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European Economic and Social Committee

The activities of the European Economic and Social Committee during the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union


The European Economic and Social Committee represents the various economic and social components of organised civil society. It is an institutional consultative body established by the 1957 Treaty of Rome. The EESCs consultative role enables its members, and hence the organisations they represent, to participate in the Community decision-making process. With views occasionally being diametrically opposed, the EESCs discussions often require real negotiations involving not only the usual social partners, i.e. employers (Group I) and employees (Group II) but also - and this is the distinguishing feature of the EESC - all the other socio-occupational interests represented (Group III). This expertise, these discussions and negotiations and the search for convergence may improve the quality and credibility of the Community decision-making process, inasmuch as they make it more comprehensible and acceptable for Europe's citizens and increase the transparency which is so vital for democracy. Within the European institutional set-up, the EESC fulfils a specific role; it is the prime forum in which the organisations of civil society in the European Union can have their views represented and discussed. As a debating and consultative chamber, the EESC helps to strengthen the democratic credentials of the process of building the European Union, including the promotion of relations between the EU and socio-economic groupings in third countries. In so doing it helps to promote a genuine identification with Europe.


The Council of the European Union brings together ministerial representatives of the governments of the EU Member States, meeting in various formations according to the policy area under discussion. The Council's legislative and political decisions are prepared by a large number of specialised working parties and are fed up through the Permanent Representatives Committee to the Council itself. Member State governments take it in turn to chair the Council's various meetings and to represent the Council vis--vis the EU's other institutions and the European Union vis--vis the larger world. These presidencies of the Council of the European Union traditionally establish a set of broad political priorities and a work programme. Portugal holds the Presidency for the second half of 2007. Its priorities can be found at This publication sets out some of the major activities of the European Economic and Social Committee during the period of the July-December 2007 Portuguese Presidency.

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European Economic and Social


The activities of the European Economic and Social Committee during the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union

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Introduction by President Dimitriadis Activities of the European Economic and Social Committee during the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union Communicating Europe Organised civil society and the future of Europe and of the Constitutional process The renewed Lisbon Strategy Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion Single Market, Production and Consumption Single Market Observatory Employment and Social Policy Agriculture, Rural Development, Environment, Sustainable Development Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society Industrial Change The European Union in the World Priorities for the Portuguese Presidency of the Council, July-December 2007 The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) The Economic and Social Council of Portugal Some Basic Facts about Portugal The Portuguese members of the European Economic and Social Committee Programme of Events in 2007 DI CESE 50/2007 fm 4 5 6 9 10 11 14 15 19 20 23 27 29 33 35 39 .../.. 1 3


The Portuguese Presidency of the Council, which will begin on 1 July 2007, knows that it can count on the close cooperation of the European Economic and Social Committee and the knowledge that it gathers and shares through its members and the numerous organisations they represent. Indeed, the Presidency had already asked for the EESCs expert help even before its term had officially begun, requesting several exploratory opinions, such as "The role of the social partners in reconciling working, family and private life" (SOC 271), "Flexicurity" (SOC 272), "Employability and entrepreneurship - role of civil society and local and regional bodies from a gender perspective" (SOC/273). As my Presidency of the EESC stands under the Leitmotiv "Entrepreneurship with a human face", I will invite the Portuguese Presidency to launch a reflection on this theme. Based on the principles of the "Berlin declaration" adopted under the chair of their German predecessor, the EESC will fully support the efforts of the Presidency to carry on the debate and negotiations on the EU institutional reform. It will contribute as well to broad topical issues such as the renewed Lisbon Strategy and sustainable development, with a special attention to Energy policy and Climate change. The EESC will also support the Presidency's agenda with its own activities regarding the level of civil society. First of all, I intend to strengthen ties between the national Economic and Social Councils in Europe, by inviting them to a conference in Brussels. External relations will be another important field of action and policy making. Europe's foreign policy will be tilted from the east to the south during the Portuguese EU presidency, including a drive DI CESE 50/2007 fin


to improve relations with Africa. Portugal will preside over an EU-Africa summit. The EESC will accompany this event on its level. First of all, I intend to strengthen ties between the national Economic and Social Councils in Europe, by inviting them to a conference in Brussels. A meeting with MERCOSUL representatives in July in Brazil and the EUROMED summit in November in Athens will be other important events with an impact beyond EU borders. Finally, the newly established EU-China Round Table (after an inaugural meeting in June this year in Beijing) should meet for a second time in Portugal towards the end of 2007. Contact: Mr Roberto Hayder, Head of President's Private Office (+32.2.546.9741; roberto. havder(),eesc. europa, eu)

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At President Dimitriadis' insistence, and under the scrutiny of the EESCs Communication Group, in the second half of 2007 the European Economic and Social Committee will continue to pursue its role as a committed player in the EU communication context. The EESC will support an interinstitutional approach to Communication, based on jointly approved priorities and based on the concerns of Europe's citizens. The EESC will give special attention to facing globalisation, including the challenges of Growth and Jobs, Climate change and Energy. It will focus on External relations and the Intercultural dialogue. It looks forward to ensuring that appropriate action is taken as regards the European Commission White Paper on Communication follow-up foreseen for July 2007. In that same inter-institutional context, the EESC envisages responding to the Commission's Information note on the implementation of "Plan D" now giving a special focus on Youth and women. The EESC will be eager to participate in annual action plans and support the idea of a Community-wide Communication programme based on a proper legal base. Lastly, the EESC will seek to implement in practice the post-White Paper addendum to the November 2005 European Commission-EESC protocol of cooperation, signed in May 2007. That addendum puts focus on decentralised cooperation and synergies with the European Commission. The EESC will continue to implement the operational recommendations contained in its opinions on "Plan D" and the White Paper. Everybody agrees that Europe/the European process should be closer to Europe's citizens. EESC members, through their privileged relationship with and knowledge of civil society organisations, can play an important role in this process both at local, national and European level. The EESC will continue to identify communication solutions for bridging the gap between the EU and organised civil society. The target groups are the other EU institutions, the national Economic and Social Councils, national administrations and those organisations providing members to the EESC. The EESC will also continue with its traditional inter-institutional dialogue on communication matters, for example by assisting in the meetings of the Council Working Party on Information, and the Interinstitutional Group on Information chaired jointly by the European Commission and the European Parliament. The EESC has already been involved in the EU's celebrations of the fiftieth anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and will follow up the various events, for example the Youth Summit in Rome in March 2007. This involvement will continue. The EESC also intends to mark its own fiftieth anniversary on 19 May 2008. Contact: Mr Peter Lindvaid Nielsen (+32.2.546.9888; Peter.LindvaldNielsen(d),eesc.europa, eu)

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As the EESC stressed in its resolution of 14 March 2007 to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome, the achievements of 50 years of European integration must inspire the European Union to take up new challenges, particularly in the areas of the social model, globalisation, climate change, energy supply, immigration issues and the fight against poverty and social exclusion. To generate revival of European integration to give it fresh impetus and break out of the current political and institutional gridlock, reviewing the EU's operating rules will not be enough. New consensus still needs to be built regarding the EU's future role, and policies need to be drawn up and implemented which will give the public tangible results and meet their expectations, bearing witness to the fact that European integration is still a project for the future which younger generations, in particular, who have not been directly confronted with the integration process of recent decades, will be able to support. In this perspective, the participation of civil society in public decision-making - participatory democracy is a key instrument which reinforces the democratic legitimacy of the European institutions and the EU's work. It has an equally essential role to play in facilitating the emergence of new consensus on the goals of European integration. The EESC is determined to continue with its initiatives, in close cooperation with the EU institutions and all other civil society players, with a view to contributing, on the one hand, to creating a real European public space of dialogue and debate and, on the other, to instilling new impetus into the European project built on a forward-looking vision of the future of Europe for its citizens. The EESC also believes that the Constitutional Treaty is a key instrument in tenns of enabling the EU to take up the challenges facing it and enabling the institutions to operate more effectively. That is why it feels both that the Treaty should remain the basis for the present negotiations for breaking out of the current political and institutional gridlock, and that its substance - in particular the democratic, institutional and procedural progress and the progress in the area of fundamental rights - must be preserved. The EESC therefore called, in its resolution of 30 May 2007 on the Roadmap for the constitutional process, for Part I (Objectives, Institutions, Framework of the Union), Part II (The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Union) and Part IV (General and Final Provisions) to remain as they are. The institutional and procedural provisions of Part III should, where they go further than existing law, be incorporated into Part I. The EESC will support the negotiations on the new Treaty by helping to make the voice of organised civil society heard, in line with its institutional role. In particular, it will be happy to hold, in

