Sample Career Objectives

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Career Objectives

Entry Level Seeking an entry-level position in marketing utilizing my strong analytical and communication skills combined with a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing. ecent college graduate with a !iploma in "ngineering seeks an entry-level position in civil

engineering. ecent university graduate seeking an internship with an online media company who can

utilize my developed skills in communications and multimedia design.

Experienced #ith an e$tensive %&-year background in telecommunications' ( am seeking a position in direct marketing with an established telco. Sales Manager offering ) years of corporate e$perience in the utilities sector with a track record of producing increased department profitability by an average of %%* annually. #ith %+ years of e$tensive management e$perience in the oil industry' seeking a Senior ,etrophysicist position which will allow me to utilize my e$periences to mentor and train my team. -o secure a business development position leveraging strong customer service and relationship building skills while utilizing over %% years of business e$perience including . years of overachieving sales /uotas. Seasoned manager offering &+ years of progressive e$perience in functional staff management and consistent staff retention.

0btain a position at 123 4ompany where ( can ma$imize my management skills' /uality assurance' program development' and training e$perience. Account e$ecutive trainee at AB4! advertising agency.

Career Objectives
,osition as clinical practice assistant for health maintenance organization' utilizing writing' research' and leadership skills. "lementary education teacher at small independent school. 4ustomer service management where my e$perience can be utilized to improve customer satisfaction. 4reate integrated strategies to develop and e$pand e$isting customer sales' brand5product evolution' and media endorsement. Management position where ( can effectively utilize my e$pertise in human relations' pro6ect management' and staff recruitment and retention. Marketing position that utilizes my writing skills and enables me to make a positive contribution to the organization. Search engine optimization position where ( can use my S"0 skills and e$perience to increase site traffic and search engine placement. -o secure a position with a well established organization with a stable environment that will lead to a lasting relationship in the field of finance. -o obtain a position that will enable me to use my strong organizational skills' educational background' and ability to work well with people. "$perienced 7 4oordinator who en6oys challenge seeking opportunity to learn and improve skills. Sample Resume Objective #18 A senior-level management position that contributes to the product diversification of a 9ortune )++ company. Sample Resume Objective #28 A ,ro6ect management position in esearch with a company

that will utilize previous e$perience and skills to meet business ob6ectives and support commitments to customer service' employee development' and continuous improvement.

Career Objectives
Sample Resume Objective #38 An upper-level management position in an e$ecutive capacity where leadership and management skills can be e$ercised to improve the firm:s e$pansion and long-term viability as a successful business. Sample Resume Objective #4: ;raduate of an (vy <eague MBA program with an emphasis on 9inance and Banking with two years of (nternational Business e$perience and two years in "state management e$perience. Sample Resume Objective #58 An "lectrical "ngineer utilizing obotics training and eal

background in Manufacturing for designing and implementing automation practices that will improve efficiency. Sample Resume Objective # 8 A position as a building supervisor that utilizes background and e$perience in hotel maintenance. Sample Resume Objective #!8 ,osition utilizing e$tensive training and e$perience in office management' human resources' and budgeting' as well as a solid background in accounting. Sample Resume Objective #"8 A part-time data entry position utilizing strong organizational' interpersonal' and communication skills. Sample Resume Objective ##: A senior production management or related position that leverages e$perience and skills in Si$ Sigma and my ability to scale up production processes. Sample Resume Objective #1$8 (nterested in furthering a career with a software development firm that will utilize management skills in the field of web technologies. Sample Resume Objective #118 A hotel management position or other opportunity utilizing my e$tensive personnel management e$pertise and demonstrated success in cost savings. Sample Resume Objective #12: A position within Manufacturing in which e$tensive e$perience in hydraulics' robotics' and a record of significant accomplishments in previous employment will be of value.

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