and clients and fosters communication and quic9 response to clients8 needs. >. =inancial resources. 7. It is located ithin the target mar9et.

#. )eaknesses %. The highly centrali!ed management hierarchy and lac9 of managerial "ac9up may impede creativity and gro th. Too fe people hold too much 9no ledge. 2. ;ontingency plans should "e considered. >. 2A8s current facilities are cro ded. There is little room for additional employees or ne equipment.

C. O++ortunities %. $otential for future e#pansion of the "usiness into other areas andEor franchising. 2. As other companies loo9 for ays to develop customer relationships rather than Aust close sales, reminders of this relationship could come in the form of accepta"le premiums or gifts that are useful to the customer. >. There are only fe companies offering services in handling aste management. The potential for 2A Environmental Management Solutions8 gro th is significant in this mar9et. ,. T*reats %. $otential for economic do nturns. 2. Increased num"er of competitors that offers a lo er price. >. *ifficulties of getting and retaining suita"le staff.

E. Matc*ing Strengt*s to O++ortunities- Converting )eakness an& T*reats %. 2A Environmental Management Solutions Inc. must modify its management hierarchy, empo ering its employees through a more decentrali!ed mar9eting organi!ation. 2. 2A Environmental Management Solutions Inc. should discuss future gro th strategies and develop contingency plans to deal ith unforeseen events. >. $ossi"le satellite facilities in other geographic locations should "e e#plored.

IV. MA .ETIN/ O#0ECTIVES 2A Environmental Management Solutions Inc. offers Fcradle to graveG service through its fully integrated aste management facilities. ?esides formulating a mar9eting(oriented and customer(focused mission statement, 2A should esta"lish an o"Aective to achieve cumulative gro th in net profit of at least C& percent over the ne#t five years. To accomplish its mar9eting o"Aectives, 2A should develop "enchmar9s to measure progress. ,egular revie s of these o"Aectives ill provide feed"ac9 and possi"le corrective actions on a timely "asis. The maAor mar9eting o"Aective is to gain a "etter understanding of the needs and satisfaction of current customers. 2A could use the 9no ledge of its successes ith current clients to mar9et to ne customers.

V. MA .ETIN/ ST ATE/IES A. Target Market Target Market 12 =irst target mar9et of 2A Environmental Management Solutions is the local mar9et, +ational ;apital ,egion )+;,1. Target Market 22 Second target mar9et is the national, The company has its "rand image for its quality service. hole country.

#. Marketing Mi3 %. Products. 2A ill "e using the slogan, F Thin9 Safety, It8s in your hands.G , for the safety of the people and the environment is the primary concern of the company. 2A8s intangi"le attri"utes are its a"ility to meet or e#ceed customer e#pectations consistently, its speed in responding to customers8 demands. These intangi"le attri"utes give 2A a competitive advantage. 2. Price. 2A provides high quality service. The value of this service is reflected in its premium price. 2A should "e sensitive to the price elasticity of its service and overall consumer demand. >. Placement. 2A uses direct mar9eting. The plant is located at Meridian Industrial ;omple# II, ?rgy. Maguyam, Maguyam ,oad, Silang, ;avite, $hilippines. The plant is situated ell "ecause it is a ay from residential houses. As the landfill 7. Promotion. $romotional advertisement should used in order for us to mar9et the targeted customers.

VI. MA .ETIN/ IMP"EMENTATION Marketing Organi4ation The mar9eting unit can "e organi!ed "y increasing the e#isting mar9et and e#panding the mar9et national. The decision ma9ing unit has to ma9e sure that they increase the mar9et share. *epending on the organi!ation8s structure and the environment, the first line and middle managers can "e empo ered to ma9e decisions. If the demand for the service is increasing rapidly in the mar9et then the company has to increase their efficiency to capture the ma#imum mar9et share. In audits, our advertisement revenues will be monitored. Our all finances will be monitored which will be used in the growth of the company to ensure that the finances are utilized in the right direction. =inally, this ne mar9eting organi!ation ill give 2A a "etter opportunity to monitor the activities of competitors.

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