T Unit 15 MesaPrietaEthics

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UNIT 15 TSIKW'AYE (MESA PRIETA) ETHICS (Adapted from "Ethni-reasoning," Project WILD Elementary Activity Guide, Western Regional

Environmental Education Council, 198 ! Intrigue of the Past. A Teacher s Activity Guide for !ourth through "eventh Grades, "ureau of #and $anagement, 199 % Objectives: &tudents 'ill learn to thin( a)out difficult issues and ma(e ethical decisions* &tudents 'ill come to reali+e that ethical issues are not al'a,s )lac( and 'hite* &tudents 'ill e-amine their o'n values and )eliefs a)out archaeological site protection* &tudents 'ill develop critical thin(ing s(ills* S !!este" ti#e: .ne or t'o class periods* M$te%i$&s: Cop, for students/ !ederal La#s Protecting Archaeological $esources student information sheet (10 - 1%, Protecting the Past% To Do or &ot To Do student information sheet (10 - 2%* 3rom the trun(/ 4ilemma cards, 454s "ilent Witness and 'isit #ith $es(ect! 454s ma, also )e chec(ed out from the $esa 6rieta 6etrogl,ph 6ro7ect office* '(c$b &$%): *i&e##$ + a situation 'here it is difficult to decide 'hat to do* Et,ics + )eliefs and )ehaviors a)out 'hat is right and 'rong! a s,stem of moral principles* -$c.!%( /": The (etrogly(hs )are* a reminder of #ho #e are, #here #e came from ... that connect us to the s(irit #orld... 8erman Ago,o, .h(a, .'ingeh, 1999 Ancient sites in the :nited &tates and 'orld'ide are )eing destro,ed at an accelerated rate* As a result, native peoples are losing important parts
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of their heritage, scientific information is )eing destro,ed and places 'here people lived long ago are aestheticall, compromised* ;his activit, encourages students to e-amine personal )eliefs and feelings a)out the protection of archaeological sites and artifacts, to decide 'hat action the, 'ould ta(e in difficult situations, and to suggest solutions to the pro)lem of archaeological destruction* 3ederal and state anti<uities preservation la's state that it is illegal to collect, deface, in7ure, or e-cavate sites and artifacts older than 1== ,ears on pu)lic land* ;his includes $&& &$/"s $"#i/iste%e" b) $/) st$te (% 0e"e%$& $!e/c), such as the "ureau of #and $anagement, 3orest &ervice, >ational 6ar( &ervice, etc* Ancient sites on private land have little protection e-cept 'hen grave sites and?or grave goods are involved* We hope that people 'ho o'n the land 'here there are ancient sites 'ill appreciate and protect them* &ometimes the people 'ho are illegall, collecting artifacts, e-cavating sites or vandali+ing sites are armed 'ith 'eapons* &tudents should never confront someone the, see vandali+ing a site or collecting artifacts* ;he, should record information +ullet damage a)out the people such as their ph,sical description and their license plate num)er* ;his information should immediatel, )e reported to la' enforcement authorities* @ou should also call the agenc, involved or call the >e' $e-ico 8istoric 6reservation 4ivision in &anta 3e* (ph* (0=0% 89A-2 9=% Setti/! t,e St$!e/ As( the students to thin( of a situation such as o)serving a fello' student ta(ing mone, from a teacherBs des(* 4iscuss the possi)le actions that could )e ta(en ), the o)server* 8o' 'ill ,ou decide 'hat to doC Ds it difficult to (no' 'hat to doC E-plain that the follo'ing activit, 'ill re<uire decision ma(ing a)out difficult situations* ;he dilemmas presented in the activit, are intended to provide a range of )ehavioral choices for students and a platform for discussion a)out right and 'rong and ho' one comes to difficult decisions*
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;here is not necessaril, a "correct" ans'er for the dilemmas, )ut the thoughtful student 'ill re7ect those 'hich might put him in danger, )e hurtful to classmates, or cause damage to sacred sites* 8e or she 'ill, rather, consider carefull, and choose those 'hich promote empath, and respect, for )oth classmates and sacred places, promote safe and la'ful )ehavior and )uild citi+enship* Activit): 1* Df ,ou do not have a Resource ;run(, cop, the dilemma card pages at the end of this unit and glue them to inde- cards or card)oard* (;here is a set of laminated cards in the trun(% 9* Read 4D#E$$A 1 to the class* 8ave a class discussion a)out 'hich listed response 'ould )e the )est* * 4ivide the class into groups of 1 or 0 students and give each group a different dilemma card* 8ave the students read and discuss the different responses and decide ho' the, 'ould solve the pro)lem* ;he, ma, also come up 'ith a solution of their o'n* Allo' a)out 10 minutes for this discussion* Each group 'ill select a reporter 'ho 'ill share their groupBs decision and the reason the, choose it* Assess#e/t: 8ave the students 'rite a)out 'hat response the, thought 'as )est and 'h,, even if it 'asnBt the groupBs final choice* 8ave the students e-press their opinions a)out archaeological resource protection through a stor,, poem, s(it, song, dra'ing, etc*

