Autonomy Group Overview 20051117

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Autonomy Group Overview

Understanding What Matters

Autonomy is a global leader in infrastructure software for the enterprise. Autonomy's unique technology allows enterprises to understand what matters by automating the management, processing and delivery of information, structured, semi-structured and unstructured, from disparate internal and external sources. At the core of Autonomy's offering is the Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL), a platform which sits at the center of an enterprise's data and forms a conceptual and contextual understanding of that information. This complete infrastructure layer automatically analyzes any piece of information, be it text, voice or video and, through Autonomy's extensive range of functionality, performs advanced operations on that information in real-time. The way we work has changed dramatically as we face an increasing deluge of information. Human-friendly digital information such as text, emails, voice and video now represents 80% of the information held within organizations. As this human friendly data sits outside the scope of the traditional database, in order to realize the potential of this wealth of information enterprises traditionally devoted costly resources to manual processing. All too often the result is that many organizations are simply rich in data, but scant in knowledge. By using Autonomy, enterprises are reaping a large return on investment by automating these manual processes.

Founded in 1996, Autonomy has been the most quickly growing business among the four publicly-traded firms in the industry over the past five year period.
"Information Intelligence: Content Classification and the Enterprise Taxonomy Practice" - Delphi Group

Intelligent Data Operating Layer(IDOL)

Automated content aggregation and advanced information processing on diverse data forms:
Structured information Semi-structured information Unstructured information Text, voice or video

Intelligent navigation and presentation

Autonomy's Solution
Autonomys core technology, the Intelligent Data Operating Layer, lies at the heart of Autonomys products. This unique platform enables enterprises to understand and respond to the meaning and significance of any piece of information within the enterprise. Data agnostic, language independent and fully scalable, IDOL automatically identifies the main ideas within any piece of data, including video and audio content. With over 300 functions, IDOL can be used in virtually any application that handles unstructured information, including E-Commerce, CRM, Knowledge Management, Business Intelligence and Enterprise Information Portals. Being at the core of Autonomys technology, the IDOL platform is embedded throughout Autonomys software solutions, for example: IDOL is available as an out-of-the-box application for enterprise search through Retina, a web interface application, which provides a spectrum of retrieval methods, from simple keyword search to sophisticated conceptual matching in one easy-to-use solution. IDOL is also available to OEM customers to embed within their own applications. Over 60 world leading software companies such as BEA, EDS, Veritas and Vignette have embedded Autonomy at the heart of their products, adding automation and intelligence to their software solutions. IDOL forms the foundation of Autonomys divisions:

Autonomy accelerates information discovery and sharing through an extensive range of functionality including automatic: Hyperlinking Agents Summarization Taxonomy generation Retrieval Channels Clustering Eduction Profiling Collaboration Alerting

Information Delivery
Wireless support Automatic content routing Automatic targeted advertising Alerting via email, SMS, mobile or PDA

Respects all known security models Mapped security Unmapped security

Aungate: the worlds leading technology for Real-Time Enterprise Governance, creates instant visibility and transparency in the enterprise by understanding the content and context of all enterprise communications. etalk: a leading provider of contact centre solutions to help companies deliver outstanding customer service through the automatic understanding of relevant customer trends and opportunities. Virage: a visionary in rich media management technology, provides world leading software that extracts maximum value from all multimedia assets, automatically and in real-time.

Out-of-the-box or customized user interfaces allow customers the flexibility to select a frontend appropriate to their specific requirements User Access: single sign-on (LDAP) compliant, Notes, NT, Novell, UNIX, Exchange or built in user directories

Where Is Autonomy Used?

Autonomy's horizontal technology is able to manage information within virtually any software environment that relies on unstructured information, from CRM systems to portals and business intelligence applications. Validation is found in the fact that more than 60 third party OEMs, including BEA, Vignette, Veritas and Novell, realize the power and business potential of IDOL by embedding it at the core of their products. Autonomys customer base comprises more than 1,000 global companies and organizations including, among others, BAE Systems, Ford, Ericsson, Shell, Nestle, AOL, BBC, Reuters, Philips, Boeing, Schneider Electric, Coca Cola, Citigroup, ABN AMRO, Nomura, the New York Stock Exchange, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and NASA. Some examples of various customer applications include: Autonomy provides intelligent retrieval for 20,000 users on Shell's Worldwide Web Intranet, the world's largest Livelink installation. Autonomy enables users to develop a proactive relationship with information held within their organization and make better use of resources by automatically linking people to pertinent content. Autonomy forms the backbone of Vodafone's worldwide corporate intranet, VISTA, by automating the intelligent retrieval and processing of information for 40,000 users in 12 languages including Japanese, Arabic and Greek. Autonomy automates a wide variety of government and intelligence applications and is particularly proud to be employed by the Department of Homeland Security to assist 21 key agencies with homeland security related responsibilities. AstraZeneca selected Autonomy's technology as an enterprise-wide de facto standard to automate connections between 45,000 users and information distributed across multiple internal applications, as well as external news sources. Philips selected Autonomy to automate real-time delivery of information across both their corporate intranet and external Consumer Electronics website. Autonomy aggregates content from more than 10,000 Lotus Notes databases, external sites and 1,200 internal sources and then automatically categorizes, hyperlinks and delivers information to Philips' 150,000 employees. The US Securities and Exchanges Comission uses Autonomy to automate compliance and enforcement routines and processes, market regulation, corporation finance and investment management. Autonomy assists regulators, examiners and investigators by providing advanced analytics and retrieval capabilities.

