Stephen O'Sullivan CV

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Stephen Terepaii O'Sullivan

Currently I'm a student at the University of Limerick studying a BSc in Computer Games Development and am due to graduate in August of !"#$ I program in multiple languages %hich include C&& and 'ython$ I have a passion for physics development and %ould consider it to (e my strongest skill$ I also have e)perience %ith net%orking technologies from my time at Demon%are$ Currently I'm completing my final year pro*ect %hich is a +D hard,(ody physics engine integrated %ith mass aggregate properties for cloth physics$ I'm a hard %orking individual and relish the chance of learning ne% technologies and ideas from more senior engineers$

Skills Summary:
'hysics -aths C&& . C 'ython /ava C0 S1L 2isual Studio 2im 3in4# Uni) . Linu)

Open Physics5 A fully featured open source hard,(ody physics engine integrated %ith capa(ilities for soft,(ody deformities like cloth and mass,aggregated o(*ects in +D$ 6he engine contains logic for linear and rotational velocity7 contact resolution and collision detection$ 6his is a pro*ect I have %orked on for over a year and is %hat I consider my greatest achievement to date$ 6his is a demonstration contained in the engine$ Bacterium5 A top do%n D shooter made %ith friends over the summer of !" $ 3e %ere fortunate enough to secure office space provided (y the University for development$ 6he game is la(elled as a copy of the popular game Geometry Wars8 made (y Bi9arre Creations$ It features slight variations on the source material (y introducing things like different enemy A$I and attacks$ 6he game is coded in C&& using the S:-L li(rary$ Source Code: A full list of pro*ects can (e seen on my Githu( account$ 6here are currently pro*ects under,%ay that are not open for pu(lic vie%ing such as ;pen 'hysics due to college policy constraints$ Githu( account link5 terepaii

Achievements: Consistently high 1$C$A<G$'$A= score > +$? . #$! Credited and contri(uted to games produced (y Activision@Bli99ard %hich include5

Call of Duty5 Ghosts Dia(lo + Skylanders5 S%ap :orce Education:

!"! # !"$ %niversity of &imerick Degree5 BSc Computer Game Development$ "St Class <A)pected= !!$ # !"! Carrai' na (h)earr Leaving Certificate5 #"! points

Employment *istory:

Software Engineer(Intern) January 2013 September 2013

Developed live code %hich catered to millions of users using Activisions' servers and games Developed code %hich used Demon%are's in,house li(rary to aid in communication (et%een BBo)+4! consoles$ Aided in on,(oarding t%o senior developers to my team$ -y responsi(ility included e)plaining the various technologies that Demon%are used and ho% to (est utilise these in order to gain the most productivity throughout a %orking day$ Supporting various Activision o%ned companies in using Demon%are's net%orking technology for their games$ 6his usually involved trying to replicate a pro(lem on our side and providing either advice or a coding solution in order to fi) the pro(lem$ A)perience %ith 'S+7 'S#7 BBo)+4!7 3iiU and 3ii development kits$ 6his involved setting up7 testing and providing solutions to pro(lems for various games on these consoles$

Resear !(stu"ent re#uirement) $ tober 2013 %o&ember 2013

Cesearch into improvement of online ranking %hen searching for sites relating to (usiness information using search engines$ 'resentation of findings to the company's founder

Brendan :ields <-entor= Soft%are Angineer Demon%are Ltd$ :ifth :loor Dins Inn Eouse 'arnell Street7 Du(lin " Amail5 (fieldsFdemon%are$net Dr$ Chris A)ton <'ro*ect Supervisor= Lecturer University of Limerick Castletroy7 Limerick Chris$A)tonFul$ie

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