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Grade: Grade 10

Dates Lesson Title GLO SLO

Unit: Bowling
Learning Activities Assessment Safety

Dates: Mar. 3rd to 10th

Instructional Strategies Direct Instruction TGFU Cooperative Learning Equipment Motivation

Mar. 3

Introduction to bowling


A10-5 A10-13 C10-3 D10-1

1. I will begin the class by going through a short PowerPoint regarding the safety guidelines and rules/procedures of when we travel as a class to the off-campus bowling alley. The PowerPoint will also include the history and attire of bowling. 2. Students will be given the rest of class time for travel there and back as well as practicing skills and experimenting with bowling. 3. The class will end with an exit slip in order to sum up the lesson they learned today as well as any questions they want me to go over for the next class. 1. The class will begin with answering any questions that were

Exit Slip Observation

Outline specific safety guidelines when it comes to travelling on a bus (no yelling, sitting in seats, pick up after ones self). Outline safety guidelines when at the bowling alley (not throwing balls, running around, indoor voices, wear socks always) Outline good mannerisms when playing with other people

Bowling Alley

Positive Reinforcement Modeling Moral Development

Mar. 4

Building Student Relationships


A10-5 A10-13 C10-3


Outline specific safety guidelines

TGFU Cooperative

Bowling Alley

Positive Reinforcement


posed on the exit slip from the previous lesson. 2. Students will travel to and from the bowling alley. They will continue to experiment and develop their bowling skills as well as knowledge of the game. 3. For this lesson, I will concentrate on going around the class and chatting with my students to get to know them while also giving feedback with regards to their bowling skills.

when it comes to travelling on a bus (no yelling, sitting in seats, pick up after ones self). Outline safety guidelines when at the bowling alley (not throwing balls, running around, indoor voices, wear socks always) Outline good mannerisms when playing with other people Outline specific safety guidelines when it comes to travelling on a bus (no yelling, sitting in seats, pick up after ones self). Outline safety guidelines when at the

Learning Social Model

Modeling Moral Development

Mar. 5

Bowling Techniques


A10-5 A10-13 C10-3 D10-1

1. The class will begin with another PowerPoint regarding the different techniques of throwing a bowling ball. The main emphasis will be on the 4-step approach. 2. Students will travel to and from the bowling alley and will be given the class to practice the 4-step approach and bowling

Exit Slip Observation

Direct Instruction TGFU Cooperative Learning

Bowling Alley

Positive Reinforcement Modeling Moral Development

ball delivery. 3. The class will end with an exit slip in order to sum up the lesson they learned today as well as any questions they want me to go over for the next class.

bowling alley (not throwing balls, running around, indoor voices, wear socks always) Outline good mannerisms when playing with other people Outline specific safety guidelines when it comes to travelling on a bus (no yelling, sitting in seats, pick up after ones self). Outline safety guidelines when at the bowling alley (not throwing balls, running around, indoor voices, wear socks always) Outline good mannerisms when playing with other

Mar. 6

Building Student Relationships II


A10-5 A10-13 C10-3 D10-1

1. The class will begin with me answering any questions asked from the exit slip from the previous class. 2. Students will then travel to and from the bowling alley where they will further practice their bowling skills especially building on their techniques of throwing a bowling ball. 3. I will go around the class once again, building my relationships with students and learning more about them. I will also observe their techniques and giving feedback to the students.


TGFU Cooperative Learning Social Model

Bowling Alley

Positive Reinforcement Modeling Moral Development

people Mar. 7 Scoring A C D A10-5 A10-13 C10-3 D10-1 1. The class will open with a final PowerPoint that teaches students how to score their bowling manually. 2. Students will travel to and from the bowling alley. They will continue to practice their bowling skills but will have to try scoring themselves as well. They may use the electronic scoreboard when stuck. 3. At the end of class, students will be given a quiz on scoring. It will be a fairly basic quiz where students will be given three scenarios and must score the frames. Scoring Quiz Observation Outline specific safety guidelines when it comes to travelling on a bus (no yelling, sitting in seats, pick up after ones self). Outline safety guidelines when at the bowling alley (not throwing balls, running around, indoor voices, wear socks always) Outline good mannerisms when playing with other people Outline specific safety guidelines when it comes to travelling on a bus (no yelling, sitting in seats, pick up after ones Direct Instruction TGFU Cooperative Learning Bowling Alley Positive Reinforcement Modeling Moral Development

