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UnitUnit -I

Concept of innovation and creativity Various forms of management creativity Creative Intelligence, relationship of creativity to the human functions - 4 P's of creativity and theories behind those ideas - 4 stages of creative process - major blocks to creativity.

Concept of innovation and creativity

Creativity processes leading to the generation of new and valued ideas  Innovation the introduction of new and improved ways of doing things at work

Concept of innovation and creativity (con.)


CREATIVITY: - Ability to create INNOVATION: -A creation (a new device or process) resulting from study and experimentation -The creation of something in the mind. -The act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new


Creativity is a mental and social process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts concepts, , or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts. Creativity is fueled by the process of either conscious or unconscious insight insight. . An alternative conception of creativeness is that it is simply the act of making something new.

Creativity in organizations
three components were needed:  Expertise (technical, procedural & intellectual knowledge),  Creative thinking skills (how flexibly and imaginatively people approach problems),  Motivation

Forms of Management creativity

1. ESSENCE CREATIVITY: Creativity that takes the form of new ideas, concepts, principles breakthrough & viewpoints. In management, it commonly takes the form of fresh, new core policies, strategies, values and visions. 2. ELABORATIVE CREATIVITY: Is the innovative amplification of a core idea (or) principles. Staff empowerment as a core belief & its amplification into personnel policies, participative management structures, training programmes and so on. Elaboration can become innovative when it is creatively contextualized. 3. EXPRESSIVE CREATIVITY: No management is possible without expressive communication and creativity communication is almost essential in various activities like advertising & promotion, packaging, product designing and so on.

4. EXISTENTIAL CREATIVITY: Its about raising the quality of our existence, enlarging our consciousness, actualizing our potential, growing & developing in ways that increasingly manifest our inherent humanity. There is a higher side to humanhuman-Love, Compassion, hunger for knowledge, appreciation of beauty, truth, goodness and Spiritual yearnings so that they can recreate themselves & become unique human beings. 5. ENTREPRENEURIAL CREATIVITY: The Organization grows & competes through ventures. These ventures include diversification, acquisition, vertical integration, significant expansion significant launches of products, etc. 6. EMPOWERMENT CREATIVITY: Empowerment is about caring for people. Empowerment is enhancing the authority, influence, status, competencies, personality, growth and development of others. Creative empowerment involves creative & Innovative ways of empowering others. If one empowers the others, thee latter in turn can empower the former



Creative People Creative Processes Creative Products Creative Places (or the Persuasive Powers of Creative People)

4 stages of creative process

1) Preparation: The time for research, fact gathering, assembling materials, gathering needed information before the creative act. 2) Incubation: This is the period of gestation, of letting go so that the mind, the unconscious, intuition, and emotion can mull over the information and put it into its own original perspective. Dreaming may be a part of this period. 3) Inspiration: The Aha! when the solution, illumination, or discovery either emerges or forces itself through into a coalesced form. 4) Evaluation or confirmation: This is the time to ask, Will it work, does it hold up next to other theories, does it logically fit with the original stimulus?

Blocks to Creativity
Mindset blocks to creativity Personal blocks to creativity Organisational blocks to creativity


Mindset is a condition in which an individual becomes overover-sensitized to some part of the information available at the expense of other parts. It is characterized by oneone-rightright-answer thinking, looking for reasons why something will not work, and misplaced emphasis on logical thinking.



Strategic inflexible thinking Value rigid personal values Perceptual narrow focus SelfSelf -image fear of failure



Emphasis on managerial control Short range thinking Analysis paralysis Rigid hierarchical structures Expected payoffs Market versus technology orientation Pressure to achieve more with less

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