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Invisible Wireless GSM Car Alarm

Invisible Wireless GSM Car Alarm

Model No.: Product ri!in:

F-900C C"ina FAS$I NCA% F # S"en'"en &)& +0,000*cs)mont" +00*cs / - 0 da(s C4

#rand Name: Price &erms: Pa(ment &erms: Su**l( Abilit(: Minimum rder:

-eliver( .ead &ime: Certi1ication2s3: Detailed Product Description

See t"e most recent *ostin! 1or t"is Invisible Wireless GSM Car Alarm 25ul +6, 70063

&"is ne8 advanced 8ireless GSM car alarm - F-900C 1irstl( ado*ts 8ireless data communication tec"nolo!( in t"e 1ield o1 GSM car alarm, and ac"ieves t"e 8ireless connection o1 GSM car alarm, 8"ic" ma9es t"e F-900C "as clearer su*eriorit( t"an normal GSM car alarm. It "as 1aster alarmin! res*onse and more stable *er1ormance t"an normal 8ire GSM car alarm: !as su**l( cut ) *o8er-o11 cut connects t"e main unit 8irelessl( so t"at t"e ve"icle can not be started once t"e circuit ) !as line is loc9ed, even t"e main unit o1 alarm is dismantled: it "as !uard a!ainst 8ire-cut. Main 1eatures and 1unctions: +3 Anti-bur!lar, anti-robber( 73 Ado*tin! 8ireless data communication tec"nolo!(, 8it" 1aster alarmin! res*onse and more stable *er1ormance t"an 8ire GSM car alarm /3 Auto alarmin! 03 %emote callin! ;3 -isable ve"icle t"rou!" remote circuit)1uel line loc9 <3 Good concealment, bein! installed an( "idden *lace o1 ve"icle and ac"ievin! t"e 8ireless connection bet8een main unit and t"e e=istin! car alarm, 8or9in! even i1 t"e e=istin! car alarm removed 63 Gas su**l( cut ) brea9er connectin! t"e main unit 8irelessl( so t"at t"e ve"icle

can not be started once t"e circuit ) 1uel line is loc9ed, even t"e main unit o1 alarm is dismantled >3 Wit" "idden emer!enc( alarm s8itc" and !as su**l()*o8er cut s8itc" 93 Guard a!ainst 8ire-cut: i1 t"e !eneral *o8er is sni**ed, it 8ill call mobile *"one o1 car o8ner and !ive voice 8arnin! o1 *o8er-o11 alarmin! +03 Anti-dead and anti-lea9a!e-o1-alarm desi!n ++3 %emote monitorin! +73 Pass8ord *rotection +/3 Arm )disarm b( tele*"one +03 Car *osition location b( GSM net8or9 +;3 Small ca*acit(, eas( to install and use, cost-e11ective car-o8ner-oriented +<3 Anti-t"e1t, remote control, remote alarmin! and anti-"i?ac9in! +63 Can alarm or disable ve"icle even i1 t"e e=istin! car alarm removed, or t"e main unit o1 alarm is dismantled, as t"e com*onents are connected 8irelessl( +>3 It "as a s*ecial 1unction o1 !uardin! a!ainst 8ire-cut, and i1 t"e !eneral *o8er is sni**ed, it 8ill call mobile *"one o1 car o8ner and !ive voice 8arnin! o1 *o8er-o11 alarmin! +93 It is a most advanced auto anti-t"e1t device t"at can *rotect t"e interest o1 car o8ners and sa1e!uard t"e *ublic securit( 703 For dail( li1e use, 8"en alarm occurs, t"e *o8er )!as su**l( is cut o11, ma9in! it im*ossible to start t"e cars. Mean8"ile, t"e s(stem 8ill !ive out sound and li!"t alarm, and immediatel( dial car o8ner@s *reset alarmin! tele*"ones 2cell *"ones, or normal tele*"one3 to re*ort t"e alarm details b( voice. A*on receivin! t"e alarm tele*"one, t"e car o8ner can su*ervise and control t"e car b( tele*"one, and t"en ta9e actions to *revent t"e car 1rom bein! stolen 7+3 In case o1 robber(, driver can secretl( tri!!er t"e emer!enc( s8itc" and send out emer!enc( si!nal 1or "el*. r driver can leave t"e car sa1el( and control t"e car 1rom runnin! b( tele*"one. An intelli!ent o*eration inter1ace is ado*ted in our s(stem 773 It is eas( to use, and also ver( sim*le to install due to its 8ireless installation. Aser can locate t"e car b( t"e 1eature o1 GSM *ositionin! 2it needs su**orts b( local GSM net8or9s service *roviders3

GSM Car Security Alarm Device

GSM Car Securit( Alarm -evice

Model No.: Product ri!in:

CW00M0--AB C"ina &)& ;-6 da(s

Pa(ment &erms: -eliver( .ead &ime: Detailed Product Description

See t"e most recent *ostin! 1or t"is GSM Car Securit( Alarm -evice 25ul +<, 70063

Features: +. Multi-band 2>;0M$', 900M$', +,>00M$'3 7. GSM cell *"one carrier /. Friendl( "uman voice instruction 0. Arm)disarm b( *"one, and remote control ;. &8o-sta!e s"oc9 alarm modes <. False alarm tri!!er *revention 6. Will call u* / alarm *"one numbers 8"en t"ere is an alarm >. Anti-"i?ac9in! 9. verride s8itc" +0. Sensitivit( o1 s"oc9 sensor ad?ustable ++. C"ec9in! s(stem status b( tele*"one +7. Status .4- indicator +/. &ri!!er alarmin! 2o*enin! t"e door and en!ine start3 +0. S"oc9in! alarmin! +;. Po8er o11 alarmin! +<. #onnet o*en alarmin! +6. Alarm memor( recall +>. Par9in! reminder +9. %emote trun9 release 70. Automatic central loc9in! s(stem 7+. Po8er s*ea9er 77. Po8er 8indo8 out*ut 7/. %emote sound monitorin! 70. Com*atible 8it" an( cars 7;. GSM car locatin! and see9in! 2o*tional and e=tra cost3

Amsaki 9110

Home A unique wireless home/car security messaging device that gives instant alerts on your mobile phone the moment a security breach is detected. Designed to alert you wirelessly through SMS as soon as your burglar alarm system intercepts an intrusion, Amsaki Security ompanion brings to you the ne!t generation o" security solutions

#roduct $eatures

ompatible with all intruder alarm security systems ompatible with all car central locking security systems ompatible with all "ire alarm systems %n case o" security breach or a "ire alarm, it sends SMS to up to & phone numbers '(SM/ DMA) and calls one number *asy to change phone numbers on which SMS alerts will be sent #%+ based authentication required to con"igure the system ,ehicle tracking (ives the signal strength o" (SM network %nstallation takes only -. minutes Service support available within /& hours omes with a one year warranty.

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