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Varday Alexander Chapter I Case Briefs 11. Case Name GARRATT v. DAILEY 2. Case Citation 4 !ash.

"d 1#$% "$# &."d 1'#1 3. Issue Intent( Can an intenti)nal t)rt )f *attery exists a*sent the ele+ent )f intent, If s) -hat .)nstit/tes -illf/l and /nla-f/l intent. Lia*ility( Can a five year )ld +in)r .hild *e lia*le f)r the intenti)nal t)rt )f *attery, 4. Rule of Law A +in)r .hild .an *e held lia*le f)r their a.ti)ns. The definiti)n )f *attery is the intenti)nal infli.ti)n )f har+f/l *)dily .)nta.t /p)n an)ther pers)n. An a.t .)++itted -ith the intenti)n )f har+in0 s)+e)ne +/st *e d)ne f)r the p/rp)se )r -ith 1n)-led0e that the har+f/l a.t is s/*stantially .ertain. 5. Rationale Alth)/0h the Defendant Brian Daily did n)t intend t) in2/re the &laintiff it did n)t ex./se his a.ti)ns. Theref)re% the rati)nale )f this .ase is that it is )nly ne.essary f)r a &laintiff t) pr)ve that the Defendant has s/ffi.ient 1n)-led0e t) f)resee the res/lt )f their a.ti)ns -ith s/*stantial .ertainty. 6. Holding The C)/rt is this .ase .)n.l/ded that -ith re0ards t) the Intenti)nal T)rt )f *attery that the Defendant Brian Daley 1ne- that the &laintiff -as 0)in0 t) ta1e a seat and he intenti)nally p/lled the .hair fr)+ /nder her% -hi.h res/lted in her in2/ries. The 3/d0e entered 2/d0+ent in fav)r )f the &laintiff in the a+)/nt )f 411%'''. Theref)re% the ele+ents )f the intenti)nal t)rt )f *attery -hi.h in.l/des intent and lia*ility -ere satisfied. 7. Facts &laintiff R/th Garratt *r)/0ht this a.ti)n a0ainst Defendant five(year )ld Brian Daily f)r

Varday Alexander Chapter I Case Briefs p/llin0 a .hair fr)+ /nder her as she -as a*)/t t) sit d)-n -hi.h .a/sed her t) fall t) the 0r)/nd and *rea1 a hip. R/th Garratt .lai+ed that Brian Daily deli*erately p/lled the .hair fr)+ /nder her. The 5/peri)r C)/rt f)r &ier.e C)/nty in !ashin0t)n r/led in fav)r )f the Defendant findin0 *ased )n the prep)nderan.e )f the eviden.e that the five(year )ld Defendant did n)t have any -illf/l intent )f har+in0 the &laintiff. &laintiff later appealed. . !"ocedu"al !ostu"e !hen this .ase -as *r)/0ht *ef)re the 5/peri)r C)/rt the trial C)/rt re2e.ted the testi+)ny )f the &laintiff. The )nly testi+)ny all)-ed in this trial C)/rt .ase -as the testi+)ny )f the Defendant five year )ld Brian Daily. The trial .)/rt r/led in fav)r f)r the Defendant. &laintiff appealed. The appellate .)/rt re+anded the .ase *a.1 t) the trial .)/rt f)r .larifi.ati)n. The Trial C)/rt entered 2/d0+ent in fav)r )f the &laintiff findin0 Defendant had 1n)-led0e -ith s/*stantial .ertainty that the &laintiff -)/ld atte+pt t) sit in the .hair. The 2/d0+ent -as entered in the a+)/nt )f 411%'''% -hi.h -as affir+ed )n a se.)nd appeal.

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