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Cooperation with the Portuguese Council presidency, information and dialogue meetings with civil society organisations, as it did during the work of the European Convention. Contact: Mr Patrick Fve (+32.2.546.9616; pa t rick. feve(a).eesc. europa, eu) ; : ;; :: :


Since the Lisbon Strategy was launched by the European heads of state and government in Lisbon in 2000, the EESC has always considered this to be one of the most important projects for Europe. The summary report on the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy in the Member States, which was drawn up by the EESC and the national ESCs and similar institutions for the Spring 2006 European Council, was a great success. It was followed by a new explicit request from the European Council of 23 and 24 March 2006, of which the presidency conclusions (point 12) state that: "12. Member States have made real efforts to involve national parliaments and representatives from regional and local authorities as well as social partners and other stakeholders of the civil society in the formulation of their NRPs (national reform programmes). [The European Council] also welcomes the initiatives taken up by the European Parliament, the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee to increase the ownership on Community level. It encourages the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions to continue their work and asL for summaiy reports in support of the Partnership for growth and employment in early 2008. "

The EESC therefore decided in June 2006 to set up an ad hoc Bureau Group: the Lisbon Group on the Renewed Lisbon Strategy - Spring 2006-Spring 2008, with a view to drawing up a new summary report for Spring 2008 in close cooperation with representatives of national ESCs and similar organisations representing civil society. At the same time, the EESC set up four study groups tasked with drawing up own-initiative opinions in the priority areas set by the March 2006 European Council: Investment in knowledge and innovation Business potential, especially of SMEs Employment of priority categories An Energy Policy for Europe.

With the involvement of the national ESCs, the ad hoc Bureau Group has a coordinating role, ensuring that the work of all four study groups proceeds smoothly, in parallel, in a complementary manner and creating synergies wherever possible.

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-6In February 2007 the EESC drew up a resolution on "The implementation of the renewed Lisbon Strategy", which was an intermediate report to the 2007 Spring Council and is an integral part of the EESCs initiative to increase ownership of the Lisbon Strategy in the European Union . During the Portuguese Presidency, the EESC will further deepen its work in cooperation with national ESCs and other partner organisations. Regular meetings of the Lisbon Group will be held, in cooperation with the key representatives in the presidency, with a view to drawing up the summary report for the 2008 Spring Council. During the EESC plenary session in July, in the presence of the Portuguese Presidency representative, the four own-initiative opinions will be discussed and voted on. The aim will be to identify the key measures and best practice in implementing the renewed Lisbon Strategy ensuring that the momentum is maintained in all of the pillars of the partnership for growth and jobs. Contact: Mr Gilbert Marchlewitz (+32.2.546.9358; silben.marchlewitz(, Mr Juri Soosaar (+32.2.546.9628; iuri.soosaar(a),eesc. europa, eu)


Broad Economic Policy Guidelines, European Monetary Union and the Euro On 16 and 17 June 2005, the European Council, in the Presidency Conclusions, adopted the Broad Economy Policy Guidelines (2005-2008) as part of the Integrated guidelines for growth and jobs. As one of the main instruments of economic policy coordination, it reflects the new start for the Lisbon Strategy and concentrates on the contribution of economic policies to higher growth and more jobs. The EESC has expressed its views in several own-initiative opinions and will adopt an opinion identifying key policy priorities for strengthening the Euro area at the beginning of the Portuguese presidency. The ECO section will also draw up an own-initiative opinion on the benefits and advantages of the euro. The opinion should help to highlight the benefits the euro has brought to the European economy ten years after the decisions taken in 1998, the practical, irreversible result of which are the binding monetary union mechanisms. Integration of international financial markets Recent years have highlighted the upheavals that have been affecting the financial sector of the economy over recent years. These are interpreted as being the result of the new information and communication technology revolution, exponential growth in the number of securities traded on the DI CESE 50/2007 fin .../...

-7stock markets (which are moreover far more closely interconnected), the arrival of new players whose influence is considerable and a redefinition of their strategies. The EESC will examine the economic and social consequences of those financial market trends in an own-initiative adopted during the Portuguese presidency. Economic Policy and Industrial Strategy Given the scale of globalisation and competition between traditional and emerging industrial powers, the EU's economic and monetary choices have to be considered and efficient. They must be geared towards development yet based on the particularities of the European economic and productive fabric. If Europe wishes to stay abreast of competition and relaunch consistent and sustainable growth, it must develop an industrial policy that can meet the challenges presented by the United States, India and China. Needless to say, relaunching EU industrial policies does not mean relieving Member States of their authority in this area but rather coordinating efforts and choices in order to maximise living standards for European citizens. The EESC will make proposals on "Economic Policies which promote the European Strategy" in an own-initiative opinion adopted during the Portuguese presidency. Contact: Mr Gilbert Marchlewitz (+32.2.546.9358; silbert. marchlewitz(cp,eesc. europa, eu) Industrial

Financial integration: stock markets Financial integration is a key element of European economic and monetary union. All financial market-places carry out important public service roles. In view of the key role they play in domestic financial markets, stock markets are often effectively public institutions of national importance. As the European stock markets are dominated by traditional, often national, actors and despite a few stock market mergers and alliances, the market continues to be fragmented, and considering that the EU's public authorities must remain firmly committed to furthering the process of integration, the EESC is drawing up an own-initiative opinion calling on European and national institutions to facilitate the process of integrating European stock markets Contact: Mr Juri Soosaar (+32.2.546.9628; juri.soosaar&.eesc. europa, eu)

Taxation The EESC expects to be consulted on several taxation issues during the second half of 2007, among others on the common system for excise duty; on the holding, movement and monitoring of excise goods; and on the modernisation of VAT provisions relating to financial services including insurance. hi its opinion on Coordination of systems of direct taxation the EESC looks at the three Communications of the Commission on the coordination of direct tax systems, exit taxation and cross-border loss relief. The aim is to ensure that national tax systems comply with Community law DI CESE 50/2007 fin .../...

-8and interact coherently with each other. The initiatives seek to remove discrimination and double taxation for the benefit of individuals and business while preventing tax abuse and erosion of the tax base. The contribution of the EESC is expected for the third quarter of 2007. In its communication on Tax incentives for R&D, the Commission proposes means of coordination to foster the effective use of R&D tax incentives across the EU and improve trans-national research cooperation given the increasing globalisation of R&D activities. The Communication and the accompanying Annex set out the legal conditions and design options to help Member States improve their R&D tax treatment. The EESC is expected to deliver its opinion in the third quarter of 2007. The proposal for the Council directive on Excise duties on commercial diesel is based on the fact that existing tax differentials on diesel used by trucks ("commercial gas oil") create distortions of competition within the liberalised Internal Market of the haulage sector. In addition, they lead to "fuel tourism", where truck drivers alter their routes in order to benefit from low tax rates applied in certain Member States, thereby having a negative impact on the environment. In consequence, the Commission's proposal aims at narrowing these differentials while reducing environmental damages. The opinion of the EESC is expected for the second half of 2007. Own resources During the second half of 2007, Commissioner Grybauskait, in charge of the Financial programming and budget, will request an exploratory opinion on the financing of the EU through its own resources, in accordance with the conclusions of the European Council of December 2005. Contact: Ms Imola Bed (+32.2.546.8362, imola.bedo(a> ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND TERRITORIAL COHESION At the interface between two programming periods, the second half of 2007 gives the EESC the opportunity to ascertain how cohesion policy has helped to create prosperity and jobs in Europe and whether, in the 2007-2013 programming period, this policy will be able to equip the European regions to cope with future challenges. The Fourth report on economic and social cohesion will serve as the basis for this analysis. Then the EESC will be able, on the basis of the information provided by the Commission, to discuss the main factors believed to contribute to reducing socio-economic and regional disparities, without overlooking the impact of cohesion policy on other Community and national policies and their interdependence. The EESCs opinion will be a major contribution to the consultation process launched by the Commission with the Fourth report and will help to shape the new overall approach to EU cohesion policy.

