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Ethical Standards Case Study Gloria S.

Tirado Walden University

Question No. 1: If you were the manager and Knox had told you his story, how would you have reacted? Should any action be taken for or against Knox? If I were the manager and Knox told me about his story I would congratulate him for a well done job but I will never do what Jeremy did, broadcasting the details on how Knox was able to close the deal with Armadillo. Personally, I do not think the strategy used by Know should be held against him. In the competitive world of sales, working through your goal calls for positioning stratagem that requires quick and appropriate responses to changing environment conditions.

Question No. 2: If you were another manager in the company, how would you handle the Knox affair when dealing further with Armadillo? How would you address other salespeople who may have read or heard about Jeremy's e-mail and are considering the same types of behavior? If I were the other manager of the company, I would consider improving on the after sales services to be given to Armadillo in order to maintain the client-customer relationship that Knox was able establish. Arguably, it was not Knoxs strategy that put SFS in the bad light, it was the indiscreet action of Jeremy discussing in details thru e-mails the strategy used by Knox in sealing the business transaction with Armadillo. Anent the other sales people who may have read about Jeremys e-mail, I will make it clear to them that let this serve as lesson for everyone to be discreet in discussing their strategies to anyone. So long as they are not misrepresenting anything and anyone, I see nothing wrong with what Know has done in order to seal the transaction with Armadillo. And I will assure my group that as long as their actions are grounded on their values in life and are reflective of fairness in dealings and support the mission and vision of our organization, they can be assued of my support as their leader. Question No. 3. Why should managers be concerned with both the end goals and the means to those ends. In order to be assured that the actions and strategies employed by my subordinates in achieving their individual goals are reflective of our organizations vision and mission.

Question No. 4. After reading Badaraccos Defining Moments (1998), as a manager, how can you determine the most appropriate course of action? As a manager, the decision that I am to make and action that I am to execute should not only be based on our organizational commitment, but rather, I will also take into account the values founded in me through lifes socialization process.

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