,oles drilled during the theft of a (ictogra(h :nit 10 -

U/it 151 Tsi.2'$)e (Mes$ P%iet$) Et,ics 3E*ERA4 4AWS PROTECTIN5 ARCHAEO4O5ICA4 RESOURCES St "e/t I/0(%#$ti(/ S,eet

(Adapted from Intrigue of the Past* A Teacher s Activity Guide for !ourth through "eventh Grades, "ureau of #and $anagement 8eritage Education 6rogram, Washington, 4C, 199 , p* 1=0%
3ederal la's provide for severe penalties to those 'ho distur) and destro, sites more than 1== ,ears old* ;he Archaeological Resources 6rotection Act (AR6A% 'as passed in 19A9, and prohi)its unauthori+ed digging and collecting of archaeological resources, including potter,, )as(etr,, )ottles, sites 'ith coins or arro'heads, tools, structures, pit houses, petrogl,phs and pictographs, graves and human s(eletons* >o person ma, sell or )u, an, archaeological resource 'hich 'as illegall, ac<uired* 6enalties for those convicted of violating AR6A are/ 1* 3irst .ffense/ a person 'ho )rea(s this la' for the first time ma, )e fined E1==,=== and spend one ,ear in 7ail* Df the cost of repairing the damage e-ceeds E0==, the offender ma, receive a fine of E90=,=== and spend t'o ,ears in 7ail* 9* &econd offense/ a person 'ho )rea(s this la' for the second time ma, )e fined E90=,=== and spend five ,ears in 7ail* * 5ehicles and other e<uipment used in )rea(ing this la' ma, )e confiscated* AR6A provides re'ards to people 'ho suppl, information leading to the arrest and conviction of A36A violators* AR6A applies to all pu)lic lands, including those administered ), the :& 3orest &ervice, "ureau of #and $anagement, the militar,, 3ish and Wildlife &ervice, >ational 6ar( &ervice and the "ureau of Reclamation* 6eople en7o,ing the out-ofdoors occasionall, find archaeological sites and 'onder 'hat the, should do* #ocations 'here there are petrogl,phs or artifacts are sacred places to the descendants of the ancient people 'ho made them* Al'a,s leave artifacts 'here the, 'ere found, including small surface finds such as potsherds and stone fla(es* 4iscoveries of rare or unusual artifacts and sites should )e reported to the land managing agenc, or in the case of private lands, to a local agenc, archaeologist or the &tate 8istoric 6reservation .ffice*
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&ome people 'ho dig in sites are engaged in an illegal mar(et activit,, ma, )e armed 'ith 'eapons, and should )e considered dangerous* >ever approach someone ,ou see digging in sites or collecting artifacts* Dnstead, record information

a)out them - their ph,sical description, 'hat the, 'ere seen doing, the license num)er of their vehicle - and immediatel, report them to a local la' enforcement agenc,*

-odern vandalism% ./ A ".

:nit 10 - 0

U/it 151 Tsi.2'$)e (Mes$ P%iet$) Et,ics PROTECTIN5 THE PAST: TO *O AN* NOT TO *O St "e/t I/0(%#$ti(/ S,eet (Adapted from Intrigue of the Past% Discovering Archaeology in &e# -e0ico, "ureau of #and $anagement, p* 1=2* Adapted from 8urst F 6acha(, 1989, pp* 90-92 % 1* 4o not step on petrogl,phs* Wal( carefull,, so as not to create erosion, cause roc(s to fall or distur) animals* Df ,ou see an animal, leave it alone* Df ,ou see a flo'er, leave it for others to en7o,* Watch out for cacti* 9* Admire petrogl,phs 'ith ,our e,es and record them 'ith ,our camera or in ,our recording )oo(* We "( /(t t( c, 6et%(!&)6,s, )ecause the, are sacred and the oil from our hands ma, damage them* * Df ,ou find an artifact, ,ou ma, pic( it up, and as ,ou hold it, thin( a)out the person 'ho made it* ;hen put it )ac( 'here ,ou found it and dra' it in ,our recording )oo(* 4o not ma(e piles of artifacts or ta(e an, home* 1* Even if the petrogl,ph is difficult to see, re-pec(ing, chal(ing or repainting doesnBt restore it, )ut rather ruins the original* 0* 4igging in an archaeological site ruins the la,ers of histor,* 2* Df ,ou )uild a campfire, )e sure it is not near an, petrogl,ph or archaeological site* ;he smo(e and heat 'ill create damage* A* Respect the culture of the people 'ho created the petrogl,phs* Ancient sites are sacred places to the 6ue)lo people* ;agging, painting ,our name over petrogl,phs or shooting at them is disrespectful and is against the la'* 8* Df ,ou see litter such as cans, plastic or paper, please pic( it up and put it into the class trash )ags* *( /(t 6ic. 6 !&$ss* Remem)er to put all of ,our lunch trash )ac( into ,our )ac(pac( or lunch )o-*

#ead air rifle pellet em)edded in petrogl,ph

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