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VOL. 15 NO. 08


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MARCH 17-23, 2014

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BIR extends deadline for declaration of losses

ORMOC CITY Commissioner Kim Henares of the Bureau of Internal Revenue has finally softened to requests of Yolandaaffected businesses to grant them more time to file their declaration of losses. To recall, businesses in Yolanda hit Regions 6 and 8 were only given 45 days after November 8 to file their sworn declaration of losses. However, Henares apparently relented and extended the period up to March 31, 2014. (see copy of circular on page 9) Ormoc revenue district officer Atty. Eduardo Obero shared this information before an audience gathered for this years annual tax campaign held at the Sabin Resort Hotel on Friday (March 21). Obero said that the commissioner issued Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 18-2014 on March 18, 2014. Henares, in the circular, said In the light of overwhelming requests amidst the untold events brought about by Supertyphoon Yolanda, the filing of declaration of losses arising from casualty, theft, robbery or embezzlement is hereby extended until March 31, 2014. Henares, however, strictly

Atty. Eduardo T. Obero, RDO (left) explains the RFP campaign and other new revenue measures to the audience during the tax info campaign on Friday, March 21.

... while Ormoc RDO evangelizes to taxpayers

ORMOC CITY Quoting The Book of Romans 13: 1-7, the Ormoc Revenue District officer here appealed to the Christian side of taxpayers here to Register, File and Pay during the annual tax information campaign held at the Sabin Resort Hotel on March 21, Friday, attended by close to 1,000 people. Atty. Eduardo T. Obero asked the audience to read along with him the quotations on a PowerPoint presentation, alluding that taxation is a Christian act and a noble duty. It also reminds the Romans during the period that paying taxes was also an obligation to God because their authorities were appointed by God. The book is written by St. Paul, one of Christendoms greatest saints, through his scribes. At the end, Obero said that, taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society. You want government to fight crime, to light up your streets, feed the people then pay your taxes, he said. Obero also said that he was not demanding for the taxpayers to be honest and pay their correct taxes, but what he was demanding from them was survival. I do not demand honesty





1Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4For the one in authority is Gods servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are Gods servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience. 6This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are Gods servants, who give their full time to governing. 7Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. Romans 13: 1-7

Rotary clubs launch Rotary Fleet

By JHay GaSPar
THE ROTARY Club of Ormoc, in partnership with the Quezon City Rotary District 3780 and the help of International donors, launched the Rotary Fleet on Monday, March 17, at the seaside of the city plaza here. The Rotary clubs turned over 46 fishing boats complete with accessories and gill nets to affected fishermen of Ormoc, Albuera and Palompon. Troy Bumagat, a retired Navy officer and president of the Rotary Club of Ormoc, said 10 of the boats were given to a fishers association in Albuera town, five to Maybog in Baybay City, 3 to Palompon town and the rest to Ormoc City fishers. Present to witness the ceremonies, aside from the Rotary officers of both local and visiting clubs, were Philippine Information Agency Olive Tiu, Mayor Edward Codilla, Mayor Junie dela Cerna of Albuera, Vice Mayor Toto Locsin Jr. and Ormoc city councilors. There was also a MOA signing between the donors, the LGUs and the recipients to ensure that the stakeholders continue to find ways for the livelihood intervention to be sustainable. Bumagat said the fishermen are mandated to attend regular trainings and abide by fishery regulations. 10 percent of their

Donors, recipients and the LGUs sign a MOA to make good use of the motorboats and to help each other take care of it. (L-R, seated) PDG 3860 Peter Rodriguez, Ormoc Mayor Edward Codilla, DG 3780 Francis Rivera and Albuera Mayor Junie dela Cerna. (Standing, L-R) AG 3860 Twinkle Chu, PDG Jess Cifra, incoming DG Sammy Pagdilao. At the end of the tables are the fisher beneficiaries.



Brgy. Tongonan chairman delivers First 100 Days report


March 17-23, 2014

Thieves tunnel through drainage system to steal from Cebu Gold Pacific Pawnshop
By Paul LIbrES
ORMOC CITY A pawnshop, once the target of a foiled heist, was finally breached by burglars this week who burrowed under the ground for an estimated distance of 150 meters just to reach it, dug a hole on its floor and carted off with an estimated P 200,000 worth of pawned jewelries and cash around P 100,000. Employees of the Cebu Gold Pacific Pawnshop were surprised morning of March 22, Saturday, when they reported to office and found out there was already a big hole on their floor and their office divested of valuables. The connection to an alarm system was also cut off, that is why the police was not alerted to the burglary going on. The burglars left on their wake two hydraulic jacks, one still brand new; three short logs, a pair of pliers, two hacksaws and two short pipes. Police have ruled out the notorious Acetylene Gang as behind the heist. The gang is known to dig tunnels or holes on the walls or floors of their targeted establishments, and uses acetylene to cut through vaults. There is also a noted rash of the same modus operandi was happening in other parts of the country. However, Ch. Insp. Ibrahim Jambiran of the city police station 1 here said he is convinced that it was not the handiwork of the Acetylene Gang. Celsita dela Victoria, manager, and their appraiser Rodtom Tomada, after doing an inventory of what was stolen from the pawnshop told inves-

Hon. Isagani Baez as he made his address. THE BARANGAY Chairman of Tongonan, Ormoc City here delivered his First 100 Days report so constituents and city officials would know what he had done in the short span that he made a comeback as village leader. Brgy. Chairman Isagani Baez, in his message, said that his first 100 days was challenging because of the destruction wrought by Yolanda. His pressing challenge was how to meet the needs of constituents. Brgy. Tongonan, he said, had 478 households. All were almost totally damaged. Furthermore, the farmlands of his constituents were also affected. All in all, they estimate the damage to the properties and farms of his villages reached around P 18-million. Nonetheless, he said, they worked hard for their village to recover and thanked the Energy Development Corporation for its all out help and assistance. Tongonan is a host barangay of EDC since some of its geothermal wells are located within its territory. The village is in the lead pack of beneficiaries for the companys various corporate social responNOW SHOWING @ sibility programs. The barangay chairman also proudly made mention about his MARCH 21-27 village being the only one with a hospital in the whole city. It has a 10-bed hospital with a doctor, two nurses and two midwives. Their physician is Dr. Jesus Castro. The village also has 178 scholars, Baez said, funded from an annual allocation of P 2-million. They also have their own Fire Brigade with well-trained firefighters. The barangay tanods of the village were trained in fire-fighting and mans the fire station. He also committed to connext (Mar. 28-Apr. 3) tinue the 100 percent refund of the electricity consumption of constituents. Brgy. Tongonan, *Showings could change without prior notice. being a host village to EDC, FOR INQUIRIES: gets an annual royalty of P CALL TEL NOS. 561-6445; 8-million which they give to 255-3273 constituents in the form of Befriend STAR THEATER ORMOC refund for their electricity

Photos on top shows the inside of the pawnshop including the things that the burglars left in their wake, and the alarm system that was cut off. Below, at the public market stall where the thieves dug a tunnel to the nearby drainage to conceal their movements and a brand new 20-ton hydraulic jack found inside, maybe for another job. tigators they lost an estimated P 200,000 in jewelries and another P 100,000 in cash which they kept in a steel cabinet. In their initial investigation, the police traced the hole on the ground to short underground tunnel that led to the citys drainage system. Another tunnel near the drainage exit to the sea, some 150 meters away, was found which led to an abandoned store at the public market. The abandoned store is being leased by businessman Ronnie Ampuyas. Ampuyas told police that he had abandoned it several months ago already because he was given another better space at the new market area. He told the police that last March 12, a Glenda Garcia, claiming to be from Marasbaras, Tacloban City offered to sublease the space from him because she will use it as stockroom for soy sauce and fish sauce. This is not the first time for Ormoc to experience burglars who burrowed holes on the wall, ceilings or floors of their targeted establishments. The last time was in 2010 when the Igorot Acytelene Gang attempted to steal from the same pawnshop. Their attempt was, however, foiled. It was Christmas time then and the gang burrowed a hole at the bakery beside the pawnshop, intending to break entry to the pawnshop through the adjoining wall. They thought the bakers would not report. The baker found out about the hole and immediately reported it to the police. Eight gang members lodging at a nearby pension house were rounded up. Hoping to deter them from jumping bail and return to attend hearings, regional trial court execu tive judge Clinton C. Nuevo slapped them with hefty bails from P 200,000 each to P 500,000 for the suspected leader, a contractor from Mountain Province. The usual bail bond recommended for theft is only P 24,000. The police called them the Igorot Acetylene Gang because all eight came from the Mountain Province.


Simultaneous earthquake drills held March 19

ORMOC CITY Various government agencies here, on March 19, conducted earthquake drills in compliance with the directive from the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC). The drills were held simultaneously nationwide. The Philippine Coast Guard in Ormoc had their earthquake drill in the morning led by Coast Guard Station Chief PO1st Jose Arnel Conopio. The Bureau of Fire Protection, in cooperation with the Ormoc City Police Station I, also had their own drills held at the old City Hall, said deputy city fire marshal Insp. Hermes Cadion. During the earthquake drills, which was also held in schools, the public is reminded to duck, cover and hold. PHIVOLCS Director Dr. Renato U. Solidum Jr., in a climate change roadshow, told audience to stay calm during an earthquake. He said that when you are inside a structurally sound building, stay there and duck under a sturdy desk or table, hold on to it or protect your head with your arms. He added to remember to quickly open a door for exit and to stay away from glass windows, shelves, cabinets and beware of falling objects. It was important to be alert, he said. If caught outside, to move to an open area and stay away from trees, power lines, posts and concrete structures, including steep slopes which may be affected by landslides. If near the shore, especially if its strong, to move quickly to higher grounds. Tsunamis might follow. Otherwise, he said, if one is in a moving vehicle, stop the car and get out. Do not attempt to cross bridges, overpasses, or flyovers that may have been damaged. Because of its geologic and geographic setting, the Philippines is prone to many natural hazards including volcanic


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Coast Guard Station Chief PO1st Jose Arnel Conopio (wearing ball cap at the back) joins the drill with his men.



March 17-23, 2014


In Albuera, Leyte

1,003 homes get shelter kits from CARE, 1,000 from Lucy
ALBUERA, LEYTE 1,003 families from six barangays in this town got shelter repair kits and cash assistance from CARE International in partnership with Leyte Center for Development Incorporated (LCDE) early this March 2014. The repair kits include 10 pcs 8-ft corrugated GI sheets, plain sheet, 3 kilos umbrella nails, 1 aluminum screen 3.8 meters, elastrometric seal, 1.6 kilo GI wire, 2 kilos common nail #3, 2 kilos common nail #4, 1 kilo flat nail #1, 1 box staple wire, tin snip (gunting pang yero), saw, hammer, plastic bag, 5 kilos metal strap and a cash grant worth of P 3,000.00. Meanwhile, another 1,000 recipients, also in Albuera, received shelter kits from the Sultanate of Oman coursed through Rep. Lucy Torres-Gomez. Rep. Gomez recently lauded Albuera officials for being systematic in ensuring that there are no double listing in shelter recipients. This was confirmed by municipal administrator Lyra dela Cerna who said that they did not monitor groups who came to Albuera to give out relief goods, but were quite strict with those giving out shelter kits. She said they wanted people to have an equitable share of the shelter assistance because there were many people who needed to repair and rebuild their homes. Meanwhile, it was learned that beneficiaries of CARE had to sign a memorandum of agreement that the materials distributed should be used to repair damaged houses within one months time. They were also given cash assistance, said Efren Mariano, CARE Shelter consultant, to be used to buy additional materials and pay for carpenters. Mariano added that from time to time, CARE shelter officers and shelter consultants will be visiting the communities to check the progress of the repairs and help them in construction. One of the beneficiaries is Tatay Conrado Diano, 45, farmer and laborer. He expressed his gratitude to the donors recalling that during the height of Typhoon Yolanda, he feared for the lives of his family when their roof, ceiling, foundation and concrete walls began shaking. Moments later, his roof was blown away and their home reduced to rubble. Soaked and shivering from the cold, Conrado and his family crawled to their kitchen where all they could do during that time was to pray for their safety and their souls. I really could not believe it that today I am going to receive my share of the shelter repair kit. At first, when the survey and validation team of LCDE came to me for an interview and took pictures of my ruined house, I did not expect that they would really come back and help us because many NGOs have already conducted surveys but none have initiated distribution yet. But here today, CARE

Tatay Conrados house is ground zero after Yolanda battered it. and LCDE were true to their word and we are thankful to them, Tatay Conrado said. Among the barangays that received shelter repair kits are Brgy. Doa Maria with 162 beneficiaries, Brgy. Mahayahay with 152 families, Brgy. Salvacion with 63, Brgy. Antipolo with 152, Brgy. Mahayag with 147 and Brgy. Tinag-an with 324. T h e re c i p i e n t s e x pressed their gratitude to the donors and to the people behind Leyte Center for Development (LCDE) through Mrs. Jazmin Jerusalem, Executive Director, the officers and staff of CARE Ormoc-Albuera and to the student volunteers from Linao National High School.

CARE Shelter Officer Rochel M. Orit spearheads the unloading of the Shelter Repair Materials in Brgy. Doa Maria in Albuera, Leyte.

Give a bowl of rice to a man and you will feed him for a day. Teach him how to grow his own rice and you will save his life. Confucius

March 17-23, 2014

What happened to 2,000 plus businesses?

I DONT know what happened during the business registration period of 2013 (thats before Yolanda) but Revenue District Officer Atty. Eduardo T. Obero said there are only 2,469 registered taxpayers in Ormoc City. Of course, he meant those engaged in business, not those earning pure compensation because weve got more than that figure, I am sure. That sort of surprised me. First, I remember very well in 2012 that it was much publicized that Ormoc City already had more than 4,000 registered businesses. Then, by 2013, even before Yolanda, the figure drops by almost 50 percent? I know some people here own two or more businesses, which means there would only be one registered taxpayer, but 4,000 plus compared to the 2,469 registered with BIR is just way to huge a gap. I think Atty. Obero did not get my point very well in that question I popped him, but I did not pursue it. Nonetheless, if he gets to read this, I would suggest he pursues what my guns are training at. He just might discover a gold mine there. I understand that even if a person owns two or more businesses, he or she should pay VAT or Non-VAT registration per business. In 2012, Ormoc City Hall made a big deal of publicizing that it has already 4,000 plus registered business. Now, if there are 4,000 plus registered businesses at City Hall in 2012, that should relate to the same number of registered taxpayers at the BIR, am I right? And if these businesses failed to register with City Hall by 2013, shouldnt they be applying closure of business with the BIR? Shouldnt this be something BIR should be looking into? Because the biggest danger is, these businesses could still be operating but just did not want to renew their permits. I take interest in the issue because it could also give us a good look at what is happening to our city and its economy. Losing 2,000 registered businesses in one year indicates all is not well here. These are statistics that investors look into, and when they found out that there had been window-dressing somewhere, its going to scare them off. And it is scarier to see that in one years time, the number of registered businesses taper by half. What message does it convey?