Mar. 10

Bowling Tournament


A10-5 A10-13 C10-3 D10-1

1. Class will begin with students having a draft. Students will pick their players as well as creating a team name. 2. Students will travel to the bowling alley and compete against each other in a bowling

Unit Test Observation

TGFU Sport Education Model

Bowling Alley

Positive Reinforcement Modeling Competition

championship. The highest scoring team will win a prize. 3. At the end of class, students will be given a unit test that culminates all of the learning in the unit as well as brings closure.

self). Outline safety guidelines when at the bowling alley (not throwing balls, running around, indoor voices, wear socks always) Outline good mannerisms when playing with other people

Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject: Grade 10 P.E.

Unit: Bowling

Lesson Duration: 80 min ASSESSMENTS

(Observations, Key Questions, Products/Performances)

(2-3, clear, and measurable)

Students will: Send a bowling ball in a controlled and accurate manner. Apply skills required in bowling. Refine skills in bowling to improve performance. Demonstrate skills needed to be applied in bowling. Improve bowling skills. Demonstrate fair play and etiquette. Participate in bowling activities to improve personal health. Participate in bowling activities to develop skills. LEARNING RESOURCES CONSULTED MATERIALS/ EQUIPMENT/ SET UP Exit Slip Exit Slip Observation Observation

A10-5: apply and refine

manipulative skills and conceptseffort, space and relationshipsto perform and create a variety of activities to improve personal performance

A10-13: adapt and

improve activity specific skills in a variety of individual pursuits; e.g., resistance training, aerobics C10-3: demonstrate etiquette and fair play D10-1: demonstrate a commitment to an active lifestyle through participation in and out of class

Resource #1: Alberta Program of Studies Resource #2: Dave Spill * Bowling Alley

Introduction (20 min.): Attention Grabber: Introduce myself as their new student teacher and give the students some background information about myself and my role in the next 6 weeks. Assessment of Prior Knowledge: To assess the prior knowledge of my students, I will lead a discussion. Some of the questions I will ask will be: Has anyone ever travelled out of campus for class? Has anyone went bowling before? What are some things to remember when bowling? We will have a discussion just to get insight of the prior knowledge that students may have in the sport. Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: The expectations for behaviour will be outlined during the PowerPoint presentation in the class. The expectations for learning will be for students to participate fully in bowling and also to have fun and try to experiment with many different techniques in their first couple days of bowling. Advance Organizer/Agenda: The only materials that will need to be set up prior would be the bus for the class to travel and the bowling alley staff will already have set up the bowling equipment. An exit slip will need to be created beforehand. Transition to Body: Before going into the activities, I will present a short PowerPoint that outlines some of the safety regulations that are effect for the bowling unit. Aspects such as traveling off campus on the bus (no yelling, standing up, time for bus departure and pick up after yourselves). As well as expectations when we are in the bowling alley (no throwing balls in air, no running around bowling alley, wear socks always, no smoking, etc.) The PowerPoint will also

go into some of the cooperative etiquette and rules of bowling. Afterwards we will travel to the bowling alley. Body (45 min.): Learning Activity #1: Once we arrive at the bowling alley, I will go through some of the different aspects of the area and some of the different regulations or routines students will be going through while in the bowling unit. For example, where to pick up shoes, how to start the games and begin bowling and etc. For the remainder of the class, students will be broken up into teams and engaging in bowling games in order to experiment with their skills and techniques of bowling. Assessments/Differentiation: While in the bowling alley, I will be going around and observing the students as they bowl. I will keep a watchful eye in order to see that all students are behaving in an appropriate manner and are practicing some of the safety measures and regulations discussed in the introduction portion of the lesson. I will mostly be observing and taking notes regarding the students first class level of bowling skills. This will be used as a baseline in order for assessment later on in the unit. Motivation: The motivations that students will undergo are numerous. The first is positive reinforcement. I will go around the classroom and look for positive details and provide feedback regarding those details. The second motivation is modeling. As a teacher, I will be modeling the behaviour and expectations that I believe and relayed to my students prior to the class. As well as I will ask students to take a leadership role and provide the staff at the bowling alley a first hand look of how our school treats and respects the rules of others. The third motivation is moral development. Students will be encouraged to have fun and develop their skills while doing so. Students will practice their skills and find intrinsic motivation while they are trying to better themselves. Closure (15 min.): Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Before leaving the bowling alley to head back to the school, students will complete an exit slip. Some of questions that will be asked will be related to the safety and etiquette regulations that were presented to the students in the introduction. Also, the exit slip will have a space left for students to write down any questions that they may have regarding bowling and some of the different things that they want to learn in bowling. Feedback From Students: The feedback I will be receiving from students will be in the form of the exit slip. Students will answer questions that relate to safety and etiquette. These answers will give me a formative assessment that students understand these regulations in bowling. Also, the students are given an opportunity to communicate questions and interests to me as well. Feedback To Students: The feedback I will give back to students will occur during the observation portion of lesson. I can observe students and talk to them about their technique and their interests for bowling. Also, the next class will give me the opportunity to answer any questions that the students listed down in their exit slips. Transition To Next Lesson: The next lesson will be given for students to practice their bowling skills more while I start to build relationships with my students. As it will be my first lesson, I believe it is needed for me to get to know the students I will be assessing this practicum.

