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Strategic Staffing, 2e (Phillips/Gully) Chapter 1 Strategic Staffing 1) Although it can better match employees with jobs they like, staffing does not influence organizational performance. Answer: FA !" #iff: 1 $age %ef: & !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: 1 &) Although staffing practices can influence turno)er rates, they cannot influence a firm*s stock market performance. Answer: FA !" #iff: & $age %ef: & !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: 1 +) ,he final hiring decision is usually made by the hiring manager. Answer: ,%-" #iff: & $age %ef: + !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: 1 .) ,alent management re/uires the de)elopment of impro)ed processes for attracting, de)eloping, retaining, and utilizing people with the re/uired skills and aptitude to meet current and future business needs. Answer: ,%-" #iff: 1 $age %ef: + !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: 1 0) !trategic staffing means filling a job as /uickly and cheaply as possible. Answer: FA !" #iff: 1 $age %ef: . !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: & 1) 2ood strategic staffing systems are not necessarily aligned with the firm*s business strategy. Answer: FA !" #iff: 1 $age %ef: 1 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: &

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6) Forecasting the skills an organization will need in the future is an e5ample of employer branding. Answer: FA !" #iff: 1 $age %ef: 7 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: + 7) !ourcing is locating /ualified indi)iduals and labor markets from which to recruit. Answer: ,%-" #iff: 1 $age %ef: 7 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: + 8) %ecruiting large numbers of applicants is always the best way to ensure /uality hires. Answer: FA !" #iff: & $age %ef: 8 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: + 19) !ocialization is the process of familiarizing newly hired or recently promoted employees with their job, workgroup, and organization. Answer: ,%-" #iff: 1 $age %ef: 19 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: + 11) #eployment in)ol)es assigning talent to appropriate jobs and roles in the organization. Answer: ,%-" #iff: 1 $age %ef: 19 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: + 1&) :a5imizing the financial return on the staffing in)estment is an e5ample of a process goal. Answer: FA !" #iff: & $age %ef: 11 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: + 1+) Attracting sufficient numbers of appropriately /ualified applicants is an e5ample of a staffing outcome goal. Answer: FA !" #iff: & $age %ef: 11 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: +

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1.) %educing the turno)er rate of high performers is an e5ample of a staffing process goal. Answer: FA !" #iff: & $age %ef: 11 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: + 10) Firms should select only those candidates who already possess the skills that are necessary to be /uickly and cheaply trained by the firm. Answer: FA !" #iff: & $age %ef: 1. !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: 0 11) An organization*s competiti)e ad)antage is ;;;;;;;;. A) not something that can be influenced by staffing <) the number of employees it hires in a year ') the annual employee turno)er rate #) what it can do differently from its competitors Answer: # #iff: 1 $age %ef: & !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: 1 16) !taffing can be considered a cornerstone of human resource management because it ;;;;;;;;. A) takes the largest part of the human resource budget <) determines the workforce representing the company ') takes the most time of any human resource management function #) is the only function performed by human resources Answer: < #iff: 1 $age %ef: & !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: 1 17) !taffing influences organizational performance because ;;;;;;;;. A) it is an e5pensi)e part of human resources <) it is how people learn about the organization ') its outcomes determine who will work for and represent the firm #) it has no direct relation to profitability and profit growth Answer: ' #iff: 1 $age %ef: & !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: 1

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18) !trategic staffing means ;;;;;;;;. A) filling a job as /uickly and cheaply as possible in order to add manpower to an organization <) staffing an organization in future=oriented and goal=directed ways that support the organization*s business strategy and enhance organizational effecti)eness ') in)esting large amounts of money on staffing acti)ities #) recruiting from as many places as possible to generate the largest possible number of applicants Answer: < #iff: 1 $age %ef: + !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: 1 &9) !taffing professionals promote the goals of society by ;;;;;;;;. A) helping to match people with jobs and organizations <) planning for labor market changes ') terminating underperforming employees #) minimizing the costs associated with recruitment Answer: A #iff: 1 $age %ef: + !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: 1 &1) >hich of the following people determine whether an applicant will be e5tended a job offer? A) @% manager <) staffing personnel ') hiring manager #) department super)isor Answer: ' #iff: 1 $age %ef: 1 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: & &&) !trategically e)aluating the company*s current lines of business, new businesses it will be getting into, businesses it will be lea)ing, and the gaps between the current skills in the organization and the skills it will need to e5ecute its business strategy is ;;;;;;;;. A) workforce planning <) sourcing ') recruiting #) succession planning Answer: A #iff: 1 $age %ef: 7 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: +

