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Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved.

Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/. Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States and Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" AU!(.A! CA""' *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.


!he services that *oo0 .agnet provides to User is s1b2ect to the following !er3s of Use 45!(U56. *oo0 .agnet reserves the right to 1pdate the !(U at any ti3e witho1t notice to User. !he 3ost c1rrent version of the !(U can be reviewed by clic0ing on the 5!er3s of Use5 hyperte7t lin0 located at the botto3 of o1r /eb pages.

A. !his Agree3ent+ which incorporates by reference other provisions applicable to 1se of incl1ding+ b1t not li3ited to+ s1pple3ental ter3s and conditions set forth hereof 45S1pple3ental !er3s56 governing the 1se of certain specific 3aterial contained in sets forth the ter3s and conditions that apply to 1se of by User. *y 1sing *oo0 .agnet 4other than to read this Agree3ent for the first ti3e6+ User agrees to co3ply with all of the ter3s and conditions hereof. !he right to 1se is personal to User and is not transferable to any other person or entity. User is responsible for all 1se of User8s Acco1nt 41nder any screen na3e or password6 and for ens1ring that all 1se of User8s Acco1nt co3plies f1lly with the provisions of this Agree3ent. User shall be responsible for protecting the confidentiality of User8s password4s6+ if any.

*. *oo0 .agnet shall have the right at any ti3e to change or discontin1e any aspect or feat1re of incl1ding+ b1t not li3ited to+ content+ ho1rs of availability+ and e91ip3ent needed for access or 1se.

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

*oo0 .agnet shall have the right at any ti3e to change or 3odify the ter3s and conditions applicable to User8s 1se of or any part thereof+ or to i3pose new conditions+ incl1ding+ b1t not li3ited to+ adding fees and charges for 1se. S1ch changes+ 3odifications+ additions or deletions shall be effective i33ediately 1pon notice thereof+ which 3ay be given by 3eans incl1ding+ b1t not li3ited to+ posting on or by electronic or conventional 3ail+ or by any other 3eans by which User obtains notice thereof. Any 1se of by User after s1ch notice shall be dee3ed to constit1te acceptance by User of s1ch changes+ 3odifications or additions.

!hro1gh its /eb property+ *oo0 .agnet provides User with access to a variety of reso1rces+ incl1ding download areas+ co331nication for13s and prod1ct infor3ation 4collectively 5Services56. !he Services+ incl1ding any 1pdates+ enhance3ents+ new feat1res+ and:or the addition of any new /eb properties+ are s1b2ect to the !(U.

User shall be responsible for obtaining and 3aintaining all telephone+ co3p1ter hardware+ software and other e91ip3ent needed for access to and 1se of and all charges related thereto.

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/. 3. USER CONDUCT A. User shall 1se for lawf1l p1rposes only. User shall not post or trans3it thro1gh any 3aterial which violates or infringes in any way 1pon the rights of others+ which is 1nlawf1l+ threatening+ ab1sive+ defa3atory+ invasive of privacy or p1blicity rights+ v1lgar+ obscene+ profane or otherwise ob2ectionable+ which enco1rages cond1ct that wo1ld constit1te a cri3inal offense+ give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any law+ or which+ witho1t *oo0

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

.agnet 8s e7press prior approval+ contains advertising or any solicitation with respect to prod1cts or services. Any cond1ct by a User that in *oo0 .agnet 8s discretion restricts or inhibits any other User fro3 1sing or en2oying will not be per3itted. User shall not 1se to advertise or perfor3 any co33ercial solicitation+ incl1ding+ b1t not li3ited to+ the solicitation of 1sers to beco3e s1bscribers of other on;line infor3ation services co3petitive with *oo0 .agnet .