Exit Slip


Who has the right of way when both people on both lanes are ready to bowl?

What are three things that we will NOT do when bowling?

What happens when you throw your bowling ball but cross the foul line? What is it called when you knock all the pins down on your first attempt? What is it called when you knock down all the pins using two attempts?

Do you have any questions or areas of interest that you want to learn? (Please write on the back)

Exit Slip


Who has the right of way when both people on both lanes are ready to bowl?

What are three things that we will NOT do when bowling?

What happens when you throw your bowling ball but cross the foul line? What is it called when you knock all the pins down on your first attempt? What is it called when you knock down all the pins using two attempts?

Do you have any questions or areas of interest that you want to learn?

Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject: Grade 10 P.E. Unit: Bowling Lesson Duration: 80 min


(2-3, clear, and measurable)

(Observations, Key Questions, Products/Performances)

Students will: Send a bowling ball in a controlled and accurate manner. Apply skills required in bowling. Refine skills in bowling to improve performance. Demonstrate skills needed to be applied in bowling. Improve bowling skills. Demonstrate fair play and etiquette. Participate in bowling activities to improve personal health. Participate in bowling activities to develop skills. LEARNING RESOURCES CONSULTED MATERIALS/ EQUIPMENT/ SET UP Observation Observation Observation Observation

A10-5: apply and refine

manipulative skills and conceptseffort, space and relationshipsto perform and create a variety of activities to improve personal performance

A10-13: adapt and

improve activity specific skills in a variety of individual pursuits; e.g., resistance training, aerobics C10-3: demonstrate etiquette and fair play D10-1: demonstrate a commitment to an active lifestyle through participation in and out of class

Resource #1: Alberta Program of Studies Resource #2: Dave Spill * Bowling Alley

Introduction (20 min.): Attention Grabber: I will begin class by answering any questions or talking about the different interests that some students want to learn in the bowling unit. Assessment of Prior Knowledge: We will do a quick review of the expectations and rules regarding the bowling alley and travelling off campus. This is done to reiterate the main points to the class in order for full understanding and cooperation regarding following the rules. Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: The expectations for behaviour will be outlined during the PowerPoint presentation in the first class. The expectations for learning will be for students to participate fully in bowling and also to have fun and try to experiment with many different techniques in their first couple days of bowling. Advance Organizer/Agenda: The only materials that will need to be set up prior would be the bus for the class to travel and the bowling alley staff will already have set up the bowling equipment. Transition to Body: Before travelling to the bowling alley, I will lead a brainstorming session with the students about some of the different ways bowling skills are important for movement and health. I will look for different ideas such as range of motion, sport specific activities, hand-eye coordination, fun and competition and teamwork skills. After a quick informal brainstorming activity, we will head over to the off campus bowling alley. Body (45 min.): Learning Activity #1: For the remainder of the class, the students will practice and develop their bowling skills by breaking off into teams and playing. However, I will be focused on building student relationships during the class time. I will go lane-to-lane talking and getting to know my students. Some of the questions that I will ask them will be things such as What other classes are they taking? Any ideas for future plans? Do they play any sports? What kinds of