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&+) All organizational practices and decisions that affect either the number or types of indi)iduals willing to apply for and accept job offers is ;;;;;;;;. A) negotiating <) recruiting ') performance management #) human resource management Answer: < #iff: 1 $age %ef: 7 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: + &.) Af a staffing specialist e)aluates the organization*s current employees and the e5ternal labor market to determine the a)ailability of desired talent, which of the following is being done? A) planning <) ac/uiring ') sourcing #) performance management Answer: A #iff: + $age %ef: 7 !kill: Application (bjecti)e: + AA'!<: Analytic skills &0) ocating /ualified indi)iduals and labor markets from which to recruit is ;;;;;;;;. A) recruiting <) staffing ') deployment #) sourcing Answer: # #iff: 1 $age %ef: 7 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: + &1) ,he primary goal of ;;;;;;;; is to get the right people interested in working for an organization or in a specific job, then persuade them to apply and ultimately accept the job offer if they are e5tended. A) sourcing <) recruiting ') employer branding #) selecting Answer: < #iff: 1 $age %ef: 7 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: +

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&6) >hen a firm determines that it will need to hire 09 customer ser)ice representati)es within the ne5t three months, it has engaged in ;;;;;;;;. A) attracting <) placement ') workforce planning #) competency modeling Answer: ' #iff: & $age %ef: 7 !kill: Application (bjecti)e: + AA'!<: Analytic skills &7) >hich of the following is the first of the se)en components of strategic staffing? A) planning <) selecting ') workforce planning #) retaining Answer: ' #iff: 1 $age %ef: 7 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: + &8) 'reating a fa)orable image in desired applicants* minds about the organization being a good place for them to work is ;;;;;;;;. A) creating a talent profile <) deployment ') employer branding #) socialization Answer: ' #iff: 1 $age %ef: 8 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: + +9) Anter)iewing job candidates to assess their fit with the job and organization is part of ;;;;;;;;. A) attracting <) selecting ') deploying #) employee profiling Answer: < #iff: 1 $age %ef: 8 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: +

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+1) #eployment in)ol)es ;;;;;;;;. A) assigning talent to appropriate jobs and roles in the organization <) negotiating an employment contract ') getting new hires up to speed and producti)e on their job #) getting a job re/uisition appro)ed Answer: A #iff: 1 $age %ef: 19 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: + +&) Af a company*s employees ha)e talents that would be useful to the organization and the company is not taking ad)antage of these talents, it is not being efficient in the acti)ity of ;;;;;;;;. A) ac/uiring <) deploying ') sourcing #) recruiting Answer: < #iff: & $age %ef: 19 !kill: Application (bjecti)e: + AA'!<: Analytic skills ++) Assigning a high=performing sales associate to work with the company*s most important client is an e5ample of ;;;;;;;;. A) deployment <) selection ') strategic staffing #) matchmaking Answer: A #iff: & $age %ef: 19 !kill: Application (bjecti)e: + AA'!<: Analytic skills +.) $utting together an attracti)e job offer and negotiating with the candidate the company wants to hire is part of ;;;;;;;;. A) onboarding <) attracting ') recruiting #) ac/uiring Answer: # #iff: 1 $age %ef: 19 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: +

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+0) >hich of the following is a hiring process goal? A) meeting stakeholder needs <) enhancing organizational fle5ibility ') impro)ing business strategy e5ecution #) attracting di)erse applicants Answer: # #iff: 1 $age %ef: 11 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: . +1) -nder which of the following circumstances does a company prefer to BchurnB rather than keep e5isting employees? A) when technology is de)eloping )ery rapidly <) when the e5isting employees are o)er/ualified ') when the training period pro)ided is short #) when competition in the market has increased Answer: A #iff: 1 $age %ef: 1& !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: . +6) %!, is a small software firm that operates using the )ery latest technology. As a result, the employee skill sets re/uired change rapidly. ,he skill sets of employees who ha)e been with the company for se)eral years are found to be inferior to those of new hires, and the company has realized that fresh graduates are often better /ualified to handle the projects. ,he firm*s resources are limited and it needs to spend as little as possible on the staffing function, reser)ing most of its capital for project=specific in)estments. >hich of the following staffing goals would be most suited to the company*s needs? A) %ecruiting semi=skilled workers from nontraditional sources and training them. <) %educing the employee turno)er rate. ') @iring employees e)ery two years on a contract basis. #) @iring employees whose skills can be de)eloped o)er the long term. Answer: ' #iff: + $age %ef: 1& !kill: 'ritical thinking (bjecti)e: . AA'!<: %eflecti)e thinking skills