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-9The Communication from the Commission on the contribution of cohesion policy to growth and jobs objectives will be a further opportunity for the EESC to express its views on how innovation is taken into account in operational programmes and to assess whether the bulk of the resources allocated to cohesion policy are used for the investments most suitable for modernising the European economy. Contact: Mr Marco Thyssen (+32 2 546.84.11, marco. thvssen(),eesc. europa, eu) Urban areas and the Territorial Agenda In November 2006, the Federal Minister for Transport, Construction and Urban Development asked the European Economic and Social Committee, on behalf of the German presidency, to draw up exploratory opinions on European metropolitan areas: socio-economic implications for Europe's future and the Territorial Agenda. The ECO section was responsible for preparing the work on the subject and the European Economic and Social Committee adopted both opinions in April 2007. In line with the conclusions of the Leipzig informal meeting of ministers responsible for the Territorial Agenda of 24-25 May 2007, the EESC will pursue its work in this field during the Portuguese presidency's term of office. Contact: Mr Alberto Allende (+32.2.546.9679, alberto.allende(d),


Lisbon Strategy The Lisbon Strategy is one of the Portuguese presidency's clear priorities. It should be noted, in this regard, that the section has drawn up an exploratory opinion in response to the German presidency's specific request on Unlocking and strengthening Europe's potential for research, development and innovation and two own-initiative opinions on Investment in knowledge and innovation and Business potential, especially ofSMEs. These two opinions will be part of a set of four, making up the EESCs specific contribution to the review of the Lisbon Agenda, which is due to be formalised under the Slovene presidency in early 2008. Consumer policy The Protection of consumers in respect of distance contracts and the Green Paper on the Review of the Consumer Acquis will set forth the EESCs views on consumer protection. An own-initiative opinion on Defining the collective actions system and its role in the context of Community consumer law will address an issue which has become topical. The EESCs contribution will be added to the Commission's and the European Parliament's planned initiatives. The EESC will also issue an opinion on EU Consumer Policy strategy 2007-2013.

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-10 Tourism Tourism has been addressed by a number of EESC opinions, and the subject will remain on the INT section's agenda. The conferences planned by the presidency will be an excellent opportunity to discuss these opinions, which cover areas such as social tourism, tourism related to sporting events, tourism as a means of economic recovery for certain regions, cultural tourism etc. An EESC delegation will take part in World Tourism Day in Malaga in September 2007 and the 6th European Tourism Forum in Algarve, Portugal, on 26 October. Industrial policy The EESC is drawing up a major opinion on CARS 21, the Commission Communication which proposes a competitive automotive regulatory system for the 21st Century, with a view to contributing to the EU strategy for growth and jobs. An EESC own-initiative opinion will launch the discussion on the issue of Eco-friendly production, which concerns all Europeans who are aware of the need to ensure sustainable industry. The EESC will adopt an opinion on the European space policy in October. Research In addition to the opinions listed under "Lisbon Strategy", an opinion is being drawn up on the European research area, in respect of which the existing instruments will be reviewed. Financial services The EESC will adopt an opinion on the White Paper on Financial Services. Contact: Mr Joo Pereira dos Santos (+32.2.546.92.45; joao.pereiradossantos(d)


Simplification and improvement of the regulatory environment remain priority areas and the Observatory, which is part of the EESCs Section for the Internal Market, Production and Consumption, will continue its activities in this area. The Observatory will hold a public hearing in Oporto on 13-14 September 2007 entitled "Review of the Single Market - Views and Recommendations of Portuguese Civil Society". This event will flank the publication of the Commission's final report on the "Review of the Single Market" (due to be issued around October 2007). Contact has already been made with Commissioner McCreevy's Private Office.

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-11 The SMO will closely follow the agenda of the Portuguese Presidency to involve its members in Presidency events related to Better Lawmaking in the wider sense. It is planned for instance to make contacts with the SIMPLEX programme of the Portuguese government and also to sound out possibilities for cooperation with the Portuguese Economic and Social Council. The Observatory will have launched its database on self-regulation and co-regulation (formerly PRISM) in the summer and an information campaign will be organised during the Portuguese Presidency. This database will be the first interactive catalogue of European self-regulation initiatives. In doing so, the Observatory aims to acquire specialist knowledge in the area of improving the regulatory environment while carrying out its horizontal consultative activities. The SMO will more generally be seeking to consolidate cooperation and synergies with the European Commission. The Observatory could envisage publishing a brochure on the obstacles to the Single Market during the Portuguese Presidency in parallel to the Commission's report. The EESC will adopt the exploratory opinion (drafted by the SMO at the request of the European Commission) on the "Simplification of the regulatory environment for the machinery sector" in September. This exercise could be the first of a new series of pragmatic contributions to the quality of legislation. Contact: Mr Jean-Pierre Faure (+32.2.546.96.15 or +32.2.546.92.30; paivi.koivuniemi(a>,eesc. europa, eu)

jean-pierre. faure(a,eesc. europa, eu



Employment, Labour Law and Working Conditions At the start of the Presidency, the EESC will adopt three exploratory opinions requested by the Portuguese Prime Minister's Office and by the Ministry for Employment and Social Solidarity on Employability and entrepreneurship - The role of civil society, the social partners and regional and local bodies from a gender perspective, on Flexicurity and on The role of the social partners in balancing work, the family and private life. The EESC will be involved in conferences and events on these issues during the Portuguese Presidency (see Appendix). The EESC will also have completed important opinions on the Employment of priority categories (in the context of the Lisbon strategy), on the Green Paper on the Evolution of Labour Law, and on the Community Strategy on Health and Safety at Work. During the Presidency, the EESC will address expected proposals on the Labour market integration of young people and the question of undeclared work. A major own-initiative Opinion of the EESC, on Promoting sustainable productivity, will be adopted in September.

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-12Contacts: Mr Alan Hick (+32.2.546.9302; alan.hick(),eesc. Ms Anna Redstedt (+32.2.546.9233; anna.redstedt(a>, Ms Susanne Johansson (+32.2.546.8477; susanne.iohansson(a), Mr Torben Bach Nielsen (+ 32.2.546.9619; torben.bachnielsen(,

Equal Opportunity The EESC continues to play a full part in the 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All, participating in various Presidency events, following-up work on gender equality and the six priorities outlined in the Commission Roadmap. It will also work on the expected Communication on equal opportunity and inter-generational solidarity and will adopt a new exploratory opinion requested by the Portuguese Presidency on The harmonisation of handicap indicators. Contacts: Mr Torben Bach Nielsen (+32.2.546.9619; torben.bachnielsen(a), Ms Ewa Kaniewska (+32.2.546.8117; ewa.kaniewska(),

Integration of minorities - Roma During the Portuguese Presidency, the EESC will adopt a major exploratory opinion requested by the Commission on the Integration of Minorities, with specific reference to Roma. Important consultations on this issue will be organised. Contact: Mr Alexandros Tsolakis (+ 32.2.5468866; alexandros. tsolakis(a>,eesc.

Social Policy, Social Realities and the European Social Model The EESC will adopt an exploratory opinion requested by the Portuguese Presidency on Minimum Social Standards and expects to play a full role in the 6th Roundtable on Poverty and Social Exclusion and in the discussion on designating 2010 as the European Year of Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. It will also adopt an own-initiative opinion on Credit and Social Exclusion. The EESC will continue to promote grass-roots consultations and participate in events on stocktaking of social realities, the building of a new consensus and the development of a European Social Model. It will adopt a new opinion on the Social Agenda towards the end of the Portuguese Presidency. Contact: Mr Torben Bach Nielsen (+ 32.2.546.9619; torben. bachmelsen(a), Ms Ewa Kaniewska (+ 32.2.546.8117; ewa.kanieswka(a),eesc. Mr Alan Hick (+ 32.2.546.9302); alan.hickCcveesc.europa, eu)

Youth, Education and Training The EESC will follow up its active participation in the European Youth Summit and European Youth Week by a dedicated integration of the youth dimension in its debates, opinions and events. It will DI CESE 50/2007 fin .../...