after school activities do they enjoy participating in and etc. While talking to the students, I will also be observing their techniques and skills as they bowl. This is a chance for myself to make notes of the students that I may have missed during the previous lesson or if I wanted to get a second look at students that I may have had trouble assessing in the first class. Assessments/Differentiation: The assessment strategy that I will be using throughout the class for skills is observation. The reason being is because I am using this class to get to know my students and build the teacherstudents relationship with them. Therefore, when it comes to skills and demonstrations of developments I will be using observation. The assessment I will be using in my quest to build student relationships will be in the form of a checklist. I will create a checklist from the class list and check mark whatever students I build a relationship with in the class. I will categorize them by academic and personal. If it is about school or any of those aspects I will check mark that box, if it is of personal interests and etc. then I will check mark that box. Motivation: The motivations that students will undergo are numerous. The first is positive reinforcement. I will go around the classroom and look for positive details and provide feedback regarding those details. The second motivation is modeling. As a teacher, I will be modeling the behaviour and expectations that I believe and relayed to my students prior to the class. As well as I will ask students to take a leadership role and provide the staff at the bowling alley a first hand look of how our school treats and respects the rules of others. The third motivation is moral development. Students will be encouraged to have fun and develop their skills while doing so. Students will practice their skills and find intrinsic motivation while they are trying to better themselves. Closure (15 min.): Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: To close out the class, I will do a quick whip around (students one at a time quickly say one comment) with the students on some of the new things that they learned during the class. Perhaps it was something new about bowling or it was something new they learnt about each other or something they learnt about myself. Feedback From Students: The feedback that I will receive back from the students will be in the form of the whip around and discussion. Students should be able to reiterate the main points they learnt during the last class and reviewed in the introduction. As well as also communicating something new that they learnt during the lesson. Feedback To Students: The feedback I will give back to students can come from a couple different ways. The first way is through answering their exit slip questions from last day as well as talking about some of the interests they listed. Also, by going to group to group and getting to know students while also observing and commenting on student technique and bowling skill. Transition To Next Lesson: The next lesson will go into detail about the different techniques of throwing a bowling ball and process.

Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject: Grade 10 P.E. Unit: Bowling Lesson Duration: 80 min


(2-3, clear, and measurable)

(Observations, Key Questions, Products/Performances)

Students will: Send a bowling ball in a controlled and accurate manner. Apply skills required in bowling. Refine skills in bowling to improve performance. Demonstrate skills needed to be applied in bowling. Improve bowling skills. Demonstrate fair play and etiquette. Participate in bowling activities to improve personal health. Participate in bowling activities to develop skills. LEARNING RESOURCES CONSULTED Observation Observation Exit Slip Observation Exit Slip Observation

A10-5: apply and refine

manipulative skills and conceptseffort, space and relationshipsto perform and create a variety of activities to improve personal performance

A10-13: adapt and

improve activity specific skills in a variety of individual pursuits; e.g., resistance training, aerobics C10-3: demonstrate etiquette and fair play D10-1: demonstrate a commitment to an active lifestyle through participation in and out of class

Resource #1: Alberta Program of Studies Resource #2: Dave Spill Resource #3: YouTube


* Bowling Alley

Introduction (20 min.): Attention Grabber: A YouTube clip of a bowler doing an incredible throw and outrageous celebration. Retrieved from Assessment of Prior Knowledge: I will lead a quick discussion regarding the importance of technique in bowling. Some of the questions I will ask are: Why is it important? How can technique affect the delivery? As well as making connections with the YouTube clip I would have shown prior. Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: The expectations for behaviour will be outlined during the PowerPoint presentation in the first class. The expectations for learning will be for students to participate fully in bowling and also to have fun and try to experiment with many different techniques in their first couple days of bowling. Advance Organizer/Agenda: The only materials that will need to be set up prior would be the bus for the class to travel and the bowling alley staff will already have set up the bowling equipment. An exit slip will need to be created beforehand. Transition to Body: Before travelling to the bowling alley, I will do a quick lecture through PowerPoint on the different techniques of bowling. Some of the different aspects of bowling I will talk about include: proper stance, hand position, delivery and most importantly the 4-step approach to bowling. I will get students to stand up with a partner and practice this motion and get provided peer feedback on if this is the correct form. After a couple repetitions of practice, we will begin to travel to the off campus bowling alley. Body (45 min.):

