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Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook


Effective July 1998

Management of Hazardous Wastes

Managing hazardous wastes is a growing concern in many countries. The long-term impacts
and costs of improper disposal can be very high, and the emphasis must be on prevention. A
comprehensive management system should include (a) policies, institutions, and effective regu-
lations and (b) adequate and acceptable disposal facilities, either public or private. This chapter
outlines the key elements of such a system.

Improper disposal of hazardous wastes is an in- • Hazardous characteristics (e.g., toxicity and
creasing problem in many developing countries. flammability)
Typically, but not ideally, the first stages of pol- • Certain toxic components (e.g., PCBs and
lution control focus on discharges into air and arsenic)
water, leaving a wide range of other materials • Types of materials (e.g., organic solvents and
that are poorly controlled. These materials in- explosives)
clude substances that pose serious threats to pub- • Processes from which hazardous wastes origi-
lic health and the environment and that are nate, such as refining and clinical work
considered hazardous under almost any defini- • Specific waste streams such as chemical waste-
tion. Examples include sludges from chemical water treatment sludges.
plants, clinical wastes, contaminated oils, and
Defining hazardous waste is difficult, but the
metal-bearing wastes. Materials of particular con-
establishment of a proper management frame-
cern are those that do not degrade quickly in the
work in developing countries should not be de-
environment, such as metals and persistent
layed by debates about what constitutes a
chemicals, and that can pose a threat for long
hazardous waste. Pragmatic working definitions
periods into the future.
can be adopted initially and refined as the sys-
Proper management and disposal of hazard-
tem is developed.
ous wastes is expensive, and therefore illegal
Many countries adopt an inclusive approach
dumping is common in many areas. The conse-
that specifies which wastes are to be considered
quences include not only environmental degra-
hazardous for regulatory purposes. Clearly, there
dation but also the undermining of legitimate
have to be procedures for granting exceptions
waste management systems. Control of dump-
and for adding and deleting wastes.
ing is thus a key issue to be considered when
designing and implementing regulations.
The World Bank can assist governments in Estimates
designing and implementing hazardous waste
management systems and in the provision of Although for planning purposes it is necessary
appropriate treatment and disposal facilities, of- to estimate the total volume of waste produced,
ten with the involvement of the private sector. one should avoid putting too much effort into
trying to refine numbers. Estimates are inherently
Scale of the Problem unreliable, for several reasons. To begin with,
recorded data on waste quantities are almost
Definitions never available, and quantities have to be esti-
mated on some basis such as number of firms,
Hazardous waste can be defined in a number of value of output, or number of employees. The
ways including: coefficients for such estimates are very unreliable,

Management of Hazardous Wastes 145

and the resulting figures can vary by an order of industry may be in the position of having no re-
magnitude. Even where estimated quantities are alistic options for compliance with the law. Gov-
available, definitional questions can have a ma- ernment policy must therefore address the
jor impact. For example, wastes from mining or problems of phasing in the new regulations, by
materials processing can often be a major por- assisting in the provision of some acceptable fa-
tion of the total, and their reclassification can have cilities or by licensing interim solutions.
a significant effect on the estimates of total “haz-
ardous” wastes. Basel Convention
A related planning problem is the highly elas-
tic nature of waste generation. Once real disposal There have been a number of cases of export of
costs are imposed on the generators through hazardous wastes from countries with strict regu-
regulatory effort the reductions in waste quanti- lations to those without similar controls, result-
ties can be dramatic. Experience has shown that ing in serious pollution problems in the receiving
wastes delivered to treatment facilities have, in countries. This trade in hazardous wastes is now
some cases, been only one third of the design es- controlled under the Basel Convention (the Glo-
timates of wastes generated. This drop is ascribed bal Convention on the Control of Transboundary
to a combination of waste reduction and evasion Movement of Hazardous Wastes, adopted at
of the regulatory system. Basel in 1989). The convention also promotes the
For practical purposes, estimates of quantities development of sound national management of
should be based on a relatively narrow defini- hazardous wastes as a prerequisite for the con-
tion, perhaps in terms of specific industries or trol of transboundary movement.
process streams, and realistic allowance should
be made for the effects of waste minimization.
Components of a Management System
Policy and Regulation
Hazardous wastes are by their nature a threat to
public health and the environment and therefore Ideally, the generation of hazardous wastes
need to be regulated under the full force of the should be avoided altogether. It is clear from ex-
law. However, management of hazardous wastes perience in industrial countries with strong con-
is complex, and regulations must be developed trols on hazardous wastes that it is possible to
within the context of a comprehensive policy that eliminate certain wastes and make major reduc-
covers the responsibilities of different parties, tions in others. This is achieved by imposing the
methods for defining hazardous wastes, incen- real costs of disposal on the generators, at which
tives to reduce quantities, education of waste point the incentives for cleaner production and
generators and the public, the establishment of waste minimization become very strong. Where
approved facilities (with particular concern for the production of the hazardous waste cannot be
criteria for siting), and systems for controlling eliminated, action should be taken to reduce the
and monitoring the movement and disposal of hazardous characteristics by treatment or immo-
hazardous wastes. Legislation on hazardous bilization.
wastes should be coordinated with other related
topics such as management of hazardous mate- Responsibility for Wastes
rials and industrial health and safety.
The establishment of a hazardous waste man- Unfortunately, proper treatment and disposal is
agement system is often complicated by a costly, while illegal dumping is very cheap and
“chicken and egg” problem: legislation may re- therefore profitable for illegal waste haulers. An
quire disposal in approved facilities, but such effective control system is essential both to pro-
facilities are expensive and will usually not be tect the environment from illegal dumping and
established until legislation and enforcement to internalize the disposal costs to waste genera-
have demonstrated the scale of the “market” for tors in an equitable way. The basic principle un-
proper disposal. In the initial stages, therefore, derlying control systems is that waste generators

