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Tropical Agricultural and Higher Education Research Center (CATIE), Climate Change program. 2Geospatial Laboratory for Environmental Dynamics, University of Idaho. 3Tropical Agricultural and Higher Education Research Center (CATIE), Biostatistics Unit. 4Livestock and Environmental Management Program (GAMMA).

Argotty-Benavides, F .1; Cifuentes-Jara, M. 1; Imbach-Bartol, P .1; Vierling, L.2; Vilchez-Mendoza, S.3; 3 4 Casanoves, F . ; Ibrahim, M. .

Quantification of forest carbon degradation in Nicaragua using RapidEye remote sensing data: Wiwil and El Cu case estudies

Nicaragua has a deforestation rate of 70000 hayr-1 (1). At this rate, the forests of the Bosawas Biosphere Reserve, the largest such reserve in Central America, will disappear by 2058 (2). Carbon stocks are poorly quantified in Nicaragua, a country where emissions due to forest degradation may be as high as those from deforestation. Full implementation of REDD+ requires accurate measuring, reporting, and verification of forest carbon stocks and their changes over time (3). Little work has been done to determine the extent to which high resolution imaging could be useful to quantify degradation of forest carbon stocks (4, 5, 6). Here we present first efforts to correlate remote sensing indices from RapidEye images to field estimates of carbon stocks.

Allometric equations used

Generalized linear and mixed models provided

the best fit (R2= 0.62) AGB =1 5.75 +7 .49 *( O RF_G reenn ess ) -0 ,03 * (ORF_MCARI/MTVI2)

The best image processing protocol was ORF (Orthorectify, convert to Radiance, FLAASH atmospheric correction). Vegetation index most representative of degradation was MCARI/MTVI2

RapidEye 1B image processing protocol

Standard image correction steps and algorithms were employed. Six image processing families were derived. Aboveground biomass was correlated with reflectance through 19 vegetation indices and 6 covariates (precipitation, temperature, elevation, aspect, slope, surface texture).

Degree of degradation

We identified three degrees of degradation from thresholds and categories. Additive models provided the lowest error (13.24%). Confusion matrix was accurate to 87%.

Kappa coefficient was 0.78.

Assess the potential of RapidEye images to discriminate levels of forest carbon degradation in the Wiwil and El Cu, Nicaragua.

Study area
Northeastern Nicaragua, Department of Jinotega, Municipalities of Wiwil (El Diamante sector) and El Cu (El Tabaco and Peas Blancas sectors).

We used three modeling approaches for this correlation: General linear mixed model Aditive models Regression tree

Statistical analyses

Degradation of forest carbon stocks in Wiwil and El Cu, through analysis of RapidEye 1B imagery

We classified degradation through three approaches: Classification trees Additive models Contingence tables

Classifying degree of degradation


GLMM are an efficient tool to correlate remote sensing VI with field-measured forest carbon stocks. An accurate description of forest degradation requires more than just biomass and carbon stocks Other variables to consider would be: species composition, ecological traits, stem density, etc.) Combine methods described here with historical LUC satellite imagery would be an alternative to study dynamics of forest area change and help estimate CO2 emissions from forest degradation. If the communities have an active role in decisions affecting forests on which they depend and is a full recognition of their rights, is posible to mitigate the negative impacts that afect their livelihoods.

Aboveground biomass estimation

Total aboveground carbon (MgCha-1) in Wiwil and El Cu forests

DBH of all individuals (trees, lianas, palms, tree ferns) 5cm were measured in 80 plots, 20 x 50 m each. Standing necromass and CWD were also measured. Biomass was calculated using allometric models and converted to carbon using a factor of 0.47.

Aboveground biomass can be spatially predicted using RapidEye 1B-derived vegetation indices

1. INAFOR (Instituto Nacional Forestal, NI). 2009. Resultados del inventario nacional forestal: Nicaragua 2007-2008. 2 ed. Managua, INAFOR. 232 p. 2. Lpez, M. 2012. Anlisis de las causas de la deforestacin y avance de la frontera Agrcola en las zonas de amortiguamiento y zona ncleo de la Reserva de Biosfera de Bosawas-RAAN, Nicaragua. 100 p. 3. Angelsen, A; Brockhaus, M; Kanninen, M; Sills, E; Sunderlin, WD; Wertz-Kanounnikoff, S. 2009. Realising REDD+: national strategy and policy options. Bogor, Indonesia, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). 361p. 4. Brown, S. 2002. Measuring carbon in forests: current status and future challenges. Environmental Pollution 116:363372. 5. GOFC-GOLD. 2010. A sourcebook of methods and procedures for monitoring and reporting anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals caused by deforestation, gains and losses of carbon stocks in forests remaining forests, and forestation., GOFCGOLD Report version COP16-1, (GOFC-GOLD Project Office, Natural Resources Canada, Alberta, Canada). 210 p. 6. Silver, W; Ostertag, R; Lugo, A. 2000. The potential for carbon sequestration through reforestation of tropical agricultural and pasture lands. Restoration Ecology 8:394-407.

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