Learning Activity #1: When we get to the bowling alley, students will be broken up into teams and given their lanes for the day. The remainder of class time will be spent practicing skills and learning more about the techniques discussed earlier. I will go around the bowling alley and observe the students as they prepare to deliver the bowling ball and comment on the aspects that we discussed earlier (stance, delivery, hand position, etc.). A new aspect that I will introduce to the students is peer feedback. As they are bowling , I want the students to comment on each others technique and provide feedback to each other. Also, I will be switching up the opponents in order for students to have a chance to work with different people and get feedback from other sources. Assessments/Differentiation: The assessments I will be using for the class is observation and the exit slip. I will be traveling towards the different lanes and observing the students and their progress throughout the unit. I will also be focusing on their technique and how they have improved and/or starting to think about how they deliver the bowling ball. Another assessment that I wont be personally doing but is taking place is through peers. The students will be assessing each other and giving feedback to one another regarding their technique which takes off the pressure from me as well as gives more assistance to the students. The last form of assessment I will be doing in this lesson is the exit slip which will summarize and promote thinking and an enhanced understanding of the material learnt in the lesson. Motivation: The motivations that students will undergo are numerous. The first is positive reinforcement. I will go around the classroom and look for positive details and provide feedback regarding those details. The second motivation is modeling. As a teacher, I will be modeling the behaviour and expectations that I believe and relayed to my students prior to the class. As well as I will ask students to take a leadership role and provide the staff at the bowling alley a first hand look of how our school treats and respects the rules of others. The third motivation is moral development. Students will be encouraged to have fun and develop their skills while doing so. Students will practice their skills and find intrinsic motivation while they are trying to better themselves. Closure (15 min.): Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: To bring closure to the lesson, Students will complete an exit slip regarding the lecture today and some of the new aspects they experienced from learning and applying the techniques in the bowling alley. Afterwards, we will travel back to the school. Feedback From Students: The feedback that I will receive back from students will be through a couple different mediums. The first medium is through the discussion. In this portion I can receive information about prior knowledge as well as the level of importance that the students place on techniques. The second medium is through the exit slip, I can judge if learning took place and if the students are ready to move on to the next lesson or if they require more time on technique. Feedback To Students: The feedback I will be giving to students will be in the form of positive reinforcement and comments. I will be going around the bowling alley commenting on the techniques that I see are being done quite well or I can show more attention to the students that are struggling and help them out more. Also, in the discussion I can relay comments to the students as well. Transition To Next Lesson: The next lesson allows students to practice their techniques and skills more and enhance their development. I will be doing some personal development by continuing to build teacher-student relationships and getting to know my students more.

Exit Slip


1. What are each of the steps in the 4 step approach? Why is it important for bowling?

2. What is the proper hand position for throwing bowling balls?

3. What are two things to remember with regards to proper bowling stance?

Exit Slip


1. What are each of the steps in the 4 step approach? Why is it important for bowling?

2. What is the proper hand position for throwing bowling balls?

3. What are two things to remember with regards to proper bowling stance?

Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject: Grade 10 P.E. Unit: Bowling Lesson Duration: 80 min


(2-3, clear, and measurable)

(Observations, Key Questions, Products/Performances)

Students will: Send a bowling ball in a controlled and accurate manner. Apply skills required in bowling. Refine skills in bowling to improve performance. Demonstrate skills needed to be applied in bowling. Improve bowling skills. Demonstrate fair play and etiquette. Participate in bowling activities to improve personal health. Participate in bowling activities to develop skills. LEARNING RESOURCES CONSULTED MATERIALS/ EQUIPMENT/ SET UP Observation Observation Observation Observation

A10-5: apply and refine

manipulative skills and conceptseffort, space and relationshipsto perform and create a variety of activities to improve personal performance

A10-13: adapt and

improve activity specific skills in a variety of individual pursuits; e.g., resistance training, aerobics C10-3: demonstrate etiquette and fair play D10-1: demonstrate a commitment to an active lifestyle through participation in and out of class

