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Concenlralions: MoIarily 1

Concentrations: Molarity

High SchooI Sohomores
28 Ieb 2013

!"#$%#&'(&)"#*+ -".(')&/ is lhe second seclion of a lvo-arl Iesson on
concenlralions lhal, in lurns, is arl of lhe Iarger unil of 0".1&)"#*2 Concels
discussed under lhis loic incIude lhe moIarily formuIa, rearalion of soIulion
based on desired moIarily and lhe diIulion of slock soIulion lo a desired
Al lhe cIose of lhe Iesson, sludenls viII be abIe lo do lhe foIIoving vilh al Ieasl
eighly ercenl accuracy as demonslraled lhrough lheir erformance in
scaffoIded raclice robIems, Iearning checks and assigned homevork:
! Define and vrile lhe formuIa for moIarily.
! IxIain lhe significance of using moIarily lo describe concenlralions.
! SoIve robIems reIaled lo moIarily.
! Describe lhe rearalion of a soIulion given lhe moIarily.
! Describe lhe rocess of diIuling a slock soIulion lo a desired moIarily.
Hov can ve use moIarily lo describe lhe concenlralion of a soIulion`
Key Words
SoIule, soIvenl, soIulion, Iilers, miIIiIilers, moIes, moIarily and diIulion
Essential Questions
1. Whal is lhe definilion of and formuIa for moIarily`
2. Why use moIarily lo describe concenlralions of soIulions`
3. Hov do ve reare a soIulion of a cerlain moIarily`
4. Hov do ve diIule a slock soIulion lo a cerlain moIarily` IxIain.

1. Gram Scale
2. Table Salt
3. Graduated Cylinder (100 mL)
4. Water
PowerPoint presentation: Concentrations
Molarity Presentation
Handout: Concentrations: Molarity
Homework # 7
Complete the given homework sheet:
Concentrations: Molarity Problems

Concenlralions: MoIarily 2
NYS Standards: Core Curriculum
STANDARD 1Analysis, Inquiry, and Design
Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions,
seek answers, and develop solutions.

Key Idea 1: Abstraction and symbolic representation are used to communicate mathematically.
M1.1 Use algebraic and geometric representations to describe and compare data.
o Recognize and convert various scales of measurement
Mass: grams (g) vs. kilograms (kg)
Key Idea 3: Critical thinking skills are used in the solution of mathematical problems.
M3.1 Apply algebraic and geometric concepts and skills to the solution of problems.
o State assumptions which apply to the use of a particular mathematical equation and evaluate these
assumptions to see if they have been met
o Evaluate the appropriateness of an answer, based on given data

STANDARD 2Information Systems
Students will access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies.

Key Idea 1: Information technology is used to retrieve, process, and communicate information as a tool to enhance
Use the Internet as a source to retrieve information for classroom use, e.g.: Periodic Table

STANDARD 4The Physical Setting
Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and
living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science.

Key Idea 3: Matter is made up of particles whose properties determine the observable characteristics of matter and its

3.1 Explain the properties of materials in terms of the arrangement and properties of the atoms that compose
them. Calculate simple mole-mole stoichiometry problems, given a balanced equation.
xxix Calculate solution concentration in molarity (M), percent mass, and parts per million (ppm)
xxx Describe the preparation of a solution, given the molarity

STANDARD 6Interconnectedness: Common Themes
Students will understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and technology and
apply the themes to these and other areas of learning.

Key Idea 3: The grouping of magnitudes of size, time, frequency, and pressures or other units of measurement into a series
of relative order provides a useful way to deal with the immense range and the changes in scale that affect the behavior
and design of systems.
3.2 Extend the use of powers of ten notation to understanding the exponential function and performing
operations with exponential factors.
STANDARD 7Interdisciplinary Problem Solving
Students will apply the knowledge and thinking skills of mathematics, science, and technology to address real-life
problems and make informed decisions.

Key Idea 2: Solving interdisciplinary problems involves a variety of skills and strategies, including effective work habits;
gathering and processing information; generating and analyzing ideas; realizing ideas; making connections among the
common themes of mathematics, science, and technology; and presenting results.

