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Leslie Cannold

Education 2000, Dept Learning and Educational Develop, University of Melbourne Doctor of Philosophy Interdisciplinary Thesis (ethics/psychology/womens studies) Awarded MRS scholarship.

1993, Centre for Human Bioethics, Monash University Master of Bioethics Earned H1 on interdisciplinary thesis (ethics/psychology/womens studies) Supervised Professor Peter Singer.

1987, Wesleyan University Bachelor of Arts Psychology and Theatre Major

1982-83, Alternative School, Scarsdale High School Diploma Competencies School curriculum based on Kohlbergs theory of moral development Trained in ethical reasoning, group process and leadership skills

Selected Research and Commentating Work Regular Guest, 702 Mornings with Sally Loane, ABC Radio, (2005-) Regular Guest, 774 Drive with Virginia Trioli, ABC Radio, (2002-04, 2005 -) Regular Guest, RN Life Matters, ABC Radio, (2000) Columnist, Education Section, The Age, John Fairfax, (2005 - ) Columnist, Warcry, The Salvation Army, (2004) Fellow, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, University of Melbourne (2000 - ) Columnist, Opinion Page, The Age, John Fairfax, (1998 2001) Columnist The Good, the Bad and the Media, Diversity magazine, (2000 - 2001) Research Officer, Health Industry Training Board (1995). Researched, edited, wrote Heath Industry Training Plan. Liased with stakeholder steering group Research Assistant, Centre for Human Bioethics, Monash University (1993-94). Liased with Professor Peter Singer regarding design and conduct of interdisciplinary research (ethics/psychology). Investigated whether ethical decision-making of health professionals is gendered. Results published Research Assistant, National Centre for HIV Social Research, University of Queensland (1992-93). Participated in all aspects of research exploring impact of HIV on gay mens intimacy needs: liased with stakeholders to

design research question, obtained ethics committee approval, conducted interviews, analysed data, wrote papers. Research Assistant, Department of English, Monash University (1991). Assisted in staff members preparatory research for book Research Officer, The Young Womans Housing Shopfront (1990-91). Conducted all aspects of research into womens experience of supported accommodation: liased with steering committee, interviewed participants, wrote recommendations and final report

Selected Public Speaking Keynote Speaker, Liberal Women Caring for Families Conference, Womens Committee of the Liberal Party, Canberra (2005) Invited Speaker, The Council for Equal Opportunity in Employment (founded by the Business Council of Australia and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) Inaugural Diversity Conference, Intercontinental Hotel, Sydney (2005) Invited Speaker on Biotechnology in sport and health, Science Week, St Michaels Church (2005) Invited Writer, Melbourne Writers Festival (2005) Keynote Speaker, Unions NSW, Things Fall Apart: the future of work and family, Sydney (2005) Keynote Speaker, International Women's Day Event, Monash University, (2005) Invited Presenter, Reprogenics: The Future of Assisted Reproductive Technology, including genetic selection, Infertility Treatment Authority (2004) Invited Presenter, The Pitch: Negotiating with gatekeepers, The Seventh Annual Freelance Convention, The Medina Grand, Melbourne (2004) Invited Speaker on the Existence of Alien Life and Its Impact on Humans, Science Week, St Michaels Church, Melbourne (2004) Guest Lecturer, Getting Published in the Opinion Pages, Media and Communications Course, University of Melbourne (2002- ) Invited Speaker, The Ethics of Food, Melbourne Food & Wine Winter Festival (2004) Keynote Speaker, Professional Development Day, Fertility Nurses Australia (2004) Panel Member, Hypothetical hosted by Robyn Williams, Can declining birth rates solve Australias environmental problems? Monash University (2003) Keynote Speaker, AGM, Preterm, Sydney (2002) Keynote Speaker, Ethics in Aged Care, Aged Care Association of Victoria Conference, Melbourne (2002) Speaker, The State of ART Regulation: An international symposium looking at the regulation of reproductive technologies, Melbourne (2001) Workshop Participant, Regulating Reproductive Technologies, University of Melbourne (2001) Speaker, Conference, Abortion Politics, Access and Challenges, Abortion Providers Federation of Australasia, Adelaide (2001) Keynote Speaker, Conference: Abortion: A universal experience,

National Womens Hospital, Auckland, NZ, (2000) Moderator, A Mother of a Job: How do women balance paid jobs with family? Sybylla Forum (2000) Keynote Speaker, The Osborne Bill, ACT Council of Social Services Conference (1998) Invited Speaker, The Feminist Generational Divide, Methodist Ladies College (1999) Invited Speaker, The Feminist Generational Divide, Lauriston Senior School (1999) Invited Speaker, Are Young Women Really Free to Choose Motherhood? VATE Annual State Conference (1999) Invited Speaker, Conference: Attending to Birth: Midwives and Support People, Centre for Womens Studies & Gender Research, Monash University (2000) Invited Speaker, Childfree: Choice, Challenge or Compromise? Womens Academic & Professional Development Program, University of Melbourne (1998) Invited Speaker, Socialism in the New Millenium Conference (1999) Invited Speaker, Abortion Politics Today, Womens Committee, Victoria University (1999) Invited Speaker, Conference: Abortion in Focus, Abortion Providers Federation of Australasia, International Society of Doctors and Planned Parenthood Australia (1999) Invited Speaker, Conference: The Pregnant Women with an Anomalous Fetus: Is current management ethically based? Royal Womens Hospital (1998) Invited Speaker, Forum: Perspectives on Abortion: Legal, ethical & conscientious objection, Royal College of Nursing (1998) Invited Speaker, Forum: Whos Afraid of Feminism? Sybylla Forum (1998) Invited Speaker, Public Lecture: Its Not Just About Rights: Rethinking abortion for the millennium, Monash University (1998) Named Amongst Top 20 Australian Public Intellectuals, The Age, 2005 Invited Surrogacy Roundtable Participant, Victorian Law Reform Commission (2004) Member, Ethics Panel, Infertility Treatment Authority (2001 - ) Strategist/Committee Member, Womens Electoral Lobby amicus submission to High Court in landmark abortion case (1996) Ethics Member, Standing Committee on Ethics in Research on Humans, Monash University (1993-95) Volunteer Carer, Victorian Aids Council (1994)

Relevant Memberships, Participation and Notices

Relevant Skills

Touch type 60wpm, Wordperfect/Word for DOS, Windows and NT. Endnote referencing system, QSR Nudist4 qualitative analysis software, FrontPage for Windows 98 web design software. Trained crisis counsellor and experienced interviewer

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