-13also continue to campaign actively for children's rights during the Portuguese Presidency. In addition, the EESC will adopt opinions on the quality of teacher education, on Erasmus Mundus and on voluntary youth activities. An own-initiative opinion on Entrepreneurship Mindsets and the Lisbon Agenda will be adopted in September. Contacts: Ms Anna Redstedt (+ 32.2.546.9233; anna.redstedi(a), Ms Ewa Kaniewska (+ 32.2.546.8117; ewa. kaniewska(),eesc. europa, eu)

FREEDOM, SECURITY AND JUSTICE The EESC has a comprehensive portfolio of opinions and acknowledged expertise which it hopes will be put to good use during the Portuguese Presidency, in the follow-up to The Hague Programme: Ten priorities for the next five years The Partnership for European renewal in the field of Freedom, Security and Justice. During the Presidency, it will draw up an important own-initiative opinion on EU Immigration and cooperation policy with countries of origin to foster development, and will work on expected proposals on refugees and long-term residence status, on entry conditions for highly qualified workers and on European asylum policy. The EESC will also adopt in July an exploratory opinion requested by the Portuguese Presidency on Health and Migrations. Contact: Mr Pierluigi Brombo (+32.2.546.9718; pierluisi.brombo(a),

PUBLIC HEALTH During the Portuguese Presidency, the EESC will maintain a pro-active promotion of its owninitiative opinion on Obesity in Europe and will remain involved in the European strategy on nutrition and physical activity and the Strategy to combat alcohol-related harm. The EESC expects to do follow-up work on the question of Mental Health. The EESC will also complete work on the Rights of Patients, give a consolidated response to the 2007 Community Health Strateg}' White Paper, and be actively involved in the upcoming programme of Community action on safe and efficient health services to facilitate patient mobility. It will also remain involved in the on-going debate on the future of social services, including health services. Contact: Ms Ewa Kaniewska (+32.2.546.8117;

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During the Portuguese EU Presidency in 2007 the Section for Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment will undertake activities in almost all domains linked to the presidency priorities. Compared to previous presidencies there will be relatively more focus on sustainable development and in particular climate change issues during the second half of 2007, but all core competences of the NAT Section will be activated. Sustainable Development The newly established Sustainable Development Observatory (SDO) is working on several areas of relevance to the Portuguese Presidency. It is currently drawing up an opinion contributing to the Commission's bi-annual report in time for the Autumn summit and in the second half of 2007 it will start work on the links between the Sustainable Development Strategy on the one hand and the Lisbon Strategy on the other. These two major strategies of the EU must be complementary and not work - or seen to be working - against each other. The SDO also has the coordinating role for the EESCs work on climate change, an important and contemporary issue, which the Portuguese presidency has also underlined as being of the utmost importance. Agriculture The major transformation of the CAP that began in 2003 with the decoupling of direct aid will undergo a thorough "health check" in 2008 to see how it is performing. The EESC will be the first EU body to input this evaluation process by giving an opinion in the Autumn of 2007. The Portuguese Presidency will complete the work of previous presidencies on the reform of the CMO for wine. In 2006, a non-legislative communication from the Commission was already the subject of an EESC opinion, addressing sensitive areas such as grubbing up, distillation and enrichment. These are expected to be again the main issues in the EESCs opinion on the coming legislative proposal. Food Safety The EESC will adopt an opinion on the simplification and clarification of existing legislation on general food and nutrition labelling, and on novel foods. The EESC has already tackled the issue of food and nutrition labelling in previous opinions on the use of health and nutrition claims for foodstuffs. The EESC is currently working on the package of proposals on food improvement agents (food additives, flavours, and enzymes).

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15Fisheries In the area of fisheries, the EESC will focus its efforts on promoting the conservation and sustainable management of fisheries resources by adopting an opinion on the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector, and on the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. The EESC will draw up an own-initiative opinion on the enforcement and control of fisheries regulations, which will include a visit by EESC members to the Community Fisheries Control Agency in Vigo, Spain. The EESC will also contribute to the debate concerning the review of the Community Strategy for Aquaculture. Contact: Mr Jakob Andersen (+32.2.546.9258; Jakob. Andersen&eesc.






During the Portuguese Presidency, the EESC will continue to work on issues related to the Common Transport Policy, as reviewed by the Commission in 2006. In this context, the link between energy and transport issues will remain a central concern for the EESC. Following on from strategic discussions with Commission Vice-President Jacques Barrot and the recently adopted opinion on the 2006 mid-term review of the Transport White Paper ("Keep Europe Moving"), the European Commission has asked the EESC to draw up two exploratory opinions on the Bottlenecks in Transport and on the Energy mix in transport. Regarding the latter, the TEN section plans to organise a study tour and a hearing in cooperation with key stakeholders in Portugal during European Mobility Week (16-23 September 2007). The Section has started its work on the exploratory opinion on the BottlenecL in Transport. In the framework of the second study group, the Section intends to organise a hearing with the concerned stakeholders and Council presidency representatives in Porto. Regarding the future maritime policy of the Union, the Portuguese Presidency intends to build upon the ongoing work of the German Presidency and the Commission's Green Paper. The EESC has recently provided its contributions to the Green Paper and has adopted related opinions on European seaports policy and short sea shipping. A request for an exploratory opinion on State Flag requirement is expected from the Portuguese Presidency. Close cooperation with the coming Presidency is also planned for example through the EESC involvement in two major events: 1. EU conference on a future Maritime Policy for the Union that will be hosted by the Portuguese Council presidency in Lisbon on 22 October 2007, 2. Ministerial conference on the subject of the Motorways of the Sea, which will be held in Lisbon on 23 October. DI CESE 50/2007 fin .../...


The Portuguese Presidency will give high priority to the EU policy on airport infrastructure. The EESC has adopted several opinions related to security of civil aviation. An explicit request for an exploratory opinion on airport infrastructure is expected from the coming Presidency. In the context of the close cooperation with the national ESCs, the TEN section will hold on 10 December 2007, a Conference on "Urban Mobility" in cooperation with the French Economic and Social Council and with the support of the Vice President Jacques Barrot. Contact: Ms Maria Jose Lopez Grancha (+32.2.546.8713; mariai ose. lopezgrancha(a),eesc. europa, eu) Mr Sven Dammann (+32.2.546.9366, sven.dammann() Energy The beginning of the Portuguese Presidency will coincide with the adoption of three fundamental opinions on the EU energy policy in the July EESC plenary: 1. The definition of an energy policy for Europe (Lisbon strategy) - referral by the European Council; 2. The Nuclear Illustrative Programme; 3. The Action Plan for Energy Efficiency. The main task of the EESC for the second half of 2007 will be to provide detailed and substantial feedback to the concrete Commission proposals issued from the Energy Package, which was endorsed by the European Council in March 2007 and which ties in quite strongly with Climate Change. The TEN Section is already preparing relevant opinions on sustainable power generation from fossil fuels, the EC biofuels progress report, and the promotion of an integrated approach to trans-European transport, energy and telecommunications networks. In the second half of 2007, the following EC proposals are expected: the first European strategic energy technology plan, the energy market liberalisation package, and the framework directive on renewables. Additionally, other reports and topics are under discussion: the renewable Energy roadmap in the 21st century, the Green Paper follow-up action report on progress in renewable electricity, the prospects for the internal gas and electricity market, the priority interconnection plan, and the report for a proposal on heating and cooling from renewable sources. The Section has started its work on the exploratory opinion on the "Energy mix in the transport sector", as requested by Commission Vice-President Jacques Barrot. In this context, a hearing and study tour will be held in Lisbon and Coimbra on 11-12 September. The Section received recently a request for an exploratory opinion from Energy Commissioner Piebalgs, the subject of which should focus on "energy efficiency in buildings: the contribution of end users". To investigate the question how the binding target of a 20% share of renewable energy by 2020, adopted at the 2007 Spring European Council, shall be implemented in a joint effort by all EU member states, the Portuguese Presidency holds the Seminar "Renewables 2020 - Towards 20%" on DI CESE 50/2007 fin .../...