Significant ROI Through Automation

By automating critical interactions between people and information, Autonomy rapidly rewards organizations with compelling ROI. Autonomy provides a range of benefits: 'hard' cost savings derived from reduced labor costs by automating processes previously dependent upon manual effort and a number of 'softer' benefits such as fostering collaboration, increased competency and information sharing. Autonomy enables organizations to understand what really matters to their business and make the most of their assets both in terms of information and expertise.

A Complementary Approach - Manual and Automatic

"Autonomy does not require a mutually exclusive decision between automation and manual control. Combining automatic processing with a variety of human controllable overrides removes Autonomy from the purely automatic category of taxonomy vendors. Autonomy's holistic approach resolves the business issues associated with all types of unstructured data."
"Taxonomy and Content Classification: Milestone Report" - Delphi Group

Autonomy is ahead of the market - while most of us continue to dig deeper into the technology pit, only giving scant thought to the information and data we are processing, Autonomy is pioneering technologies that extract information from the data and technology resources we have invested so much time and energy in.
TECHwatch Article - Martin Butler, Butler Group

Systems Ltd. The Autonomy GroupAutonomy of Companies



etalk, a leading provider of contact center software and services, helps some of the world's best companies consistently deliver outstanding customer service. Serving over 1,600 sites in 40 countries around the globe, etalk provides companies with a true enterprise platform that delivers unified, scalable, and centrally managed quality and compliance management. Combined with Autonomy's IDOL voice analytics and conceptual intelligence, etalk offers an immediate and automatic understanding of relevant customer trends and opportunities. This unique capability amplifies the voice of the customer within not only the contact center, but the entire business.

Virage, a visionary in rich media management technology, provides world leading software that extracts maximum value from all multimedia assets, automatically and in real-time. Fully integrated with Autonomys IDOL, Virage supplies archiving, monitoring, intelligent retrieval and IPTV solutions for organisations in all sectors, enabling them to enhance productivity, reduce costs and improve both internal and external communication.

Autonomy's Aungate suite of products enables enterprises to achieve Real-Time Enterprise Governance by automatically understanding the content and interrelationships of all enterprise communications including email, voice and Instant Messaging. Aungate's unique technology powers real-time monitoring, alerting, policy management, electronic discovery and enforcement operations while proactively engaging behavioural change processes required to achieve best practice.

VS Archive VS News Monitoring

Aungate Real-Time Monitoring and Alerting Aungate Dynamic Policy Management Aungate Automated eDiscovery & Enforcement Aungate Litigation and EDD Automater

Qfiniti Observe Qfiniti Advise Qfiniti Expert Qfiniti Survey Qfiniti Introspect Audentify Explore Audentify Adhere Audentify Assist

VS Radio Monitoring VS Detection Virage IPTV Suite

A fully automated, synchronized rich media solution suite Compatible with all existing production and legacy systems Increased quality of production Automated time consuming manual tasks

Real-time monitoring of all enterprise communications Automatic alerts to pertinent content Early-warning systems to protect the enterprise from risk Automatic policy monitoring and management Automatic warning, blocking and routing Tools to encourage Best Practice by influencing employee behavior Automatic Electronic Data Discovery for litigation support

Quality monitoring Call recording for compliance, liability, and risk management Agent evaluation, analysis & hiring Coaching & eLearning Customer surveys Performance management & business analysis Speech analysis Script adherence verification Customer interaction assistance

Robust, scalable and proven solutions in mission critical 24x7 and real-time environments Best of breed technology for analysis, distribution and other areas Open architecture for custom integration and system extensibility

About Autonomy
Autonomy Corporation plc (LSE: AU. or AU.L) is a global leader in infrastructure software for the enterprise. Autonomy's technology powers applications dependent upon unstructured information including Call Center Solutions, Customer Relationship Management, Knowledge Management, Enterprise Portals, Enterprise Resource Planning, Online Publishing and Security applications. Autonomy's customer base comprises more than 1,000 global companies and organizations including, among others, BAE Systems, Ford, Ericsson, Shell, Nestl, AOL, BBC, Reuters, Hutchison 3G, Royal & Sun Alliance, Sun Microsystems, Philips, Boeing, Schneider Electric, Coca Cola, GlaxoSmithKline, Citigroup, ABN AMRO, Deutsche Bank, Nomura, the New York Stock Exchange, Daimler Chrysler, Kraft Foods, Lloyds TSB, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, NASA and the U.S. Department of Energy. Strategic reseller and OEM partners include leading companies such as BEA, Business Objects, Citrix, EDS, IBM Global Services, Novell, Veritas, Vignette, Supportsoft and Sybase. The company has offices worldwide. The Autonomy Group includes: Aungate, a leader in technology for Real-Time Enterprise Governance; Virage, a visionary in Rich Media Management technology; and etalk, a leading provider of enterprise-class contact center products.

Ministry of Defence

Autonomy Inc. One Market, Spear Tower, 19th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA Tel: +1 415 243 9955 Fax: +1 415 243 9984 Email:

Autonomy Systems Ltd Cambridge Business Park, Cowley Rd, Cambridge CB4 0WZ, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1223 448 000 Fax: +44 (0) 1223 448 001 Email:

Other Offices Autonomy has additional offices in Boston, New York and Washington DC, as well as in Amsterdam, Beijing, Brussels, Hamburg, London, Madrid, Milan, Munich, Oslo, Paris, Rome, Shanghai, Singapore, Stockholm and Sydney and Taipei.

Copyright 2005 Autonomy Corp. All rights reserved. Other trademarks are registered trademarks and the properties of their respective owners. Product specifications and features are subject to change without notice. Use of Autonomy software is under license. [AUT GO] 08.09.05

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