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Chapter 3 Meeting Lifes Challenges Value Points:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Stress is considered as a disease of existence. It is all around in our environment. Changing environment demands adaptations. Adjustment involves individuals adaptive response to the demands of the environment and maintaining a harmonious relationship with it. There are 3 major types of stressors: environmental, personal, and social. The effects of stress depends on personal characteristics, resources etc. The GAS model of stress has three stages i.e. Alarm, Resistance and Exhaustion. The response to stress may be psychological, emotional, behavioral and cognitive. Positive health and well being comes through a healthy attitude of the mind. There is also need for spiritual health and the overall harmonious conditions in the society. Stress should be coped with positive and healthy approaches and one must avoid escape routes like drugs, alcohol and other socially unacceptable behaviors.

Key terms:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Homeostasis Stress General adaptation syndrome Coping Alarm reaction Exhaustion Optimism Health Burnout Task oriented coping Frustration

Fill in the blanks: (1 marker)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Stress expose people to the agents causing physical illness called _____________. Stress affects natural killer cell _____________ which is our major defence against infections and cancer. _____________________ focuses on the links between mind, the brain and the immune system. The analysis of stress process based on a cognitive theory was proposed by ____________ ( Selye\ Lazarus) The presence of a noxious stimulus leads to activation of the __________________________________.


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Positive health includes physical, mental and social health. Stress does not affect an individuals diet and health. Stress may cause obesity in some individuals. Meditation cannot enhance stress tolerance. Prolonged stress affects a person physically as well as mentally. Burnout is a state of physical exhausation. Stress affects the bodys immune system. A persons life style is unrelated to his health and longevity. All stressful events have negative effects on health. Moderate stress is necessary for good performance.

Very Short Type anwers: (2 markers)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What is Stress? Give the causes of environmental stress? List the signs and symptoms of stress. Mention the characteristics relevant to the experience of stress? What are the research findings by Kobasa? List the various stress management techniques. State the characteristics of stress resistant personality. Define Coping? What is the relationship between stress and health. What is meant by healthy lifestyle.

Short Type Answers: (3 markers)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Explain Task Oriented Coping? Describe the sources of Stress? What do you understand by Burnout? What are the effects of stress on the psychological functioning of an individual? What is the difference between Primary and secondary Appraisal? Mention the psychological characteristics relevant to the experience of Stress?

Long Type answers: (4 markers)

1. 2. 3.

What is the difference between Eustress and Distress? Explain the GAS model? What are the criticisms associated with it? What are the Coping Strategies proposed by Endler and Parker?

Very Long Type Answers: (6 markers)

1. 2.

How does Selyes Model relate prolong stress to bodily response? Explain. Explain in detail how having a healthy life style can help in handling stress?


1. 2. 3.

List the various Stress Management Techniques in detail? Describe any four life skills which you think will help you in meeting the challenges of school life. What is meant by positive mental health? How can it be facilitated?]

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