Gold Key PH R Hotels Resorts Company Profile

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Wcrk & Ircve| US/

Emp|oyer Fro|||e

ClEE ] 1.888.CCUNClL ] ciee.crg/hire ] e:Iecm@ciee.crg
Compony In|o
Compony Nome: Gold Key PHR Hotels & Resorts
Street Address: 313 Laskin Road FO 8ox:
C|ty: Virginia Beach Stote: VA I|p Code: 23451
L|ne o| bus|ness: Hospitality - Hotels & Restaurants
Acc|e:: c| wc|k :|te wne|e :tucent w||| ce wc|k|ng (|| c|||e|ent ||cn cccve}
Address: 313 Laskin Road, Suite 103
C|ty: Virginia Beach Stote: VA I|p Code: 23451
Number o| emp|oyees on s|te:

Compony 8|ogrophy
F|eose prov|de o compony b|ogrophy here: Gold Key PHR Hotels and Resorts is a leading Hospitality Company in the
Virginia Beach. We own 7 Hotels, 5 Restaurants as well as numerous Marketing locations. Students will be working at one
of our beautiful properties at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront which we own and operate. We are looking for bright, qualified
workers who enjoy customer service.
Gold Key/PHR has placed six ideas at the heart of our business. They are important elements of our corporate strategy
influencing the way we work, every day and everywhere.
Our core goals are:
To exceed the Expectations of our Guests
Have Competent, Dedicated, Focused and Motivated Associates
Properly Use and Maintain all Assets
To achieve Planned Profitability
Predictable, Sustainable Earnings
To attain Continuous, Planned Growth

Emp|oyment Deto||s
Do you poy overt|me? Ye: Nc I| yes, ot whot number o| hours do you poy overt|me? 40 Hcur:
Averoge number o| hours per week reoched by |ost yeor's WAI students: 35 Hcur:
In whot month[s} con students expect to rece|ve the most hours? May-October
In whot month[s} con students expect to rece|ve the |eost hours?
Mox|mum number o| hours thot students w||| be o||owed to work? Hcur: {if cpp|iccL|e)
How o|ten ore students po|d? Week|y Every Iwc week: McnIh|y CIher
Do you hove o pre|erence or rot|o |or h|r|ng mo|e or |emo|e students? Ye: Nc
I| yes, whot |s the pre|erred percentoge o|: Mc|e: 7 Femc|e: 7
Are you w||||ng to h|re coup|es? Ye: Nc
Are you w||||ng to h|re groups o| |r|ends? Ye: Nc
I| so, how mony ore o||owed |n the group? 5-10 frienc:
Is o drug test requ|red? Ye: Nc
Do students comp|ete on odd|t|ono| opp||cot|on |orm upon orr|vo|? Ye: Nc
Wcrk & Ircve| US/
Emp|oyer Fro|||e

ClEE ] 1.888.CCUNClL ] ciee.crg/hire ] e:Iecm@ciee.crg

Does you compony |ssue cert|||cot|ons to the students |or comp|et|ng the progrom? Ye: Nc
At the student's request w||| you evo|uote the student on the|r proct|co| tro|n|ng? Ye: Nc
Is hous|ng prov|ded? Ye: Nc
I| not, w||| you oss|st the student |n ||nd|ng hous|ng? Ye: Nc
Is the student requ|red to s|gn o seporote hous|ng controct? Ye: Nc
Iype o| hous|ng [|| prov|ded}: DcrmiIcry /pcrImenI CIher
Number o| students to o room: Do you o||er co-ed hous|ng? Ye: Nc
Cost o| hous|ng per week [|| prov|ded}: $
Are hous|ng costs deducted |rom poycheck? Ye: Nc Are the ut|||t|es |nc|uded? Ye: Nc
Is o hous|ng depos|t requ|red? Ye: Nc Amount o| depos|t: $
Instruct|ons |or depos|t poyment:
Hous|ng depos|t due dote:
Hous|ng oddress:
C|ty: Stote: I|p Code:
Is hous|ng depos|t re|undob|e? Ye: Nc
Cond|t|ons o| depos|t re|und:
How w||| depos|t be re|unded to students?
Are students ob||goted to ||ve |n the hous|ng prov|ded upon orr|vo|? Ye: Nc
Dur|ng the|r stoy, con students ||nd o|ternot|ve hous|ng to thot or|g|no||y prov|ded? Ye: Nc
I| yes, |s there ony peno|ty? [e.g. no return o| hous|ng depos|t} Ye: Nc
Method o| tronsportot|on |rom hous|ng to work s|te: D|stonce |rom hous|ng to work s|te:
Wc|king Di:Icnce
FuL|ic Ircn:pcrIcIicn reuirec cnc cvci|cL|e Cost: $ Deto||s:
Ircn:pcrIcIicn prcvicec Ly emp|cyer Cost: $ Deto||s:
FcrIicipcnI: mu:I crrcnge cwn Ircn:pcrIcIicn Cost: $ Deto||s:

