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Learning and Teaching Plan

Date: 10/02/2014 Year : Year 9bc No. of learners: 28(12 male 14 Female) Duration: 1 hour Period 3 Monday

Context/Topic/Subject / NC Ref: Cookie Dough Practical In response to previous assessments and evaluations of learning, what actions are you taking? Following the Year 9 Scheme of work, the students are encouraged to cook once a week. The pattern of this scheme is cook one sweet then one savoury dish, the demonstrations are to help them understand what is expected of them in their practical lessons and to show technique and processes. We also making the students aware and become more accustomed to the kitchen equipment, utensils and techniques. The previous demonstration I identified each step / process and what was happening at each. Which specific literacy and/or numeracy skills are being developed? Lesson starter activity with numeracy Literacy sheet writing their method during the demonstration 1) Choose and Handle equipment safely 2) Make their pizza dough using the correct method 3) Reflect upon their making process via a mind map Success criteria (range of abilities) Assessment strategies (How will you assess?) Most learners Most learners Few learners List all of the ingredients in the chocolate chip brownie recipe Identify the processes used in demo and in the correct order Students will be able to calculate appropriate amounts of ingredients for Brownies when doubling or tripling the recipe Q&A
Differentiation (What specific strategies will you use to ensure access and challenge for ALL learners?)

Introduction ( 5 min)

It is important that students understand the format of the lesson they are about to participate in, I will spend a few minutes explaining how the lesson will be run with the learning objectives clearly written on the whiteboard. Each objective will be explained clearly and I will ask the students to repeat it back to me what they think is expected of them. Give the pupils 5 minutes to complete the Starter exercise. I have compiled a

Register, whiteboard with learning objectives, PowerPoint or worksheet with Numeracy starter


worksheet for completion while we are taking register and waiting for stragglers

( 5 min)

Demonstration 2 mins Semi-Circle

The class will then be given instructions to take their books to complete while I am demonstrating, with their pen and ta book (to lean on) and get in a semicircle as they have previously for a demonstration. They will do it one table at a time and with very little noise. Time target Demonstration of a Chocolate brownie Go through ingredients and equipment Activities to observe: Q What is a Bain Marie? How we going to melt the chocolate? Why use the bain marie?

Worksheet Equipment list Apron

23 min

Glass Bowl
Mixing Bowl

A bain marie is a water bath made by putting a pan or bowl of food over a pan of hot water which should be kept at just below boiling point. It is used to melt food or to keep delicate sauces and soups hot without further cooking, or for foods which spoil if cooked over a direct heat source. Demonstrate using a bain marie to melt chocolate. Beating dry ingredients and eggs Silky consistency? Describe? Baking brownies Finish worksheet brownie method Share answers on starter and reiterate the method using the students written notes to ascertain knowledge and use Q&A randomly for assessment Extension Activity if time allows Show PowerPoint or use whiteboard to introduce Sensory evaluations and

Measuring jug Sieve Tablespoon Wooden Spoon Baking Tray Cooling rack Baking tin

5 min


Plenary (10 min)

star diagrams Students to create star diagrams sensory evaluation An evaluation of their last practical dish will be completed referring to the word bank words previously introduced to the class and using a star diagram on the whiteboard to look at specific characteristics as a whole class activity. Using the random name generator ask the class revisit the objectives and use the Hand evaluation to ascertain their learning and understanding. Sensor evaluations star diagram sheets or produce one in their books

Learning and Skills across the curriculum (see guidance)

Developing thinking Developing number Development of Welsh language/ incidental Welsh Register and date on blackboard Health and safety issues (as applicable) Bags/ coats/Blazers in the allocated area potential trip hazard. Hazardous equipment in the food room is: cookers, spillages. Clear any spillages immediately as this will prevent someone from slipping and seriously injuring themselves. Sharp knives to be handled with care when they are used but may not be needed for this session. The use of a oven gloves when handling hot equipment. Year 7 do not touch the ovens. Developing literacy

Homework set (as applicable)

None set

Evaluation / Review of lesson with targets for the next stage of learning

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