-1711 and 12 of July. The Portuguese Directorate General for Energy has invited Edgardo Iozia, (IT, Group II, rapporteur of among others the opinion on the biofuels progress report) from the EESCs TEN section to chair the session "Renewable targets - security, competitiveness and climate change". Contact: Mr Siegfried Jantscher (+32.2.546.828 7; Siegfried. iantscher(a),eesc. europa, eu) Mr Sven Dammann (+32.2.546.9366, sven.dammann(

Services of General Interest Services of general interest (SGI) continue to gain a growing political importance on the European policy agenda. At a joint EESC-CoR conference on "A European Framework for High-Quality Public Services" in April 2007, Mr Edmundo Martinho, President of the Portuguese Social Security Institute, gave an outlook on the follow-up on Social Services of General Interest (SSGI) under the Portuguese Presidency. He confirmed that SSGI would be at the heart of the priorities of the Portuguese presidency. A forum on SSGI will be held on 17 September 2007 in Lisbon during which the EESC will organise a specific workshop on SSGI in the context of the evaluation of SGI. The EESCs involvement in SGI during the Portuguese Presidency will quite naturally build on the previous work of the EESC permanent study group on SGI. This Permanent Study Group finalised two opinions on SGI in the first half of 2007. The EESC adopted its opinion on the Communication from the Commission implementing the Community Lisbon programme: Social services of general interest in the European Union in March 2007, in which it recommended that common benchmarks and standards should be defined at Community level for all services of general interest (both economic and non-economic), including SSGI, to be set out in a framework directive. The EESCs opinion on the Proposal of the European Commission concerning the full accomplishment of the internal market of Community postal services was adopted in April 2007, in which it called for the full liberalisation of the postal sector by 1 January 2012 provided that credible financing options which represent an improvement on the reserved sector have been found by then. This should help to ensure an effective and competitive postal sector. In the second half of 2007, the EESC permanent study group on SGI will continue its work in the framework of an own-initiative focusing on the evaluation of the SGI, against the background of the coming initiatives of the Commission on SGI, SSGI, health services and the annual report on the evaluation on network services. The EESC and the national ESCs of the EU will meet on 15 November 2007 in Luxembourg, in the framework of their collaboration network, in order to finalise a joint declaration on SIG addressed to the French government which will lead the EU Presidency in the second half of 2008. Contact: Ms Agota Bazsik (+32.2.546.8658, agota. bazsik(),eesc.europa, eu)

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-18Information Society The EESC has the reputation to be knowledgeable about addressing the social, economic and environmental impacts of the EU information society policy. It is therefore not surprising that the EESC recently received a request for three exploratory opinions from Commissioner Viviane Reding: 1. Identification by RFID, 2. Contribution of information and communication technologies to sustainability, 3. Future legislation on e-accessibility. These opinions should be adopted by the EESC at the beginning of the second half of 2007. The EESC proposes to organise a hearing on the second exploratory opinion as highlighted above. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are the main driver of innovation-based growth in the EU, as well as in most developed and developing countries. However, economic growth must now become more resource-efficient - notably more energy-efficient - if the EU objectives for improved energy-efficiency and reductions in carbon emissions are to be realised. In its study group on "The contributions of ICT to sustainable development", the EESC looks more closely at the potential of ICT to increase energy efficiency as well as to foster social and economic sustainability. The hearing could take place in July or August, jointly organised with local social partners to provide a broader input for the opinion and ultimately for the new flagship initiative in the 2010 framework on ICTs and sustainable growth, to be launched by the Commission in late 2007 or early 2008. Among the main policy developments to be expected under the Portuguese Presidency, the EESC will be involved in addressing the following three Commission Communications: 1. Mobile TV, 2. the Action Plan for Ageing Well in the Information Society, 3. Digital libraries. On the latter topic, the EESC is currently drawing up an own initiative opinion whose adoption will fit in perfectly with the timing of the Commission. The EESC will be involved in three major events under the Portuguese Presidency: 1. E-government conference on 20-21 September 2007 in Lisbon: the EESC will organise a workshop on the role of the civil society organisations in improving e-accessibility and therefore the impact of e-government, 2. Regulation and Convergence conference on 28 September, 3. Public hearing on Digital Libraries in October 2007. Furthermore the EESC will organise at the beginning of September a public hearing on "The contributions of information and communication technology to sustainable development" with the cooperation of the "Instituto Nacional de Engenharia, Tecnologia e Inovao" (INETI) as a co-host. The hearing will aim to obtain the input of a broad range of stakeholders into the drafting process of the EESC opinion on the same subject. Contact: Ms Agola Bazsik, (+32.2.546.8658, agola.bazsik(ci),eesc.

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During the Portuguese Presidency, the EESC will pursue its work on industrial change along two broad lines, i.e.: - an integrated sectoral approach to industrial change with the aim of defining the adaptations of horizontal and general industrial policy deemed necessary by the socio-occupational players in various sectors; - the promotion of changes to European industry to ensure the preservation and improvement of its competitiveness in a socially acceptable and sustainable framework. These avenues allow the EESC to extract maximum added value from the unique nature of its Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI), the composition of which includes both members and external delegates in close touch with grassroots issues and familiar with the daily reality of the sectors they represent. The EESC will draft up to four own-initiative opinions: Innovation: Impact on industrial change and the role of the European Investment Bank (in cooperation with the Bank) Impact of environmental regulations on industrial change Global trade integration and outsourcing Impact of the territoriality of tax law on industrial change.

The EESC will continue its sectoral analyses: Chemical sector: The work begun during the German presidency, which included a seminar and an external study, will culminate with the adoption of an information report that will serve as an input to the recently created High Level Group. Textile and footwear sector: The EESC will draw up an information report mapping the main challenges and opportunities for this sector, fuelled inter alia by the findings of two external studies and the results of a seminar planned to be held in Portugal in November. Automotive industry: The EESC will explore the current situation and prospects of the automotive sector by conducting an integrated and forward-looking analysis of the sector. To this end, the EESC will draft an information report and will participate actively in the 4th meeting of the European Commission's Restructuring Forum on 17-18 October.

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-20Sustainable cement: Based on a recent hearing, an information report will highlight the main issues of a sector that can provide interesting lessons as an example of an energy-intensive industry endeavouring to become more sustainable. Contact: Mr Pol Liemans (+32.2.546.8215; pol, liemans&.eesc.europa, eu)


Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific The EESC will pursue its activities strengthening relations with the ACP countries and, in particular, monitoring negotiations on the Economic Partnership Agreements due to be concluded in late 2007. Moreover, the EESC will be particularly involved in the preparations for implementing the EU-Africa strategy and its contribution to the Summit could include presentation of the conclusions to the opinion it is drawing up on migration and development. Lastly, a joint initiative by UCESA, the Portuguese ESC and the Portuguese presidency should seek to encourage development of the consultative role and the setting-up of cooperation facilities in Portuguese-speaking African countries, in particular Mozambique and Angola. Contact: Ms Susanna Baizou (+32.2.546.98.45, Latin America In the second half of 2007, the EESC will launch initiatives to develop its relations with Latin American sub-regional groups - Central America, the Andean Community and Mercosur. These initiatives will, on the one hand, monitor current or future negotiations and, on the other, make preparations for the 5th meeting of EU, Latin American and Caribbean civil society, to be held in Lima in April 2008. In this context, a seminar on The EU and Mercosur: the contribution of civil society institutions to national and regional development will be held on 17-20 July 2007 in Brasilia with the Brazilian CESD. The Portuguese presidency will be invited to take part in the event. Contact: Ms Beatriz Porres (+32.2.546.91.31, European neighbourhood policy As regards relations with the EU's neighbours to the east, the EESC will draw up an opinion on relations between the European Union and Moldova and on relations between the EU and the three Caucasus countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia). It will also expand its endeavours to forge deeper relations with the Russian Republic and Russian civil society, particularly the Civic Chamber. Contact: Mr Raffaele Del Fiore (+32.2.546.97.94, raffaci'e.delfioreCceesc. DI CESE 50/2007 fin .../... beatriz.porres(fi), susanna.baizou(j,

-21 In connection with the Euro-Mediterranean dossier, the EESC will draw up a report on Civil society participation at local level in implementing the European Neighbourhood Policy action plans with a view to balanced and sustainable development and an opinion on Promotion of Women's entrepreneurship in the Euromed region. It will work together very actively in this context with the Portuguese presidency, which will be invited to take part in the next Euromed summit of ESCs and similar institutions, to be held in Athens on 15-16 October 2007. Moreover, the EESC will be asked to contribute to the Euromed foreign affairs ministers conference and the Euromed Ministerial Conference on migration issues. There will also be follow-up to the Euromed Ministerial Conference on the role of women in society held on 14-15 November 2006. The EESC will continue to be involved in the enlargement process, particularly through the joint consultative committee set up with Turkey. Over the second half of 2007, the JCC will meet in Turkey and address the following subjects: women and entrepreneurship; and transport and energy policies. Contact: Ms Laila Wold (+32.2.546.91.58, laila. wold(a> Western Balkans The second meeting of the EU-Croatia Follow-up committee will be held in Croatia in September 2007 and will mainly address issues relating to enterprise and industrial policy. The Portuguese presidency will be invited to take part in this event. In addition, the EESC will continue to focus on relations with the other Balkan countries through the work of the contact group and the preparations for the second regional civil society forum, to be held in 2008. Moreover, in October, the EESC is to adopt an own-initiative opinion on Croatia on the road to accession and will start to draw up another own-initiative opinion on Relations between the EU and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: the role of civil society. Contact: Mr Loc Defaye (+32.2.546.83.57, Asia The EU-India and EU-China Round Tables are due to meet during the second half of 2007. The Portuguese presidency will be invited to play an active part in both events. Moreover, the EESC will call on the Portuguese presidency to support its participation in the EU-India and EU-China summits to be held in the second half of the year. Contact: Ms Judite Berkemeier (+32.2.546.98.97, mariajudite.berkemeier(c,