Hous|ng Amen|t|es
Lcuncry fcci|iIie: Linen: FrivcIe LcIhrccm
FefrigercIcr Micrcwcve /ir CcnciIicning
IV Ie|ephcne SecuriIy gucrc
CcmpuIer/lnIerneI ccce:: KiIchen uIen:i|:/pcI: cnc pcn: Exerci:e fcci|iIie:
Add|t|ono| hous|ng omen|ty deto||s:

Wcrk & Ircve| US/
Emp|oyer Fro|||e

ClEE ] 1.888.CCUNClL ] ciee.crg/hire ] e:Iecm@ciee.crg

Fu|| mec| p|cn 8reckfc:I Lunch Dinner Cost per doy: $
Is purchose o| o meo| p|on mondotory? Ye: Nc Are meo|s |nc|uded |n the rent cost? Ye: Nc

bn||ormsJGroom|ng Stondords
Are students requ|red to weor o un||orm? Ye: Nc I| yes, whot |s the cost? $25.00 minimum (Food &
Beverage Only)
Do students need to purchose spec|||c c|oth|ng or |ootweor? Ye: Nc
Deto||s: Footwear available upon arrival at the Career Center
Do you hove compony groom|ng requ|rements? Ye: Nc Deto||s: Grooming standards attached
Are un||orm |oundry serv|ces ovo||ob|e? Ye: Nc I| yes, whot |s the cost? $

Areo Deto||s
Locot|on o| work s|te best descr|bed os: FemcIe/Furc| Fe:crI/Ccecn/Lcke SuLurLcn
Deto||s: All 7 properties for work are located on the oceanfront in Virginia Beach.
Neorest mojor c|ty: Norfolk Neorest mojor o|rport: Norfolk D|stonce: 15 miles
Avo||ob|e pub||c tronsportot|on: lnIerciIy 8u: 8u: {Greyhcunc) lnIerciIy :uLwcy
Ircin {/mIrck/ccmmuIer rci|)
Fub||c tronsportot|on occess: Wc|king ci:Icnce ln Icwn/ccce::iL|e Feuire: ccciIicnc|
Access|b|e Amen|t|es:
Food Morket: Wc|king ci:Icnce ln Icwn/ccce::iL|e Feuire: Ircn:pcrIcIicn
Shopp|ng Mo||: Wc|king ci:Icnce ln Icwn/ccce::iL|e Feuire: Ircn:pcrIcIicn
Fost O|||ce: Wc|king ci:Icnce ln Icwn/ccce::iL|e Feuire: Ircn:pcrIcIicn
8onk: Wc|king ci:Icnce ln Icwn/ccce::iL|e Feuire: Ircn:pcrIcIicn
Mov|e Iheotre: Wc|king ci:Icnce ln Icwn/ccce::iL|e Feuire: Ircn:pcrIcIicn
kestouronts: Wc|king ci:Icnce ln Icwn/ccce::iL|e Feuire: Ircn:pcrIcIicn
F|tness Centre: Wc|king ci:Icnce ln Icwn/ccce::iL|e Feuire: Ircn:pcrIcIicn
Loundry: Wc|king ci:Icnce ln Icwn/ccce::iL|e Feuire: Ircn:pcrIcIicn
Internet Co|: Wc|king ci:Icnce ln Icwn/ccce::iL|e Feuire: Ircn:pcrIcIicn
Fub||c L|brory: Wc|king ci:Icnce ln Icwn/ccce::iL|e Feuire: Ircn:pcrIcIicn
Ironsportot|on to works|te upon orr|vo| |n bS:
Emp|cyer wi|| crrcnge pick-up 8eIween Ihe:e hcur:: 7AM-6PM
Monday -Friday
DeIci|:: This must be scheduled via
email prior to arrival.
Wcrk & Ircve| US/
Emp|oyer Fro|||e