Cruising the digital world

WE HAVE to learn how to cruise the digital world. Its practically part of everyones life now, offering a lot of good but also a lot of dangers. We should know how to make use of it without compromising our dignity as persons and children of God. This highly technological world introduces us to a virtual environment that is like a supersuperhighway with much heavier and more complicated traffic than what we experience in our busiest thoroughfares. Its range and scope is not local but global, and it touches on practically all aspects of our life. If in our transport systems, we need regulations like registration of vehicles, licensing of drivers with their respective periodic renewals, and other things like traffic road signs and traffic aides, etc., we have to realize that we need more or less the same set of regulations in our digital world. Obviously, the regulations here would be more extensive and comprehensive than what we have in our transport systems. They should cover not only considerations of practicality and convenience in our needs of knowledge and communication, but also and more importantly, considerations of appropriateness, morality and spirituality. Everyone knows that the digital world can have two effects. It is good to those who are good, and in fact, it will improve them. But it is bad also to those who are bad or weak, and it tends to worsen them. Digital citizens and users should therefore be clear about their identity and dignity as persons and children of God who are supposed to be ruled by truth and love, and all their consequences of justice, mercy, compassion, and of concern for one another and for strengthening our relation with God, etc. The ideal would be that every time they are in the digital environment, they should learn to see God there and to be motivated only by love for God and for others. They should ask themselves after using the Internet, Am I now a better person and child of God with what I have seen and done in the Internet? Unless this basic requirement is met, one would enter into a highway that is a slippery slope toward all forms of self-seeking with their usual company of greed, envy, vanity, lust, gluttony, sloth, etc. Conflict and contention would not be remote in this arena. Unrestrained competition and rivalry would surge. That is why, this identity of the digital citizens as persons and children of God who are necessarily connected with everybody else and governed by truth and love should always be protected, maintained and strengthened. Toward this end, it stands to reason that digital citizens and users should be men and women of prayer, of virtues, of clear criteria based on sound human and Christian moral principles. They should know the true nature and meaning of freedom, avoiding using freedom as a cloak for malice, as St. Peter said in his first letter. (2,16) Otherwise, they would be confused and lost, and an easy prey to the many subtle conditionSEE

Same Vision
POPE FRANCIS is the best-known Jesuit in the world today. Hes the first member of the Society of Jesus, organized by Saints Ignatius of Loyola, Francis Xavier and companions in 1542, to be elected pontiff. Francis has been invited to address the US Congress. And many Filipinos hope that when he visits South Korea this year, hell make a side trip here to meet Yolanda victims. . The news item on a lesser -known Jesuit appeared last week, below the fold in the insidepages, of a few papers: Bishop Joseph Fan Zhongliang of Shanghai, a leader of Chinas underground catholic community, who died March 15. He was 96. Fan served in prison after he and other priests were arrested in 1955 during a government crackdown. From 1958 to 1978, Fan was imprisoned in Qinghai province. Among other things, his work included carrying corpses to the cemetery, reported the Asian church news portal UCANEWS. He refused to recognize the Chinese government-controlled Catholic Patriotic Association when it was established. Officially, China claims there are 23 million Christians, about 11 million are Catholics, The real number is somewhere between 60 to 130 million, the Economist estimates. An underground priest immediately said mass for Bishop Fan after he died. Shanghai refused permission that the funeral Mass be held at the St. Ignatius Cathedral. Instead, it allowed rites for Bishop Fan to be limited to an open courtyard at the funeral home. Chinese Catholics are divided between two communities. One group refuses to render to Ceasar the things that are Gods and therefore, remained underground. The other is one that the Vatican accepted with some compromises to continue its existence. Both are faithful to the pope. Both face persecution from Chinese authorities, as have other Christian denominations The more persecution, the more the church grows, said Protestant Pastor Samuel Lamb in 1993. He died in 2013, age 88. His 20 years of jail and forced labour followed an earlier twoyear sentence. Some 30,000 people attended his memorial service. Police constantly pressured Mr Lamb to comply with official doctrine and register with the government. He always refused, as did Joseph Fan. The latest US State Department report on religious freedom notes: In China, religious affairs officials and security organs detained, arrested, or sentenced to prison a number of religious adherents for activities reportedly related to their religious beliefs and practice. Government continued to strictly regulate the religious activities of Uighur Muslims. Authorities sentenced one Uighur Muslim to ten years in jail for selling illegal religious material. It harassed or detained Catholic clergy not affiliated with the government Catholic Patriotic Association, including auxiliary Bishop Thaddeus Ma Daquin; and indicted seven house church Christians accused of being members of a banned group, the Shouters, a charge they denied. Progressively more repressive government actions and religious policies occurred in Tibetan areas, including intense official crackdowns at monasteries and nunneries resulting in the loss of life, arbitrary detentions, and torture. Tibetan monks, nuns, and laypersons increasingly sought to express despair and dissent by self-immolating, often at or near a monastery, usually resulting in death. There were reportedly 83 self-immolations in 2012. Born in 1918, Bishop Fan was baptized a Catholic in 1932, joined the Society of Jesus in 1938. Fan was named Shanghai bishop by John Paul II in 2000. But he was refused recognition by the Communist Party organization overseeing the church in China. To worship openly in China, Catholics are required to join the official China Patriotic Catholic Association, which has five million members. Tensions repeatedly surface with Rome because the state-directed organization insists on naming bishops without Vatican approval. Born in 1918, Fan was baptized at aged 14. He joined the Jesuits in 1938 and became a priest in 1951. He was arrested together with Bishop Ignatius Kung Pin-Mei of Shanghai and other priests in 1955. After his release in 1978, he taught at a high school in Qinghai. Security police arrested him again on numerous occasions, and ransacked his flat. In 1992, the accounts of the entire Shanghai underground church were closed down, along with many of the Bishops personal accounts, including the bishopric. The Bishop of Qinghai ordained him Coadjutor Bishop of Shanghai on 27 February 1985, while the Bishop was in jail.

Its almost two months since our place was energized last January 30, 2014. We still have not received our billings. I am not alone in this apprehension. When I attended the session two weeks ago, this was also the concern of some councilors. They were concerned that if LEYECO V does not bill after a month, the bills could pile up making it hard for the ordinary consumers to cope up. Hey, LEYECO V, we know you have delivered bills at some places already. Why is it that we havent got ours yet at Malbasag or District 28. I thought you guys were eager to collect to be able to revolve your depleted funds.





The EASTERN VISAYAS MAIL is published weekly with Editorial and Business Offices at Hermosilla Drive, Ormoc City, Leyte Telefax Nos: 561-8580; 255-5746; e-mail:
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March 17-23, 2014

(An article written by Ms P.P. Sicam that appeared in Philstar issue of 9 Mar 2014)
IT IS almost a year since Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected as Pope and am still in thrall of him. I never thought I would be a faithful reader of Rome Reports, an Internet news service about what Pope Francis said and did today. Eagerly I await his populist gestures and his homilies that I sometimes listen to in Italian , while reading the English text. Since I was a child, the popes have been mostly pale old men dressed in velvet and ermine who sat on an elaborate throne in a splendid palace and who communicated in a language that had to be deciphered for ordinary Catholics by theologians. That exception was John XXIII who was a welcome change from the ashen Pius XII, but he and the reforms he sought in Vatican II were short-lived. Then came another grim, conservative, bone-white Paul VI. John Paul II had plenty of charisma but was a conservative at heart. And I had difficulty with Benedict XVI even before he was elected pope. A few years before he was elected, as Cardinal Ratzinger, he had issued a document defining the role of women that was so condescending, I wrote a column refuting it. At the same time, without having spoken to one another, three other women another columnist, a politician and a nun wrote their own critiques of his treatise. What would the Vatican authorities have done, if they even noticed our reactions, had they known that all four of us were products of the same convent school in Manila? During the bad old days of martial law, Sr. Christine Tan, RGS, was called to the Vatican and was admonished for the adversarial stance taken by the Association of Major Religious Superiors of Women of the Philippines (ARMSWP) that she headed, against the Marcos regime. Fr. Benigno Mayo, SJ, who headed the mens association, was likewise summoned. (See the book: You Cant Interview God: Church Women and Men in the News, by Ceres Doyo, Anvil Press) Things would not get better. The marginalization of women in the Church, disturbing reports on cases against pedophile priests being swept under the rug, the corruption at the Vatican Bank and other horrors seemed to confirm my worst fears that the Holy Roman Catholic Church was holy no more. It was so alienating. When Benedict resigned , I prayed to the Holy Spirit: Come on, this is the time to set things right. When Cardinal Bergoglio, a Latino and a Jesuit, humbly asked the faithful to pray for him the night he was elected Pope, I had a feeling that the game had changed. Whats not to love about Pope Francis? A regular Joe, he clearly felt uncomfortable in Rome. His style was too common, his speech too free, his heart too open, yet he was a breath of fresh air in the stifling stiffness of the Vatican. I like it that he retired the regal accoutrements of past popes, preferring his old black orthopaedic shoes, the white soutane, the simple guest house, the unadorned throne and the ordinary car. I love it that he gets close to the people, makes phone calls to strangers in need, how he literally touches them, freely giving hugs to the faithful who come to his weekly audiences. When I hear him speak passionately about the gospel of love, compassion, forgiveness and service, Francis is telling me that, warts and all, I belong and I am loved, not merely tolerated, by my Church. I hang on to his pronouncements about issues that affect real people, like the economy (...Faceless and lacking any truly human goal), homosexuality (Who am I to judge?), the environment (We do not have a good relationship with creation), money (...has to serve, not rule), vanity (The worst sin that could be committed in the Church) and redemption , famously saying that even atheists go to heaven. He even put in a word for breast-feeding, which he encouraged lactating mothers to do during a mass baptism in the Sistine Chapel, if their babies were hungry. In dealing with the faithful, Francis persuades and does not isolate. But with the priests and bishops, he has been brutally frank about the need to improve their spirituality and change their attitudes and lifestyles. He has rattled the clergy with his admonitions about careerism and ostentatious lifestyles. How must the perfumed padres feel when the Pope issues public statements saying that as shepherds, they must go to their sheep and even smell like them? The reforms in the Vatican have been swift and courageous. Never have the Vaticans finances been discussed so openly. The transparency is dazzling. Reading On Heaven and Earth, a dialogue between Jorge Mario Bergoglio who was then archbishop of Buenos Aires, and his friend Abraham Skorka, a Jewish Rabbi, on faith, family and religion, I realize that as early as 1995, Bergoglios down-to-earth positions on the role of the Church were well known. So the Cardinals who elected him in 2013 must have been aware of what he stood for. Whatever the College of Cardinals thought it was doing, when it elected Cardinal Bergoglio to the papacy, it was an inspired choice that could have been dictated from above. Never has a Pope spoken so plainly and directly to ordinary people that even atheists and fallen-away Catholics have taken notice. Never before have I hung onto every word coming from a Pontiff. There are times when I may not totally agree with what he says but never before has a Pope communicated, with understanding and compassion, that it is okay to do so.

My kind of Pope

Buzz on stem cells

AS WE GET older, our cells deteriorate, they become damaged and we lose cells. The previous remedy for sagging facial skin due to aging is a facelift. But now the rich and famous have turned to a new medical wonder called stem cell therapy. A stem cell is a progenitor cell. It stimulates your body and this can help in certain medical conditions like autoimmune conditions. Its good for both regenerative medicine and cosmetic. You look younger and it helps repair the organs in your body. And Karen Davila has used it to cure her son David of autism. Even Kris Aquino also had the procedure done for Josh in Thailand. The Philippines is not far behind with stem cell therapy. The technology is relatively simple. Fat is extracted from the patients own body and then injected back after being processed to isolate stem cells that could be used to treat sports injuries, skin diseases, joint pain, arthritis, Parkinsons, chronic fatigue and loss of energy. Treatments can go from injections to the face (for better skin texture and elasticity), to the joints and knees (to relieve pain) or wherever it is needed. Or it can be done intravenously. Stem cell therapy also makes injuries heal faster. It is crucial because it means faster rehabilitation. You get the stem cell injected right where you need it. Technically, you can get stem cells from others. But you have to make sure there is a proper cross-matching and tissue-typing between the two patients, and preferably it should be a firstdegree relative like a child or brother or sister. Some people have gone to Germany for sheep stem cell. Sheep stem cell is not allowed in the Philippines. The DOH recommends only four sources of stem cell: from your fat, your own bone marrow, your umbilicus, and your blood. Many go for stem cell simply for aesthetic purposes. A lot of them look younger, feel younger, and their metabolism is faster. Somehow, they lose some weight and their memory improves. It works well on sagging skin because collagen is made up of cells as well, so the procedure helps build more collagen which causes the skin to be more elastic and tight. There is no downtime, even with multiple small injections in the face. It is also effective as anti-aging because fundamentally our glands are made up of cells. If our glands have started shrinking, they do not produce as much estrogen. If stem cells are given, eventually our glands start producing more cells. It is considered as a surgical procedure, but its not very invasive. It takes about six minutes to numb an area on the body and another three or four minutes to harvest the fat. A patient can go out for snacks or lunch and come back an hour later and the stem cells are ready. Since Autologous Fat Stem Cell Repair therapy is relatively new, it is also very expensive, with treatments starting at the hundreds of thousands, but as technology advances and the machine converting fat into stem cell becomes more efficient, it may be more affordable to a broader market like our government employees.

The Gospel on Sunday

MARCH 30, 2014 4th Sunday of Lent
John 9: 1-41 AS HE passed by, he saw a man blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be made manifest in him. We must work the works of him who sent me, while it is day; night comes, when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. As he said this, he spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle and anointed the mans eyes with the clay, saying to him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam (which means Sent). So he went and washed and came back seeing. The neighbors and those who had seen him before as a beggar, said, Is not this the man who used to sit and beg? Some said, It is he; others said, No, but he is like him. He said, I am the man. They said to him, Then how were your eyes opened? He answered, The man called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said to me, `Go to Siloam and wash; so I went and washed and received my sight. They said to him, Where is he? He said, I do not know. They brought to the Pharisees the man who had formerly been blind. Now it was a Sabbath day when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes. The Pharisees again asked him how he had received his sight. And he said to them, He put clay on my eyes, and I washed, and I see. Some of the Pharisees said, This man is not from God, for he does not keep the Sabbath. But others said, How can a man who is a sinner do such signs? There was a division among them. So they again said to the blind man, What do you say about him, since he has opened your eyes? He said, He is a prophet. The Jews did not believe that he had been blind and had received his sight, until they called the parents of the man who had received his sight, and asked them, Is this your son, who you say was born blind? How then does he

FR. ROY ... from P. 4

ings all of us are exposed tophysical, emotional, psychological, social, cultural, historical, economic, political, etc. And since many young people are very much involved in the digital world, the elders and others of authority and influence should do everything to inculcate in them very deeply this proper identity and dignity of being persons and children of God, brothers and sisters with one another, ruled by truth and love. These youngsters are typically highly driven by their curiosities, but with curiosities that spring and are maintained usually by unpurified impulses and peer pressure. They really need to be taken care of, but in an appropriate way, since they also do not like to be treated like babies. If before a youngster is allowed to drive a car in our public road system, he has to have the proper age requirement, the appropriate physical and health condition, and has to be trained and tested, then it stands to reason that this youngster all the more would need a similar kind of requirements before he is allowed to cruise in the more dangerous digital thoroughfares. This attitude toward the digital world should be developed first of all in the family, then in churches and schools, and then in other public places like offices, hospitals, etc. We should understand that the digital world is not a free-for-all world. It would be a deadly understanding of freedom if that is how we understand the freedom we enjoy in our digital world. It has to be properly regulated so we can cruise it safely and fruitfully. Email:

now see? His parents answered, We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind; but how he now sees we do not know, nor do we know who opened his eyes. Ask him; he is of age, he will speak for himself. His parents said this because they feared the Jews, for the Jews had already agreed that if any one should confess him to be Christ, he was to be put out of the synagogue. Therefore his parents said, He is of age, ask him. So for the second time they called the man who had been blind, and said to him, Give God the praise; we know that this man is a sinner. He answered, Whether he is a sinner, I do not know; one thing I know, that though I was blind, now I see. They said to him, What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes? He answered them, I have told you already, and you would not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you too want to become his disciples? And they reviled him, saying, You are his disciple, but we are disciples of Moses. We know that God has spoken to Moses, but as for this man, we do not know where he comes from. The man answered, Why, this is a marvel! You do not know where he comes from, and yet he opened my eyes. We know that God does not listen to sinners, but if any one is a worshiper of God and does his will, God listens to him. Never since the world began has it been heard that any one opened the eyes of a man born blind. If this man were not from God, he could do nothing. They answered him, You were born in utter sin, and would you teach us? And they cast him out. Jesus heard that they had cast him out, and having found him he said, Do you believe in the Son of man? He answered, And who is he, sir, that I may believe in him? Jesus said to him, You have seen him, and it is he who speaks to you. He said, Lord, I believe; and he worshiped him. Jesus said, For judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and that those who see may become blind. Some of the Pharisees near him heard this, and they said to him, Are we also blind? Jesus said to them, If you were blind, you would have no guilt; but now that you say, `We see, your guilt remains.

ROTARY ... from P. 1
income goes into a pooled fund where they can run to, in case there are needs. After the turnover and ceremonial christening of the boats, breaking a bottle of a local brandy instead of champagne, the Rotarians proceeded to the Naungan Elementary School where a signing of agreement and deed of donation was done. School Principal Sabina Con-ui said that the Rotary Club provided their 687 pupils with school supplies and fed them from November 23, 2013 to January 28, 2014. That 65-day feeding sustained 90% attendance of kinder to grade 6 pupils, she pointed out. Vice-Mayor Carmelo Locsin Jr., in a speech, said that Naungan Elementary School is just one of the schools beneficiaries of reroofing and rehabilitation project of the club. Other schools are Linao Central School, GK Village daycare, Can-adieng Elementary School, Licuma Elementary School and Lao Elementary School. The club also did major repairs for the totally damaged San Jose Elementary School and Valencia Elementary School. Afterwards, the team headed to Linao Central School and did another turnover and signing of agreement. Before starting the same ceremony, the club and their partners also fed the 1,500 pupils there. School Principal Ma. Pia Chu expressed her gratefulness to Rotarians who provided their 1,713 students with used clothing, water purifiers and also fed them for a longish period. It was also the Rotarians who funded the re-roofing and painting of all rooms in their school. DepEd Schools Superintendent Dr. Magan, on her part, said that the Rotarians are benevolent and quick to respond to the rehabilitation needs of the schools, which was a big help when classes resumed since only 3 of 97 schools in the city had minor damage. The rest, she said, were totally damaged. The ceremony ended with the blessing of the newly roofed and reconstructed rooms by Linao parish priest Mgr. Jerry Alcantara. with a report from LMJ

Toto Locsin Jr. distributes raincoats to elementary pupils

Vice Mayor Leo Carmelo Toto Jr. Locsin was a busybody over the week, distributing raincoats to elementary pupils in various schools in Ormoc City donated by friends Mr. Amit Borsuk, Ms. China Jocson and Atty. Beulah Coeli Fiel. The vicemayor actively solicited donations from friends and family after Yolanda struck the city, saying he was not going to wait for government relief but will also source it out. Last week, he donated generators to selected schools and barangays donated by the Shekou International School in Shenzhen, Peoples Republic of China from funds raised by Ramon H. Fuentes, the schools Typhoon Haiyan Relief Coordinator. Photo below shows VM Toto Locsin at the St. Philippine Duschesnes Ormoc Workers Foundaton ran by the Sacred Heart Community nuns.

