Blackberry Case

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Team one marketing solutions

Identifying the problem

Research Causes / assumptions

Alternatives Solution and implementation References

RIM has not been able to penetrate their

desired consumer smart phone market

Traditional BlackBerry users

BlackBerry would like to capture market

share in consumer market RIM thinks of their company product as a stepping stone in the long term development of smart phones

BlackBerry released in 1999

Iphone released in 2007 BlackBerrys first touch screen phone was the

storm Released the storm to become an Iphone killer Product breadth, RIM and Iphone

Market Share
4% 41 % 21%

Nokia RIM Apple Others Samsung




Lack of brand breadth

Brand reputation/history Not as user-friendly, eye-pleasing as its


RIM is a powerful brand

RIM is carrier friendly Significant penetration worldwide

Unique strategy
Customer loyalty

Lack of product breadth compared to

competitors Rely on vendors to support and service their products Lack of reach to the consumer market

Increase in demand for smart phones

Further globalization Brand loyalty

Increase in partnerships

Competition Decline in average selling price


Greater value for customers

Sales volumes increase Save money on advertising costs Disadvantages

Dependence on operators & carriers

Focusing efforts on market penetration Unbalanced promotions

Low cost of implementation Excellent recognition of brand

Ability to partner with strong service providers


Saturation Diffusion of innovation

Advantages Adds value for consumers Creates value for RIM Improved brand awareness

Disadvantages Cost of research and development Competition of future technology Consumer bias`s

Product development

RIM should introduce a new product to the

blackberry line targeted to the consumer segment Re brand and re introduce the storm Product extensions Reverse engineering

Mass marketing campaign

Advertising mediums Business to consumer education

Updating current service providers

Co branding Software

Service providers
Test market Timing

New markets

Comparability Lower manufacturing cost Higher marketing budget

Discounts Maturity

Case study
Marketing text book

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