ClEE ] 1.888.CCUNClL ] ciee.crg/hire ] e:Iecm@ciee.crg

FuL|ic Ircn:pcrIcIicn 8eIween Ihe:e hcur:: Cc:I: $15.00 DeIci|::
CIher Cc:I: $ DeIci|::
Instruct|ons |or students orr|v|ng o|ter the hours ||sted obove: Pre-arrange transportation via the bus lines or with a cab
company which is listed in your handbook.
Nome o| occommodot|on: Address: Cost per n|ght:
Whot |s the best woy to trove| |rom the o|rport to overn|ght occommodot|on? Taxi Cab services or inter-city Bus
Mode o| tronsport: Bus line or taxi cab Cost: $15.00-20.00-Norfolk to Virginia Beach
Second Job
Do you perm|t students to ||nd o second job? Ye: Nc
Do you oss|st students w|th ||nd|ng o second job? Ye: Nc
Foss|b|||ty o| students ||nd|ng o second job |n the oreo: Very gccc /vercge Difficu|I/ncI pc::iL|e
Soc|o| Secur|ty
Mc:I :IucenI: in Ihe Wcrk & Ircve| US/ prcgrcm cre ncw cL|e Ic receive crienIcIicn in Iheir hcme ccunIrie:. Ihi:
mecn: IhcI Ihey wi|| Le cL|e Ic Ircve| cirecI|y Ic Iheir wcrk :iIe: cnc Legin Iheir prcgrcm: mcre uick|y.
Hcwever, in mc:I cc:e: Ihey wi|| neec Ic cpp|y fcr :ccic| :ecuriIy cfIer crriving cI Ihe wcrk :iIe. Mcny emp|cyer:
c::i:I Iheir :IucenI: in Ihe Sccic| SecuriIy cpp|iccIicn prcce:: in :cme mcnner.
Does your compony requ|re students to hove opp||ed |or Soc|o| Secur|ty be|ore orr|v|ng ot the work s|te?
Ye: Nc
Does your compony prov|de Soc|o| Secur|ty opp||cot|on oss|stonce? Ye: Nc
lf ye:, p|ec:e prcvice ceIci|: crcunc Ihe Iype cf c::i:Icnce ycu cffer {Icke :IucenI: Ic Sccic| SecuriIy cffice,
Sccic| SecuriIy repre:enIcIive cn :iIe cI wcrk :iIe, prcvice cirecIicn: cnc Ircn:pcrI infc Ic Ihe necre:I SS/ cffice,
Where |s the neorest Soc|o| Secur|ty Adm|n|strot|on o|||ce? CiIy/Icwn: Virginia Beach-Lynnhaven Branch
Di:Icnce: 10 Miles
How w||| students be po|d unt|| the|r Soc|o| Secur|ty Number orr|ves? Pay check, bi weekly
Add|t|ono| In|ormot|on
F|eose use the spoce be|ow to prov|de students w|th ony extro deto||s [e.g. odd|t|ono| compony po||c|es}:
We will offer training for the first two days of orientation at the Career Center before training for the specific positions.
Career Center training will include role playing, English common language words and practices, and "learning by example"
training. Each student will have a chance to use his/her language skills and improve their "hospitality" English. Students
will get a more specific training in their positions upon arrival to the property. We do offer housing assistance for students.
However, the opportunities are first come-first serve. All of the housing units we work with have internet, televisions,
laundry, kitchen and telephone. Most students share rooms for lower housing costs.
Most students travel around Virginia Beach by bicycle. We have local contacts for students to use to purchase a bicycle.
Upon arrival. The Company will offer a 1 time weekly internet caf time for the students as well as a time to "chat in
English" to improve their skills. Students are welcome to find second jobs as long as it does not interfere with their first job
commitment. Many local area businesses will work with students' worker schedules to help maintain a second job.

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