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UNIT 7 Exercises: 1. Using a dictionary, specify which department: a. puts the products in boxes; b.

pays the employees/ angajai; c. places ads in shops, maga ines; d. purchases supplies; e. sells the products to the customers; f. in!oices customers; g. plans how to sell new products; h. ser!ices the machines and e"uipment; i. recruits new employees; j. arranges courses for the staff; #. manufactures the products; l. loo#s after customers$ problems and complaints/ pl%ngeri; m. organises control systems to pre!ent mista#es; n. dispatches the products; o. deals with taxation; &. 'ranslate into (nglish: )* sp*lam pe dini, +n timp ce soul meu se b*rbierea. ,to wash, to sha!e'ot timpul fuma +n buc*t*rie. ,to smo#e'ransportau combustibil, c%nd a a!ut loc o explo ie puternic*. ,to transport, to ta#e/ place 0 too# 0 ta#en1lou*.2a3i umbrela. 4n septembrie 5i octombrie plou* foarte mult. 6u dormeam c%nd m3ai sunat. Unde mergeai c%nd ne3am +nt%lnit7 8. 9ill in the blan#s with the appropriate past form: 2 .......................highshool in &::;. ,to graduate from/ a absol!i'he doctor ....................the patient while his nurse was preparing the injection. ,to examine/ a examina< ........last summer7 ,to go/ 3 went 3 gone-

<hat your brother came in7 ,to do/ 3 did 3 done=e ......................the classes and, because of that, he .............the exam. ,to attend/ a participa la ore, a urma un curs, to fail/ a pica la examen>he .......always.............. too much, although she #new 2 hate that. ,to tal#/ a !orbiNot: ?up* cum ai remarcat, pronumele I / eu se scrie +ntotdeauna cu majuscul*, indiferent de po iia cu!%ntului +n propo iie.

UNIT 8 Exercises: 1. 1ut the !erb in brac#ets into an appropriate present or future form: 2f 2 am re3elected, 2 .......,gi!e- you my word that the first issues 2 ......,tac#le/ a aborda o problem*, un subiect- are those from the en!ironment and education. >he is so pale. >he ..............,to faint/ a le5ina-. @ou are loo#ing gorgeous in that dress. Aeally7 2 ...........,to buy// a cump*ra- it then. )argaret .......................,to ha!e// to throw/ a party/ a da o petrecere- tonight. 'he plane....................,to land/ a ateri a- in 8: minutes. &. 'ranslate into (nglish: Be ai de g%nd s* faci dup* ce termini facultatea7 >t* s* plou*. 6u !om juca fotbal pe stadion. 4n dou* luni +mi !oi cump*ra o cas* nou*. Crei s* !ii cu mine la film7 2nginerii din sucursala ,subsidiary- noastr* sunt pe punctul de a descoperi o nou* metod* de purificare ,purifying/ purification- a apei.

UNIT 9 Exercises: 1. 'ranslate into (nglish: D3ai !* ut recent7

?a, l3am !* ut s*pt*m%na trecut*. Bonducea o ma5in* ro5ie. 6u mai !* use p%n* atunci o ma5in* ro . E s* !opse5ti peretele acela portocaliu deschis p%n* s* ajung eu acas*. >crie de ; minute +ntr3o agend* !erde. Fngajaii tocmai au primit noi uniforme: albastru +nchis, pentru 5efii de departamente, 5i portocalii, pentru mecanici. &. 6ame your fa!ourite three colours and three colours you don$t li#e. Gi!e a reason for your choice.

UNIT 10 Exercises: 1. 1ut the !erb in brac#ets into the correct 1resent 'ense form: 'he scissors the drawer/sertar. ,to be'his H..the news. ,to be=is wages H..!ery hight. ,to be2 thin# your glassesHHH..on the table. ,to lie/a sta'he scale H..a housewife in the #itchen. ,to help(lectronics HH.a !ery interesting subject. ,to be&. Gi!e the feminine correspondents of the following nouns: son, husband, nephew, uncle, #ing, lord, coc#, stag/cerb, 'om3cat/ motan, brother, mon#/ c*lug*r.

UNIT 11 Exercises: 1. 2nsert the missing possessi!es: 'his doesn$t loo# li#e HHnoteboo#; it must be HH . =e has lost H.. pencil; perhaps you can lend him HH . <e ha!e ta#en H.. brea#fast. =as she ta#en HH7 Iohn came to see me yesterday. H.father and HHwere coleagues. 'ell them not to forget H..tic#ets. &. 'ranslate into (nglish: Fcestea sunt surorile mele !itrege, iar acela +mi este cumnat.

(u nu am rude bogate pe care s* le rog s* m* ajute. 6u m3am +nt%lnit cu nimeni ieri, dar ast* i toat* lumea m3a felicitat pentru proiectul meu. Fceia sunt !erii mei, nepoii mamei 5i str*nepoii bunicii. F cui este aceast* proprietate7 8. Bhoose the right pronoun: <e are stronger than they/them at chess. =elp my/me carry her/she, she/hers has just fainted. Det we/us all go for a wal# except him/his; him/he is tired. Their/theirs jobs are better paid than us/ours. <hy are you/your crying7 UNIT 12 Exercises: 1. 6otai +n litere urm*toarele numerale: &J, 1;, K;, LM, N8, 1::, 1:;, ;L8, &J8;, 1 J8J ;::; &. 6otai urm*toarele date: 1 )ai &::K, &1 august 1MLN, J aprilie 1K::, &8 septembrie 1MMM 5i propria dat* de na5tere. 8. >criei echi!alentele ordinale ale numeralelor cardinale date: 11, &J, 81, K&, 1L8, ;;;. J. 6otai pe cifre num*rul dumnea!oastr* de telefon, fix 5i mobil, ca 5i cum le3ai dicta unui interlocutor telefonic.

REVISION 2. Gi!e the forms ,1resent 'ense >imple and Bontinuous, 1ast 'ense >imple and Bontinuous, 9uture 'ense >imple and Bontinuous- of the following !erbs: to go ,irregularand to play ,regular-

22. 9ill in the blan#s with the appropriate form of the !erbs gi!en: 1. <here H you HH after you had left uni!ersity7 ,to go&. 2 HHHH por# because this meat H too fat and disagrees with me. ,to eat3neg., to be8. =e HHHHH in a conference, in 1MM1, when he HHhis wife to be. ,to participate, to meetJ. )ichael HH.. at a refinery as an engineer and he really HH..his job. ,to wor#, to li#e;. 'hey HH.. football yesterday, but, because it HHHHH.. right now, they HHHH. again tomorrow. ,to play, to rain, to play222. )atch sentences F 0 G to the constructions 1 0 L: F. 2 am wor#ing for a new project these days. O. =e didn$t participate in that competition. B. )y husband wor#s at an important subsidiary of a multinational company. ?. 'hey were transporting crude oil when the tan# exploded. (. <ill you wait for me if 2 as# you to7 9. 'hey played football all morning. G. =e will be sleeping when 2 get home. 1. 1ast 'ense >imple &. 1resent 'ense Bontinuous 8. 1resent 'ense >imple J. 9uture 'ense >imple ;. 1ast 'ense >imple ,negati!eK. 1ast 'ense Bontinuous L. 9uture 'ense Bontinuous 2C. 2ntroduce yourself in a short composition ,; 0 1: lines-.

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