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+7) A ser)ice=based organization has adopted an e5pansionist strategy. At has taken on a number of big contracts from clients and is on a tight schedule to supply ser)ices by the deadlines promised. >hich of the following statements, if true, will result in the staffing goals being best aligned to the organizational strategy? A) ,ime taken to fill a position should be tracked for each recruiting source and the fastest possible source should be utilized. <) !taffing should be done keeping in mind the costly training necessary for the job and only the best /ualified applicants should be hand=picked. ') Aggressi)e staffing should be done indiscriminately as a long training period guarantees that the applicants know how to do the job. #) 'ompensation offered should be kept higher than the a)erage market rate so that the ma5imum number of applicants is attracted. Answer: A #iff: + $age %ef: 1+ !kill: 'ritical thinking (bjecti)e: 0 AA'!<: %eflecti)e thinking skills +8) >hich of the following does an employer ha)e to do if hiring from the traditional labor pool? A) automate the job <) increase training ') reduce re/uired /ualifications #) pro)ide competiti)e pay Answer: # #iff: & $age %ef: 1. !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: 0 .9) eo Ank is a company that produces stationery items. An order to remedy the current low= profit situation, the company plans to hire personnel and form a brand new marketing team. ,he labor market pro)es to ha)e a shortage of /ualified marketing personnel. An this situation, which of the following strategies could eo Ank follow to make profits? A) increase offered salary to hire marketing personnel <) increase its scale of production instead of hiring people ') branch into production of other items #) continue in the present state Answer: A #iff: + $age %ef: 1. !kill: Application (bjecti)e: 0 AA'!<: Analytic skills

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.1) 2reg*s <akery chain is planning to di)ersify into producing and selling candy. At has opened a new factory to enable this, and the factory is ready to be staffed. ,he top management at 2reg*s has decided to offer the best salaries in the industry to its latest employee additions. An this situation, which of the following staffing goals should 2reg*s follow? A) hiring a large number of employees <) hiring the best /ualified employees ') hiring high=salaried employees #) pro)iding an e5tensi)e training period Answer: < #iff: & $age %ef: 1. !kill: Application (bjecti)e: 0 AA'!<: Analytic skills .&) !amuel joined an accounting firm as a clerk. "ach :onday, he is assigned a new project which is due by Friday. At has been o)er 0 months since he joined the firm but !amuel is yet to recei)e any feedback about his work performance from his super)isor. ,his is an e5ample of poor ;;;;;;;;. A) career de)elopment <) succession management ') performance management #) work training Answer: ' #iff: & $age %ef: 10 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: 0 .+) !uccession management ensures that ;;;;;;;;. A) a company attracts sufficient numbers of appropriately /ualified applicants <) new employees will be moti)ated by the firm*s compensation package ') high=potential new hires do not lea)e because they are o)er/ualified and underchallenged #) an organization has people ready to assume leadership positions when they become a)ailable Answer: # #iff: 1 $age %ef: 10 !kill: Application (bjecti)e: 0 AA'!<: Analytic skills