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-22International trade The EESC will continue to monitor multilateral trade negotiations. Contact with the presidency and the European Commission will continue in this context. Head of unit: Mr Jean-Franois Bence (+32.2.546.93.99, jean-francois. bence&.eesc. europa, eu)

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Future of the Union Portugal's six-month work plan for the EU is focused on putting Europe back on the world stage after a long period of introspection over the stalled constitutional treaty. In June the German Presidency will present a report to the European Council, based on extensive consultations with the Member States and exploring possible future developments. Taking that report as a working basis, the Portuguese Presidency could assume responsibility on how to continue the reform process. Portugal is expected to preside over an intergovernmental conference to fix details of a new EU treaty. Enlargement: the Portuguese Presidency will take forward work on opening the way for all of the newer Member States to become part of the Schengen area as soon as possible and allowing for the further enlargement of the euro area as more Member States fulfil the convergence criteria set out in the Treaties. The Lisbon Strategy: ensuring its comprehensive implementation in its economic, social and environmental dimensions Portugal looks forward to pushing the EU's jobs and growth agenda, born at the Lisbon summit in 2000 during the last Portuguese presidency. Implementing the revised Lisbon Strategy is a key element to strengthen EU competitiveness, job creation and growth in a sound environment. Portugal will contribute to the evaluation and preparation of the review of the renewed Lisbon Strategy. (The new three-year cycle of the Lisbon Strategy will be: 2008-2010.) In this context, the EESC, in cooperation with the Portuguese ESC, will organise a big conference in Lisbon, in September - October 2007, on the new three-year cycle of the Lisbon Strategy 2008 2010. The conference will be organised before the extraordinary European Council, which will meet in October on the same subject.

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Discussions will also focus on the following topics: The completion of the Internal Market (thorough implementation of the National Reform Programmes). The strengthening of competitiveness and the innovation capacity of European companies. Promoting financial and economic policies oriented towards growth and stability. Further developing the European social model, promoting equal opportunities and a European policy of gender mainstreaming. Accordingly, Portugal will hold a conference with experts on gender equality, focusing on employability and entrepreneurship gender stereotypes. This is a key issue for the Portuguese Presidency, which will also devote to this theme the informal meeting of Ministers of Equality, on October 2007. Employment: ten years after launching the European Employment Strategy it is essential to reflect on ways to improve instruments and coordination processes in the field of employment and social affairs. Portugal sees employment, flexicurity and social inclusion as the main objectives. Therefore the following issues will be addressed with particular attention: further work on the combination of working flexibility with social protection and employment security ("flexicurity"); a better reconciliation between work, family and private life; an adequate infrastructure for childcare, support for older people and people with disabilities; the promotion of social inclusion and the fight against poverty as a distinctive mark of the European venture; in this context, an informal meeting of Employment and Social Affairs Ministers is scheduled for 5 and 6 July 2007 in Guimares. Better regulation and elimination of unnecessary administrative burdens, in particular with special attention to SMEs. Secure, sustainable and competitive energy supply will be high on the Portuguese agenda. The EU's external relations in the field of energy will be intensified, in particular by strengthening dialogue between the main producer, transit and consumer countries focusing on security of supply as well as reduction of energy demand by enhancing energy efficiency and promoting renewable energies. Promoting research, knowledge and innovation is essential for stimulating growth and competitiveness and creating jobs. The implementation of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and the Programme for Lifelong Learning will play a crucial role in this regard. DI CESE 50/2007 fin .../...

-25The protection of the environment will be another priority concern. In this context, the further development of the European Climate Change Programme and its mitigation measures across sectors and the emission trading scheme will be of the utmost importance. Discussion on the following question will be taken forward: on the EU position for a balanced and fair post-2012 regime, in line with the EU's objective of limiting the temperature increase to 2 above pre-industrial levels. Strengthening the area of freedom, security and justice A particular priority during this period will be asylum and immigration policy. Portugal will continue with the implementation of the Global Approach to Migration; this includes extending and deepening the dialogue between countries of origin, transit and destination. A high priority will also be given to the effective protection of the Union's external borders through the implementation of SIS II and the extension of the Schengen area. On police cooperation, a high priority will be given to strengthening Europol and further developing the EU information system. Enhancing the external role of the EU in the areas of security, development and economic relations The Portuguese Presidency will work to ensure the continued development of a European area of security and stability. Relations with the Union's neighbours to the east and the south will be strengthened: this will be achieved through enhancement of the mechanisms of the European Neighbourhood Policy. Europe's foreign policy will be tilted from the east to the south during the Portuguese EU presidency, including a drive to improve relations with Africa. Portugal will preside over an EU-Africa summit. Portugal's focus will also tum to Brazil, a fast-growing economy with close ties to this country. The Portuguese Presidency attaches particular importance to strengthening transatlantic relations as well as with other strategic partners such as Japan, China, India and ASEAN. Strengthening the strategic partnership with Russia will also constitute a priority. An EU-Russia summit will take place on 26 October 2007.

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-26The objective of peace and international security will be pursued through the development of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) including the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). Continuity The Portuguese government will cooperate closely with the next presidencies and notably with Slovenia.

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The European Economic and Social Committee is a consultative body set up by the Rome Treaties in 1957. It consists of representatives of the various economic and social components of organised civil society. Its main task is to advise the three major institutions (European Parliament, Council of the European Union and European Commission). It is mandatory for the EESC to be consulted on those issues stipulated in the Treaties and in all cases where the institutions deem it appropriate. It can also be consulted on an exploratory basis by one of the other institutions, or can itself take the initiative to issue opinions (around 15% of its opinions are own-initiative opinions). The EESC adopts on average 150 opinions a year on a wide range of subjects concerning European integration. It therefore plays an active role in the Community decision-making process. The EESC also has two complementary tasks: first, involving civil society organisations more in the European venture, and, second, boosting the role of civil society organisations in non-member countries or groups of countries, such as the countries applying for EU membership, with which very active consultative committees have been set up; the Euromed countries bordering the Mediterranean; African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries; Mercosur countries (Latin America); and India, amongst others. The EESC holds structured dialogue with representatives of civil society organisations in these countries and regions, and promotes the creation of consultative structures based on its own model. Thanks to the EESC, building Europe is therefore the task not only of the European Union and politicians, but also of members of the public belonging to organisations involved in economic, social and cultural life. The EESC is made up of 344 members split into three groups: the "Employers" group, the "Employees" group and the "Various Interests" group, which brings together representatives of sectors of economic and social life that are not covered by the first two groups, that is, bodies representing craftsmen, farmers, SMEs, the professions, consumers in the social economy, family associations and associations promoting the rights of people with disabilities and combating exclusion, the general interest, etc. The EESCs membership is not static. It changes with each fouryearly renewal so as to reflect changes in civil society in the Member States as accurately as possible. The last EESC renewal - which covers the next four-year period - took place in October 2006. A total of 30% of members were newly appointed. Bulgarian and Romanian members joined the EESC at the beginning of 2007. Until September 2008, the EESC presidency will be held by Mr Dimitris Dimitriadis (Employers' group, Greece), assisted by two vice-presidents, Mr Alexander-Michael Graf von Schwerin (Employees' group, Germany) and Ms Jillian van Turnhout (Various Interests group, Ireland). The EESC Secretariat is headed by Mr Patrick Venturini, Secretary-General.

