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JCI Lancaster-Lancaster Area Jaycees Volume 1, Issue 2

Showin’ Some February 2008

Love in February

Our Chapter President Travels to Tulsa

for Leadership Academy
Leadership Academy jects, and presentations Chamber service center , Inside this issue:
was held January 10-13 regarding what the Jay- which includes the Lead-
in Tulsa, Oklahoma. cees are all about. Kevin ership Hall of Fame and
Kevin was one of seven is enthusiastic about historical items from
Dog Shelter 2
selected from Ohio to bringing the message Jaycees of the past.
Supply Drive
attend this conference. back to our members
Jaycees were hand se- and turning our chapter
lected by National Presi- around. He is looking All State in 2
dent Denice O’Neil. Den- forward to implementing Dayton
ice selected only 200 more leadership oppor-
candidates from across tunities in our chapter Chapter visits 2
the United States to at- and making an impact in Banquet
tend. The following Jay- our community. Kevin
cees from Ohio were: would like to see our Bingo at Rockmill 3
chapter flourish and be
Bill Callison-Riverside ,
number one in the state
Dave and Bethany
in 2008. Kevin felt privi- Happy Valentines 3
Grate–Hilliard, Heather
leged to be a part of a Day
Austin– Northmont, Den-
great training weekend,
nis Coy– North Canton
learning so much more
and Thomas Blower– Getting to know 3
than he ever knew about you
Cincinnati (not in pic-
the Jaycees. Along with
the trainings, Kevin also
Kevin spent two full days had the opportunity to Letter from the 4
in trainings, group pro- 2008 President
visit the U.S. Junior

Special points of
 Mark your calendars
for the Show your
Love Dog Shelter Sup-
ply Drive on February

 Coming in March, more

information about the
Year End Celebration
in Memphis

 Next months issue,

there will be highlights
from Charter Night and
Thunder Alley
Show your Love Dog Shelter Supply Drive
We want to show our love for dogs could use include dog food, metal
in need this Valentine season. We bowls, towels, blankets, paper tow- Look for upcoming information on the
are doing another dog shelter sup- els, bleach, dog crates or carriers. Year End Celebration in Memphis in
ply drive on February 9th from So we hope that you will all have next months newsletter!
10am-12 noon at the Fair- some heart and give your
field County Dog Shelter. time to this supply drive.
The shelter is located on If you would like to be a
Granville Pike, next to the part of the project, please
Humane Society. Alicia La email us at jcilan-
Follette has secured both or
Ultimate Look salon loca- contact Kimberly Valen-
tions for donations. The tine at 215-6835.
dog shelter itself will also
have a donation box.
Items that the shelter

All State Convention Year End Celebration in Dayton

Its that time of year again! Time for Friday and encourage you to join us for this
a celebration of our accomplish- Saturday celebration. Kimberly will be get-
ments! The Year End Celebration night party, ting some rooms together for our
and Awards Ceremony at the Jay- land lunch chapter, if interested, please con-
cees All State Convention in Day- and dinner on tact her at 215-6835.
ton. The convention will be held Saturday. You
February 15-17 at the Howard bring your
Johnson located at 7575 Poe Ave- own bever- Job Fair is coming in March– if
nue in Dayton, Ohio. The registra- ages. It’s a you have any ideas for this
tion fee is $37.00 for the entire great time and project, we would love to hear
weekend, which includes state reg- if you have from you! We need pictures for
istration, parties, finger foods for never gone, I our booth!!

Chapter Members Visit Chillicothe Appreciation Banquet

On Wednesday, January 16, Kimberly and energy to projects throughout 2007, a great time socializ-
Valentine and Dustyn Dancy visited the the Chillicothe Jaycees honored someone ing with other mem-
Chillicothe Jaycees 74th Annual Appre- in the community they feel has contrib- bers from our re-
ciation Banquet held at the Chillicothe uted outstanding service to Ross County gion. They encour-
Country Club. This is a time for the Chil- with an “ Outstanding Citizen” award. age anyone inter-
licothe Jaycees to honor those in their This years recipient was Ed Bahana. Kim- ested in visiting an-
community who have contributed to their berly, as former district director for 2007, other chapter to
success throughout the year. Along with also handed out awards at the banquet for organize a visit to a
presenting awards to local businesses and the chapters accomplishments in our re- another chapters
people who have volunteered their time gion for 2007. Kimberly and Dustyn had event in our region.