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..) @ow does strategic staffing differ from traditional staffing? Answer: !trategic staffing is the process of staffing an organization in future=oriented and goal= directed ways that support the organization*s business strategy and enhance organizational effecti)eness. ,he focus of strategic staffing is the integration of staffing practices with business strategy and with the other areas of human resource management to enhance organizational performance. ,raditional staffing tends to focus on /uickly and con)eniently filling an opening rather than on aligning the staffing effort with the long=term strategic needs of the organization. <y contrast, strategic staffing entails both short= and long=term planning. ,he process in)ol)es ac/uiring, deploying, and retaining the right number of employees with the appropriate talents to effecti)ely e5ecute this strategy. >hen done strategically, staffing can enable a company to ac/uire a sustainable competiti)e ad)antage that allows it to successfully fulfill its mission and reach its goals. #iff: & $age %ef: . !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: & .0) @ow does staffing influence an organization*s training acti)ities, and how is staffing influenced by an organization*s training acti)ities? Answer: ,raining is often e5pensi)e, so one of the first considerations in de)eloping a staffing strategy is to decide whether new hires should ha)e certain competencies at the time they are hired or whether the firm will train new hires in those competencies. Af the staffing function fails to hire candidates with appropriate /ualifications, training may be an organization*s only option to secure these /ualifications in its workforce. !trategic staffing ensures that new hires are ready and able to benefit from the organization*s training and de)elopment programs. 'ompetencies that can be /uickly and cheaply trained are often not as useful for screening job candidates as competencies, )alues, styles, and e5periences that cannot be trained as easily. ")en if the choice is to train, it is critical that the recruiting and hiring effort secures new hires who possess at least the minimum /ualifications re/uired for training success. Af employees do not ha)e the proper background and moti)ation, then training is likely to be futile. At is also important to identify how long employees tend to stay with the company. ,raining may not be the right choice if employees tend to lea)e the organization before the firm reco)ers the cost of their training through their job performance. An this case, strategic staffing efforts will focus on identifying and hiring employees who are likely to remain with the organization to recoup training in)estments. #iff: & $age %ef: 1. !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: 0

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.1) "5plain the se)en components of strategic staffing. @ow will compensation affect each component? Answer: ,here are se)en staffing acti)ities that, if done well strategically, create a staffing system that supports business strategy and organizational performance. ,he le)el of pay an organization is willing and able to in)est in salaries can both determine and be determined by its ability to hire people with the necessary /ualifications. 1. >orkforce $lanning: !trategically e)aluating the company*s current lines of business, new businesses it will be getting into, businesses it will be lea)ing, and the gaps between the current skills in the organization and the skills it will need to e5ecute its business strategy. (rganizations need to assess the a)ailability of their sought=after competencies in the labor market and use recruitment and effecti)e selection practices to ensure that new hires ha)e the re/uisite skills, background, and moti)ation so the firm*s compensation system works as it*s intended. &. !ourcing ,alent: ocating /ualified indi)iduals and labor markets from which to recruit. Af an organization is willing to pay premium wages, its staffing effort can focus on identifying and attracting the most /ualified candidates. Af an organization would like to pay lower wages, but is unable to hire the candidates it would like at its preferred salary le)els, then it may be forced to raise its salaries to be competiti)e in the labor market or to make in)estments in training and de)elopment. +. %ecruiting ,alent: :aking decisions and engaging in practices that affect either the number or types of indi)iduals willing to apply for and accept job offers. (ften, paying top dollar to hire the highest /uality candidates is not always the best strategy if the company doesn*t really need top talent and a)erage talent will do. An other words, sometimes the greater producti)ity of the most talented applicants is not enough to offset their higher salaries. .. !electing ,alent: Assessing job candidates and deciding who to hire. >hen the labor supply is tight, the firm might need to increase its salaries just to be able to hire candidates with minimum skill le)els and /ualifications. Af higher pay is not an option, recruiting from nontraditional sources might allow the organization to o)ercome its compensation challenges. Af hiring from nontraditional labor pools is unsuccessful, automating the job, increasing the training the organization pro)ides its employees, or reducing the re/uired /ualifications of new hires may be the only alternati)es. 0. Ac/uiring ,alent: $utting together job offers that appeal to chosen candidates, and persuading job offer recipients to accept those job offers. ,he employment contract, or written offer to the candidate, formalizes the outcomes of the negotiations. ,his specifies the job*s compensation, such as salary, bonus, long=term accounting, and stock=based compensation. 1. #eploying ,alent: Assigning people to appropriate jobs and roles in the organization to best utilize their talents. "nsuring that new hires ha)e the potential to succeed is one of the primary goals of staffing. $erformance incenti)es will be ineffecti)e unless workers are gi)en jobs suited to their skills. An organization that wishes to moti)ate its employees to be more producti)e by using a pay=for=
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performance or merit pay system will not be able to fully le)erage its programs if the skills of the workforce are lacking. $erformance incenti)es are only effecti)e if the indi)iduals ha)e the potential to perform well in the first place. 6. %etaining ,alent: Ceeping successful employees engaged and committed to the firm. At can be frustrating to locate and hire the right talent only to watch these people lea)e after a short time. ,urno)er is e5pensi)e, especially when it is the best performers who are lea)ing. %etaining successful employees means that the organization spends less time and fewer resources filling job )acancies. $erformance incenti)es are one tool that employers can use to retain talent. #iff: & $age %ef: 6=19, 1.=10 !kill: !ynthesis, 'oncept (bjecti)e: + D 0 .6) >hat is the difference between process goals and outcome goals in staffing? "5plain how the le)el of compensation offered affects process and outcome goals. Answer: 'reating hiring goals that are clearly linked to organizational strategies and objecti)es guides the strategic staffing process. $rocess goals relate to the hiring process itself, including how many of what /uality applicants apply, attracting appropriate numbers of di)erse applicants, and meeting hiring timeline goals, such as completing inter)iews within two weeks and making job offers within one week of the final inter)iew. (utcome goals apply to the product of the hiring effort and include the number and /uality of people hired, the financial return on the staffing in)estment, and whether the staffing effort impro)ed organizational effecti)eness. ,he le)el of pay an organization is willing and able to in)est in salaries can both determine and be determined by its ability to hire people with the necessary /ualifications. 'ompensation affects process goals, determining the kind of candidate the organization targets. Af an organization is willing to pay premium wages, its staffing effort can focus on identifying and attracting the most /ualified candidates. Af an organization would like to pay lower wages, but is unable to hire the candidates it would like at its preferred salary le)els, then it may ha)e to recruit under=/ualified candidates and make in)estments in training and de)elopment. Af higher pay is not an option, recruiting from nontraditional sources might allow the organization to o)ercome its compensation challenges. An organization that wishes to moti)ate its employees to be more producti)e by using a pay=for= performance or merit pay system will not be able to fully le)erage its programs if the skills of the workforce are lacking. $erformance incenti)es are only effecti)e if the indi)iduals ha)e the potential to perform well in the first place. "nsuring that new hires ha)e the potential to succeed is one of the primary goals of staffing. #iff: & $age %ef: 11, 1. !kill: !ynthesis, 'oncept (bjecti)e: . D 0

