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How KYKO Profiler identify good candidates recruitment and selection? An organization is as good as the quality of her employees.

The success of an organization rests on hiring the right people. Good hires ensure a pool of quality and talented employees. They will take the organization to greater heights of achievement and success. Bad hires will result in a pool of problem employees. They will regress and bankrupt the organization through failure and doom. It is very crucial for an organization to administer a psychometric assessment test to her potential employees to ensure that it does not select or hire the wrong people. KYKO Profiler Assessment tool for recruitment and personnel selection measures five behavioral parameters to ensure candidates of the desired profile are hired. They are 1. Ethics and values Good candidates must have high ethics and a good value system. They must have high integrity. Good candidates are honest and trustworthy. They are not prone to fall into temptations. Generally good candidates are religious and believe strongly in God and the rewards and punishment of life after death. These people have strong morals and principles, especially those who have reached the high order needs of self-actualization and salvation. They dont work for money which can satisfy the low order needs such as physiological, security, social and ego. This group of people is in constant search for goodness and wisdom. Good candidates are all for fairness and justice and will stand up for what is right all the time. They work hard to contribute meaningfully to mankind and the generations to come. 2. Achievement orientation Good candidates are high achievers. They are responsible and committed to chase after the bottom line and results. Good candidates set goals and focus on accomplishing them. They want to perform their level best and are willing to work long, hard hours to make things happen. Good candidates get to work at once and will strive to excel in whatever they do. They will do a fine job no matter how difficult it is. Good candidates attach their self worth to tangible results 3. Intellect Good candidates must have intellectual abilities. They are intelligent and use their brains before they act. Good candidates are fast learners and can understand and grasp things quickly. Good candidates can find answers to difficult questions. When things are not on the

right track, they look for solutions to problems so that those problems are less likely to happen again. Their decision-making is based on logical deduction. 4. Growth needs Good candidates must have high growth needs to grow their potentials. They know how to use their natural talents to acquire the relevant competencies for their position. Good candidates work towards being a competent professional. They have high commit to a lifelong learning process seeking and updating their knowledge and skills. They see mistakes as an opportunity to further learn and develop professionally. Good candidates are trainable. They are willing to learn from anyone particularly from experts, bosses and their colleagues. 5. Fulfillment Good candidates work for self-satisfaction and fulfillment. They find great joy in what they are doing. They are passionate about their job. Good candidates have great interest in their work. They have a strong desire to take the initiative to get things done. They show boundless energy. Good candidates are enthusiastic about accomplishing their goals. Being intrinsically motivated, they are willing to give their level best to make things happen.

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