EMCOR opens in Baybay City

Photos show the various ceremonies during the launch of the Rotary Fleet. In some pictures, students of recipient schools of the Rotary rehabilitation and repair works showed their gratitude by giving the Rotarians flowers and roses.

TONGONAN ... from P. 2

consumption. It was further learned that Tongo nans IRA is P 1.5-million only but because of the royalties they have received through the years, they were able to establish the hospital, fire station and other infrastructures that other barrios here cannot afford. Among the plans of the barangay chairman for the future is the acBrgy. Chairman Isagani Baez in a huddle with EDC VP for LGPF quisition of important Manuel Paete and other EDC personnel. health equipment like an X-ray machine. He is also looking for ways into Lea Doris Villar of Alegria Leyte and friends. The mayor, making the village a tourist who is vice-president of the however, could not come beLiga ng Barangay, some city cause of a tight schedule, Badestination. Present during Banezs officials, officers of the 19th IB ez was told. By Paul Libres 100-day address were Manuel based in Aguiting, Kananga, Paete, EDC vice president for its Leyte Geothermal Field Op- EARTHQUAKES ... from P. 2 erations, Brgy. Chairwoman eruptions, lahars, earthquakes mic stations with VSAT (10 and tsunamis. Earthquake broadband, strong motion) and related hazards include fault- 36 manned, with telephone and karon. Isulat ang storya sa ing (ground rupture), ground internet; and two data acquisikinabuhing milyonaryo. shaking, liquefaction, tsunami, tion and processing systems (wala mag suwat si Pedro) Teacher: O Pedro, nganong fire and landslide. for local and global earthquake wala man ka gasulat? Dr. Solidum said they have and monitoring. They have up Pedro: Ah, kuwan Maam, 69 station networks for earth- to 85 station networks targeted gahuwat man gud ko sa akong quake monitoring. There are to be setup by 2016. By Paul sekretarya maam. Siya ra 33 unmanned, real-time seis- Libres with a report from PIA
akong pasuwaton.

Emcor, one of the countrys leading motorcycle and appliance dealers, opened up in Baybay City recently. On the right is Baybay City Vice-Mayor Michael L. Cari. Photo by Cookie

Unli internet from Sun for P 699!

FILIPINOS FROM all around the country can now experience consistent, fast and reliable broadband connectivity as Sun Broadband unveils its most affordable unlimited Internet offer yet, available for only P699 a month. Post all your photos on Facebook, send as many shoutouts you want on Twitter, and visit all the blogs that you fancy with Sun Broadbands most affordable unlimited Internet that lets you experience more of the Internet for less. This is made possible by Sun Broadbands expanded coverage nationwide, which has increased twofold last year to cover more areas around the country including Abra, Ilocos Sur, and Camarines Norte in Luzon, Mindoro Islands in Visayas, and Bukidnon, North Cotabato, and Zamboanga in Mindanao. We are making high-speed broadband Internet within reach of Filipinos nationwide so users can experience more of what the Internet has to offer, said Michele Curran, Data and International Services Marketing Head at Sun Cellular. With expanded coverage nationwide, Sun Broadband is poised to deliver an unparalleled online experience to all subscribers. Aside from bringing high-speed broadband Internet to everyone, Sun Broadband is also making it easier for potential subscribers to apply for the most affordable unlimited Internet offer yet. Interested subscribers can proceed to select Sun Shops around the country and present a valid ID to be able to sign up for the P699 unlimited Internet from Sun Broadband with no holding period. All they need is to pay a one-time fee of P1,500 for the Pocket WiFi device or P588 for a modem to enjoy boundless Internet connectivity wherever they are in the country. But for those on a strict budget but still want to maximize their Internet experience, Sun Broadband also offers three affordable postpaid plans that give you the best bang for your buck. Sun Broadband Plan 100 offers 15 Internet hours every month, while Plan 250 and Plan 450 come with 52 hours and 101 hours, respectively. Best of all, interested individuals only need to present a valid ID upon sign up to subscribe to these broadband plans. So for a more affordable and reliable Internet experience, trust only SunBroadband. For more information, visit the Sun Shop nearest you or check www. online. Sun Cellular is the mobile brand of Digitel Mobile Philippines Inc., a member of the PLDT Group. PR

Teacher: Pedro! Asa ang HAWAII? Pedro: Mao na dira mam! Bisan asa man gud ibutang! Nya akoy pangitaan! Mama: Knock knock! Pedro: Whos there? Mama: Mama nimo. Pedro: Mama nimo who? Mama: Bu**g ka! Ablihi ko! Teacher: Ok class Ima gina na milyonaryo mo tanan
rrr rrr

Pasyente: Doc, regular lagi ko malibang. Kada alas 7 sa buntag... Doktor: Maayo hinuon na! Unsa may problema? Pasyente: Tag alas otso na man gud ko makamata Doc.

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. Jack Welch

S & Happenings

APPLE is a fashion and lifestyle editor of Espejo Magazine. She also describes herself as an entrepreneur already when she was still a little girl, even before she knew what she can sell to the word meant. In grade school, she would ask her mom to make milk candies that her classmates. When she turned 8, she started wearing colored/printed stockings even before it became popular in her hometown of Tacloban and used real flowers as hair accessories. From then on, her sense of fashion evolved. And so did her enterprising skills. Now with a thriving restaurant business, Milagrinas, that she manages with her husband Albie, and the proprietor of a Citi Wok, Apple has added another endeavor in her interest list which is blogging. Calling herself a self proclaimed blogger/ fashion and photography enthusiast, she shares her lifes (mis)adventures through her blog An Apple a Day where she hopes to inspire and be inspired by what the world can offer. Currently, she is also a very active member of the Rotary Club of Ormoc Bay and a director of the Ormoc City Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. - EV Mail

Share a Toy - First Wave

VERY CHILD who survived Supertyphoon Yolanda, who lost their homes, lost their treasured toys, too. Now you might think its a frivolous project, knowing that there are better things we can help them with like milk, food, shelter, and education. Yes, these are essentials to survive, but dont you think that in the eyes of a child, TOYS are a necessity too? SHARE A TOY is a project that brings these essential things to the children survivors of the strongest typhoon ever recorded in history. I strongly believe that TOYS will play a big part for the children to recover from that very traumatic experience. Through these toys, they can start imagining again. They can create, not an escape, but a portal to make-believe. A world where they are the HEROES, from the Batman Toys you sent; or PRINCESSES living in beautiful castles through the dolls you gave; FAIRIES that can make beautiful things around them happen from the wands sent their way. TOYS make kids imagine. Its a form of therapy that makes them want to be something more than just victims. They are Survivors. And I am blessed to be a vehicle to make this happen together with my blogger friend Coke. I am grateful for this wonderful opportunity to be able to share to the kids the TOYS you sent to them. To be able to hand to each of them the chance to dream, hope and continue to strive for a better tomorrow through the little spark of happiness this project gave to them. Our first wave of distribution was last Feb 24, 2014. It made 458 kids jump with happiness. We distributed 197 toys to students from Kinder to Grade 3 at the Bayanihan Elementary School in PHHC or commonly called Housing. Then we gave to the 14 teachers of the school, including their janitor and lady guard, hygiene kits which was composed of two dozens Pantene Shampoo from the Rotary Club of Ormoc Bay, toothbrushes from Coke and facial wash from me. Then we went to Scandinavian Elementary School in Diit and gave toys to 261 students, also from Kinder to Grade 3. Eight teachers including the janitor and lady guard also got hygiene kits we prepared for them. Grades 4-6 students were given school supplies by TOES, an organization of Runners who organized the UNITY RUN 2 Event led by Lester Tabada last Feb 23, 2014. Yes, what we did makes me happy. Happy to see each childs lip curve into a smile; happy to see the anticipation in their eyes as we slowly open the boxes filled with toys before them. I am happy to hear them squeal in delight when they opened their toys. And happiest when I hear them say their Thank Yous, some shyly and some unabashedly. So thank you, too. Thanks to all who donated. Thanks to all who cared. We made this happen because of YOU. To our family and friends who showed their support for this project, our heartfelt love and gratitude. To our husbands, we couldnt have done it without your cars! Hahahaha. True! Lol! Nahhthank you for supporting our projects. Whether for fashion or community service, you are always there rooting for us. We shine the brightest with you behind us all the way. Thank you!

Linao Natl High School lords it over at WLCs First HRM Days
CONTESTANTS FROM the Linao National High School who were pitted against other high schools in the city in the art of table skirting, fruit and vegetable carving and making a centerpiece out from scratch grabbed all top prizes for the three categories during the recent concluded Best of HRM Days organized by the Western Leyte Colleges Hotel and Restaurant Management Department. The contest is WLCs way of introducing HRM to high school students, for them to take interest in the course. Some seven different high schools in the city, including the Kananga National High School and the Albuera Private National High School and Seguinon NHS joined the contest. For the table-skirting, the Kananga NHS took the second place while the New Ormoc City National High School (NOCNHS) placed third; for table centerpiece, the Liloan NHS placed second while WLC High School Department placed third. For the Fruit and Vegetable Carving, the Seguinon NHS placed second while the Dolores NHS placed third. The students, young as they are, impressed the judges with their determination in pursuing the contest. Some contestants in the fruit and vegetable carving category did not have the proper kitchen equipment like peelers and the right knives, even can openers, but determinedly did what they could do to finish the contest. For that alone, all the contesting groups were winners on their own. The HRM contest was capped by a hiphop competition. The Primona NHS grabbed the first place, followed by the NOCNHS and the Kananga NHS. The hiphop dancers were impressive, too, with some dancers doing daring triple somersaults that made the crowd gasp. Manuel Fiel Jr., RN and the Vice President for Academic Affairs of WLC welcomed the contestants. The activity was dubbed by the HRM department as GREATER THAN>> with the theme Great Minds and Great Skills for Global Competitiveness.