Resource #1: Alberta Program of Studies Resource #2: Dave Spill * Bowling Alley

Introduction (20 min.): Attention Grabber and Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Before class I will go through all the exit slips to ensure that students understand the concepts learnt about technique. If there is some confusion I will spend some time in the introduction going through areas that may be confusing. If there is no confusion I can gather from the exit slips, I will lead a discussion that reviews the techniques and proper stances as it pertains to bowling. If there is confusion from the exit slips than we will spend the time going through technique again and discussing the different ways and providing the students with better understanding. Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: The expectations for behaviour will be outlined during the PowerPoint presentation in the first class. The expectations for learning will be for students to participate fully in bowling and also to have fun and try to experiment with many different techniques in their first couple days of bowling. Advance Organizer/Agenda: The only materials that will need to be set up prior would be the bus for the class to travel and the bowling alley staff will already have set up the bowling equipment. Transition to Body: Before travelling to the bowling alley, I will present my PowerPoint on scoring briefly so that the students can have prior knowledge before the scoring quiz the next day. It will be basic concepts that the students can learn quite easily and be able to implement for the next lesson before the quiz. I believe students would find this beneficial and will help their learning by talking about it with their peers while bowling today while I build student relationships. The scoring concepts students will learn will primarily be centered on scoring strikes and spares with other pins. (Each pin is worth 1 point; a strike is 10 points plus the amount of pins knocked down with their next two throws. A spare is 10 points plus the amount of pins knocked down with their next throw only.) Body (45 min.):

Learning Activity #1: For the remainder of the class, the students will practice and develop their bowling skills by breaking off into teams and playing. However, I will be focused on building student relationships during the class time. I will go lane-to-lane talking and getting to know my students. Some of the questions that I will ask them will be things such as What other classes are they taking? Any ideas for future plans? Do they play any sports? What kinds of after school activities do they enjoy participating in and etc. While talking to the students, I will also be observing their techniques and skills as they bowl. This is a chance for myself to make notes of the students that I may have missed during the previous lesson or if I wanted to get a second look at students that I may have had trouble assessing in the first class. Assessments/Differentiation: The assessment strategy that I will be using throughout the class for skills is observation. The reason being is because I am using this class to get to know my students and build the teacherstudents relationship with them. Therefore, when it comes to skills and demonstrations of developments I will be using observation. The assessment I will be using in my quest to build student relationships will be in the form of a checklist. I will create a checklist from the class list and check mark whatever students I build a relationship with in the class. I will categorize them by academic and personal. If it is about school or any of those aspects I will check mark that box, if it is of personal interests and etc. then I will check mark that box. Motivation: The motivations that students will undergo are numerous. The first is positive reinforcement. I will go around the classroom and look for positive details and provide feedback regarding those details. The second motivation is modeling. As a teacher, I will be modeling the behaviour and expectations that I believe and relayed to my students prior to the class. As well as I will ask students to take a leadership role and provide the staff at the bowling alley a first hand look of how our school treats and respects the rules of others. The third motivation is moral development. Students will be encouraged to have fun and develop their skills while doing so. Students will practice their skills and find intrinsic motivation while they are trying to better themselves. Closure (15 min.): Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: To close out the class, I will explain how the scoring quiz will be done for the next day. Students will score their own personal game to practice as well as taking a quiz before we leave. I will open up the floor for discussion and/or questions that the students may have; We will then travel back to the school. Feedback From Students: The feedback I will receive back from students will primarily come back from the exit slips and discussions that I have in the introduction portion of my class. However, I can use the conversations that I have with my students during when I am building student relationships as a way to gather feedback as well. Are the students feeling more comfortable being around me, is my instruction making sense and etc. Feedback To Students: The feedback that I will give back to students will be in the form of the discussions and conversations I have with them. If I am seeing good technique, then I will compliment them on their good technique. If a student is struggling I may take some time going through it again with them. Transition To Next Lesson: The next lesson will go into more detail about scoring in bowling.

Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject: Grade 10 P.E.

Unit: Bowling

Lesson Duration: 80 min ASSESSMENTS



(2-3, clear, and measurable)

(Observations, Key Questions, Products/Performances)

Students will: Send a bowling ball in a controlled and accurate manner. Apply skills required in bowling. Refine skills in bowling to improve performance. Demonstrate skills needed to be applied in bowling. Improve bowling skills. Demonstrate fair play and etiquette. Participate in bowling activities to improve personal health. Participate in bowling activities to develop skills. LEARNING RESOURCES CONSULTED MATERIALS/ EQUIPMENT/ SET UP Scoring Quiz Scoring Quiz Observation Observation

A10-5: apply and refine

manipulative skills and conceptseffort, space and relationshipsto perform and create a variety of activities to improve personal performance

A10-13: adapt and

improve activity specific skills in a variety of individual pursuits; e.g., resistance training, aerobics C10-3: demonstrate etiquette and fair play D10-1: demonstrate a commitment to an active lifestyle through participation in and out of class