*. contains copyrighted 3aterial+ trade3ar0s and other proprietary infor3ation+

incl1ding+ b1t not li3ited to+ te7t+ software+ photos+ video+ graphics+ 31sic and so1nd+ and the entire contents of are copyrighted as a collective wor0 1nder the <C(U$!&'= copyright laws. *oo0 .agnet owns a copyright in the selection+ coordination+ arrange3ent and enhance3ent of s1ch content+ as well as in the content original to it. User 3ay not 3odify+ p1blish+ trans3it+ participate in the transfer or sale+ create derivative wor0s+ or in any way e7ploit+ any of the content+ in whole or in part. User 3ay download copyrighted 3aterial for User8s personal 1se only. E7cept as otherwise e7pressly per3itted 1nder copyright law+ no copying+ redistrib1tion+ retrans3ission+ p1blication or co33ercial e7ploitation of downloaded 3aterial will be per3itted witho1t the e7press per3ission of *oo0 .agnet and the copyright owner. n the event of any per3itted copying+ redistrib1tion or p1blication of copyrighted 3aterial+ no changes in or deletion of a1thor attrib1tion+ trade3ar0 legend or copyright notice shall be 3ade. User ac0nowledges that it does not ac91ire any ownership rights by downloading copyrighted 3aterial.

C. User shall not 1pload+ post or otherwise 3a0e available on any 3aterial
protected by copyright+ trade3ar0 or other proprietary right witho1t the e7press per3ission of the owner of the copyright+ trade3ar0 or other proprietary right and the b1rden of deter3ining that any 3aterial is not protected by copyright rests with User. User shall be solely liable for any da3age res1lting fro3 any infringe3ent of copyrights+ proprietary rights+ or any other har3 res1lting fro3 s1ch a s1b3ission. *y s1b3itting 3aterial to any p1blic area of User a1to3atically grants+ or warrants that the owner of s1ch 3aterial has e7pressly granted *oo0 .agnet the royalty;free+ perpet1al+ irrevocable+ non;e7cl1sive right and license to 1se+ reprod1ce+ 3odify+ adapt+ p1blish+ translate and distrib1te s1ch 3aterial 4in whole or in part6 worldwide and:or to incorporate it in other wor0s in any for3+ 3edia or technology now 0nown or hereafter developed for the f1ll ter3 of any copyright that 3ay e7ist in s1ch 3aterial. User also per3its any other User to access+ view+ store or reprod1ce the 3aterial for that User8s personal 1se. User hereby grants *oo0 .agnet the right to edit+ copy+ p1blish and distrib1te any 3aterial 3ade available on by User.

%. !he foregoing provisions of Section > are for the benefit of *oo0 .agnet+ its s1bsidiaries+
affiliates and its third party content providers and licensors and each shall have the right to assert and enforce s1ch provisions directly or on its own behalf.

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$%

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States and Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" AU!(.A! CA""' *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/. Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/. 4. USE OF SERVICES
!he Services 3ay contain e;3ail services+ b1lletin board services+ chat areas+ news gro1ps+ for13s+ co331nities+ personal web pages+ calendars+ photo alb13s+ file cabinets and:or other 3essage or co331nication facilities designed to enable User to co331nicate with others 4each a 5Co331nication Service5 and collectively 5Co331nication Services56. User agrees to 1se the Co331nication Services only to post+ send and receive 3essages and 3aterial that are proper and+ when applicable+ related to the partic1lar Co331nication Service. *y way of e7a3ple+ and not as a li3itation+ User agrees that when 1sing the Co331nication Services+ User will not?

Use the Co331nication Services in connection with s1rveys+ contests+ pyra3id sche3es+ chain

letters+ 21n0 e3ail+ spa33ing or any d1plicative or 1nsolicited 3essages 4co33ercial or otherwise6. %efa3e+ ab1se+ harass+ stal0+ threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights 4s1ch as rights of privacy and p1blicity6 of others. P1blish+ post+ 1pload+ distrib1te or disse3inate any inappropriate+ profane+ defa3atory+ obscene+ indecent or 1nlawf1l topic+ na3e+ 3aterial or infor3ation. Upload+ or otherwise 3a0e available+ files that contain i3ages+ photographs+ software or other 3aterial protected by intellect1al property laws+ incl1ding+ by way of e7a3ple+ and not as li3itation+ copyright or trade3ar0 laws 4or by rights of privacy or p1blicity6 1nless User own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consent to do the sa3e. Use any 3aterial or infor3ation+ incl1ding i3ages or photographs+ which are 3ade available thro1gh the Services in any 3anner that infringes any copyright+ trade3ar0+ patent+ trade secret+ or other proprietary right of any party. Upload files that contain vir1ses+ !ro2an horses+ wor3s+ ti3e bo3bs+ cancelbots+ corr1pted files+ or any other si3ilar software or progra3s that 3ay da3age the operation of another8s co3p1ter or property of another. Advertise or offer to sell or b1y any goods or services for any b1siness p1rpose+ 1nless s1ch Co331nication Services specifically allows s1ch 3essages.

