Appreciativeinquirygroup 6

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Facilitating Adult Learning For Social Change (FALSCH) Session Planning Template

Title: Time: 30 minutes Participants: Noosha Aftahi, Nina Geller, John Goad, Martina Todaro Facilitators Intentions (Whats behind the curtain?): Determine a strategy to encourage a connection between environmental conservation and economic justice based on the appreciative inquiry model Learning Objectives/Participants Take Away: 1. explaining the concept of appreciative inquiry 2. applying the concept Materials: white board, dry erase markers, poster paper, markers, notecards GROUP 6 APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY

Agenda Overview: Activity Time Needed 4-7 minutes Materials/Resou rces white board

Ice-breaker: what is your favorite place to be outside? Intro: what is appreciative inquiry? Diagram 4-Ds. Give a real life example of AI Guided discussion - Question 1: What strengths do environmental organizations have? Work in 3 small groups to come up with strengths and write them on note cards Nina guides discussion about challenges of combining environmental conservation and economic justice. We write the challenge on poster paper Question 2: How can these

2 minutes

Poster paper

5-7 minutes


5-7 minutes

poster paper

5-7 minutes

tape, markers

strengths be leveraged to meet the challenge? Groups will then tape the notecards with the strengths they come up with on the poster paper and write a sentence or two on how that strength can be used in achieving the objective Closure: Analysis of Appreciative inquiry model 5 minutes

Detailed Description of Activities:

Notes To My FALSCH Self (Am I walking the talk?): How does my content address issues of power and privilege in society? Does it help to build more inclusive, equitable and sustainable communities, societies and social institution? AI helps protects inclusive community input because people of the community participate in identifying the existing strengths. It also assists in building sustainable solutions to community/organizational issues because of the focus on community input, as opposed to a top down approach to problem solving. How do my facilitation strategies address issues of power, privilege and participation in the session? Are we walking the talk? The icebreaker was the initial step in breaking power dynamics within the group. The question began to get people thinking about the environment, but it was also a personal thought and got the participants to know one another better. As facilitators, we were cognizant and active about calling on participants who have raised their hands to ensure that there was equity within our facilitation.

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