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Unit 5 Selling benefits & Unit 6 The organization Progress Test Name: _______________________________ Part 1 Reading Unit 6 Task

1 9 oints Read the article about writing a business plan and sentences 19 below. For each sentence 19 mark one letter (A, B or C . On one hand a business plan is an external document which is seen by people such as banks, donors and other stakeholders. In this sense the plan is a marketing tool, as the business owner tries to convince others that the business is a realistic proposition with potential for growth over the next five to ten years. However, a good business plan is also an important management tool used within the organization to guide developments and measure progress. The process of analyzing the organization s strengths, weaknesses, competition and finances when writing the plan helps to clarify key areas and may also reveal strong and weak points in a business proposition. There are no exact rules for how to present a business plan, but it should be clear and concise, and written in a way to hold the reader s attention. !raphs and charts can be used, but only as many as are necessary and ones which will be clear to the target reader of the plan. The main purpose of the plan is to provide information about the organization s present status and future performance. "ertain #uestions need to be answered about the organization. Is it a partnership, private limited company or sole trader, for example$ %hat are the staffing arrangements$ %hat is the product s &'($ %ho are the target consumers$ ) detailed section on finances is essential, as any potential investors will want to see what money is needed and what the estimated profit and loss account is. The plan shouldn t make any unrealistic claims or future pro*ections about future costs and sales. %hile the ob*ectives on a business plan show specifically what the company aims to do, the mission statement explains the general purpose and values of the organization. This can either be very short, simple and powerful, or express a complex set of ideas, beliefs and pro*ections about the organization. It often also states the company s responsibilities towards its clients. )lthough the mission statement is not the place to make claims about the high #uality of products or services of the company, like an advertisement a good mission statement can say a lot about the company in *ust a few words. 1 ! b"siness lan is "s"all# seen b# ) customers and managers. + stakeholders and the competition. " investors and managers. $ ! b"siness lan sho"ld be able to ers"ade eo le that the b"siness ) has been successful in the past. + is successful now. " will be successful in the future. % &hen 'riting a b"siness lan an entre rene"r "s"all# ) convinces others that the market is growing. + thinks more deeply about the issues facing their organization. " reveals to other people the weak points in their business proposition. ( ! good b"siness lan ) is clearly written and covers certain points. + follows certain rules. " makes some unrealistic claims and pro*ections.

5 )ra hs and *harts in a b"siness lan

) are essential. + should be kept to the minimum. " are unnecessary. 6 &hi*h of the follo'ing items in a b"siness lan doesn+t the arti*le refer to, ) (ersonal details + The type of organization " ,arket research and a marketing strategy - The ob.e*ti/es on a b"siness lan sho"ld be ) general ideas. + realistic plans. " powerful statements. 0 ! good mission statement *an be "sed to ) advertise the company. + show what the company believes in. " explain why the company s products or services are so good. 9 &hat is the "r ose of the arti*le, ) To explain in detail how to write a business plan. + To explain why business plans are needed. " To give general advice on writing business plans.

Task $ 11 oints Unit 6 Complete the phrasal !erbs in the te"t b# putting the correct particle in each gap. after 1 a'a# 1 for 1 into 1 into 1 o"t 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 'ith

-I had always wanted to start ./01 2222222222 my own company. In /334 I saw a gap in the market and set .//1 2222222222 (et,inders, a small company which looks ./51 2222222222 people s pets while they are away on holiday. I spent a long time looking ./61 2222222222 the right staff, as I needed to employ people who not only were committed to the *ob but could also cope ./71 2222222222 all different kinds of animals. )lthough I ran ./81 2222222222 a few financial difficulties in the early stages, I didn t give ./91 2222222222. I didn t actually run ./:1 2222222222 ma*or debts, but I needed to raise some extra money. ;ortunately I found someone willing to put money ./41 2222222222 my business. ) friend had pointed ./31 2222222222 that I hadn t invested much in marketing, so I decided to give .501 2222222222 free gifts to new customers. In 500/ (et,inders made its first profit. The company has recently expanded and is doing well.

Part $ &riting Task 1 5 oints Unit 5 $rite an email based on the %ollowing brie%. $rite about &'()' words. <ou are the manager of a car salesroom. 'ales have dropped slightly over recent months, and you feel that your salespeople could be working more effectively. <ou are concerned that some of your salespeople don t say enough to the customers about the products and that others talk too much. %rite an email to the sales staff= reminding them about talking to the customers

reminding them about listening to the customers promising a pay rise if sales increase.

To= )ll sales staff "c= 'ub*ect= >ecent sales

Task $ 12 oints Unit 5 Complete the te"t b# putting the ad*ecti!es in brackets into the correct %orm. +his ma# be the base %orm (small , the comparati!e %orm (smaller or the superlati!e %orm (the smallest . One of .591 2222222222222222222 .simple1 forms of advertising is -word?of?mouth promotion. If a product is really .5:1 2222222222222222222 .good1 then people naturally want to talk about it, and to tell others that this product is .541 22222222222222222 .good1 or .531 22222222222222222222 .tasty1 or .601 2222222222222222222 .cheap1 than anything else similar on the market. This kind of -word?of?mouth recommendation by a .6/1 2222222222222222222 .trusted1 and .651 2222222222222222222 .respected1 friend is .661 2222222222222222222 .believable1 than the same recommendation heard on a T@ or radio commercial. It is #uite probably .671 2222222222222222222 .old1 and .681 222222222222222222 .powerful1 form of advertising that exists.

Part % 3istening Task $ 4 Re*ording $556- 6 oints Unit 5 Aisten to three negotiations. ,ark each statement +rue or False. -egotiation 1 / The man likes active holidays. True B ;alse

5 The woman would like to go trekking in the mountains. True B ;alse -egotiation . 6 The seller and her husband are moving because they need a bigger house. 7 The house has some good features but needs some repairs. True B ;alse -egotiation & 8 The shop owner needs a model urgently. True B ;alse True B ;alse True B ;alse

9 Tania will model for the shop in the winter, spring and summer.

Task $ 4 Re*ording $511616 5 oints Unit 6 /isten to si" di%%erent stakeholders. Complete each sentence with one or two words. 7"stomer 18 ) company should make good #uality products at 2222222222222 2222222222222 . 9m lo#ee $8 I need my 222222222222 every month. 9n/ironmental a*ti/ist %8 They 222222222222 the environment and test their products on animals. Shareholder (8 The company should be as profitable as possible so I can earn a 22222222222 when the profit is announced at the )nnual !eneral ,eeting. S" lier 58 If the company doesn t pay me #uickly enough I ll have 22222222222 22222222222 problems.

Part ( S eaking ( oints Unit 5 & 6 0repare a one(minute presentation on one o% these topics. 1ou ha!e one minute to prepare #our talk.

) %hat is important when advertising a product$ C ,edia .think of as many media as you can1 C &'( .uni#ue selling proposition1 C Target group .types of target groups= DIEF', empty nesters, full nesters, bachlores1

+ %hat is important when negotiating$ C (reparation C Aistening C To win the negotiation .types of negotiations= winBwin, winBlose, loseBlose1

" %hat is important when running an effective meeting$ C Having an agenda .%hat s the role of chairperson1 C Dealing with interruptions C Talk about all points of the meeting

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