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

%ownload any file posted by another 1ser of a Co331nication Service that User 0now+ or

reasonably sho1ld 0now+ cannot be legally reprod1ced+ displayed+ perfor3ed+ and:or distrib1ted in s1ch 3anner. ,alsify or delete any copyright 3anage3ent infor3ation+ s1ch as a1thor attrib1tions+ legal or other proper notices or proprietary designations or labels of the origin or so1rce of software or other 3aterial contained in a file that is 1ploaded. &estrict or inhibit any other 1ser fro3 1sing and en2oying the Co331nication Services. -iolate any code of cond1ct or other g1idelines which 3ay be applicable for any partic1lar Co331nication Service. )arvest or otherwise collect infor3ation abo1t others+ incl1ding e;3ail addresses. -iolate any applicable laws or reg1lations. Create a false identity for the p1rpose of 3isleading others. Use+ download or otherwise copy+ or provide 4whether or not for a fee6 to a person or entity any directory of 1sers of the Services or other 1ser or 1sage infor3ation or any portion thereof.

*oo0 .agnet has no obligation to 3onitor the Co331nication Services. )owever+ *oo0 .agnet reserves the right to review 3aterials posted to the Co331nication Services and to re3ove any 3aterials in its sole discretion. *oo0 .agnet reserves the right to ter3inate User@s access to any or all of the Co331nication Services at any ti3e+ witho1t notice+ for any reason whatsoever. *oo0 .agnet reserves the right at all ti3es to disclose any infor3ation as it dee3s necessary to satisfy any applicable law+ reg1lation+ legal process or govern3ental re91est+ or to edit+ ref1se to post or to re3ove any infor3ation or 3aterials+ in whole or in part+ in *oo0 .agnet8s sole discretion.

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States and Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" AU!(.A! CA""' *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.
.aterials 1ploaded to the Co331nication Services 3ay be s1b2ect to posted li3itations on 1sage+ reprod1ction and:or disse3inationA User is responsible for adhering to s1ch li3itations if User downloads the 3aterials. Always 1se ca1tion when giving o1t any personally identifiable infor3ation in any Co331nication Services. *oo0 .agnet does not control or endorse the content+ 3essages or infor3ation fo1nd in any Co331nication Services and+ therefore+ *oo0 .agnet specifically disclai3s any liability with regard to the Co331nication Services and any actions res1lting fro3 User@s participation in any Co331nication Services. .anagers and hosts are not a1thoriBed *oo0 .agnet spo0espersons+ and their views do not necessarily reflect those of *oo0 .agnet.


Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

f any of the Services re91ires User to open an acco1nt+ User 31st co3plete the registration process by providing *oo0 .agnet with c1rrent+ co3plete and acc1rate infor3ation as pro3pted by the applicable registration for3. User also will choose a password and a 1ser na3e. User is entirely responsible for 3aintaining the confidentiality of User@s password and acco1nt. ,1rther3ore+ User is entirely responsible for any and all activities that occ1r 1nder User@s acco1nt. User agrees to notify *oo0 .agnet i33ediately of any 1na1thoriBed 1se of User@s acco1nt or any other breach of sec1rity. *oo0 .agnet will not be liable for any loss that User 3ay inc1r as a res1lt of so3eone else 1sing User@s password or acco1nt+ either with or witho1t User@s 0nowledge. )owever+ User co1ld be held liable for losses inc1rred by *oo0 .agnet or another party d1e to so3eone else 1sing User@s acco1nt or password. User 3ay not 1se anyone else8s acco1nt at any ti3e+ witho1t the per3ission of the acco1nt holder.