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC CCE-0033-2014 R.A. 10172 Date: MARCH 05, 2014 In Compliance with the publication requirement and pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 Guidelines in the Implementation of the Administrative Order No. 1 Series of 2012 (IRR on R.A. 10172), Notice is hereby served to the public that RAQUEL SOLIJON LORETO has filed with this Office, a petition for change of GENDER from FEMALE to MALE in the certificate of live birth of RAQUEL SOLIJON LORETO at BAYBAY, LEYTE and whose parents are LEANDRO BALABAG LORETO and CRISPINA MANCAO SOLIJON. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his written opposition with this Office not later than MARCH 05, 2014. (Sgd.) NOEL V. MANAGBANAG City Civil Registrar Name of Newspaper: Eastern Visayas Mail Place of Publication: Leyte Date of Publication: March 17-23, & 24- 30, 2014 Extra-Judicial Settlement with Deed of Absolute Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property of the late ALFONSO LORA re a parcel of land Cad Lot No. 2, located at Barangay Atabay Hilongos, Leyte and covered by TD No. 14005-00055-R13, containing an area of .4351.04 hectares was settled among his heirs and 375 sq. m. sold in favor of SPS. RICKY RALLOS and PAULINA N. RALLOS per Doc. No. 171; Page No. 36; Book No. IX; Series of 2013 of Notary Public Ma. Lourdes MadulaVilbar. EV Mail March 17-23, 24-30, & 31- April 6, 2014 Affidavit of Self Adjudication with Deed of Absolute Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property of the late MARCIAL TAER re a parcel of land Lot No. 2372 containing an area of 6,334 sq. m. located in Barangay Lamak Hilongos, Leyte, covered by TD No. 14021 00168 R-13 was adjudicated unto himself by ROMAN TAER and sold in favor of CARMELA G. ESPERANZA per Doc. No. 372; Page No. 76; Book No. VII; Series of 2012 of Notary Public Ma. Lourdes MadulaVilbar. EV Mail March 17-23, 24-30, & 31- April 6, 2014 Extrajudicial Settlement with Deed of Absolute Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property of the late SALUD PEPITO re a parcel of land Lot 20, Block 3, Psd-173323, situated in Barrio Patag, Ormoc City, containing an area of 500 square meters was settled among her heirs and sold in favor of MANUEL M. DEL RIO per Doc. No. 457; Page No. 88; Book No. 61; Series of 2013 of Notary Public Gregorio A. Paquibot, Jr. EV Mail March 17-23, 24-30, & 31- April 6, 2014 Extra-judicial Settlement with Deed of Absolute Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property of the late VICENTE OLAER and JULIA OLAER re a parcel of land described as Lot No. 2370, containing an area of 21,837 sq. m. located in Barangay Lamak Hilongos Leyte was settled among their heirs and sold in favor of LUCELA GREGORIOS per Doc. No. 385; Page No 73; Book O. VII; Series of 2013 of Notary Public Ma. Lourdes Madula- Vilbar. EV Mail March 17-23, 24-30, & 31- April 6, 2014 Sworn declaration of property NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that SOFIA L. TABERNERO, of legal age, Filipino, widow, and with residence and postal address in Brgy. Ipil I, Palompon, Leyte. That she is the surviving spouse of the estate of late CIPRIANO TABERNERO re parcels of a residential land situated in Brgy. Ipil I, Palompon, Leyte, covered by under TD No. 08-3100600264, Cad. Lot No. 177, containing an area of 57 sq. m. ; and a residential building erected on the land above-described under TD No. 08-31006-00265, both residential, declared in the name of Sps. Cipriano & Sofia Tabernero, and SOFIA Tabernero. That she is executed affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing and to support the application for estate tax clearance for whatever legal purpose it may serve. Affidavit was subscribed per Doc. No. 574; Page No. 79; Book No. LXV; Series of 2014 before Atty. Camilo P. Esmero. EV Mail March 17-23, 24-30, & 31- April 6, 2014 Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement with Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property of the late LUPA LUNALAURITO re a parcel of residential land situated in Brgy. Lomonon, Palompon, Leyte, covered by TD No. 08-3102800509 R13, Cadastral Lot No. 2765, containing an area of 104 sq. m. was settled among his heirs and sold in favor of SPS. SILVANO D. TABERNERO and ADELWISA M. TABERNERO per Doc. No. 474; Page No. 59; Book No. LXV; Series of 2014 of Notary Public Camilo P. Esmero. EV Mail March 17-23, 24-30, & 31- April 6, 2014 Deed of Absolute Sale NOTICE THE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MARGIE STA. IGLESIA MASCARIAS-HINONANGAN, one of the legal heir estates of the late SPOUSES VICENTE A. MASCARAS and JUSTINIANA STA. IGLESIA re a parcel of land Lot No. 460 of the Cadastral Survey of Baybay, situated in Municipality of Baybay, containing an area of 345 sq. m. sold in favor of MINETTE FLORA M. HINONANGAN, IAN FERNANDO M. HINONANGAN and MARGIE DARYL M. HINONANGAN per Doc. No. 464; Page No. 93; Book No. LVII; Series of 2014 of Notary Public Joseph Carnel M. Bandalan. EV Mail March 17-23, 24-30, & 31- April 6, 2014 Deed of Absolute Sale NOTICE THE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MARGIE STA. IGLESIA MASCARIAS-HINONANGAN, one of the legal heir estates of the late SPOUSES VICENTE A. MASCARAS and JUSTINIANA STA. IGLESIA re a parcel of land Lot No. 352-B of the sub. Plan, being a portion of Lot 352, situated in Baybay City, containing an area of 227 sq. m. sold in favor of MINETTE FLORA M. HINONANGAN, IAN FERNANDO M. HINONANGAN and MARGIE DARYL Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation and Communications LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AND REGULATORY BOARD Regional Office No. VIII Ormoc City CASE NO VIII 2014- 0059 Application for Reconstitution of Records of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a FILCAB services With prayer to adopt trade name ERIBERTO P. JURANES Applicant/ Petitioner NOTICE OF HEARING Applicant is a grantee of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a FILCAB service for the transportation of passengers and freight along the line: TOMAS OPPUS - SOGOD & VICE VERSA with the use of ONE (1) unit/s which Certificate is valid up to FEBRUARY 7, 2017. In the present application, application request authority for reconstitution of records with extension of validity of the said certificate on the same route with the use of the same number of unit/s. NOTICE is hereby given that this application will be heard by this Board on April 22, 2014, at 9:00 A.M. at this Office at the above address. At least TEN (10) days prior to the above date, applicant/s shall publish this notice once in one (1) daily newspaper of general circulation in Visayas. This application will be acted upon by this Board on the basis of its records and documentary evidence submitted by the parties, unless the Board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary and/or oral evidence. WITNESS the Honorable ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, Regional Director, this 14TH day of JANUARY, 2014. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO CLERK OF BOARD Copy furnished: -Applicant/s: E. JURANES; San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, So. Leyte -Counsel for applicant/s: Atty Edwin B. Jomadiao, Melecio Tan Building Cor. Zamora & Salazar Sts. Tac. City EV Mail March 17- 23, 2014 Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation and Communications LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AND REGULATORY BOARD Regional Office No. VIII Ormoc City CASE NO VIII 2014- 0362 REF NO. VIII-2012-0137 Application for Reconstitution of Records With Extension of validity of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a FILCAB services With prayer to adopt trade name ARLYN NENEZ Applicant/ Petitioner NOTICE OF HEARING Applicant is a grantee of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a FILCAB service for the transportation of passengers and freight on the route: BAYBAY-BUNGA & VICE VERSA with the use of ONE (1) unit/s which Certificate is valid and subsisting. In the present application, application request authority for reconstitution of records with extension of validity of the said certificate on the same route with the use of the same number of unit/s. NOTICE is hereby given that this application will be heard by this Board on April 10, 2014, at 9:00 A.M. at this Office at the above address. At least TEN (10) days prior to the above date, applicant/s shall publish this notice once in one (1) daily newspaper of general circulation in Visayas. This application will be acted upon by this Board on the basis of its records and documentary evidence submitted by the parties, unless the Board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary and/or oral evidence. WITNESS the Honorable ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, Regional Director, this 4TH day of FEBUARY, 2014. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO CLERK OF BOARD Copy furnished: -Applicant/s: ARLYN NENEZ, Brgy. Canda man Baybay Leyte -Counsel for applicant/s: Atty N. SIA. AVENIDA VETERANOS TACLOBAN CITY EV Mail March 17- 23, 2014 Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation and Communications LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AND REGULATORY BOARD Regional Office No. VIII Ormoc City CASE NO VIII 2014- 0364 (REF NO. VIII-2013-0463) Application for Reconstitution of Records of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a FILCAB services With prayer to adopt trade name MARIVI G. CAPAROSO Applicant/ Petitioner NOTICE OF HEARING Applicant is a grantee of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a FILCAB service for the transportation of passengers and freight on the route: TACLOBAN CITY-ST. PAULS CAMPETIC & VICE VERSA with the use of ONE (1) unit/s which Certificate is valid and subsisting. In the present application, application request authority for reconstitution of records with extension of validity of the said certificate on the same route with the use of the same number of unit/s. NOTICE is hereby given that this application will be heard by this Board on April 10, 2014, at 9:00 A.M. at this Office at the above address. At least TEN (10) days prior to the above date, applicant/s shall publish this notice once in one (1) daily newspaper of general circulation in Visayas. This application will be acted upon by this Board on the basis of its records and documentary evidence submitted by the parties, unless the Board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary and/or oral evidence. WITNESS the Honorable ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, Regional Director, this 3RD day of FEBUARY, 2014. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO CLERK OF BOARD Copy furnished: -Applicant/s: M. CAPAROSO, Brgy. San Joaquin Capoocan, Leyte -Counsel for applicant/s: Atty N. SIA. AVENIDA VETERANOS TACLOBAN CITY EV Mail March 17- 23, 2014 Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation and Communications LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AND REGULATORY BOARD Regional Office No. VIII Ormoc City CASE NO VIII 2014- 1130 (REF NO. VIII-2004-0668 Application for Reconstitution of Records With Extension of validity of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a FILCAB services With prayer to adopt trade name RAUL NEGRADAS Applicant/ Petitioner NOTICE OF HEARING Applicant is a grantee of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a FILCAB service for the transportation of passengers and freight on the route: TACLOBAN CITY ST. PAULS CAMPETIC & VICE VERSA with the use of ONE (1) unit/s which Certificate is valid and subsisting up to October 28, 2014. In the present application, application request authority for reconstitution of records with extension of validity of the said certificate on the same route with the use of the same number of unit/s. NOTICE is hereby given that this application will be heard by this Board on July 3, 2014, at 9:00 A.M. at this Office at the above address. At least TEN (10) days prior to the above date, applicant/s shall publish this notice once in one (1) daily newspaper of general circulation in Visayas. This application will be acted upon by this Board on the basis of its records and documentary evidence submitted by the parties, unless the Board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary and/or oral evidence. WITNESS the Honorable ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, Regional Director, this 21st day of March, 2014. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO CLERK OF BOARD Copy furnished: -Applicant/s: R. NEGRADAS, Brgy. Arado, palo, Leyte -Counsel for applicant/s: Atty N. SIA. AVENIDA VETERANOS TACLOBAN CITY EV Mail March 17- 23, 2014 Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation and Communications LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AND REGULATORY BOARD Regional Office No. VIII Ormoc City CASE NO VIII 2014- 1217 Application for Issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a FILCAB services With prayer to adopt trade name REYNALDO D. GARES Applicant/ Petitioner NOTICE OF HEARING Applicant request authority for the issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a FILCAB for the transportation of passengers and freight on the line: TACLOBAN CITY ST. PAULS CAMPETIC & VICE VERSA with the use of ONE (1) unit/ NOTICE is hereby given that this application will be heard by this Board on May 27, 2014, at 9:00 A.M. at this Office at the above address. At least TEN (10) days prior to the above date, applicant/s shall publish this notice once in one (1) daily newspaper of general circulation in Visayas. This application will be acted upon by this Board on the basis of its records and documentary evidence submitted by the parties, unless the Board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary and/or oral evidence. WITNESS the Honorable ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, Regional Director, this 20th day of March, 2014. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO CLERK OF BOARD Copy furnished: -Applicant/s: R.D. GARES; #246 Tibak, Sta. Fe, Leyte -Counsel for applicant/s: Atty E.B. JO-


March 17-23, 2014

MADIAO; Cor. Zamora & Salazar Sts., Tacloban City EV Mail March 17- 23, 2014 Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation and Communications LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AND REGULATORY BOARD Regional Office No. VIII Ormoc City CASE NO VIII 2014- 1237 REF. CASE NO. VIII-2009-0789 Application for Reconstitution Records of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a FILCAB services With prayer to adopt trade name DANILO E. ARCENO Applicant/ Petitioner NOTICE OF HEARING Applicant is a grantee of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a FILCAB for the transportation of passengers and freight on the route: CATARMAN SAN JOSE & VICE VERSA with the use of ONE (1) unit/s which Certificate is still valid and subsisting up to April 10, 2015. In the present application, applicant request authority for reconstitution of records of the said certificate on the same route with the use of the same number of unit/s. NOTICE is hereby given that this application will be heard by this Board on July 3, 2014, at 9:00 A.M. at this Office at the above address. At least TEN (10) days prior to the above date, applicant/s shall publish this notice once in one (1) daily newspaper of general circulation in Visayas. This application will be acted upon by this Board on the basis of its records and documentary evidence submitted by the parties, unless the Board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary and/or oral evidence. WITNESS the Honorable ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, Regional Director, this 21st day of March, 2014. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO CLERK OF BOARD Copy furnished: -Applicant/s: D.E. ARCENO, BRGY. AGUADAHAN, SAN JOSE N. SAMAR -Counsel for applicant/s: Atty NEIL SIA, AVENIDA VETERANOS ST. TACLOBAN CITY EV Mail March 17- 23, 2014 Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation and Communications LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AND REGULATORY BOARD Regional Office No. VIII Ormoc City CASE NO VIII 2014- 1244 Application for Issuance to operate a FILCAB services With prayer to adopt trade name ELDEN G. CELEBRE Applicant/ Petitioner NOTICE OF HEARING Applicant request authority for the issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a FILCAB for the transportation of passengers and freight on the line: TACLOBAN CITY- NEW BUSTERMINAL (ABUCAY) & VICE VERSA with the use of ONE (1) unit/ NOTICE is hereby given that this application will be heard by this Board on April 15, 2014, at 9:00 A.M. at this Office at the above address. At least TEN (10) days prior to the above date, applicant/s shall publish this notice once in one (1) daily newspaper of general circulation in Visayas. This application will be acted upon by this Board on the basis of its records and documentary evidence submitted by the parties, unless the Board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary and/or oral evidence. WITNESS the Honorable ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, Regional Director, this 22th day of March, 2014. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO CLERK OF BOARD Copy furnished: -Applicant/s: E.C. CELBRE, #187 DEL PILAR ST., TACLOBAN CITY -Counsel for applicant/s: Atty E. JOMADIAO, COR. ZAMORA & SALAZAR STS., TACLOBAN CITY EV Mail March 17- 23, 2014 Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation and Communications LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AND REGULATORY BOARD Regional Office No. VIII Ormoc City CASE NO VIII 2014- 1245 Application for Issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a FILCAB services With prayer to adopt trade name ELDEN C. CELEBRE Applicant/ Petitioner NOTICE OF HEARING Applicant request authority for the issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a FILCAB for the transportation of passengers and freight on the line: TACLOBAN CITY- NEW BUSTERMINAL (ABUCAY) & VICE VERSA with the use of ONE (1) unit/ NOTICE is hereby given that this application will be heard by this


Board on April 15, 2014, at 9:00 A.M. at this Office at the above address. At least TEN (10) days prior to the above date, applicant/s shall publish this notice once in one (1) daily newspaper of general circulation in Visayas. This application will be acted upon by this Board on the basis of its records and documentary evidence submitted by the parties, unless the Board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary and/or oral evidence. WITNESS the Honorable ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, Regional Director, this 20Th day of March, 2014. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO CLERK OF BOARD Copy furnished: -Applicant/s: E.C. CELBRE, #187 DEL PILAR ST., TACLOBAN CITY -Counsel for applicant/s: Atty E. JOMADIAO, COR. ZAMORA & SALAZAR STS., TACLOBAN CITY EV Mail March 17- 23, 2014 Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation and Communications LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AND REGULATORY BOARD Regional Office No. VIII Ormoc City CASE NO VIII 2014- 1246 Application for Issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a FILCAB services With prayer to adopt trade name ELDEN C. CELEBRE Applicant/ Petitioner NOTICE OF HEARING Applicant request authority for the issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a FILCAB for the transportation of passengers and freight on the line: TACLOBAN CITY- NEW BUSTERMINAL (ABUCAY) & VICE VERSA with the use of ONE (1) unit/ NOTICE is hereby given that this application will be heard by this Board on April 15, 2014, at 9:00 A.M. at this Office at the above address. At least TEN (10) days prior to the above date, applicant/s shall publish this notice once in one (1) daily newspaper of general circulation in Visayas. This application will be acted upon by this Board on the basis of its records and documentary evidence submitted by the parties, unless the Board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary and/or oral evidence. WITNESS the Honorable ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, Regional Director, this 20Th day of March, 2014. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO CLERK OF BOARD Copy furnished: -Applicant/s: E.C. CELBRE, #187 DEL PILAR ST., TACLOBAN CITY -Counsel for applicant/s: Atty E. JOMADIAO, COR. ZAMORA & SALAZAR STS., TACLOBAN CITY EV Mail March 17- 23, 2014 Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation and Communications LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AND REGULATORY BOARD Regional Office No. VIII Ormoc City CASE NO VIII 2014- 1255 Application for Issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a UV EXPRESS services With prayer to adopt trade name EDWIN N. HINDOY Applicant/ Petitioner NOTICE OF HEARING Applicant request authority for the issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a UV EX PRRESS for the transportation of passengers and freight on the line: ORMOC CITY TACLOBAN CITY & VICE VERSA with the use of ONE (1) unit/ NOTICE is hereby given that this application will be heard by this Board on May 22, 2014, at 9:00 A.M. at this Office at the above address. At least TEN (10) days prior to the above date, applicant/s shall publish this notice once in one (1) daily newspaper of general circulation in Visayas. This application will be acted upon by this Board on the basis of its records and documentary evidence submitted by the parties, unless the Board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary and/or oral evidence. WITNESS the Honorable ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, Regional Director, this 21st day of March, 2014. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO CLERK OF BOARD Copy furnished: -Applicant/s: E. N. HINDOY; Urban Poor Village, Juaton, Ormoc City -Counsel for applicant/s: Atty E. JOMADIAO, COR. ZAMORA & SALAZAR STS., TACLOBAN CITY EV Mail March 17- 23, 2014





Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation and Communications LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AND REGULATORY BOARD Regional Office No. VIII Ormoc City CASE NO VIII 2014- 1258 REF CASE NO. VIII-2013-0162 Application for Reconstitution of Records of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a VEHICLE FO HIRE services With prayer to adopt trade name MARIVEL V. CUNA Applicant/ Petitioner NOTICE OF HEARING Applicant request authority for the issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a VEHICLE FOR HIRE for the transportation of passengers and freight on the route: FOR EXLUSIVE ISE OF CONTRACTING PASSENGERS FROM ALANG-ALANG, LEYTE TO/ FROM ANY HOTELS, RESORTS & PORTS WITHIN REGION VIII & VICE VERSA with the use of ONE (1) unit which Certificate is still valid and subsisting up to April 23, 2018. In the present application, applicant request authority for reconstitution of records of the said certificate on the same route with the use of the same number of unit/s. NOTICE is hereby given that this application will be heard by this Board on July 3, 2014, at 9:00 A.M. at this Office at the above address. At least TEN (10) days prior to the above date, applicant/s shall publish this notice once in one (1) daily newspaper of general circulation in Visayas. This application will be acted upon by this Board on the basis of its records and documentary evidence submitted by the parties, unless the Board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary and/or oral evidence. WITNESS the Honorable ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, Regional Director, this 21st day of March, 2014. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO CLERK OF BOARD Copy furnished: -Applicant/s: M. V. CUNA, BRGY. 92, APITONG, TACLOBAN CITY -Counsel for applicant/s: Atty E. JOMADIAO, COR. ZAMORA & SALAZAR STS., TACLOBAN CITY EV Mail March 17- 23, 2014 Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation and Communications LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING AND REGULATORY BOARD Regional Office No. VIII Ormoc City CASE NO VIII 2014- 1261 REF CASE NO. VIII-2000-1600 Application for Reconstitution of Records of a Certificate of Public Convenience to operate a PUB services With prayer to adopt trade name TACLOBAN LEYTE BILIRAN PHILIPPINES TRANSPORT SERVICE & MULTI PURPOSE COOP. REP. BY: JAIME ELEMAR VELARDE Applicant/ Petitioner NOTICE OF HEARING Applicant is a grantee of a Certificate of public Convenience to operate a PUB service for the transportation of passengers and freight on the route: TACLOBAN CITY-SILAGO VIA ORMOC CITY- MAASIN CITY & VICE VERSA with the use of ONE (1) unit which Certificate is still valid and subsisting up to Nov. 28, 2015. In the present application, applicant request authority for reconstitution of records of the said certificate on the same route with the use of the same number of unit/s. NOTICE is hereby given that this application will be heard by this Board on July 3, 2014, at 9:00 A.M. at this Office at the above address. At least TEN (10) days prior to the above date, applicant/s shall publish this notice once in one (1) daily newspaper of general circulation in Visayas. This application will be acted upon by this Board on the basis of its records and documentary evidence submitted by the parties, unless the Board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary and/or oral evidence. WITNESS the Honorable ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, Regional Director, this 21st day of March, 2014. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO CLERK OF BOARD Copy furnished: -Applicant/s: TACLOBAN LEYTE BILIRAN PHIL. REP. BY: JAIME ELEMAR VELARDE, BRGY. 92. APITONG TAC. CITY -Counsel for applicant/s: Atty NEIL SIA, AVENIDA VETERANOS ST., TACLOBAN CITY EV Mail March 17- 23, 2014


TAXES ... from P. 1

nor your correct taxes, I demand survival. What we do now is not only for us but also for our children. Whatever you do good for our country, do it. We came naked to this world, soon we will also perish with no shoes and just have a torn barong at the back to our grave, he said in mixed Bisaya and English. Obero said that the Revenue District Office 89 where Ormoc belongs has fallen short of its collection target for 2013. This was understandable, he said, because the city and towns within the district were badly hit by Yolanda. He recalled he even came under fire for imposing penalties on those who filed their monthly VAT and percentage taxes late after Yolanda. During that time, Otero denied imposing penalties and even challenged then Ormoc Chamber president Iigo Larrazabal to show proof that they did. During Fridays forum, however, he said he was only following what was in the revenue code. Through a PowerPoint presentation, Obero said that their district office had a collection goal of P 1,106,013.00 for 2013. Their actual collection, he said, was only P 879,384.00 with a shortfall of P 226,629.00. In comparison, he illustrated, the same LGUs get P 2.055-billion in Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) which means that it was the national government subsidizing the constituents here by more around 50 percent. Hence, to those complaining about where their taxes are going, he said the figures were clear proof that the government was there for them and that they should also reciprocate by paying their taxes. He also bared that because of Yolanda, the collection target for 2014 was even reduced by the BIR central office. From P 1.106-billion, it was reduced to P 1.082-billion, or a reduction of P 23.2-million. Nonetheless, he said, they are still hoping to meet the collection shortfall for 2013 by April 15, the deadline for paying of income taxes for 2013, as this would be considered collection for that year. Hence, he was appealing to taxpayers to register, file and pay their income taxes. It was at this point that he showed the audience the controversial BIR advertisement showing a doctor riding on the shoulders of a teacher. Obero said that while he has the highest respect for doctors, he was also appealing to them and other professionals to pay the right taxes.