Resource #1: Alberta Program of Studies Resource #2: Dave Spill * Bowling Alley

Introduction (10 min.): Attention Grabber, Assessment of Prior Knowledge and Transition to Body: The main focus of the introduction in this lesson is to review scoring and go through some different techniques for scoring in bowling. I will remind students that at the end of class they will have their scoring quiz. I will mention to the students the process of the activity today and how I would like them to score themselves in order to have that practice and a good review before the quiz. After this, we will be travelling to the bowling alley. The introduction is cut short in this lesson so students have more time to study scoring and bowl and then have extra time to complete the quiz at the end of the class. Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: The expectations for behaviour will be outlined during the PowerPoint presentation in the first class. The expectations for learning will be for students to participate fully in bowling and also to have fun and try to experiment with many different techniques in their first couple days of bowling. Advance Organizer/Agenda: The only materials that will need to be set up prior would be the bus for the class to travel and the bowling alley staff will already have set up the bowling equipment. For this class the quiz needs to be created before hand. Body (40 min.): Learning Activity #1: For the activity portion of the class, students will be broken into teams and given a lane at the bowling alley. They will continue to practice their skills and techniques but will have an added task to their playing. For todays class students will prepare themselves for the quiz by scoring themselves during the game. Each student will receive a pencil and a scoring card. They will write down their scores and calculate them at the end of their game or games. The students will also be able to use the computer at the bowling alley as guide for their learning of scoring. In this way, students will practice their skills in bowling but will also be studying or reviewing scoring at the same time.

Assessments/Differentiation: The assessments I will be using in this lesson is through the scoring quiz and observation. The scoring quiz is a summative assessment that is used to gather information about the students understanding regarding scoring. Observation is an assessment I will use in order to see if students understand how to use the four-step approach and are figuring out more ways to make himself or herself a better bowler. Motivation: The motivations that students will undergo are numerous. The first is positive reinforcement. I will go around the classroom and look for positive details and provide feedback regarding those details. The second motivation is modeling. As a teacher, I will be modeling the behaviour and expectations that I believe and relayed to my students prior to the class. As well as I will ask students to take a leadership role and provide the staff at the bowling alley a first hand look of how our school treats and respects the rules of others. The third motivation is moral development. Students will be encouraged to have fun and develop their skills while doing so. Students will practice their skills and find intrinsic motivation while they are trying to better themselves. Closure (30 min.): Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: To close out the lesson, students will take a scoring quiz in order to complete the assessment for the class. The quiz is a simple assessment where students will be given three different peoples 10 frame score and must calculate their final score. The st udents will be given 20 minutes to complete at the end of the lesson. Answers to test are: Toews(), Ovechkin(), Crosby Feedback From Students: The feedback that I will receive back from students will be primarily coming from the scoring quiz and observation. The scoring quiz acts as a summative assessment that identifies if students understand how to score a bowling game. Observation is used to see if students are using the correct technique and are developing their bowling skills in a positive manner. Feedback To Students: The feedback students will receive back from myself will be in the form of comments and marks. The mark that they receive back on the scoring quiz is a form of feedback that shows students their understanding of the unit and scoring. I will also add comments on the quiz about some of the aspects I have seen in their techniques in the unit and some things they could think about for the final bowling class the next lesson. Transition To Next Lesson: The next class will be our final lesson on bowling. It will be a competitive tournament.

Bowling Unit Test


1. Please score the following game. Below the table, please indicate how much a strike and a spare is worth. Use the back of the sheet if needed to calculate scores. Each fill in the blank is worth 1 mark. The explanation is worth 2 marks.

Frame 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Mr. Toews 3,6 Gutter, 7 Strike 7,2 6,3 5, Spare 2, 3 Strike 1,4 2,5

Mrs. Ovechkin 8,1 5,2 6,2 8,1 5,3 Strike 1, Gutter Spare Strike 3,2

Mr. Crosby 9, Gutter 8, Gutter Strike Strike Strike Gutter, 1 Strike Strike Strike 5, 3


2. What is the four-step approach in bowling? (1 mark)

3. What is it called when you knock down all the pins with one single shot? (1 mark)

4. What is it called when you knock down all the pins with two shots? (1 mark)

How much is each pin worth in bowling? (1 mark)

What is the highest score possible you may achieve in a single game of bowling? (1 mark)

Lesson Plan
Grade/Subject: Grade 10 P.E.