Any software that is 3ade available to download fro3 the Services 45Software56 is the copyrighted wor0 of *oo0 .agnet and:or its s1ppliers. Use of the Software is governed by the ter3s of the end 1ser license agree3ent+ if any+ which acco3panies or is incl1ded with the Software 45"icense Agree3ent56. An end 1ser will be 1nable to install any Software that is acco3panied by or incl1des a "icense Agree3ent+ 1nless he or she first agrees to the "icense Agree3ent ter3s. !he Software is 3ade available for download solely for 1se by end 1sers according to the "icense Agree3ent. Any reprod1ction or redistrib1tion of the Software not in accordance with the "icense Agree3ent is e7pressly prohibited by law+ and 3ay res1lt in severe civil and cri3inal penalties. -iolators will be prosec1ted to the 3a7i313 e7tent possible. / !)(U! " . ! $# !)E ,(&E#( $#+ C(P' $# (& &EP&(%UC! ($ (, !)E S(,!/A&E !( A$' (!)E& SE&-E& (& "(CA! ($ ,(& ,U&!)E& &EP&(%UC! ($ (& &E% S!& *U! ($ S ECP&ESS"' P&() * !E%+ U$"ESS SUC) &EP&(%UC! ($ (& &E% S!& *U! ($ S ECP&ESS"' PE&. !!E% *' !)E " CE$SE A#&EE.E$! ACC(.PA$' $# SUC) S(,!/A&E. !)E S(,!/A&E S /A&&A$!E%+ , A! A""+ ($"' ACC(&% $# !( !)E !E&.S (, !)E " CE$SE A#&EE.E$!. ECCEP! AS /A&&A$!E% $ !)E " CE$SE A#&EE.E$!+ *oo0 .agnet )E&E*' % SC"A .S A"" /A&&A$! ES A$% C($% ! ($S / !) &E#A&% !( !)E S(,!/A&E+ $C"U% $# A"" /A&&A$! ES A$% C($% ! ($S (, .E&C)A$!A* " !'+ /)E!)E& ECP&ESS+ .P" E% (& S!A!U!(&'+ , !$ESS ,(& A PA&! CU"A& PU&P(SE+ ! !"E A$% $($; $,& $#E.E$!. ,(& '(U& C($-E$ E$CE+ *((D .A#$E! .A' .ADE A-A "A*"E AS PA&! (, !)E SE&- CES (& $ !S S(,!/A&E P&(%UC!S+ !(("S A$% U! " ! ES ,(& USE A$%:(& %(/$"(A%. *((D .A#$E! %(ES $(! .ADE A$' ASSU&A$CES / !) &E#A&% !( !)E ACCU&AC' (, !)E &ESU"!S (& (U!PU! !)A! %E& -ES ,&(. SUC) USE (, A$' SUC) !(("S A$% U! " ! ES. P"EASE &ESPEC! !)E $!E""EC!UA" P&(PE&!' & #)!S (, (!)E&S /)E$ US $# !)E !(("S A$% U! " ! ES .A%E A-A "A*"E ($ !)E SE&- CES. 7. NOTICE SPECIFIC TO DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE ON THIS WEB SITE Per3ission to 1se %oc13ents 4s1ch as white papers+ press releases+ datasheets and ,AEs6 fro3 the Services is granted+ provided that 4F6 the below copyright notice appears in all copies and that both the copyright notice and this per3ission notice appear+ 426 1se of s1ch %oc13ents fro3 the Services is for infor3ational and non;co33ercial or personal 1se only and will not be copied or posted on any networ0 co3p1ter or broadcast in any 3edia+ and 4G6 no 3odifications of any %oc13ents are 3ade. Accredited ed1cational instit1tions+ s1ch as 1niversities+ private:p1blic colleges+ and state co331nity colleges+ 3ay download and reprod1ce the %oc13ents for distrib1tion in the classroo3. %istrib1tion o1tside the classroo3 re91ires e7press written per3ission. Use for any other p1rpose is e7pressly prohibited by law+ and 3ay res1lt in severe civil and cri3inal penalties. -iolators will be prosec1ted to the 3a7i313 e7tent possible.