M. HINONANGAN per Doc. No. 462; Page No. 93; Book No. LVII; Series of 2014 of Notary Public Joseph Carnel M. Bandalan. EV Mail March 17-23, 24-30, & 31- April 6, 2014 Extra-Judicial Settlement of Bank Accounts NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the late BENJAMIN T. PARRILLA, SR. had left an account with Land Bank of the Philippines under ESP Account No. 0951-0268-59; and Savings Account No. 0951-007675 were settled among his heirs per Doc. No. 197; Page No. 40; Book No. LXXVI; Series of 2013 of Notary Public Ruben R. Capahi. EV Mail March 3-9, 10-16 & 17-23, 2014 Deed of Extra-Judicial Partition NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the properties of the late VICENTE A. MASCARIAS and JUSTINIANA STA. IGLESIA MASCARIAS re parcels of land Lot No. 5653, covered by TCT No. T-15901, containing an area of 3,237 sq. m.; Lot No. 460, covered by TCT No. T-15358, containing an area of 345 sq. m.; Lot No. 4501, covered by TCT No. T-8779 , containing an area of 23,432 sq. m.; Lot No. 352-B, CT No. T-10300, containing an area of 227 sq. m. ; Lot No. 5529, covered by TCT No. T-15721, containing an area of 2,280 sq. m. ; Lot No. 4851, covered by TCT No. T-1782, containing an area of 121,701 sq. m. ; Lot No. 4856, covered by TCT No. T-14290, containing an area of 7,524 sq. m. ; Lot No. 4494, covered by TCT No. T- 16154 , containing an area of 12,784 sq. m. ; and Lot No. 4493 , covered by OCT No. 6142 , containing an area of 1,592 sq. m. were partitioned among their heirs per Doc. No. 120; Page No. 24; Book No. LVIII; Series of 2014 of Notary Public Joseph Carnel M. Randalan. EV Mail March 17-23, 2430, & 31- April 6, 2014



ERRATUM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT corrections are being made into the notices published in the EV Mail issues of Feb. 17-23, 24- March 2, and 3-9, 2014, to wit: EJF No. R-ORM-13-00021-FC Pag-Ibig- Fund vs- RONALD P. VELEZ TCT No. T-36620 on the W., points 2-3 by Lot from 7105 to 7103 TCT No. T-36621 A parcel of land (Lot from 7105 to 7107) LR Case No. O-239 from NALTORA to NLTDRA and EJF No. R-ORM-13-00017-FC Pag-Ibig Fund vs Alejandro G. Canonio, Jr. In the event the public auction should not take place on the said date, it shall be held on March 26, 2014 to March 25, 2014

March 17-23, 2014

Republic of the Philippines Province of Leyte Municipality of Calubian OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN

LOSSES ... from P. 1
qualifies the availment of the extraordinary relief saying it is limited to losses sustained by taxpayers engaged in business in areas affected by Typhoon Yolanda, whose books of accounts and relevant records were completely damaged/ destroyed, where, as a result, data reconstruction could not be achieved. The BIR Commissioner also ordered that the circular given as wide a publicity as possible but a search through the internet did not show any news report about the matter. Atty. Obero said the extension granted by the BIR chief should be a big help to taxpayers who have lost their compilations of receipts and expense records. Businesses are required to keep their income and expense records intact for the past three years, in case they are audited by BIR. He said


Introduced by: SB Member Gilbert S. Ponce SB Member Lucita A. Palconit SB Member Rosevida E. Ruiz SB Member Jacqueline Mae L. Po Ord. No. 2013-03 AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING ALL BARANGAY GOVERNMENT UNITS, OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICES, AND ALL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS SITUATED WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL & POLITICAL JURISDICTION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CALUBIAN, LEYTE, TO SING THE CALUBIAN HYMN AS PART OF THE FLAG RAISING CEREMONY. BE IT ORDAINED, by the Sangguniang Bayan of Calubian, Leyte that: Section 1. Title. This ordinance shall be known as AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING ALL BARANGAY GOVERNMENT UNITS, OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICES, AND ALL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS SITUATED WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL & POLITICAL JURISDICTION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CALUBIAN, LEYTE, TO SING THE CALUBIAN HYMN AS PART OF THE FLAG RAISING CEREMONY. Section 2. Rationale of the Ordinance. A. This ordinance is formulated and conceptualized to encourage the local people: professionals, students, teachers, workers, public officials, employees, barangay officials, farmers, fishermen, businessmen, etc., inculcate love of the town, patriotism and loyalty to the place where they belonged or came from. Section 3. Coverage. This ordinance shall be applicable in all barangay government units, other government offices and all educational institutions situated within the territorial and political jurisdiction of the municipality of Calubian, Leyte. Section 4. Incorporation of the Calubian Hymn as an Integral Part of the Flag Raising Ceremony. A. The Calubian Hymn shall form part of the flag raising ceremony in all barangay government units, other government offices and all educational institutions situated within the territorial and political jurisdiction of the municipality of Calubian, Leyte. B. Discretion is left to the barangay government units, other government offices and all educational institutions concerned, as to which part of the Flag Raising Ceremony the singing of the Calubian Hymn will be inserted, as long as it will be sang by heart in accordance with its lyrics and music and for the purpose it is composed. C. Nothing in the lyrics and music of the hymn shall be modified, and singing of the same shall only be in accordance to its original composition. D. The lyrics of the Calubian Hymn in reflected to wit: CALUBIAN, PINALANGGA NAMONG LUNSOD (in Visayan Lyrics) Lyrics by: Josefa Ca. Lipon Music arranged by: Arnulfo B. Mateo Pagka-anindot nga handumon Kadto nga mga panahon Niadtong miel nueve sientos dise-nueve Namugna ang Calubian sa Leyte II Ikaw ang lungsod nga bulahan Sa produkto sa umahan ug kadagatan Sa lubi ikaw mas adunahan Mao nga ikaw gitawag og Calubian KORO Calubian pinalangga namong lungsod Kami mga matinabangon kanimo Sa imong dayon nga pag-asenso Ang Dios maggabay ug magtabang kanimo Padayon sa paglambo oh! Calubian Ikaw ang lungsod nga maanindot pagpuy-an Sa lumulupyo ikaw giampingan Ug sa local nga opisyal giatiman III Sa tibuok tersiero distrito Calubian ikaw nailhan na pag-ayo Sa lubi-lubi namo nga sayaw Kaming tanan niini nalingaw (BALIK KORO) CODA: Sa pagpadayon paglambo sa Calubian Magmabulahan kitang tanan.. Section 5. Duty of the Barangay Government Units, Other Government Offices and Educational Institutions It shall be the duly of all Barangay Government Units, other government entities and all educational institutions within the territorial and political jurisdiction of the municipality of Calubian, Leyte to conscientiously implement the mandate of this ordinance and to retrieve for their effective use of the audio copy of the Calubian Hymn from the Municipal Government. SECTION 6. PENALTY: In the event that the mandate of this ordinance is not complied with, an administrative fine of Five hundred pesos (P500.00) shall be meted out against the educational institution or government office concerned, the Punong Barangay, or at least its Head of Office. SECTION 7. REPEALING CLAUSE - All ordinances or resolutions, local issuances or rules inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. SECTION 8. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE - If any provision of this Ordinance is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining provision not affected thereby shall continue in full force & effect. SECTION 9. EFFECTIVITY: This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon approval from the Honorable SP of Leyte. APPROVED, this 19th day of February 2013 at Calubian, Leyte on Motion of SB Member Feluchie E. Dang-aoen; duly seconded by SB Members Lucita A. Palconit, Rosevida E. Ruiz & Gilbert S. Ponce. CERTIFIED CORRECT: (Sgd.) NORMINDA R. RAAGAS SB Secretary ATTESTED: (Sgd.) NILDA O. RAMIREZ Mun. Vice Mayor Presiding Officer APPROVED: (Sgd.) DOROTEO N. PALCONIT Mun. Mayor EV Mail March 17-23, 2014

that if they lost their records to Yolanda and have not filed a declaration of loss,

they could run into trouble with the BIR.

MERCADO ... from P. 4

When Bishop Fan was placed under house arrest, another priest, Aloysius Jin Luxian, was named as bishop. When Bishop Jin died, his intended successor was Thaddeus Ma Daqin, but he has not been seen since being taken into custody in 2012. Filipinos know the Jesuits from the schools theyve established, their missions in Mindanao and scientific work. Padre Faura is named after the astronomer who established the Manila Observatory. Miguel Selga, SJ, continues to be
Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF LEYTE City of Baybay Office of the Sangguniang Panlungsod Excerpt from the MINUTES OF THE 10th REGULAR SESSION OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGGSOD OF BAYBAY CITY, LEYTE HELD IN THE SESSION HALL ON MARCH 10, 2014. CITY ORDINANCE NO. 01 S. 2014 AN ORDINANCE TO TEMPORARILY CLOSE A PORTION OF RIZAL BOULEVARD FROM LHUILLIER TO THE EXIT JUNCTION AT RAMON MAGSAYSAY AVENUE TO BE USED AS TEMPORARY AREA FOR STALL OWNERS IN THE MARKET TO DISPLAY THEIR WARES, PRODUCTS AND OTHERS DUE TO THE RENOVATION OF THE PUBLIC MARKET WHICH WAS DESTROYED SEVERELY BY TYPHOON YOLANDA UP TO THE END OF JULY 2014 OR UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. SPONSORED & INTRO BY: HONORABLE DOMINADOR K. MURILLO, HONORABLE LOLITO C. MUEZ AND HONORABLE ALAN D. FERNANDEZ. WHEREAS, The City of Baybay was severely damaged by typhoon Yolanda that struck last November 8, 2013; WHEREAS, one of the public buildings that was totally depraved was the Public Market located in the reclamation area; WHEREAS, the Public Market before served as the center of commerce that contributed much to the stimulation of the growth of economic activities of the City; WHEREAS, all vendors and the like were much affected in the selling and distributing their wares, products and others to their regular local and transient costumer/s; WHEREAS, the noble intention of the City Government is to return from being depraved to normalcy that construction for a new Public Market be effected at the start of April 1, 2014; WHEREAS, the City Government is dutybound to protect the health and safety of its constituents in getting in and out of the area as well as all sort of vendors therein where the construction of the Public Market is going on; WHEREAS, to pave a way for the construction/renovation of the new public market without being disturbed and to provide temporary area for all vendors to display for sale their wares, products and others; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Sangguniang Panlungsod in session assembled, that: SECTION 1 TITLE .- This ordinance shall be know and called as AN ORDINANCE TO TEMPORARILY CLOSE A PORTION OF RIZAL

referred to for his work on Philippine climate changes. And the historian Horacio de la Costa became the first superior of the Society in the Philippines. Jesuit critics abound. According to ancient lore, the wind and the devil were walking together one day. Then, the devil suddenly disappeared into the Gesu which is the Jesuit church in Rome. The devil has not come out again. And the wind is still waiting outside.

BOULEVARD FROM LHUILLIER TO THE EXIT JUNCTION AT RAMON MAGSAYSAY AVENUE TO BE USED AS TEMPORARY AREA FOR STALL OWNERS IN THE MARKET TO DISPLAY THEIR WARES, PRODUCTS AND OTHERS DUE TO THE RENOVATION OF THE PUBLIC MARKET WHICH WAS DESTROYED SEVERELY BY TYPHOON YOLANDA UP TO THE END OF JULY 2014 OR UNTIL THE COMPLETIO OF THE CONSTRUCTION THEREOF. SECTION 2. SCOPE.- This ordinance shall cover all market vendors, owners/business operators who are selling their wares, products and others or anyone whose business operation is within the existing public market. SECTION 3. POSTING OF NOTICE- It is hereby mandatory for concerned offices of the Local Government of this City to post notice and information to the Public in general concerning the on-going construction/renovation of the Public Market to avoid getting inside and for those concerned market vendors, stall owners and operators to restrain themselves in selling the products or any kind beyond the area provided to them. SECTION 4. PROHIBITION.- It shall be unlawful for any market vendor, stall owners/seller or operator of any business establishment who were on their business inside the Public Market before to remain and display or sell their products, wares and the like not on the designated area as prescribed in this ordinance. SECTION 5. PENALTY.- Any person, vendor, stall owner and business operator found in violation of this ordinance shall be fined as follows: First Offense fine of Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) Second Offense fine of One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) SECTION 6. EFFECTIVITY .- This ordinance shall take effect 15 days after its approval posting and publication. ENACTED, March 10, 2014. RESOLVED, FURTHER, to let certified copies of this ordinance be furnished to the Honorable Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Leyte, for their information and appropriate action. I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the foregoing ordinance which was duly adopted by the Sangguniang Panlungsod during its regular session held on March 10, 2014. (Sgd.) AMELITO V. BORNEO SP. Secretary ATTESTED AND CERTIFIED TO BE DULY ADOPTED: (Sgd.) MICHAEL L. CARI City Vice Mayor & Presiding Officer APPROVED BY HER HONOR: (Sgd.) CARMEN L. CARI City Mayor EV Mail March 17-23, 2014

Republic of the Philippines Province of Eastern Samar Municipality of Borongan Office of the Sangguniang Bayan Excerpt from the minutes of the Regular Session held on May 10, 2000 at the Sangguniang Bayan Session Hall this Municipality. Present: Hon. Licerna R. Abunda - Temp. Pres. Officer Hon. Evangeline B. Cainday - SB Member Hon. Leo B. Badiola - doHon. Alan A. Evardone -doHon. Renato Noel C. Echague -doHon. Leo C. Bebita -doHon. Norman T. Bocar -doHon. Alfredo B. Ty, Sr. -doOn Official Travel: Hon. Antonio L. Uy, Jr. Vice Mayor On Sick Leave: Hon. Jose Ivan Dayan c. Agda SB Member Absent: Hon. Hector A. Apita SK Pres/SB Member ORDINANCE NO. 09 Series of 2000 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION II & III OF MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE NO. 19, SERIES OF 1999 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE EXPROPRIATING A PARCEL OF LAND OWNED BY THE CONGREGATION OF THE RELIGIOUS VIRGIN MARY (RVM) SITUATED ALONG THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY, BORONGAN EASTERN SAMAR. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN OF BORONGAN EASTERN SAMAR IN SESSION ASSEMBLED: WHEREAS, Under Section II of Rule 67, Rules of Civil Procedure dated July 1, 1997, it mandates upon every plaintiff in an expropriation proceedings to deposit with the authorized government depository an amount equivalent to the assessed value of the property sought to be expropriated; WHEREAS, In order to conform with the foregoing provision of law there is a need to amend Section II & III of Municipal Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1999, thus; SECTION I Section II of the Municipal ordinance No. 19, Series of 1999 is hereby amended to read as follows; Possession of Property The Municipality of Borongan shall immediately take possession of the entire lot of the RVM Congregation with an area of Five Hundred Ninety Five (595) square meters, upon the filing of the complaint for expropriation & upon making a deposit of the entire assessed value of the property based on the current tax declaration, with the court of proper jurisdiction; SECTION II Provision embodied under Section III of Municipal Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1999 is likewise amended by increasing the amount of appropriation from Twenty One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Seven Pesos & Seventy Five Centavos (P21,687.75) to Seventy Two Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Pesos (P72,290.00). Thus hereby mandating & authorizing the Municipal Budget Officer to appropriate said amount for the payment of the subject lot based on the fair & current assessed value as appearing on the current tax declaration or as may be determined by the proper court. The amount shall be chargeable to the 20% CDF earmarked for the Road Right of way; opening for new roads & for expropriation proceedings for the current year; SECTION III Repealing Clause: Ordinances, resolutions inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. SECTION IV Effectivity Clause: This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon approval. ENACTED BY THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN, BORONGAN EASTERN SAMAR ON MAY 10, 2000. (SGD.) HON. LEO A. BADIOLA SB Member (SGD.) HON. ALAN A. EVARDONE SB Member (SGD.) HON. EVANGELINE B. CAINDAY SB Member (SGD.) HON. RENATO NOEL C. ECHAGUE SB Member (SGD.) HON. LEO C. BEBITA SB Member HON. JOSE IVAN DAYAN C. AGDA SB Member (SGD.) HON. NORMAN T. BOCAR SB Member (SGD.) HON. ALFREDO B. TY, SR. SB Member HON. HECTOR A. APITA SBMember/SK PRES. ATTESTED: (SGD.) ANTONIO B. SACMAR SB Secretary CERTIFIED CORRECT: (SGD.) HON. LICERNA R. ABUNDA OIC Vice Mayor APPROVED: (SGD. ENGR. MELCHO A. ARAGO Mun. Mayor Republic of the Philippines Province of Eastern Samar City of Borongan OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD CITY ORDINANCE NO. 108 SERIES OF 2013 (Sponsor: Hon. Aurora A. Anasarias) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2 OF CITY ORDINANCE NO. 102, SERIES OF 2012, BY GRANTING ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PRIVILEGE TO THE FREE TUITION FEE-ONLY SCHOLARS OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT OF BORONGAN, BY INCLUDING THE PAYMENT OF OTHER SCHOOL FEES, IN ADDITION TO THE TUITION FEE ASSISTANCE EXTENDED TO THEM BY THE CITY GOVERNMENT UNDER THE SCHOLARSHIP