Page 2 Showin’ Some Love in February

Bingo at Rockmill Rehabilitation Center
It only takes one hour on the first David both
Sunday of the month to make a dif- bring smiles
ference. Each month, we host Bingo to the resi-
at Rockmill Rehabilitation Center dents at
from 2-3pm. Jaycees help to bring Rockmill.
residents into the dining hall for a We encour-
competitive hour of Bingo playing. age you to Rockmill Rehabilitation Center
Each player who wins Bingo is join us on 3680 Dolson Court NW
given a quarter for their win. At the February
Carroll, OH 43112
end of four rounds, we offer a black 3rd. The
out round worth two quarters. The smiles you 740-654-0641
residents love it! They can redeem bring to those residents faces is Chairperson:
their quarters for treats. The resi- worth the hour you take out of your Amy Stone
dents especially enjoy when we Sunday to participate! Hope to see
bring our Junior Jaycees to the you there!
event. We have had Colin and

Happy Valentines Day!

Did you know? Valentine’s Day is a saints day Chaucer in High Middle Ages, when the tradition cialized holidays in the United States to follow.
commemorating Saint Valentine on February 14. of courtly love flourished. The day is most The U.S. Greeting Card Association estimates
It’s a traditional day on which lovers express closely associated with the mutual exchange of that approximately one billion valentines are
their love for each other; sending cards, donat- love notes in the form of “valentines.” Modern sent each year world wide, making the day the
ing to charity, or gifting candy. It’s very common valentine symbols include the heart-shaped second largest card-sending holiday of the year
to present flowers on Valentine’s Day. The holi- outline and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since behind Christmas. The association estimates
day is named after two men, both Christian mar- the 19th century, handwritten notes have been that women purchase approximately 85% of all
tyrs among numerous Early Christian martyrs largely given way to mass-produced greeting valentines. ( from Wikipedia, the free encyclope-
named Valentine. The day became associated cards. The mid-nineteenth century Valentine’s dia, redirected from Valentine’s Day)
with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Day trade was a harbinger of further commer-

Getting to Know your Fellow Jaycees

Each month, we will be high- liard chapters, helping form the team, with family members to sup-
lighting members of our Lancaster chapter in 2003. Amy port the cause, being a survivor
chapter in the “Getting to originally joined the Jaycees to herself. One of the events that Amy
Know You” column of the make new friends and meet boys. would like to see this year is a tour
newsletter. For the month of One of the things Amy is looking of the Sherman House with Amy as
February, we will get to know forward to in 2008 is working the our tour guide. Amy works at the
Amy Stone, since she was Lancaster Festival and Make a Dif- Sherman House and loves history.
the originator of this idea for ference Day. One of the events Amy Amy has varied interests and hob-
the column. Amy has been a enjoys doing is Relay for Life and bies– she loves collecting items, ask
member since 2001, origi- after doing it with the chapter, de- her about her Barbie collection,
nally of the Logan and Hil- cided she would create her own along with hanging out with family
and friends, reading, and listening
to music. Thank you, Amy for shar-
ing with us!
Volume 1, Issue 2
Page 3
The Jaycee Creed
JCI Lancaster-Lancaster
Area Jaycees We believe:
P.O. Box 973
Lancaster, OH 43130 That faith in God gives meaning
and purpose; That the brotherhood of man transcends the
sovereignty of nations;
Email us at: That economic justice can best be won by
free men through free enterprise;

Check us
out That government should be of laws rather
than of men;
That Earth’s great treasure lies in human
Taking Care of Business in personality;
Dustyn Dancy– Secretary
and Newsletter Editor 2008 That service to humanity is the best
missdesert- work of life.

Letter from the President

Welcome to 2008! My first month you can make the difference!! I am Taking care of business!
as President of our chapter has looking forward to working with
In Jaycees,
been very hectic! With all the you all and sharing what I have
trainings I got while in Tulsa, I am learned. This will be a learning Kevin R. Combs
back, full force and ready to take experience for all of us. I am look- 2008 President
care of business in 2008! I’ve been ing forward to great things in
finishing up our Chapter Plan of 2008!! I challenge all of you to get
Action, taking ideas suggested ready for the February business
from membership surveys and our meeting. I will be having a theme
transitional meeting in December, meeting and will be looking to
hoping to make our 2008 year the have some challenges, including
best we’ve seen as a chapter! I en- questions about Jaycee history. Be
courage all of you to step up and ready! It should be a lot of fun and
make change in the chapter. If there will be rewards for your ef-
there is a project you are inter- forts. Don’t forget to mark your
ested in assisting in, step out of calendars as we head back to Ohio
your shells, and be a part of it. If University-Lancaster for our
you are interested in what other monthly business meeting on Feb-
chapters are doing, get together ruary 6th at 7pm in Room 302. I
with other members and visit a encourage everyone to bring a
chapter! The possibilities are end- friend and have
less. Look in the mirror– remem- some fun!! Here’s to
ber change starts with you! Only a great 2008!

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