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

*((D .A#$E! A$%:(& !S &ESPEC! -E SUPP" E&S .ADE $( &EP&ESE$!A! ($S A*(U! !)E SU !A* " !' (, !)E $,(&.A! ($ C($!A $E% $ !)E %(CU.E$!S A$% &E"A!E% #&AP) CS PU*" S)E% AS PA&! (, !)E SE&- CES ,(& A$' PU&P(SE. A"" SUC) %(CU.E$!S A$% &E"A!E% #&AP) CS A&E P&(- %E% 5AS S5 / !)(U! /A&&A$!' (, A$' D $%. *((D .A#$E! A$%:(& !S &ESPEC! -E SUPP" E&S )E&E*' % SC"A . A"" /A&&A$! ES A$% C($% ! ($S / !) &E#A&% !( !) S $,(&.A! ($+ $C"U% $# A"" /A&&A$! ES A$% C($% ! ($S (, .E&C)A$!A* " !'+ /)E!)E& ECP&ESS+ .P" E% (& S!A!U!(&'+ , !$ESS ,(& A PA&! CU"A& PU&P(SE+ ! !"E A$% $($; $,& $#E.E$!. $ $( E-E$! S)A"" *((D .A#$E! A$%:(& !S &ESPEC! -E SUPP" E&S *E " A*"E ,(& A$' SPEC A"+ $% &EC! (& C($SEEUE$! A" %A.A#ES (& A$' %A.A#ES /)A!S(E-E& &ESU"! $# ,&(. "(SS (, USE+ %A!A (& P&(, !S+ /)E!)E& $ A$ AC! ($ (, C($!&AC!+ $E#" #E$CE (& (!)E& !(&! (US AC! ($+ A& S $# (U! (, (& $ C($$EC! ($ / !) !)E USE (& PE&,(&.A$CE (, $,(&.A! ($ A-A "A*"E ,&(. !)E SE&- CES. !)E %(CU.E$!S A$% &E"A!E% #&AP) CS PU*" S)E% ($ !)E SE&- CES C(U"% $C"U%E !EC)$ CA" $ACCU&AC ES (& !'P(#&AP) CA" E&&(&S. C)A$#ES A&E PE& (% CA""' A%%E% !( !)E $,(&.A! ($ )E&E $. *((D .A#$E! A$%:(& !S &ESPEC! -E SUPP" E&S .A' .ADE .P&(-E.E$!S A$%:(& C)A$#ES $ !)E P&(%UC!4S6 A$%:(& !)E P&(#&A.4S6 %ESC& *E% )E&E $ A! A$' ! .E.

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*oo0 .agnet does not clai3 ownership of the 3aterials User provide to *oo0 .agnet 4incl1ding feedbac0 and s1ggestions6 or post+ 1pload+ inp1t or s1b3it to any Services or its associated services for review by the general p1blic+ or by the 3e3bers of any p1blic or private co331nity+ 4each a 5S1b3ission5 and collectively 5S1b3issions56. )owever+ by posting+ 1ploading+ inp1tting+ providing or s1b3itting 45Posting56 User@s S1b3ission User is granting *oo0 .agnet+ its affiliated co3panies and necessary s1blicensees per3ission to 1se User@s S1b3ission in connection with the operation of their nternet b1sinesses 4incl1ding+ witho1t li3itation+ all *oo0 .agnet Services6+ incl1ding+ witho1t li3itation+ the license rights to? copy+ distrib1te+ trans3it+ p1blicly display+ p1blicly perfor3+ reprod1ce+ edit+ translate and refor3at User@s S1b3issionA to p1blish User@s na3e in connection with User@s S1b3issionA and the right to s1blicense s1ch rights to any s1pplier of the Services. $o co3pensation will be paid with respect to the 1se of User@s S1b3ission+ as provided herein. *oo0 .agnet is 1nder no obligation to post or 1se any S1b3ission User 3ay provide and *oo0 .agnet 3ay re3ove any S1b3ission at any ti3e in its sole discretion. *y Posting a S1b3ission User warrants and represents to own or otherwise control all of the rights to User@s S1b3ission as described in these !er3s of Use incl1ding+ witho1t li3itation+ all the rights necessary for User to provide+ post+ 1pload+ inp1t or s1b3it the S1b3issions. n addition to the warranty and representation set forth above+ by Posting a S1b3ission that contain i3ages+ photographs+ pict1res or that are otherwise graphical in whole or in part 45 3ages56+ User warrant and represent that 4a6 User is the copyright owner of s1ch 3ages+ or that the copyright owner of s1ch

Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

3ages has granted User per3ission to 1se s1ch 3ages or any content and:or i3ages contained in s1ch 3ages consistent with the 3anner and p1rpose of User@s 1se and as otherwise per3itted by these !er3s of Use and the Services+ 4b6 User have the rights necessary to grant the licenses and s1blicenses described in these !er3s of Use+ and 4c6 that each person depicted in s1ch 3ages+ if any+ has provided consent to the 1se of the 3ages as set forth in these !er3s of Use+ incl1ding+ by way of e7a3ple+ and not as a li3itation+ the distrib1tion+ p1blic display and reprod1ction of s1ch 3ages. *y Posting 3ages+ User is granting 4a6 to all 3e3bers of User@s private co331nity 4for each s1ch 3ages available to 3e3bers of s1ch private co331nity6+ and:or 4b6 to the general p1blic 4for each s1ch 3ages available anywhere on the Services+ other than a private co331nity6+ per3ission to 1se User@s 3ages in connection with the 1se+ as per3itted by these !er3s of Use+ of any of the Services+ 4incl1ding+ by way of e7a3ple+ and not as a li3itation+ 3a0ing prints and gift ite3s which incl1de s1ch 3ages6+ and incl1ding+ witho1t li3itation+ a non;e7cl1sive+ world;wide+ royalty;free license to? copy+ distrib1te+ trans3it+ p1blicly display+ p1blicly perfor3+ reprod1ce+ edit+ translate and refor3at User@s 3ages witho1t having User@s na3e attached to s1ch 3ages+ and the right to s1blicense s1ch rights to any s1pplier of the Services. !he licenses granted in the preceding sentences for a 3ages will ter3inate at the ti3e User co3pletely re3ove s1ch 3ages fro3 the Services+ provided that+ s1ch ter3ination shall not affect any licenses granted in connection with s1ch 3ages prior to the ti3e User co3pletely re3ove s1ch 3ages. $o co3pensation will be paid with respect to the 1se of User@s 3ages.

$E !)E& *oo0 .agnet+ !S A,, " A!ES $(& A$' (, !)E & &ESPEC! -E E.P"('EES+ A#E$!S+ !) &% PA&!' C($!E$! P&(- %E&S (& " CE$S(&S /A&&A$! !)A! / "" *E U$ $!E&&UP!E% (& E&&(& ,&EEA $(& %( !)E' .ADE A$' /A&&A$!' AS !( !)E &ESU"!S !)A! .A' *E (*!A $E% ,&(. USE (, (& AS !( !)E ACCU&AC'+ &E" A* " !' (& C($!E$! (, A$' $,(&.A! ($+ SE&- CE+ (& .E&C)A$% SE P&(- %E% !)&(U#)

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Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

USE (, (& $A* " !' !( USE USE& )E&E*' ACD$(/"E%#ES !)A! !)E P&(- S ($S (, !) S SEC! ($ S)A"" APP"' !( A"" C($!E$! ($ !)E S !E.

E. $ A%% ! ($ !( !)E !E&.S SE! ,(&!) A*(-E $E !)E&+ *oo0 .agnet+ $(& !S
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Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

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Copyright Envision Corporation. 2002. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. ! S ""E#A" A$% S!& C!"' P&() * !E% !( % S!& *U!E+ PU*" S)+ (,,E& ,(& SA"E+ " CE$SE (& SU*" CE$SE+ # -E (& % SC"(SE !( A$' (!)E& PA&!'+ !) S P&(%UC! $ )A&% C(P' (& % # !A" ,(&.. A"" (,,E$%E&S / "" *E SUE% $ A C(U&! (, "A/.

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