PROGRAM. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD OF BORONGAN IN SESSION ASSEMBLED: SECTION 1- The provision embodied under Section 2 of City Ordinance No. 102, Series of 2012, is hereby amended by granting additional financial assistance privilege to the Free Tuition Fee-Only Scholars by coping the payment of other school fees (miscellaneous), assessed and reflected in the statement of account of the scholar upon enrollment, in addition to the tuition fee assistance extended to them under the scholarship program of the City Government of Borongan; SECTION II- Repealing Clause. Any provision of an existing City Scholarship Ordinance which are inconsistent herewith is hereby amended or modified accordingly. SECTION III- Effectivity. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. ENACTED BY THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD OF BORONGAN IN SESSION ASSEMBLED. March 5, 2013 (SGD.) HON. EMMANUEL T. TIUSONCO SP Member (SGD.) HON. AURORA A. ANASARIAS SP Member (SGD.) HON. JENNIFER S. ANACIO SP Member HON. KAREN D. ALVAREZ SP Member HON. ANNABELLE A. CAPITO SP Member HON.ESTANISLAO N. QUELITANO, JR. SP Member (SGD.) HON. BONIFACIO P. BADILLO SP Member (SGD.) HON. DANIEL A. VILLARINO SP Member (SGD.) HON. RODRIGO J. CAHAROP SP Member (SGD.) HON.NAPOLEON A. BEBITA SP Member (SGD.) HON. GLENN A. ESCOTO Liga Pres./ SP Member (SGD.) HON. MARIZOL A. ANACTA SK Fed. Pres. / SP Member CERTIFIED CORRECT: (SGD.) HON. EMMANUEL T. TIUSONCO SP Member/Temp. Presiding Officer ATTESTED BY: (SGD.) ANTONIO B. SACMAR Board Secretary VI (Sec. to the SangguniangPanlungsod) APPROVED: (SGD.) HON. MA. FE R. ABUNDA City Mayor Republic of the Philippines Province of Eastern Samar City of Borongan OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD Excerpt of the Minutes of the regular Session of the SangguniangPanlungsod of Borongan City, Eastern Samar, held at the SP Session Hall, this City on March 26, 2013. CITY ORDINANCE NO. 109 SERIES OF 2013 AN ORDINANCE CREATING A SPECIAL TRUST ACCOUNT AT THE DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES (DBP) FOR THE TRUST FUND FROM ALL THE COLLECTIONS OF FEES BY THE CITY CIVIL REGISTRARS OFFICE, FOR THE SERVICES TO CORRECT CLERICAL OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS IN THE DAY AND MONTH IN THE DATE OF BIRTH OR SEX OF A PERSON APPEARING IN THE CIVIL REGISTER WITHOUT NEED OF A JUDICIAL ORDER AND THE USE OF THIS SPECIAL TRUST ACCOUNT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISION OF SECTION 4 OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10172 Principal Sponsor : HON. EMMANUEL T. TIUSONCO Co-Sponsors : HON. ESTANISLAO N. QUELITANO, JR. : HON. BONIFACIO P. BADILLO : HON. NAPOLEON A. BEBITA : HON. DANIEL A. VILLARINO WHEREAS, Section 4 of Republic Act No. 10172, otherwise known and cited as the Act Further Authorizing the City or Municipal Civil Registrar or the Consul General to Correct Clerical or Typographical Errors in the Day and Month in the Date of Birth or Sex of a Person Appearing in the Civil Register without need of a Judicial Order, Amending for this Purpose Republic Act Numbered Ninety Forty-Eight; The City Civil Registrar collects fees for services to correct clerical or typographical errors by affidavit subscribed and sworn to before any person authorized by law to administer oaths, without need of judicial order shall accrue and be deposited as special trust fund; WHEREAS, the special account to which the trust fund on deposit shall be credited may to a greater extent aid in the modernization of the office, procurement of supplies and hiring of new personnel; BE IT ORDAINED BY THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD OF THE CITY OF BORONGAN IN SESSION ASSEMBLED THAT: Section 1. A special account for the collection of fees for the services to correct clerical or typographical errors by affidavit subscribed and sworn to before any person authorized by law to administer oaths, without need of a judicial order is hereby created at the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP); Section 2. The amount accruing special (trust fund) shall, immediately after collection, be deposited in the special account which the City Treasurer upon approval of this Ordinance shall cause to open at the authorized depository Bank; Section 3. Any transaction pertaining to the special account shall have the same signatories as in other accounts being maintained by the city government; Section 4. The Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) upon receipt of the foregoing fund is hereby clothed with the authority to credit the trust fund to the special account; Section 5. The account shall not be disbursed for any purpose other than for the modernization of the office and procurement of supplies, hiring of new personnel subject to government accounting and auditing rules and which purpose must be in accord with the programs/projects submitted by the city local civil registrar office as approved by the city mayor; Section 6. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon approval. Enacted: March 26, 2013, City of Borongan, Eastern Samar. (SGD.) HON. EMMANUEL T. TIUSONCO SP Member/Presiding Officer Pro Tempore (SGD.) HON. AURORA A. ANASARIAS SangguniangPanlungsod Member (SGD.) HON. JENNIFER S. ANACIO SangguniangPanlungsod Member HON. KAREN D. ALVAREZ SangguniangPanlungsod Member HON. ANNABELLE A. CAPITO SangguniangPanlungsod Member (SGD.) HON. ESTANISLAO N. QUELITANO, JR. SP Member/Majority Floor Leader (SGD.) HON. BONIFACIO P. BADILLO, SR. SangguniangPanlungsod Member HON. DANIEL A. VILLARINO SangguniangPanlungsod Member (SGD.) HON. RODRIGO J. CAHAROP SangguniangPanlungsod Member (SGD.) HON. NAPOLEON A. BEBITA SangguniangPanlungsod Member HON. GLENN A. ESCOTO SP Member/Ligang Barangay President (SGD.) MARIZOL A. ANACTA SP Member/SK Federation President I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was passed and approved during the regular session of the SangguniangPanlungsod on March 26, 2013 at City of Borongan , Eastern Samar. (SGD.) ANTONIO B. SACMAR Board Secretary VI (Secretary to the Sanggunian) ATTESTED: (SGD.) HON. FIDEL V. ANACTA, JR. City Vice Mayor/Presiding Officer APPROVED: (SGD.) HON. MARIA FE R. ABUNDA City Mayor Republic of the Philippines Province of Eastern Samar City of Borongan OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD ORDINANCE NO. 110 SERIES OF 2013 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND MODIFYING CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 76, S. 2010 GRANTING ADDITIONAL BENEFITS AND PRIVILEGES OF SENIOR CITIZENS OF BORONGAN CITY AS EMBODIED IN RA 9257 AS AMENDED AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Author and Principal Sponsor: Hon. ESTANISLAO N. QUELITANO, JR. Co Sponsors: Hon. AURORA A. ANASARIAS Hon. DANIEL VILLARINO Hon. GLENN ESCOTO Hon. JESSE SOLIDON Be it ordained by the SangguniangPanlungsod in its regular session assembled at the SP Session Hall, SangguniangPanlungsod, Borongan City. Section 1. This Ordinance be shall be known as the REVISED SENIOR CITIZENS ORDINANCE OF 2013 OF BORONGAN CITY pursuant to RA 7432 as amended by RA 9257 and further amended by RA 9994 Section 2 of Ordinance No. 76, s. 2010 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 2.Declaration of Principles, Policies and Objectives. It is the duty of the family to take care of its elderly members while the state may design programs of social security for them. The City shall adopt an integrated and comprehensive approach to health and other social services available to all the people at affordable cost. There shall be priority for the needs of the under privileged, sick, elderly, disabled, women and children. Consonant with these principles the following are the declared policies of this Ordinance: (a.) To motivate and encourage the senior citizens to contribute to nation building; (b.) To encourage their families and the communities they live with to reaffirm the valued Filipino tradition of caring for the senior citizens; (c.) To give full support to the improvement of the total well-being of the elderly and their full participation in society considering that senior citizens are integral part of Philippine society; (d.) To recognize the right of senior citizens to take their proper place in society. This must be a concern of the family, community, and government; (e.) To provide a comprehensive health care and rehabilitation system for disabled senior citizens to foster their capacity to attain a more meaningful and productive lives; and (f.) To recognize the important role of the private sector in the improvement of the welfare of senior citizens and actively seek their partnership. In accordance with these policies, this Ordinance aims to: (1) Establish a mechanism whereby the contribution of the senior citizens are maximized; (2) Adopt measures whereby our senior citizens are assisted and appreciated by the community as a whole; (3) Establish a program beneficial to the senior citizens, their families and the rest of the community that they serve; and (4) Establish community-based health and rehabilitation programs in every barangay of the City. Section 3: Definition of Terms. Paragraph (e) is modified to read as follows: (e) IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTS refers to any document or proof of being a senior citizen which shall be used for the availment of benefits and privileges under the law, such as the following:

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1. Identification Card issued by the Office of Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) duly signed by the City Mayor. 2. Passport of the senior citizen or elderly. 3. Other documents that establish his age and date of birth with picture and/or as further provided in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of DSWD and DOH. Section 3: Paragraph (j) is amended to read as follows: (j) MEDICINES in the context of the implementation of this Ordinance, this shall refer to both prescription and non-prescription medicines, and articles approved by Bureau of Food and Drugs (DOH) which are intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease in man; but does not include food and devices or their component, parts, or accessories. (k) MEDICAL SERVICES- refer to hospital services, professional services of physicians and other health care professionals, and diagnostic and laboratory tests as are necessary for the diagnosis and/or treatment of an illness or injury. Paragraph (l) is amended to read as follows: (l) DENTAL SERVICES refer to oral examination, cleaning, permanent and temporary filling, extractions and gum treatments, restoration, replacements or repositioning of teeth, or alteration of the alveolar or periodontium process of the maxilla and the mandible that are necessary for the diagnosis and/or treatment of a dental defect, illness or injury. Paragraph (p) is amended to read as follows: (p) ACCREDITED NGO refers to any private non-profit organization, local, regional or national in scope, mainly providing services for senior citizens, duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission or by the Department of Social Welfare and Development or accredited by the SangguniangPanlungsod of Borongan City. Paragraph (q) delete or municipality to read as follows: (q) SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER refers to the place established by RA 7876 with recreational, educational, health and social programs and facilities designed for the full enjoyment and benefit of the senior citizens in the city. Paragraph is amended to read as: (r) RESIDENTIAL CARE/GROUP HOME, RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY or RETIREMENT VILLAGE refers to a facility that provides twenty-four (24) hour resident group care for the physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being of senior citizens in a home life atmosphere; which is accredited by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and licensed or accredited by the city government. Paragraph (u) is amended to read as follows: (u) INDIGENT SENIOR CITIZEN refers to any elderly who is frail, sickly or with disability, and without pension or permanent source of income, compensation or financial assistance from his/her relatives to support his/her basic needs as determined by the CSWDO. Section 4 (d) is amended to read as follows: (d) The transfer of new skills by virtue of their training in Section (5) Paragraph (5) The last paragraph in Section 4 (d) is amended to read as follows: In consideration of the services by the qualified elderly and subject to the approval of the City Mayor, the OSCA may award or grant benefits or privileges to the elderly, in addition to the other privileges provided under Ordinance No. 76, s. 2010 as amended or modified herein. Section 5.Privileges for the Senior Citizens is modified to read as follows: Section 5.Privileges for the Senior Citizens. The senior citizen shall be entitled to the following privileges: 1. Twenty percent (20%) discount and exemption from value-added tax (VAT), if applicable, on the sale of the following foods and services from all establishments for the exclusive use and enjoyment of the senior citizens: (a) Services in hotels and similar lodging establishments, restaurants and recreation centers: (b) Purchase of medicines; (c) Funeral and burial services for the death of Senior Citizens; (d) Admission fees charged by the theaters, cinema houses and concert halls, circuses, carnivals, and other similar places of culture, leisure and amusement; (e) Medical and dental services, and diagnostic and laboratory fees provided under Section 3 (k) and (I) hereof, including professional fees of attending doctors in all private hospitals and medical facilities, i9n accordance with the rules and regulations issued by the Department of Health. (f) Fare for domestic air and sea travel (e.g. motorboat and bancas and other sea crafts for the exclusive use or enjoyment of senior citizens; (g) Fare in Public Utility Buses, Jeepneys, Motorized Cabs/tricycle for hire, for the exclusive use and enjoyment of senior citizens: 2. Exemption from training fees for socio-economic programs; 3. Free medical and dental services, diagnostic and laboratory fees such as, but not limited to, x-rays, computerized tomography scans and blood tests, in all government facilities, subject to the guidelines to be issued by the Department of Health in coordination with the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHILHEALTH); PHILHEALTH premium paid by City Government to include indigent Senior Citizens 70 years old and above; 4. Death benefit assistance of a Two Thousand Pesos (Php 2,000.00) shall be given to the nearest surviving relative or benefactor as defined herein, of a deceased senior citizen pursuant to Sec. 4 (I), RA 9994; 5. Educational assistance to senior citizens to pursue post secondary, tertiary, post tertiary, as well as vocational or technical education in both public and private schools through provision of scholarship, grants, financial aid subsidies and other incentives to qualified senior citizens, including support for books, learning materials, and uniform allowance, to the extent feasible: Provided, that senior citizens shall meet minimum admission requirements. 6. To the extent possible, the City government may grant special discounts in special programs for senior citizens on purchase of basic commodities, subject to the guidelines to be issued for the purpose by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Department of Agriculture (DA); 7. Provision of express lanes for senior citizens in all commercial and government establishments or in the absence