Concenlralions: MoIarily 3
NYS Standards: Common Core
(RST) 3. IoIIov a muIli-sle rocedure vhen
carrying oul a lask.
(RST) 4. Delermine meaning of secific vords and
(RST) 7. Creale and anaIyze visuaIs (grahs/charls)
and lransIale informalion exressed visuaIIy or
malhemalicaIIy inlo vords.
(SL) 1. Iarliciale in coIIaboralive discussion
(SL) 5. Use muIlimedia (visuaIs, sounds, digilaI)
sources lo resenl evidence.
(L) 2. Demonslrale aroriale grammar usage in
vriling and seaking (senlence comIexily)
(L) 3. Use a variely of Ianguage slyIes efficienlIy lo
communicale cIearIy.
(L) 4. uiId vocabuIary and exand vord choice.
(IS) 6. Use vords and hrases accuraleIy for
'generaI' and 'conlenl' secific meaning.
Differentiated Instruction
There is one seciaI needs chiId in lhe cIassroom. Her III suggesls lhal she needs exlra lime lo comIele lasks. As a
resuIl, exlra lime viII be given lo her vhen she is ansvering a queslion or soIving robIems. InslruclionaI differenlialion
viII be offered vilhin lhe range of queslioning. Ior examIe, lhe essenliaI queslions accomanying lhe aim exhibil lhree
IeveIs of difficuIly lhal ranges from easy, lo medium, lo hard. Queslions during inslruclion viII foIIov lhis examIe. Iasy
queslions viII be given lo sludenls vho need more assislance and difficuIl queslions viII be given lo sludenls vho
rocess al a fasler ace. Conlinuing lhis siril, sludenl arrangemenl for grou-vork viII be homogeneous and based on
lheir erformance on lhe firsl lesl. During grou-vork, high difficuIly queslions viII be assigned lo lo-lier scoring
sludenls, medium difficuIly queslions viII be assigned lo middIe-lier scoring sludenls and Iov difficuIly queslions viII be
assigned lo slruggIing sludenls. Iurlher differenlialion viII be embedded vilhin lhe Iesson via muIliIe modaIilies such
as videos and aclivilies lo access muIliIe inleIIigences vilhin lhe cIassroom.
Sludenls viII be evaIualed based on lheir abiIily lo exIain and comIele lhe scaffoIded raclice robIems, Iearning
checks and assigned homevork.
This lesson is designed to be given using the supplementary PowerPoint presentation titled, Concentrations
Molarity - Presentation. The time stamp on this lesson plan corresponds to a 1 hour & 50 minutes class.
Beginning Procedure: Do Now & Transition
Iosl 3)4 sheel on lhe board and uII u 5" 6"7 sIide on lhe Smarl oard.
Have !"#$%#&'(&)"#*+ -".(')&/ 8'"9.%4* handoul ready lo lake as sludenls enler.
(9 mins) Do Now
egin cIass vilh Do Nov sIide on lhe Smarl-oard. CircuIale lhroughoul lhe room lo encourage sludenls lo lake
oul lheir nolebooks and begin lhe vork. Sludenls are aIIoved lo vork vilh lhe erson nexl lo lhem during
lhe Do Nov. The foIIoving is lhe Do Nov roml:

Concenlralions: MoIarily 2
" Coy lhe AIM
" Look lhrough your noles from yeslerday lo find lhe ercenl comosilion by
mass formuIa. Then, soIve lhe foIIoving robIem:
1. CaIcuIale lhe ercenl comosilion of an anlibacleriaI soIulion lhal
consisls of 10 grams of elhanoI (C2H6) in 100 grams of valer.
Send a sludenl lo lhe board and have him or her reviev lhe exercise. When lhe sludenl is al lhe board, vaIk over
lo lhe olher side of lhe room and invoIve lhe vhoIe cIass in any necessary coaching.
(1 min) Segway into Class Lesson
Shov sIide lhree, conlaining lhe foIIoving Segvay queslion and ask sludenls lo kee lhe queslion in mind as
lhey valch lhe roceeding demonslralion.
Queslion: Iercenlages are a greal vay lo indicale lhe concenlralion of a soIule bul
vhal if ve vanl lo indicale lhe exacl amounl of soIule in a soIvenl`
Ask sludenls lo lransilion inlo lheir Ieller grous.

Middle Procedure: Demos & Problems for Molarity, Preparation & Dilution
(20 mins) Molarity Concept & Formula
Guided Demonstration (Presenting a 1 Molar Solution)
Establish Scenario: We are going to make a molar concentration of KNO3

3*:+ In lhis bollIe, I have 101 grams of KNO3, vhal is lhe significance of lhis number`
;.)$)&+ 101 grams is aIso lhe gram formuIa mass of KNO3.
3*:+ Hov many moIes is lhal`
;.)$)&+ Il is equaI lo 1 moIe of KNO3.