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.7) @ow does staffing influence an organization*s performance management acti)ities, and how is staffing influenced by an organization*s performance management acti)ities? Answer: !taffing influences the effecti)eness of a performance management system by pro)iding the raw talent that the system will manage. ")en the best performance management system cannot replace important capabilities that employees must ha)e to do their jobs well. Additionally, performance management systems affect a staffing system*s effecti)eness. For e5ample, e)en if highly talented employees are hired, they won*t perform at their best if they get no or inaccurate performance feedback. Af employees percei)e performance feedback to be unfair, talented employees may not be moti)ated to contribute as much as they could. >ithout performance goals, employees will not know what aspects of their jobs to focus on and will not know what le)el of performance is e5pected of them. #iff: & $age %ef: 10 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: 0 .8) >hat staffing practices must a firm adopt to ensure that it has able leadership while also pro)iding career de)elopment to its employees? Answer: !taffing practices can influence and be influenced by an organization*s career de)elopment acti)ities and the career ad)ancement opportunities that e5ist in the company. An organization unable to offer employees opportunities for challenging work and career ad)ancement is likely to ha)e a low job offer acceptance rate. An addition, high=potential new hires that do actually go to work for the company are likely to /uit sooner as a result of their being o)er/ualified and under=challenged. ,his might prompt staffing personnel to recruit less /ualified indi)iduals who are less likely to /uit but who may also be lower performers. (b)iously, this is an e)en larger problem if the people being hired for current jobs are intended to be the employees upon whom the firm focuses its succession efforts. !o, if the firm*s current hiring efforts fail to produce employees with the potential for promotion, the organization*s future leadership capabilities are likely to be compromised. ,hus, organizations that rely on internal recruiting and promoting as part of their succession plans need to consider the long=term potential of candidates they hire from outside of the firm as well as their ability to perform the jobs they*re currently applying for. #iff: & $age %ef: 10 !kill: 'oncept (bjecti)e: 0

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