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Zo Freeman

Planning for Images

1. What is the genre of music?
The genre I have chosen for my music magazine is indie. Indie music is short for independent and is a genre of rock music. The attitude that indie artists represent is highly relatable to teenagers and young adults, much of their music being about life experiences and elements of self-discovery which the target audience find easy relate to. In terms of their image, adopting a carefree appearance and relaxed approach to life has the power to influence younger listeners especially who are attempting to find themselves. Indie artists are often signed to smaller labels, often possessing the view that their music shouldnt be used to make profit but more for the sake of existing and influencing those who listen to their music. Most indie bands start off small, playing in venues in order to gain recognition and popularity. The introduction of festivals such as Leeds, Reading and Glastonbury have allowed the genre to grow significantly the genre itself has always been reliant on live performances as a way of gaining and sustaining influence. Music videos, which indie artists create, almost always feature the band/artist playing their instruments and focus less on creating a story with backing music like most pop music videos do.

2. What group will you be representing in your images?

Whilst most indie magazines focus on the promotion of bands and male singers, I will be using female models to explore a less represented part of the indie genre. I have chosen to do this so I can challenge the conventions of music magazines only the most prominent female indie artists normally make the front page of the magazine (for example Florence and the Machine). The age group that I will be representing in my magazine is older teens and young adults somewhere between the ages of 16-25 as this the age group which most indie magazines attempt to target. In terms of ethnicity, the group that is most commonly represented in indie music magazines is White British/American so I will be using people of that ethnicity when I produce my magazine.

3. How will you be representing them through the mis-en-scene?

Front cover/contents page: In terms of clothes, the model will be wearing a grey t-shirt with a red and yellow pattern on it, a red tartan skirt and red doc martins (in case I decide a full body shot would be more appropriate). The shots I take will focus predominantly on her face in a medium close up, and feature part of the skirt from which I can draw the red colour for my magazine from. The appearance of my models hair will be down and straight, though have slight volume to it in order to meet the slightly rugged look which indie artists have. I dont think I will need any props for the construction of my image, though I may place some kind of musical instrument in the shot to emphasise the idea surrounding indie artists being more about their music than appearance/money. The placement of my model for these parts of my magazine will somewhat mimic those of the female artists featured on NME particularly a serious expressions and very little posing. Double page spread: The clothes for this shoot will remain predominantly the same; however I plan to remove the leather jacket and change the t-shirt to a crop top that reads Guns N Roses. I will produce long shots and medium close ups for this section of my magazine I plan to take multiple

Zo Freeman versions of this so I can maximise the choice I have when I produce my double page spread. My choice in doing this is so I can follow the conventions put in place already by established magazines.

4. What camera shots will you be using?

The image on my front cover will be a medium close up as this is what most front covers use eye contact with the camera being a necessary feature. By choosing this type of shot, I am again conforming to the conventions of music magazines. For my contents page I plan on using a long shot/full body shot for my main image, then a close-up of my model holding a guitar. My double page spread will feature either a long shot/full body length of my model or a medium close up. I will also take a couple of images of my model sitting down and posing in different positions so I can maximise my choice.


Where will you get it from?

Find two friends from school who already have a look that fits my genre of music Borrow from music department/ask a friend/teacher to provide one Models will bring this Models will be wearing appropriate make-up already Yes

Check list

Props guitar


Costume/clothes Make-up

Yes Yes

Model isnt in school the day of the photo shoot The quality of the pictures arent very good Angle of the shots dont work Forgotten equipment/props

Have another model as back up just in case Arrange a re-shoot

Arrange a re-shoot Attempt to find a similar prop, if not arrange a re-shoot Use what they wear, if it doesnt look good/fit the indie genre then arrange a re-shoot

Models dont wear the right clothes

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