should be responsible for the final disposal of as final disposal. This allows the facility to take
their wastes in an acceptable manner. advantage of economies of scale and of opportu-
In practical terms, three different actors have nities to blend different waste streams and to re-
to be considered in waste management: the gen- cover some materials, particularly oils and
erator, the disposal facility, and the transporter solvents. Such a facility can be complex and needs
of the wastes between the first two. The law will proper management and supervision. Potential
normally put the responsibility on the generator, operators need to demonstrate the necessary
but there must be a system that allows the gov- technical, financial, and managerial capabilities
ernment to monitor the movement of wastes from before a license to operate is issued. Any dis-
the generator to approved disposal. Such a sys- charges from the site to air or water need to be
tem normally consists of a number of elements. very closely controlled and monitored.
These include placing formal responsibility on Final disposal is almost always incineration
the generator to prove its compliance with dis- or landfill. (Since incineration generates an ash,
posal requirements, licensing waste haulers and which is normally landfilled, it is sometimes
disposal facilities, and establishing a manifest considered a treatment step rather than final
system to track the movement of wastes. disposal, but this distinction is not often im-
In the design of a manifest system, care must portant.)
be taken to provide sufficient control without
generating excessive administrative or regulatory Incineration
effort. The basic principle is that each load of
waste is accompanied by a multicopy document Incineration involves the thermal destruction of
that identifies the characteristics of the waste, the gaseous, liquid, or solid wastes. Thermal oxida-
approved disposal facility, and the responsible tion converts complex organics into simple com-
companies or individuals. Copies of the mani- pounds, greatly reduces waste volumes, and can
fest are held, at a minimum, by the generator and recover the heat content of wastes. Incineration
the disposal facility. The manifest can provide requires relatively high temperatures (typically
valuable information to the authorities about above 1,000°C), normally requires control of flue
patterns and trends in waste generation and dis- gases, and generates small quantities of ash or
posal and make possible confirmation of com- slag.
pliance with regulations. Hazardous waste incineration normally takes
place in purpose-built facilities whose high capi-
Storage of Hazardous Wastes tal and operating costs require significant
throughputs for economic viability—typically,
A hazardous waste management system should more than 10,000 metric tons a year. This required
include regulations governing the storage of haz- scale limits their feasibility in many newly indus-
ardous wastes at the generator’s site or at any trializing countries.
other transfer or disposal facility. In the absence Incineration is an accepted form of disposal
of approved (or affordable) disposal options, it for certain wastes in industrial countries, where
is common for generators or transporters to store careful gas cleaning and monitoring are required.
wastes as a stopgap measure, but this approach Similar systems can be suitable for developing
can result in neglected piles of deteriorating countries if adequate attention is given to the
wastes that pose significant hazards. It is not ac- management and monitoring aspects.
ceptable to allow generators to stockpile wastes Successful incineration requires good design
over an extended period of time as a way of and careful operation. The key operational
avoiding disposal problems. characteristics are temperature, residence time,
and turbulence in the combustion chamber, all
Treatment and Disposal Facilities of which affect the efficiency of destruction. A
poor installation can emit particulates, acidic
Hazardous waste facilities frequently comprise gases, unburned wastes, and trace quantities
storage, recovery, and treatment stages, as well of hazardous organic by-products. Some wastes,
Management of Hazardous Wastes 147