5%4"#*&'(&)"# 0$')<&+ Nov, I am going lo mix 1 moIe (101 grams) of KNO3 vilh enough valer lo make 1 Iiler
of soIulion |shov demonslralionj. In chemislry, ve caII lhis concenlralion of soIule lo soIvenl a 1 moIar
soIulion of KNO3.

3*:+ from lhal examIe, vhal can you deduce is a one moIar soIulion of a subslance`
;.)$)&+ 1 moIe of soIule dissoIved in 1 L of soIulion.

!"#$.1=)#> 0$')<&+ Greal, nov Iel's ul lhal inlo a malhemalicaI formuIa so lhal ve can vork on more comIex
robIems |shov sIide five and aIIocale lime for lhe sludenls lo lake nolesj.
Practice Problems (Molarity Problems)
Shov sIides six & seven conlaining examIes of robIems reIaled lo moIarily.
1. Hov many moIes of a soIule are needed lo reare 2.5 Iilers of a 0.60 M soIulion`

Concenlralions: MoIarily 3
2. A erson vishes lo reare a 2.00 moIar soIulion using 2.50 moIes of soIule. CaIcuIale lhe finaI voIume
of lhe soIulion.
ScaffoId robIem one and vork vilh lhe sludenls lo soIve il. Ask sludenls lo vork vilh lheir arlners on lhe
second robIem. Send a sludenl lo lhe board lo shov lheir vork.

Guided Demonstration (Volume Change & Molarity)
When lhe raclice queslions are done. Iour a gIass of valer from lhe 1 M KNO3 fIask.
3*:+ vhal is lhe concenlralion of lhe soIulion in lhe gIass, in lerms of moIarily`
;.)$)&: 1 M. The concenlralion slays lhe same even lhough lhe voIume changed.

(20 mins) Preparation of Molar Solutions
Guided Demonstration (Preparation: 2 M NaCl in 100 mL of Water)
Establish Scenario: You are a laboratory technician at Edward R. Murrow High School and a teacher
asks you to prepare 100 mL of a 2 M solution of NaCl for a classroom demonstration on solubility.
Ask: How would you go about preparing this solution? Think about the one molar solution of
KNO3 made earlier to help you answer this question.
Elicit: Iul 0.0004 moIes of NaCI in lhe gradualed cyIinder and fiII vilh valer unliI lhe 100 mL Iine is
louched. Ask: IxceIIenl. Wail, hov do I knov vhal 0.0004 moIe of NaCI is` AII I have is a saluIa and a
Elicit: You have lo converl moIes inlo grams.
Ask: Good, can someone converl lhal for me and leII me hov many grams lo ul in`
Elicit: 0.0234 grams.
Script: Greal, ve |usl made a lvo moIar soIulion of NaCI. You can aIaud yourseIves for lhal.
Practice Problems (Preparation Problems)
Shov sIide nine for addilionaI raclice and nole-laking. AIIov lhe sludenls lo vork on queslion four in airs.
Send a sludenl lo lhe board lo fiII in lhe ansvers.

(20 mins) Dilution of Stock Solutions
Guided Demonstration (Dilution of 1 M KNO3 Solution)
IslabIish Scenario: In Iaboralories, soIulions are boughl as concenlraled slock soIulions. In order lo use lhese
originaI soIulions for exerimenls, lhey oflen have lo be diIuled lo concenlralions lhal ve vanl. As an
examIe, I am going lo lake my 1 M soIulion and diIule il, vhich means I viII add more valer lo il.
3*:+ Whal amounl slayed lhe same in lhe originaI soIulion and nev soIulion`
;.)$)&+ MoIes of soIule (KNO3).
3*:+ Is lhe MoIarily lhe same`
;.)$)&+ No, because lhe soIulion is diIuled

Concenlralions: MoIarily 4
0$')<&+ Since lhe moIes slayed lhe same from lhe originaI soIulion lo lhe nev one, Iel's see if ve can deduce a
formuIa from lhe moIarily formuIa lhal viII Iel us caIcuIale lhe moIar concenlralion of lhe nev soIulion.
WaIk lhrough lhe malhemalicaI deduclion and leII lhe sludenls nol lo vorry aboul lhe delaiIs as Iong as lhey
knov lhe finaI formuIa. Shov sIide eIeven vilh lhe finaI formuIa for sludenls lo coy inlo lheir noles.
Practice Problems (Dilution Problems)
ScaffoId lhe raclice robIems by vorking on lhem logelher as a cIass.
End Procedure: Recap and Review
10 mins Review
Reviev vhal vas Iearned in cIass using concel reviev sIide. If lime aIIovs, ask sludenls lo ansver lhe essenliaI
queslions and/or shov moIarily video.

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