Unit: Bowling

Lesson Duration: 80 min ASSESSMENTS

(Observations, Key Questions, Products/Performances)

(2-3, clear, and measurable)

Students will: Send a bowling ball in a controlled and Observation

A10-5: apply and refine

manipulative skills and

conceptseffort, space and relationshipsto perform and create a variety of activities to improve personal performance

accurate manner. Apply skills required in bowling. Refine skills in bowling to improve performance. Demonstrate skills needed to be applied in bowling. Improve bowling skills. Demonstrate fair play and etiquette. Participate in bowling activities to improve personal health. Participate in bowling activities to develop skills. LEARNING RESOURCES CONSULTED MATERIALS/ EQUIPMENT/ SET UP

Unit Exam

A10-13: adapt and

improve activity specific skills in a variety of individual pursuits; e.g., resistance training, aerobics C10-3: demonstrate etiquette and fair play D10-1: demonstrate a commitment to an active lifestyle through participation in and out of class

Observation Unit Exam

Observation Unit Exam Observation Unit Exam

Resource #1: Alberta Program of Studies * Bowling Alley

Introduction (20 min.): Attention Grabber: I will hand back the scoring quizzes to the students so they can view their marks and comments. Assessment of Prior Knowledge: The students will do a quick whip around where they can say one new thing that they learned in this unit or they can say what they thought of bowling before the unit and what they think of bowling now at the end of the unit. Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: The expectations for behaviour will be outlined during the PowerPoint presentation in the first class. The expectations for learning will be for students to participate fully in bowling and also to have fun and try to experiment with many different techniques in their first couple days of bowling. Advance Organizer/Agenda: The only materials that will need to be set up prior would be the bus for the class to travel and the bowling alley staff will already have set up the bowling equipment. Transition to Body: I will lead a discussion with the students on what we have learned so far in bowling. To enhance student interest and to provide a fair assessment for the final class. I will ask the students to get into groups of 4 and think of three things that they would put on a rubric for bowling if they were teachers. If one of their three answers is mentioned already than they would move on to the next one. With the student answers I will create a rubric that I will use to assess the students on their final day of bowling. Body (30 min.): Learning Activity #1: For the activity portion of the lesson, students will be broken into teams and will bowl as they have in the other lessons of the unit. However, for this lesson I will be going around the lanes and will mark students on their technique according to how they meet the rubric that the students themselves have created for me. Students will one by one go and bowl as I observe and mark down comments and grades. They will continue this for the entire lesson until it is time to write the unit test. Assessments/Differentiation: The assessments that will be used in the class will be the unit test and the technique observation. The unit test will assess the students and their knowledge of theory in the bowling unit. The technique observation will be used as assessing students and their technique in the final day of class. The rubric being used will be created by the students and will be followed in order to mark them. These marks will be combined with developmental comments and marks from throughout the unit in order to gather an accurate judgment of what their final mark should be. Motivation: The motivations that students will undergo are numerous. The first is positive reinforcement. I will go

around the classroom and look for positive details and provide feedback regarding those details. The second motivation is modeling. As a teacher, I will be modeling the behaviour and expectations that I believe and relayed to my students prior to the class. As well as I will ask students to take a leadership role and provide the staff at the bowling alley a first hand look of how our school treats and respects the rules of others. The third motivation is moral development. Students will be encouraged to have fun and develop their skills while doing so. Students will practice their skills and find intrinsic motivation while they are trying to better themselves. The final motivation of the class will be competition. Students will be more motivated to participate and use their skills when they are playing against others in a friendly but competitive environment. Closure (30 min.): Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: To bring closure to the lesson and unit, students will be given 20 minutes to complete a relatively short and simple unit test on bowling. The unit test is created by my Teacher Associate Dave Spill and will be given to the students at the end of the unit in order to justify and judge grading for the students. Feedback From Students: The feedbacks that I will receive from students are basic in this final lesson. The first portion is from the unit test. Students will be asked to exemplify their understanding of bowling on a test for a mark. Therefore, this should tell me if students understood the concepts being taught. The second portion is from the rubric they created. Students must take the concepts they have learned and create a rubric in which they will be marked according to. The third and final portion is through the students participation and demonstration of skills that they have developed throughout the unit. Feedback To Students: The feedbacks that the students will receive are grades and comments. For the grades, this is the final lesson and students will receive a final grade on their unit test and skill techniques from the entire semester. Comments will be included on the unit test as well as their report card. However, when they receive their final mark for technique, I will explain to students what things they did that met the student -made rubric and what kinds of things did not met the rubric.

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