such as PCBs, require careful control to ensure, with regard to the type and quantities of indus-
for example, that minimum temperatures are trial wastes and should not be used as a cheap
maintained. alternative to proper management of these
Selected wastes can be incinerated in high- wastes.
temperature process plants such as cement
kilns. However, the waste stream must be lim- Development of a Hazardous Waste
ited to those wastes for which full destruction Management Plan
can be ensured and no unacceptable residues are
emitted. The key steps in a systematic approach to devel-
oping a national hazardous waste management
Landfills plan can be summarized as follows. (For further
details, see Batstone, Smith, and Wilson 1989.)
The final disposal for many hazardous wastes or
their treated residues is controlled land disposal. • Define the scope.
However, a properly located, engineered, and • Define the objectives and constraints.
operated hazardous waste landfill is a major fa- • Formulate the key questions to be addressed.
cility, not to be confused with the uncontrolled • Collect the necessary information.
or open dumping that frequently occurs. Such • Prepare a technical assessment of appropriate
controlled or “secure” landfilling should be used available technologies.
only for the minimal quantities of remaining • Review the existing situation and develop a
wastes after all possible reduction and treatment short list of critical problems and the techni-
have been carried out. cal options.
The main environmental threat of a landfill is • Prepare a number of alternative management
water pollution. A landfill should be sited where plans, based on the preferred technical options.
the geological and hydrological characteristics • Conduct review, discussion, and feedback.
are least likely to allow impacts on groundwater • Make decisions and carry out implementation
or surface water. and regular monitoring and adjustment.
A well-designed, secure landfill is normally
divided into a number of cells to allow for better Economic Justification of Hazardous Waste
control of operations and to allow segregation of Management Programs
incompatible wastes. The landfill is lined, often
with a double or even triple lining, and has Given the amount of public attention focused on
leachate collection facilities and groundwater hazardous wastes, it is surprising how little is
monitoring systems. The design should include known about the nature and scope of the risks
provisions for the closure and long-term moni- involved. While the potential risks to public health
toring of the site. Operation of the landfill should from exposure may be significant, not much is
include requirements for pretreatment and con- known about the actual risks to public health.
tainment of wastes, control and recording of There is a significant lack of epidemiologic dose-
the burial of different waste types, planning response data linking the level of exposure to
and preparation for spills and accidents, and various toxins in the ambient environment with
regular monitoring of the surrounding environ- human health impacts. The lack of solid data
ment. on risks will continue to limit our understand-
The joint disposal of domestic and certain se- ing of the benefits of hazardous waste regulation.
lected industrial wastes in a properly designed Very few studies or formal risk assessments have
and operated municipal landfill may be accept- been conducted in the vicinity of abandoned
able as an interim measure or where investiga- or currently operating facilities. In addition,
tions have demonstrated that the wastes involved examples of significant and direct health im-
are compatible. (For example, waste motor oils pacts from hazardous wastes are limited (ex-
or some sludges may be acceptable.) However, amples are Minimata disease, Itai-itai, and
such joint disposal should be carefully controlled pesticide poisonings). While the risks to human

health are difficult to calculate, some damages can Financing and Funding
be more clearly associated with hazardous wastes,
such as the loss of value in contaminated land Proper management, treatment, and disposal of
and the loss of productive water supply aquifers. hazardous wastes are costly; and there are strong
Uncertainty about risks causes uncertainty incentives for generators and transporters to
about regulatory benefits. The current limited avoid paying the real costs. In practice, it has
knowledge of the chronic health effects of low normally been difficult to implement a realistic
exposure to many hazardous wastes makes it vir- system of charges for hazardous wastes without
tually impossible to estimate the benefits of re- a strong enforcement regime, which is itself rare.
ducing the impacts. One economic justification The consequence is that it is almost impossible,
of a hazardous waste management program is especially in the early stages of a new system, to
the benefits in terms of future cleanup costs generate an adequate revenue stream to cover the
avoided. However, given the uncertainty about costs of the necessary facilities. In the absence of
the location and extent of future damage and a reliable revenue stream, it is difficult to finance
about the rules for the level of cleanup that might the capital investment required. The lack of an
be required, the estimation of benefits is ex- effective system for imposing costs on genera-
tremely uncertain. In fact, numbers from the U.S. tors also undermines any financial incentive to
experience show that benefits in these cases are adopt waste reduction measures. International
more often low than high. It is difficult to com- experience indicates that integrated hazardous
pare hazardous wastes with other environmen- waste treatment facilities are typically not com-
tal problems for which it is easier to estimate mercially viable except in well-regulated indus-
benefits in terms of overall reduction of risk to trial countries.
public health. Without a credible government-driven market
An economics-based approach to managing for hazardous waste management infrastruc-
hazardous wastes takes advantage of incentives ture, it is difficult to expect investment by in-
to reduce risks while balancing the costs and ben- dustry or the financial sector in this area. In
efits of doing so. One way of achieving this is to this case, a transition period of blended incen-
tailor requirements to reflect the wide variations tives (“carrots”) and disincentives (“sticks”) can
in the risks of different waste types, disposal sites, be used, as has been the case in many OECD
and exposure conditions (rather than regulating countries and, more recently, in Asia. Subsi-
facilities at the same level), and concentrating dized seed capital and targeted credit, for a lim-
resources on the worst risks first. ited period of time, can help ease the adjustment
of industries to a tighter regulatory environ-
Siting: A Critical Issue ment as they face one-time adjustment costs and
can strengthen the environmental services
The location of a hazardous waste facility requires industry’s ability to provide services for hazard-
careful consideration of a wide range of techni- ous waste management.
cal, economic, and social factors. It is often a con-
troversial process because of local opposition. Role of the Private Sector
Many schemes have been delayed or abandoned
because of difficulties in obtaining an acceptable The overall design and implementation of a haz-
site. The government obviously has a role in lead- ardous waste management program is normally
ing the siting process and ensuring that clear in- a government function, but the private sector can
formation is provided, that there is a process for play a major role in the provision and operation
taking local concerns into account, and that real- of the necessary facilities. Transport of wastes is
istic commitments are made about control and nearly always a private sector function, although
monitoring of operations. An environmental as- careful control and licensing by the relevant au-
sessment will normally be required, depending thorities may be required.
on the type, scale, and location of facility being The design, construction, and operation of
proposed. treatment and disposal facilities are frequently
Management of Hazardous Wastes 149

