N S C Teacher Preparation Program Lesson Plan Format: Description of Classroom

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Description of Classroom
Ninth grade biology honors. Equal distribution of males and females and all ethnicities. One to two students speak English as a second language. Three to five students are more qualified for regular biology rather than honors. Three to five students are extremely upper level honors.

Students are nearing the end of the human anatomy unit. They are now on their fourth day of learning about the digestive system. They should be somewhat familiar with vocabulary associated with the digestive system.

Content O&'ecti(e)s*
S !"T construct a presentation based on certain parts of the digestive system. S !"T collaborate with peers.

Lan#$a#e O&'ecti(e)s*
S !"T write specific facts concerning certain parts of the digestive system.

Ne(a%a Stan%ar%s
##.# The student will identify ma$or structures and functions of the following body systems% circulatory& respiratory& muscular& skeletal& nervous& and digestive.

+e, Voca&$lar,
'igestion& gastrointestinal tract& saliva& pharynx& epiglottis& peristalsis& gastric fluid& ulcer& cardiac sphincter& chime& pyloric sphincter& gallbladder& villus& and colon.

!est Practices (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)
Preparation "daptation of content *inks to background *inks to past learning Strategies incorporated Inte#ration of Processes *istening Speaking 3eading riting Scaffol%in# (odeling +uided practice ,ndependent practice .erbal scaffolds -rocedural scaffolds Application /ands0on "uthentic 1(eaningful2 *inked to ob$ectives -romotes engagement Gro$pin# Options hole )lass Small groups -artners ,ndependent Assessment ,ndividual +roup ritten Oral

Teac-in# Strate#ies
!ell ringer activity for a warm up. +rouping students for each part of the digestive system0 promotes team work

.arm /p Acti(it,
!ell ringer question% hat T/3EE elements make a compound organic4

Lesson Se0$ence
Start of period05 min% arm up activity 60#5 min% ,ntroduce presentation activity& group students& assign parts #60 78 min% "llow students to work on presentations 7#0 end of period% )lean up and review expectations for presentation

E** students can use their table partner to help translate if necessary.

S$pplementar, Materials
Text books -oster paper "rt supplies

Tomorrow students will present their posters and the information they gathered to the entire class. , will provide students with a fill0in the0blank outline for each part of the digestive system to ensure they are getting all of the important information.

, think this will build teamwork and oral speaking skills that are very important to instill at this age. The worksheet will make sure that the students are getting all of the information they need and will keep the presenters on track.

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