Matlab Problems

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Problems Statements for MATLAB Exercises

1. Construct any 4*4 matrix, calculate sum of its rows and sum of its columns. Construct transpose of its matrix. If 4*4 matrix was A and its transpose was A, then calculate A + A and A*A. Construct B matrix of 4*4 and calculate A+B and A*B. Calculate the determinant of the resulting matrix (A+B). Now calculate the sum of its (A+B) diagonal elements.


Construct a plot between X, Y1 and Y2 on single plot where X = (0, 2) with increment of /10 Y1 = sin (x) Y2 = sin (x - 0.25)


Create the following transfer functions: Y1 = 50 / (s2 + 5s +30) Y2 = (2s2 + 3s) / (4s2 + 3s) And add these two transfer functions.

4. 5.

Develop a MATLAB program to convert temperature reading form oC to oF and vice-versa. Generate a large chunk of data (use Array/Clusters as you desire) and compute Mean, Standard Deviation and Variance, Mode, Histogram, Moment around the mean, RMS etc.


Design your own problems on (Validate the results you obtained) a. Differentiation b. Integration

7. 8.

Plot all the standard signals like step, ramp, impulse and sinusoids. Construct a series of numbers: A = 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 B = 50 48 46 44 42 ................ 2


Develop a MATLAB program to add all the integer number from 1 to 10.

10. Develop a MATLAB program to add all the odd numbers from 1 to 101, both numbers are inclusive. 11. The model of RC circuit shown in figure 1. Can be found from Kirchhoffs voltage law and conservation of change. Suppose the value of RC is 0.1 second. Use a numerical method to find the free response for the case where the applied voltage v is 0 and the initial capacitor voltage is y (0) =2 volts.

fig 1. An RC circuit 12. Consider an RC circuit shown in fig 1. Where RC=0.1 second suppose that the applied voltage oscillates sinusoidally with a period P and decaying amplitude. The voltage is given by Thus the voltage amplitude will be less than 2 percent of its initial value, or essentially 0 or t 41 find and plot the output voltage y(t) for the case (i). 1= 0.3 seconds, P=2 seconds (ii). 1= 0.05 seconds, P=0.03 seconds 13. Obtain the convolution of the following [ ] [ (i) [ ] [ (ii) [ ] [ (iii) ] ] ]

14. Consider a mechanical system with equation where m=1kg, b=3 N-sec/m and k=2N/m. Assume that at t=0 , x(0)=0.1m and (0)=0.05m/sec. Obtain motion of mass m subjected to initial condition. 15. Obtain the unit step and impulse response of the system subjected to the initial condition. Also plot the responses. ( ) ( )( ) , ( )=( ) 16. Using numerical method (ODE), obtain free response of an RC circuit (RC voltage v is zero and initial capacitor voltage is y(0)=2V, RC=0.1s. 17. Use MATLAB to compute and plot the solution of following equation )where applied

18. Use MATLAB to compute and plot the solution of following equation 19. Consider the pendulum shown in the figure. Equation of motion for this pendulum is + Suppose L=1m and g=9.8m/s2. Use matlab to solve this equation for (t) if (0)=.05rad and

L g

20. Plot the position and velocity of a mass with spring and damping system, having parameters m=2, c=3 and k=7. The applied force is u=35, y(0)=2 and (0)=-3 21 a) Generate an overlay plot for plotting three lines

0<t<2 I. the plot command II. the hold command III. the line command b) Use the function for plotting x-y data plotting the following functions I. 0<t<10 II. 0<t<2

NOTE: Other problems will be emailed soon.

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