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-28Links between the European Economic and Social Committee and the national economic and social councils and other similar bodies The EESC has developed close cooperation with economic and social councils and similar institutions. In the EU's Member States, this cooperation is based on regular meetings on specific subjects (in particular on the renewed Lisbon Strategy), the exchange of information and the development of a joint website ( It also participates actively in the work of the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (IAESCSI), the members of which span 50 countries. Lastly, the EESC maintains regular relations with civil society organisations in the countries applying for EU membership and in several countries or country groupings outside the European Union. These activities are carried out jointly with the economic and social councils of the relevant countries.

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With the aim of enriching the democratic system, the constitutional revision of 1989 enshrined the Economic and Social Council (ESC) in article 92 of the Portuguese Republic's Constitution. The creation of the ESC was confirmed by law in 1991, whereby it inherited the responsibilities and duties of the National Council for Planning and those of the Permanent Council for Social Dialogue. The Economic and Social Council is therefore a constitutional body, whose objective is to promote the participation of the economic and social players in the decision-making processes of the sovereign bodies, concerning socio-economic matters. The ESC is also used as an instrument to carry out the principle of society's and the citizens' participation in State activities and decisions and is the prime forum for dialogue between the Government, social partners and other civil society organisations. Article 92 of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic confers two sorts of role on the ESC: a consultative role and a social dialogue role. The consultative role is based on the institutional participation of the most representative organisations in society and the economy and involves the production of opinions on proposals or draft legislative texts that the sovereign bodies intend to adopt, or on any matters of economic and social policy, as a legal obligation, either on the Government's initiative or on that of other sovereign bodies, or on the initiative of the ESC itself. The ESC provides a forum for the representatives of the various interests to meet and discuss their opinions on the matters under consideration, with a view to building the widest possible consensus. The objective of the social dialogue function is to promote social dialogue and negotiation between the Government and the traditional social partners (workers' and employers' organisations). It is exercised on the basis of tripartite negotiations between representatives of these bodies, through which social dialogue agreements are sought in specific fields of economic and social policy. In the course of its work, the ESC draws up opinions on draft legislation and economic policy programmes submitted to it by the government and other sovereign bodies or on its own initiative. The Economic and Social Council is made up of 66 members. Its president is elected by the Assembly of the Republic by a two-thirds majority of the deputies present and it has four VicePresidents elected by the Plenary of the ESC. The current President is Professor Alfredo Bruto da Costa, who was elected by Parliament in 2003 and re-elected in 2005 for four years.

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Although the members of the ESC are not formally integrated into categories or groups, it is possible to consider six groups that stand out given the nature of the interests they represent: Group Group Group Group Group of Government (8) of employers (8) of workers (8) of representatives of regional and local governments (12) of different interests (20)

Group of personalities of recognised merit (5)

The term of office of ESC members runs concurrently with the legislative period of the Assembly of the Republic, i.e. a four-year term. The E S C s activity is developed around various bodies, with special focus on the E S C s President, the Plenary, the Specialised Committees (CEPES - Comisso Especializada Permanente de Poltica Econmica e Social and CDROT - Comisso Especializada Permanente do Desenvolvimento Regional e do Ordenamento do Territrio) and the Permanent Council for Social Dialogue (CPCS Comisso Permanente de Concertao Social), the Coordinating Council and the Administrative Council. The E S C s national and international representative activity mainly takes the form of participation in and organisation of seminars and international gatherings and the drafting of reports and joint declarations with similar European and global organisations: Bilateral cooperation with the EESC The first joint conference organised with the ESC of the country holding the Council Presidency began with the Lisbon conference in the Spring of 2000 (launch of the Lisbon Strategy).

Involvement in the EESC/national ESC network The ESC of Portugal hosted the annual meeting of presidents and secretaries-general of the ESCs of the EU and of the EESC in 1995. Organisation of the annual meeting of presidents and secretaries-general of the ESCs of the EU and of the EESC in Lisbon in 2006 and adoption of the Declaration on immigration entitled "Europe: the challenge of diversity and integration". Contribution to the 2006 EESC/national ESCs' summary report on the Lisbon Strategy. Participation in the EESC/national ESCs' Lisbon Group on the renewed Lisbon Strategy 20062008. The Portuguese ESC is a founding member of the "CESLink Working Group", launched in February 2000 under the coordination of the EESC. fin .../...

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Participation in IAESCSI Founding member since it was launched in 1999 Portugal's ESC joined IAESCSI's Board during the bienniums of 2001/2002 and 2003/2004.

Other The 4th Economic and Social Euro-Mediterranean Summit was held in Lisbon in 1998; In 2006 in Ljubljana, the theme Combating poverty in the Euro-Mediterranean countries was discussed based on work that was being coordinated by Portugal's ESC; On 9 May 2007, the future Portuguese presidency met with the Portuguese ESC to present the broad lines of Portugal's forthcoming EU presidency; Several important initiatives will be organised in cooperation with the EESC in the second half of 2007 under the Portuguese Council Presidency, such as a joint Conference on the Lisbon Strategy after Spring 2008, which could be the main issue of the extraordinary October Council during the Portuguese presidency. A meeting of the EESC Bureau will take place in Lisbon on 20 November, followed by a discussion involving Portuguese civil society players. This meeting will focus on bringing the institution's future activities into line with the decisions that will have just been taken by the European Council.

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Official Name - Portuguese Republic Founding of the Portuguese State - 1143 Founding of the Republic - 5 October 1910 Political System - Parliamentary democracy with a directly elected president National Symbols - National Flag and National Hymn Language - Portuguese Constitutional System - A Republic ruled by a Constitution. The Constitutional System includes the President of the Republic who represents the Portuguese Republic, the Assembleia da Repblica (Parliament) that represents the Portuguese citizens, the Government and the Courts of Law which administer justice in the name of the people and act solely in accordance with the law and whose decisions are binding for all public and private entities. With the exception of the Law Courts, these sovereign bodies (excepting the Government) are elected by direct, secret and periodic vote by the people. [See Political System] Political parties represented in the Parliament - Socialist Party, Social Democratic Party, Portuguese Communist Party, Popular Party, Left Block and the Ecologists' Party Os Verdes. Territorial Organisation - two Autonomous regions, (Azores and Madeira), and 18 districts on the mainland. Capital - Lisbon Area -92,142 km2 Population - 10,536,000 (2004) Active population - 5,523,000 (2004) Currency - Euro (divided into 100 cents) Gross Domestic Product - EUR 135,035 millions (2004) Gross Domestic Product per capita - EUR 12,817 (2004) Language Of Latin origin, Portuguese is the third most widely spoken European language in the world and is the mother tongue of about 200 million people.

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Countries in which Portuguese is the official language: Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, So Tom and Prncipe in Africa, Brazil in South America and East Timor in Asia. There are also Portuguese-speaking communities in other countries: large communities of recent immigrants exist in Europe (France, Luxembourg and Germany), in the Americas (United States, Canada and Venezuela), in Africa (South Africa) and Australia; there are also small groups of people in the erstwhile Asian colonies. In Portugal a considerable number of citizens can communicate easily in English, French and Spanish. International relations Portugal has been a founder-member of the UN system since 1945, a founder-member of NATO since 1949, a member of the Council of Europe since 1976 and of the European Union since 1986 as well as a founder-member of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries since 1996. Portugal maintains diplomatic relations with over 180 countries across all continents worldwide. Religion The Portuguese people are mainly Roman Catholic but the Portuguese Constitution guarantees religious freedom, resulting in the presence of various different religions in Portugal: Christians (Protestants of various denominations and Orthodox), Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, etc. The mainland is home to Ftima, one of the greatest Roman Catholic sanctuaries in the world. Some useful websites:


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Vice-president of the Confederation Commerce and Services (CCP) Almeida Freire, Pedro of Portuguese

Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship (SOC) Single Market, Production and Consumption (INT)

Businessman - Director Association (AEP) Barros Paulo Vale.

of the Portuguese


Single Market, Production and Consumption (ENT) Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion (ECO)

Lawyer and management consultant - Board Order of Portuguese Lawyers (OAP) Cavaleiro Brando, Manuel Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship (SOC) Single Market, Production and Consumption (INT)


Member of the national council of the Portuguese General Workers' Confederation Inter-Union (CGTP-1N) Chagas, Eduardo Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI) Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment (NAT) Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society (TEN)

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President, Congress of Northern Bank Workers - General Workers' Union (UGT) Correia, Alfredo Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship (SOC) External Relations (REX)

President of the National Associations (CNAF)




Costa Macedo, Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship (SOC) External Relations (REX) Teresa