carried out by the private sector. However, par- technology facility, but it operates at a low level
ticularly in the early stages of a hazardous waste of cost recovery.
management program, government involvement More successful approaches are based on sim-
may be required in the siting and initial devel- pler facilities to deal with a somewhat limited
opment of key facilities. In most cases, some prac- range of wastes. One such site with a stabiliza-
tical demonstration of government commitment tion system and secure landfill, together with the
to regulation of waste generators and haulers facilities for burning waste oil in a cement plant,
may be required to convince the private sector is reported to have cost US$20 million for a total
to invest in major facilities. capacity of 70,000t/y (about US$300 per metric
ton capacity).
A Road Map
A national or regional hazardous waste manage-
ment plan should identify existing hazardous Development of a hazardous waste management
waste dumps, illegal sites, and areas contami- system is a complex and time-consuming task,
nated by toxic or hazardous materials. However, but experience suggests a number of steps:
the costs of remediation can be high, and careful • There must be the political will to impose the
assessments of the benefits should be carried out costs on the generators, through enforcement
before any commitments are made to spend pub- or other persuasive mechanisms.
lic funds on cleanup. • Start by dealing with the simpler problems for
Experience with high cleanup standards in the which there are well-established technical so-
United States and the Netherlands has shown lutions
that the result can be very costly projects with- • Address the siting problem early—it is very
out correspondingly high benefits. An alternative difficult for the private sector to obtain sites
approach is to design cleanup to meet the require- without government involvement in the selec-
ments for realistic subsequent land uses. tion process. Where possible, use existing sites,
as long as they are technically and environ-
Scale and Costs of Facilities mentally acceptable.
• Be skeptical about projections of quantities; de-
Some indicative values can be given for the scale sign a flexible system. Support waste reduc-
and cost of typical facilities. tion and recycling efforts.
The construction costs for a secure hazard- • Focus on prevention of dumping; remediation
ous waste landfill will obviously depend on the of contaminated sites is usually a second
size, but a facility capable of accepting 100,000 priority.
metric tons (t) per year would probably cost
US$3 million–$8 million for initial construction. Reference and Sources
The planning, siting, and permitting processes
can add 10–20% to this cost. Basel Convention. 1994. “Framework Document on the
The economic minimum size for an integrated Preparation of Technical Guidelines for the Envi-
ronmentally Sound Management of Wastes Subject
facility (treatment, incineration, and landfill) is
to the Basel Convention.” Document 94/005. Sec-
probably of the order of 20,000–40,000t/year ca- retariat of the Basel Convention, Geneva.
pacity. Such a facility would cost US$20 million–
$50 million to construct (say US$1,000–$1,500 per Batstone, Roger, James E. Smith, and David Wilson,
metric ton capacity) and would require revenues eds. 1989. The Safe Disposal of Hazardous Wastes: The
of perhaps US$500–$1,000/t for profitable opera- Special Needs and Problems of Developing Countries.
World Bank Technical Paper 93. 3 vols. Washing-
tion. In practice, such facilities are not usually
ton, D.C.
commercially successful outside well-regulated
industrial countries. For example, Hong Kong IMO (International Maritime Organization). 1995. “Glo-
(China) has developed a successful large, high- bal Waste Survey: Final Report.” Draft. London.

UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme). WHO (World Health Organization). 1983. “Manage-
1992. “Hazardous Waste Policies and Strategies: A ment of Hazardous Waste: Policy Guidelines and
Training Manual.” UNEP Industry and Environ- Code of Practice.” Regional Publications, European
ment Programme, Technical Report 10. Paris. (Also Series 14. WHO Regional Office for Europe,
available in French and Spanish.) Copenhagen.

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