Secretary-General of Confederation (CAP) Mira, Lus




Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment (NAT) Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society (TEN)

Lawyer Pegado Jorge Liz, Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship (SOC) Single Market, Production and Consumption () President of the Single Market Ob servatory (SMO) for the 2006-2008 mandate

DI CESE 50/2007 fin


Pereira Martins, Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Carlos Alberto Cohesion (ECO)

Chairman, Executive Board, Professional Bodies (CNOP)




Sequeira, Victor Hugo

Chairman of the board, Union of Office, Trade and New Technology Workers (STESE) Single Market, Production and Consumption (INT) Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society (TEN)

Secretary-General of the National Agricultural Cooperatives (Confagri) Silva, Francisco



Soares, Mrio

Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment (NAT) Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion (ECO)

Lecturer - Member of the National Council of the Portuguese General Workers' Confederation - Inter-Union (CGTP-IN) Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship (SOC) External Relations (REX)

DI CESE 50/2007 fin

-39APPENDIX PROGRAMME OF EVENTS IN 2007 Conferences, seminars, hearings and extraordinary meetings 2nd half of the year EESC ACTIVITIES HORIZONTAL INITIATIVES 20 November 2007, place to be confirmed Date and confirmed Date and place to be

Extraordinary meeting of the EESC Bureau

Joint EESC/Portuguese ESC conference, under the Portuguese EU presidency Baltic Open Forum




confirmed GROUP A CTIVITIES Group I Extraordinary meeting of Group I Group III Extraordinary meeting of the Group III Bureau in cooperation with DECO, Portuguese Consumer Protection Association Extraordinary meeting of Group III Extraordinary meeting of the Group III Bureau Lisbon, 2 July 2007 Porto, 28 November 2007

Brussels, 19 July 2007 Bucharest, 11 and 12 October 2007

SECTION A CTIVITIES SINGLE MARKET. PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION Single Market Observatory (SMO) meeting DI CESE 50/2007 fin Porto, September 2007 .../...






Joint meeting of two study groups on own-initiative opinions Fisheries and Agriculture (to be adopted for the second half of 2007), in Vigo (Spain) and Oporto (Portugal), held together with the European Fisheries Control Agency, the Spanish Economic and Social Council and the Council presidency

October 2007

Hearing on bilateral trade agreements in the European neighbourhood area and compliance with Protected Geographic Indications (PGIs), held together with the Council presidency and DG AGRI EXTERNAL RELA TIONS Latin America: Joint EESC-Brazilian CESD-Mercosur ESCF seminar on The contribution of civil society institutions to national and regional development 2n meeting of the EU-Croatia civil society follow-up committee Working meeting with Andean Community civil society representatives - preparations for the 5th EU-Latin AmericanCaribbean meeting Euromed Summit of Economic and Social Councils and similar institutions In collaboration with the Union of Economic and Social Councils of Africa (UCESA), organisation of an EESC mission to a Portuguesespeaking country in order to promote the consultative function and social dialogue 24th meeting of the EU-Turkey JCC EU-China Round Table EU-India Round Table

October 2007

Brasilia, 18-19 July 2007

Croatia, September 2007 Lima, 15-19 October 2007

Greece, 18-19 October 2007

September to December 2007

Turkey, November 2007 November 2007 December 2007 (tbc)

DI CESE 50/2007



41 ECONOMIC AND MONETARY SOCIAL COHESION 4th DG REGIO Cohesion Forum Open days - European week of regions and cities organised by the CoR Research Conference 2007 organised by DG ECFIN Portuguese presidency conference on cities Informal meeting of ministers responsible for regional policy TRANSPORT. ENERGY. INFRASTRUCTURE INFORMA TION SOCIETY AND THE UNION. ECONOMIC AND

27-28 September, Brussels 9-12 October, Brussels

11-12 October, Brussels 23 November, Portugal Event to be confirmed

Hearing held by the Study Group on The contributions of ICT to sustainable development Visit and meeting/hearing - Study Group on Energy mix in transport Joint organisation of a conference on Burden-sharing on renewable energy targets CONSULTATIVE COMMISSION ON INDUSTRIAL CHANGE

July 2007

Seminar on the textile and footwear sector (in preparation for an information report)

Portugal, November 2007



Participation in the Euromed foreign affairs ministers conference

Portugal, 5 November 2007

Participation in the Euromed Ministerial Conference on migration Participation in Euromed Parliamentary Assembly meetings Participation by an EESC delegation in the 14th ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly Participation by an EESC delegation in a UCESA conference Participation by an EESC delegation in a European Commission High Level Forum on social cohesion in Latin America Participation by the EU-China Round Table co-presidents in the EU-China Summit (to be confirmed) Participation by the EU-India Round Table co-presidents in the EU-India Summit (to be confirmed) SINGLE MARKET. PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION Informal meeting of competitiveness ministers Seminar on Innovation in the Market for Financing SMEs Vlth European Tourism Forum Conference on Consumer Affairs and Competition - Collective European Action Conference on the Adoption of ICTs for SME Competitiveness Conference on European Competition Day Conference on Quality and Innovation: a one-to one relationship Second Lisbon International Conference on Competition Law and Economics DI CESE 50/2007 fin

Portugal, 19 November 2007 Brussels Rwanda, November 2007

November 2007 Santiago de Chile, November 2007 Beijing, 23 November 2007

India, 26 November 2007

Lisbon, 26-27 July 2007 Lisbon, 20-21 September 2007 Algarve, 26-27 October 2007 Lisbon, 9-10 November or 7-9 December 2007 Lisbon, 13 November 2007 Lisbon, 15 November 2007 Porto, 26-27 November 2007 Lisbon, 15-16 November 2007 .../...


Seminar on Tourism - Innovation in the European Area Seminar on Legislative and Administrative S implification

Estoril, 29-30 November 2007 Lisbon, 1st week of December 2007 idem Lisbon or Oporto, 1st week of December 2007

Conference on SMEs and Entrepreneurship Award ceremony in Portugal - European Enterprise Awards


Conference on eGovernment Conference on Regulation and convergence Conference on Digital Libraries EMPLOYMENT, SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND CITIZENSHIP Informal EU Meeting of Ministers of Employment and Social Affairs Informal EU Ministerial Meeting for Gender Equality Conference on New Challenges for Social Dialogue: Reconciliation between work, family and personal life Conference on Flexicurity Conference on Health and Migration in the EU: b etter health for all in an inclusive society Conference of Gender Equality Experts on Employab ility and entrepreneurship - gender stereotypes 6th European Round Tab le on Poverty and Social Exclusion

21 September 2007 28 September 2007 Date to be confirmed

5-6 July 2007

4 October 2007 12-13 July 2007

13-14 S eptember 2007 Lisbon 27-28 S eptember 2007

3-4 October 2007

16-17 October 2007

DI CESE 50/2007 fin

-44Conference on The new European strategy on health and safety at work 2007-2012 Closing Conference of the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All Conference on 50 Years of Social Dialogue in Europe CONSULTATIVE COMMISSION ON INDUSTRIAL CHANGE 6 November 2007

18-19 November 2007

29-30 November 2007

4th Restructuring Forum (European Commission), focusing on the automotive sector

Brussels, 17-18 October 2007

For more information on EESC section work, please visit our Internet site:

DI CESE 50/2007



Would you like to know more? This brochure is one of a series of information documents published by the European Economic and Social Committee. Other titles in the series include: The EESC in Ten Questions; The EESC A Bridge between Europe and Organised Civil Society; and The EESCs Priorities. These, and a number of more specialised publications, can be consulted and downloaded free of charge at ( Printed versions of all EESC publications are available free of charge upon request from (publications@, or you can write to the Publications and Visits Unit, 99 rue Belliard, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium. The Portuguese Presidency website, which can be found at provides up-to-date information on the presidency as it unfolds. The website of the Council of the European Union ( fo/index.htm) provides a great deal of information about the Council and its ongoing activities. The website of the European Parliament ( similarly provides a large amount of information about the Parliament and its ongoing activities. The Europa website of the European Union (, which is managed by the European Commission, provides a vast amount ofinformation about the European Union's activities. It contains a number of interactive pages specifically designed to provide a more interactive service for the European Union citizen. If you have any questions about the European Union or its activities, please send an email to the Europe Direct service on ( or call the following free number: 00 800 67 89 10 11.

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