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thereof, priority shall be given to them. 8. Subject to available funds, provide additional monthly social amelioration pension fund for senior citizens. 70 years old and above. SECTION 6. City Government Assistance The City government shall provide the following: (a) Employment (a) Senior citizens, who have the capacity and desire to work, or be re-employed, shall be provided information and matching services to enable them to be productive members of society. Terms of employment shall conform with the provisions of the labor code, as amended, and other laws, rules and regulations. Collapse the third paragraph (a) with Paragraph (b) Education to read as follows: (b) Education The DOLE, DTI, DepEd/City Division, CHED and TESDA with offices in the city in consultation with NGOs and POs for senior citizens, shall assess, design and implement skills training programs and access to formal or non-formal or Alternative Learning System (ALS) to senior citizens for their welfare and livelihood opportunities. Paragraph (c) Health is amended to read as follows: (c) Health The City Health Office (CHO) in coordination with the Barangay local government units (LGUs), nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and Peoples Organizations (POs) for senior citizens shall institute a City Health Program and shall provide an integrated health services for senior citizens. It shall train community-based health workers among senior citizens and health personnel to specialize in the geriatric care of health problems of senior citizens. (d) Social Services is modified to read as follows: (e) Social Services The City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) in cooperation with the Office for Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) and the barangay local government units, non-government organizations and peoples organizations for senior citizens, shall develop and implement programs on social services for senior citizens, the components of which are: (1) Self and social enhancement services which provide senior citizens opportunities for socializing, organizing, creative expression, and self improvement. (2) After care and follow-up services which provide senior citizens who are discharged from the home/institutions for the aged, especially those who have problems of reintegration with family and community, wherein both the senior citizens and their families are provided with counseling. (3) Neighborhood support services wherein the community/family members provide care giving services to their frail, sick, or bedridden senior citizens; (4) Substitute family care in the form of Residential Care/Group Home for the abandoned, neglected, unattached or homeless senior citizen and those incapable of self-care. (5) The grant of a minimum of five percent (5%) discount relative to the monthly utilization of water and electricity supplied by the public utilities such as but not limited to ESAMELCO and Borongan Water District; Provided that the individual meters for the foregoing utilities are registered in the name of the senior citizen residing therein; Provided further, that the monthly consumption does not exceed one hundred kilowatt hours (100kwh) of electricity and thirty cubic meters (30 m3) of water; Provided Furthermore, that the privilege is granted per household regardless of the number of senior citizens residing therein (6) The grant of at least fifty percent (50%) discount for the consumption of electricity, water and telephone by the senior citizens center and residential care/group homes that are non-profit domestic corporation organized and operated exclusively for the purpose of promoting of well-being of abandoned, neglected, unattached, or homeless senior citizens. Paragraph (e) Housing. Delete national to read as follows: (e)Housing The City Government shall include in its shelter program the special housing needs of senior citizens, such as establishment of housing units for the elderly. Paragraph (f) Access to Public Transport is modified to read as follows: (f) Access to Public Transport. Shall develop a program to assist senior citizens to fully gain access in the use of public transport facilities. The OSCA and terminal Manager in coordination with the Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs and Committee on Transportation of the SangguniangPanlungsod, shall develop a program to assist the senior citizens gain access to public transport facilities. Paragraph (g) Incentives for Foster Care Should be added deleting sub-paragraph (a) and collapsing the introductory statement and sub-paragraph (b) to read as follows: (g) Incentives For Foster Care Individuals caring for and living with the senior citizens or non-government institutions establishing homes, residential communities or retirement villages solely for the senior citizens shall be accorded the following: (1) Realty tax holiday during the period of caring/living or operations of foster homes. (2) Priority in the building and/or maintenance of the provincial or municipal roads leading to the aforesaid home, residential community or retirement village. In the availment of the privileges mentioned above, the senior citizen or elderly person may submit as proof of his/her entitlement thereto the following: (a) An ID issued by the City OSCA signed by the City Mayor and (b) For purchase of medicines: Doctors Prescription and SC Purchase Slip Booklet issued by City OSCA; and/or (c) For purchase of basic commodities: Purchase Booklet jointly issued by DTI, DA and City OSCA. Section 7. The OSCA is amended to read as follows: Section 7. The Office of Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) (a) There shall be established the Office of Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) to be headed by a senior citizen who shall be appointed by the City Mayor from as list of three (3) nominees as recommended by a general assembly of senior citizens organizations in the city for a term of three (3) years without reappointment but without prejudice to an extension if exigency so requires. The head of OSCA shall be assisted by the City Social Welfare and Development Office and may hold office thereat. To cite for easy reference, the next four (4) paragraphs shall

be marked as sub-paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4), respectively, with amendments to read as follows: (1) The head of the OSCA shall be appointed to serve the interest of senior citizens and shall not be removed or replaced except for reasons of death, permanent disability or ineffective performance of his duties to the detriment of fellow senior citizens. (2) The Head of the OSCA shall be entitled to receive an honorarium of an amount at least equivalents to Salary Grade 10 to be approved by the SangguniangPanlungsod and City Mayor. (3) The Office of the Mayor shall exercise supervision over the OSCA relative to their plans, activities and programs for senior citizens. The OSCA shall work together establish linkages with accredited NGOs, POs, and the Barangays. (4) The Office for Senior Citizens Affairs shall have the following functions: (a) To plan, implement and monitor yearly work programs in pursuance of the objectives of this Ordinance. (b) To draw up a list of available and required services which can be provided by the senior citizens; (c) To maintain and regularly update on a monthly basis the list of senior citizens and to issue ID cards free of charge and shall be valid anywhere in the country. (d) To serve as a general information and liaison center to serve the needs of the senior citizens; (e) To monitor compliance of the provisions of this Ordinance particularly the grant of special discounts and privileges to senior citizens; (f) To report to the Mayor any individual, establishment, institution or business entity found violating any provision of this Ordinance; and Sub-paragraph (4) (g) is modified to read as follows: (g) To assist the senior citizen in filing complaints or charges against any establishment, individual, institution or agency refusing to comply with the privileges under this Ordinance before the City Prosecutors Office. The Municipal Trial Court in Cities and/ or the Provincial Prosecutors Office or the Regional Trial Court, as the case may be. Section 9. Partnership of the National and Local Government unit is amended to read as follows: Section 9.Partnership of the City and National Government. The national government and the City government shall explore livelihood opportunities and other undertaking to enhance the well being of senior citizens. They shall encourage the establishment of grassroots organization for the elderly in every barangay. Section 10. (last paragraph) Change elsewhere in the country to in other barangays in the City, to read as follows: Section 10. Support for Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) The government shall recognize the vital role of NGOs in complementing the government in the delivery of services to senior citizens. It shall likewise encourage NGOs for the senior citizens to develop innovative service models and pilot projects and to assist in the duplication of successful examples of these models in other barangays in the City. Section 11. PENALTIES. Any person or owner, operator or head of entities, establishments, institutions or agency, who violates any provision of this ordinance on benefits and privileges of senior citizens shall suffer the following penalties. Sub-paragraph (1) is amended with penalty of only one (1) year maximum imprisonment, (Sec. 458 (a) (1) (iii), R.A. 7160 to read as follows: (1) For the first violation, a fine of not less than One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) but not exceeding Three Thousand Pesos (P3,000.00) and imprisonment of not less than three (3) months but not more than one (1) year. Sub-paragraph (2) is amended to read as follows: (2) For any subsequent violation, a fine of not less than Four Thousand Pesos (P4,000.00) but not exceeding Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) or imprisonment for not less than six (6) months but not more than one (1) year and for business entities, establishment and institutions or agency, revocation of business permit or closure of the establishment or both with fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. Section 11, 3rd paragraph: delete without further deportation proceedings modify to in coordination with Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) thru the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation (BID). Section 11 (last paragraph) Delete as redundant to above penal provisions.) Pursuant to Sec. 458 (5) (xvii), R.A. 7160, a section should be added and Mark Section 12 to read as follows: Section 12. Senior Citizens Council. There is hereby established the Senior Citizens Council to formulate policies and adopt measures mutually beneficial to the elderly and the community to be constituted, thus: Chair - Head, OSCA Vice Chair President, City Federation of senior Citizens Associations Members - Chair, SP Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs -City Social Welfare and Development Office Point Person - ABC President - 2 NGOs/POs on senior citizens Section 12. Monitoring and Coordinating Mechanism is marked as Section 13 and modified to read as follows: Section 13. A Monitoring and Coordinating Committee under the Office of the City Mayor is hereby established and constituted as follows: Chairman The City Social Welfare and Development Officer Vice Chair The City LGOO, DILG Members Head, OSCA - Chair, SP Committee on Senior Citizen Affairs - City Prosecutor - City Agriculturist - DTI Representative - 3 accredited NGOs/POs on Senior Citizens Section 13. Appropriations is marked as section 14 and amended to read as follows: Section 14.Appropriations. The funds to be utilized to implement this Ordinance for the remainder of CY 2013 shall be sourced from available funds of the City Mayor. Beginning CY 2014 and every year thereafter, an appropriation shall be provided in the City Budget based on the programs, projects and activities to be submitted by OSCA and CSWDO for the benefit of senior citizens for inclusion in the Executive Budget proposal for consideration by the SangguninagPanlungsod; but in no case shall any portion of the fund be utilized for lending purposes. Section marked as Section 15 and amended to read as follows: Section 15.Separability Clause If, for any reason or reasons, any part or provision of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid, the other parts or provisions hereof which are not affected thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect. Section 15 is marked as Section 16 and amended to read as follows: Section 16.Repealing Clause. Any provision of any ordinance which is inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Ordinance is hereby amended or modified accordingly. Section 16 is marked as Section 17 to read as follows: Section 17.Effectivity Clause. The amendments to Ordinance No. 76 series of 2010 as provided herein shall take effect upon approval hereof. Provided that the penal provisions shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in a newspaper of general circulation in Borongan City. Enacted by the SangguniangPanlungsod of Borongan City on September 13, 2013. (SGD.) HON. NAPOLEON A. BEBITA SP Member (SGD.) HON. RENATO C. BAGACAY SP Member (SGD.) HON. DANIEL A. VILLARINO SP Member (SGD.) HON. AURORA A. ANASARIAS SP Member (SGD.) HON. GLENN A. ESCOTO SP Member (SGD.) HON. VICTOR L. FRANCO SP Member (SGD.) HON. ESTANISLAO N. QUELITANO, JR. SP Member HON. JESSE C. SOLIDON SP Member (SGD.) HON. LEONALDO A. ADOR SP Member HON. JENNIFER S. ANACIO SP Member HON. MARCELINO A. LEGION ABC President, Ex- Officio Member HON. MARIZOL A. ANACTA SK Federation President, Ex- Officio Member CERTIFIED TRUE AND CORRECT: (SGD.) ANTONIO B. SACMAR Secretary to the Sanggunian ATTEST: (SGD.) HON. FIDEL V. ANACTA, JR. City Vice-Mayor Presiding Officer APPROVED: (SGD.) HON. MARIA FE R. ABUNDA City Mayor Republic of the Philippines Province of Eastern Samar City of Borongan OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD Ordinance No. 111, Series of 2014 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING CONDITIONAL REDUCTION AND /OR CONDONATION ON THE PAYMENT OF REAL PROPERTY TAX, ADDITIONAL SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND (SEF), INTEREST AND PENALTY AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES SPONSOR: HON. JENNIFER S. ANACIO Chairperson, Committee on Ways and Means Co- Sponsors: HON. ESTANISLAO N. QUELITANO, JR. HON. JESSIE SOLIDON HON.LEONALDO ADOR HON. VICTOR FRANCO HON. NAPOLEON BEBITA WHEREAS, the devastation left by super typhoon Yolanda in the entire province, including the City of Borongan is unimaginable and beyond description leaving those affected economically unstable due to loss of employment and/or livelihood particularly in the field of agriculture and fishing, damage houses and other real properties aggravated by inexorable increase in the prices of basic and prime commodities. WHEREAS, the power to collect taxes among Local Government Units, carries with it the power to provide tax exemption and other tax relief including amnesty and condonation when circumstances warrant such as but not limited to condonation or reduction of real property tax and interest in case of general failure of crops or substantial decrease in the price of agricultural or agri-based products or in case of calamity. WHEREAS, the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council ( CDRRMC) two days after the Super Typhoon Yolanda convened and in a Resolution recommends to the Sanggunian for the Declaration of a State of Calamity in the entire City anchored on a validated report that around 60% of the total populace whose properties were damage. WHEREAS, in another Resolution , the CDRRMC recommends to the Sanggunian to provide conditional relief particularly for the real property taxpayers without defeating the tax collection effort of the City. WHEREAS, the City Government understands the plight and economic anguish of its constituents recognizing the vital role of the taxpayers in the progress and development of the city, hence, this Ordinance. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD OF BORONGAN CITY, EASTERN SAMAR THAT: SECTION 1.SHORT TITLE. This shall be known as the The Real Property Tax Reduction and/ or Condonation Ordinance of 2014 SECTION 2.COVERAGE. The tax reduction and/ or condonation contemplated herein shall cover and apply to the following: 1. Fifty percent (50%) reduction of delinquent basic real property taxes and the additional Special Education Fund (SEF),

including interest and penalty, if any, for taxable year 2013; 2. Fifty percent (50%) reduction of basic real property taxes and the additional Special Education Fund (SEF) for taxable year 2014; 3. The payment of interest and penalty for taxable year 2012 and prior years. SECTION 3. THE PRIVILEGES GRANTED. The City Government hereby reduced/condone the following (1) the payment of fifty percent (50%) of the delinquent basic real property taxes and the additional Special Education Fund (SEF), including interest and penalty for taxable year 2013;or (2) fifty percent (50%) reduction of basic real property taxes and the additional Special Education Fund (SEF) for taxable year 2014; or (3) the payment of interest and penalty for taxable year 2012 and prior years. SECTION 4.OTHER IMMUNITIES AND PRIVILEGES. 1. The taxable shall be immune from the (1) payment of the fifty percent (50%) of real property taxes and additional SEF, as well as addition thereto for taxable year 2013, (2) fifty percent (50%) reduction of basic real property taxes and the additional Special Education Fund (SEF) for taxable year 2014,(3) the payment of interest and penalty for taxable year 2012 and prior years and the corresponding civil, criminal or administrative penalties under the Local Government Code or other Real Property Ordinance of the City arising from the failure to pay any and all real property taxes for taxable year 2013 and prior years. 2. The taxpayers Assessment or the official Receipt signifying his payment of the delinquencies referred to under this Ordinance shall be inadmissible as evidence in all proceedings that pertain to taxable year 2013 and prior years, insofar as such proceedings relate to real property taxes, before judicial, quasijudicial or administrative bodies in which he is a defendant or respondent, and it shall not be examined, inquired or looked into by any person or government office, except: (a) for the purpose of ascertaining his networth; and (b) when the taxpayers uses it as a defense, whenever appropriate, in cases brought against him. 3. Public auction for delinquent real properties shall be suspended during the entire period of the tax reduction and/ or condonation. SECTION 5.CONDONATION SINE QUA NON FOR THE AVAILMENT. The taxpayer may avail the tax reduction and/ or condonation provided for under this Ordinance under the following conditions, to wit; 1. For delinquent taxpayer, (1) payment in full or on installmentwithin the period of the reduction and/or condonation, the unpaid basic real property tax and the additional Special Education Fund (SEF) for taxable year 2012 and prior years, without interest and penalty (2) payment in full or on installment the fifty percent (50%) of the basic real property tax, SEF for taxable year 2013 including the interest and penalty, if any (3) payment in full or on installment the fifty percent (50%) basic real property tax including SEF for taxable year 2014, whichever is applicable. If the taxpayer opt to pay in installment the delinquency taxes, he must signify in writing before the City Treasurer of his intent to do so on/ or before the 31st day of March 2014 and must pay the first payment on or before the 30th of June 2014. Provided further, the tax liability for the current taxable year maybe settled in the schedule provided for in Ordinance No. 15, Series of 2003. SECTION 6.PERIOD OF AVAILMENT AND APPLICATION. The privilege herein granted can be availed of by the taxpayer starting the following day of its enactment up to the last day of December 2014 and must be prospective in application.Provided, however that the payment of the delinquent taxpayer who opted to settle his/ her liability on installment, the first payment shall be paid on or before the 30th day of June but must signify in writing on or before the 31st day of March of his intent to pay his tax liability on installment, otherwise, the taxpayer shall lost the privilege and shall be assessed with the basic real property tax, Special Education Fund including interests, and penalties, if any. SECTION 7.IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS. For the effective and efficient implementation of this Ordinance, the City Assessor and the City Treasurer through the Real Property Tax Assessment and Collection Division shall within ten (10) days from approval, issue the implementing rules and regulations of this Ordinance. These offices are likewise mandated to cause the widest dissemination on these privileges and shall send updated notice of assessment to all real property taxpayers. The City Treasurer, if necessary, may deputize all the Barangay Treasurer who can assist them in the implementation of this Ordinance. SECTION 8.EFFECTIVITY. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its approval. SECTION 9.SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. Should any part of this Ordinance is declared inoperative or unconstitutional; the provisions which are not affected shall remain valid and subsisting. ENACTED: February 14, 2014 (SGD.) HON. NAPOLEON BEBITA SP Member (SGD.) HON. RENATO BAGACAY SP Member (SGD.) HON. AURORA A. ANASARIAS SP Member (SGD.) HON. DANIEL A. VILLARINO SP Member (SGD.) HON. GLENN A. ESCOTO SP Member (SGD.) HON. JESSE C. SOLIDON SP Member (SGD.) HON. ESTANISLAO N. QUELITANO, JR. SP Member (SGD.) HON. VICTOR L. FRANCO SP Member (SGD.) LEONALDO A. ADOR, JR SP Member (SGD.) JENNIFER S. ANACIO SP Member HON. EDSEL ANTONIO P. CASILLANO SP Member / ABC President ATTESTED: (SGD.) ANTONIO B. SACMAR Board Secretary VI (Secretary to the Sangguniang Panlungsod) CERTIFIED TRUE AND CORRECT: (SGD.) HON. FIDEL ANACTA JR. Presiding Officer APPROVED: (SGD.) HON. MARIA FE R. ABUNDA City Mayor


Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Regional Trial Court Eight Judicial Region Branch 17 Palompon, Leyte SP. PROC. CASE NO. R- PAL -14-0400-SP FOR: CORRECTION OF ENTRY IN THE RECORD OF BIRTH IN THE MATTER OF CORRECTION OF ENTRY OF BIRTH RECORD OF SATURNINO S. ABAN SATURNINO S. ABAN Petitioner, -versusMUNICIPAL CIVIL REGISTRAR OF VILLABA, LEYTE Respondents. x-------------------/ ORDER A verified petition having been filed with this Court by petitioner, through counsel, Atty. Gerentstein T. Banzon, praying that after publication, notice and hearing an Order be issued directing the Local Civil Registrar of Villaba, Leyte and the Civil Registrar General, National Statistics Office to correct the date of birth of the petitioner appearing in his Certificate of Live Birth issued by the Municipal Civil Registrar of Villaba, Leyte, from December 23, 1954 to December 22, 1951. As the petition appears to be sufficient in form and substance, the same is hereby set for initial hearing pursuant to Section 4, Rule 108 of the Rules of Court on June 16, 2014 at 8:30 oclock in the morning at the Hall of Justice, Regional Trial Court, Branch 17, Palompon, Leyte at which date, time and place, any person may appear and show cause, if any why the petition should not be granted. Let a copy of this Order be published at the expense of the petition in a newspaper of general circulation in the Province of Leyte, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, with the last publication to be made at least one week prior to the date set for initial hearing. Furnish copies of this Order to the Office of the Solicitor General, the Local Civil Registrar of Villaba, Leyte, the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor of Leyte, Atty. Gerentstein Banzon, Office of the Civil Registrar General, National Statistics Office and the petitioner. SO ORDERED. Given in Chambers, this 18th day of February, 2014 at the Hall of Justice, Palompon, Leyte. (Sgd.) MARIO O. QUINIT Presiding Judge Copy furnished: 1. Atty. Gerentstein T. Banzon- Albeos & Tabucanon Law Office, Fr. Cataag St., Ormoc City 2. The Office of the Solicitor General, - Manila 3. Pros. Lorna Pades Palompon, Leyte 4. National Statistics Office- Manila 5. Saturnino S. Aban- 216 Upper Balite, Brgy. Fortune, Marikina City 6. Local Civil Registrar of Villaba, Leyte 7. EV Mail Ormoc City EV Mail March 10-16, 17-23, & 24- 31, 2014 Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Regional Trial Court Eight Judicial Region Branch 17 Palompon, Leyte SP. PROC. CASE NO. R-PAL-14-0401-SP FOR: CHANGE OF NAME FROM CERIACO L. AGOSTO JR. TO CIRIACO L. AGOSTO JR. AND CORRECTION OF DATE OF BIRTH FROM JANUARY 5, 1960 TO JULY 20, 1958 IN THE RECORD OF BIRTH AND CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH OF THE PETITIONER CERIACO L. AGOSTO JR. (a.k.a CIRIACO L. AGOSTO JR.) Herein represented by his Attorney-in-fact, MARINA P. CALDERON Petitioner, -versusTHE LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRAR OF VILLABA, LEYTE AND THE OFFICE OF THE CIVIL REGISTRAR GENERAL represented by the CIVIL REGISTRAR GENERAL CARMELITA N. ERECTA Respondents. /---------------------/ ORDER A verified petition having been filed with this Court by petitioner, through counsel, Atty. Elroy Raymund S. Bertulfo, praying that after publication, notice and hearing an Order be issued directing the Local Civil Registrar of Villaba, Leyte and the Civil Registrar General, National Statistics Office to change the first name and date of birth of the petitioner in his Certificate of Live Birth and Record of Birth as found on Page 0034, Book No. 009 in the in the Register of Births in the Office of the Local Civil Registrar of Villaba, Leyte from CERIACO to CIRIACO and January 5, 1960 to July 20, 1958, respectively. As the petition appears to be sufficient in form and substance, the same is hereby set for initial hearing, pursuant to Section 4, Rule 108 of the Rules of Court on June 16, 2014 at 8:30 oclock in the morning at the Hall of Justice, Regional Trial Court, Branch 17, Palompon, Leyte at which date, time and place, any person may appear and show cause, if any why the petition should not be granted. Let a copy of this Order be published at the expense of the petitioner in a newspaper of general circulation in the Province of Leyte, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, with the last publication to be made at least one week prior to the date set for initial hearing. Furnish copies of this Order to the Office of the Solicitor General, the Local Civil Registrar of Villaba, Leyte, the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor of Leyte, Atty. Elroy Raymund S. Bertulfo, Office of the Civil
Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province of Samar City of Calbayog NOTICE OF PUBLICATION In compliance with Section 5 of R.A. Act No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that GODOFREDO B. ZAMORA, petitioner, has filed with this Office a petition for CHANGE OF FIRST NAME from SHAIRA ANGEL to SHAIRA CORAZON in the Certificate of Live Birth of SHAIRA ANGEL CUI ZAMORA who was born on January 22, 2002 at CALBAYOG CITY, SAMAR and whose parents are GODOFREDO B. ZAMORA and EDNA N. CUI bearing registry number 2002-0330. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition with this Office not later than February 21, 2014. (Sgd.) FE D. QUEROLJICO City Civil Registrar EV Mail March 10-16, 17-23, 2014 rrr Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province of Samar City of Calbayog NOTICE OF PUBLICATION In compliance with Section 5 of R.A. Act No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that ARIANE ABALLE CAMARINES, petitioner, has filed with this Office a petition for CHANGE OF FIRST NAME from GEISHA RHIANE to RAIZEL RHIANE in the Certificate of Live

Birth of GEISHA RHIANE CAMARINES LUCERO who was born on December 10, 2012 at CALBAYOG CITY, SAMAR and whose parents are BERT NEAL PATRICK LUCERO and ARIANE ABALLE CAMARINES bearing registry number 2013-0068. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition with this Office not later than March 21, 2014. (Sgd.) FE D. QUEROLJICO City Civil Registrar EV Mail March 10-16, 17-23, 2014 rrr Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province of Samar City of Calbayog NOTICE OF PUBLICATION In compliance with Section 5 of R.A. Act No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that ANNIEL COQUILLA CABUBAS, petitioner, has filed with this Office a petition for CORRECTION OF A CLERICAL OR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR IN SEX from MALE to FEMALE in the Certificate of Live Birth of ANNIEL C. CABUBAS at CALBAYOG CITY, SAMAR and whose parents are NOLI P. CABUBAS and LUZ L. COQUILLA bearing registry number 2001-659. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition with this Office not later than March 18, 2014. (Sgd.) FE D. QUEROLJICO City Civil Registrar EV Mail March 10-16, 17-23, 2014 rrr Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province of Samar Municipality of Sta. Rita NOTICE OF PUBLICATION In compliance with Section 5 of R.A. Act No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that ANA MARCIAL RAZ, petitioner, has filed with this Office a petition for CHANGE OF FIRST NAME from LORALIE to MA. RHEALENE in the Certificate of Live Birth of LORALIE MARCIAL RAZ who was born on DECEMBER 17, 1975 at STA. MARGARITA, SAMAR and whose parents are LEODEGARIO C. RAZ and ANA MARCIAL-RAZ bearing registry number 2013-0068. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition with this Office not later than 25 FEBRUARY, 2014. (Sgd.) ENGR. AIVIZE G. LIBUNAO Municipal Civil Registrar EV Mail March 10-16, 17-23, 2014 rrr Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province of Samar Municipality of Almagro NOTICE OF PUBLICATION In compliance with Section 5 of R.A. Act No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that HEDA MATADOS MERINO, petitioner, has filed with this Office a petition for CHANGE OF FIRST NAME from MARIA BISA to VESA in the Certificate of Live Birth of MARIA BISA MATADOS MERINO bearing registry number 39 and whose parents are PATROCENIO MERINO and HEDDA MATADOS. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition with this Office not later than two weeks. (Sgd.) NELIDA N. BERNALES Municipal Civil Registrar EV Mail March 10-16, 17-23, 2014 rrr Self Adjudication with Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the property of the late M ARIA BURACAN re a parcel of land designated as Cad. Lot No. 3509 containing an area of 9,900 sq. meters declared under TD No. 99-01032-00222 in her name situated at Brgy. Guin-on. Calbayog District, Calbayog City was adjudicated unto himself by AGAPTIO P. LAYONG and sold in favor of TEODORA M. ANDO per Doc. No. 1760; Page No. 52; Book No. CXII; Series of 2014 of Notary Public Rowena Urot. EV Mail March 10-16, 17-23, 24-30, 2014 Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate with Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property of the late RUFINO TORCULAS re a parcel of agricultural land designated as Lot No. 1235-Part containing an area of 25,600 sq.m. under TD No. 99-0202600087 was settled among his heirs and sold in favor of MAXIMA TORCULAS BALATAYO per Doc. No. 147; Page No. 31; Book No. XXVIII; Series of 2012 of Notary Public Alex R. Gelera. EV Mail March 10-16, 17-23, 24-30, 2014 Deed of Extrajudicial Partition of a Portion of Land with Sale
Deed of Extrajudicial Partition NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the properties of late RODOLFO I. ASEO, SR. re parcels of land Lot No. 24-B, situated at Dist. 17, Ormoc City, covered by TCT No. TP-477, containing an area of 59 sq. m. covered by TD No. 01017-00064; with the residential building, covered by TD No. 01017-00065; a portion of 1/3 rd of an agricultural land, Lot No. 10632-A, situated at Sitio Agayayan, Bo. Of tugbong, now Brgy. Tagaytay, Kananga, Leyte covered by TCT No. T-3572, containing an area of 77,311 sq. m. were settled among his heirs per Doc. No. 453; Page No. 95; Book NO. 26; Series of 2009 of Notary Public Bruno A. Villamor. EV Mail March 10-16, 17-23, & 24- 31, 2014 Extra-Judicial Settlement of Bank Accounts NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the late BENJAMIN T. PARRILLA had left an account with Land Bank of the Philippines under ESP Account No. 0951-0268-59; and Savings Account No. 0951-007675 were settled among his heirs per Doc. No. 197; Page No. 40; Book No. LXXVI; Series of 2013 of Notary Public Ruben R. Capahi. EV Mail March 3-9, 10-16 & 17-23, 2014 Extrajudicial Settlement and Partition of Bank Deposit with Special Power of Attorney NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the late ALEX MENDOLA GENOSA had left and account with the Bank of Commerce, Ormoc City under Savings Account No. 091200034037 was settled and partitioned among his heirs per Doc. No. 422; Page No. 85; Book No. XL; Series of 2014 of Notary Public Aleah Rafel G. Bataan-Tolibao. EV Mail March 10-16, 17-23, & 24- 31, 2014 Extrajudicial Settlement with Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property of the late ALFREDO MALINAO re a parcel of land Lot 1158-D, Psd-96809, situated in Poblacion, Ormoc City, containing an area of 60 sq. m. covered by TCT No. 17579 was settled among his heirs and sold in favor of SPS. LYNN R. MAGSAMBOL and GLORIA A. MAGSAMBOL per Doc. No. 68; Page No. 14; Book No. XXXV; Series of 2013 of Notary Public Allan Castro. EV Mail March 10-16, 17-23, & 24- 31, 2014 Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property of the late MOISES L. TORRENTE re a parcel of land Lot No. 4566 containing an area of 1.3513.80 hectares, located in Barangay Concepcion, Hilongos, Leyte and covered by TD No. 14015-0012R13 was settled among his heirs per Doc. No. 450; Page No. 91; Book No. VII; Series of 2013 of Notary Public Ma. Lourdes Madula-Vilbar. EV Mail March 10-16, 17-23, & 24- 31, 2014 Extra-Judicial Settlement with Deed of Absolute Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property of the late ARNESTO VALDUEZA re a parcel of land Lot No. 2348, containing an area of 6,418 sq. m. located in Barangay Lamak Hilongos Leyte and covered by TD No. 1402100204 R13 was settled among his heirs and sold in favor of SPS. ISMAEL U. GREGORIOS and LUCY JULIA L. GREGORIOS per Doc. No. 399; Page No. 81; Book No.

March 17-23, 2014

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the property of the late DIONESIO A. CAMILON which he co-owned with other heirs described as a parcel of land designated as Lot. No. 1889 at Magsaysay Boulevard, Brgy. East Awang, Calbayog City, containing an area of 65 sq.m. and declared under TD No. 99-01006-00937 was settled among them and sold in favor of SPS. RAMON and CAROLINA BARING per Doc. No. 453; Page No. 91; Book No. V; Series of 2014 of Notary Public Jennylyn D. Sumagang-Doriendo. EV Mail March 10-16, 17-23, 24-30, 2014 Affidavit of Self-Adjudication NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property of the late FELISA BREGILDO re a parcel of land designated as Cadastral Lot No. 6980-P-C, situated at Brgy. Cruz, Palompon, Leyte, containing an area of 2,800.00 sq. m. under TD No. 02-31022 was adjudicated unto himself by MARCOS B. URBODA per Doc. No. 175; Page No. 33; Book No. I; Series of 2004 of Notary Public Josephine Mejia- Romero. EV Mail March 3-9, 10-16 & 17-23, 2014 Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Office Province of Leyte Municipality of Hilongos NOTICE OF PUBLICATION In compliance with Sec. 5, R.A. No. 9048/R.A. 10172, a notice is hereby served to the public that CYRIL JANE M. JULIA, has filed with this office a Petition for Change of Gender from MALE to FEMALE in the birth certificate of CYRIL JANE M. JULIA who was born on June 27, 1992 at Hilongos, Leyte and whose parents are EDWARD M. JULIA and JOSEFINA L. MANCIO. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition with this office not later than fifteen (15) days after publication. (Sgd.) ERNESTO MA. FULACHE Municipal Civil Registrar EV Mail March 10-16, & 17-23, 2014 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC CCE-0025-2014 R A 10172 CFN-0001-2014 Date: FEBRUARY 11, 2014 In Compliance with the publication requirement and pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 Guidelines in the Implementation of the Administrative Order No. 1 Series of 2012 (IRR on R.A. 10172), Notice is hereby served to the public that CHRISTIAN ALPHIE C. YAP has filed with this Office, a petition for change of Gender from FEMALE to MALE & Petition for Change of First Name from ALPHIE to CHRISTIAN ALPHIE in the certificate of live birth of CHRISTIAN ALPHIE C. YAP at BAYBAY, LEYTE and whose parents are PAUL M. YAP & ALMA P. CAETE. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his written opposition with this Office not later than FEBRUARY 11, 2014. (Sgd.) NOEL V. MANAGBANAG City Civil Registrar Name of Newspaper: Eastern Visayas Mail Place of Publication: Leyte Date of Publication: March 10-16, & 17-23, 2014 rrr NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC CCE-0034-2014 R.A. 10172 Date: MARCH 07, 2014 In Compliance with the publication requirement and pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 Guidelines in the Implementation of the Administrative Order No. 1 Series of 2012 (IRR on R.A. 10172), Notice is hereby served to the public that LEONEDISA V. BANDALAN has filed with this Office, a petition for change of GENDER from MALE to FEMALE in the certificate of live birth of LEONEDISA V. BANDALAN at BAYBAY, LEYTE and whose parents are ALBERTO QUIAMCO BANDALAN and EMERENCIANA BALDEVIA VEGA. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his written opposition with this Office not later than MARCH 07, 2014. (Sgd.) NOEL V. MANAGBANAG City Civil Registrar Name of Newspaper: Eastern Visayas Mail Place of Publication: Leyte Date of Publication: March 10-16, & 17-23, 2014

Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Regional Trial Court Eight Judicial Region Branch 17 Palompon, Leyte SP. PROC. CASE NO. R-PAL-13-0397-SP FOR: CORRECTION OF ENTRY IN THE CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH OF THE PETITIONER PERTAINING TO 5 (b) THEREOF ELENA P. BASILIO Petitioner, -versusTHE LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRAR OF VILLABA, LEYTE AND THE NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE, represented by its Administrator and Civil Registrar General, CARMELITA N. ERICTA Respondents. x----------------------x ORDER A verified petition having been filed with this Court by petitioner, through counsel, Atty. Elroy Raymund S. Bertulfo, praying that after publication, notice and hearing an Order be issued directing the Local Civil Registrar of Villaba, Leyte and the Civil Registrar General, National Statistics Office to remove in the Certificate of Live Birth of the petitioner the check mark before the word First in the space numbered 5 (b) in her Certificate of Live Birth relating to the statement IF MULTIPLE BIRTH, CHILD WAS as the check mark before the word First implies that the petitioner has at least a twin when in fact there is none. As the petitioner appears to be sufficient in form and substance, the same is hereby set for initial hearing, pursuant to Section 4, Rule 108 of the Rules of Court on May 26, 2014 at 8:30 oclock in the morning at the Hall of Justice, Regional Trial Court, Branch 17, Palompon, Leyte at which date, time and place, any person may appear and show cause, if any why the petition should not be granted. Let a copy of this Order be published at the expense of the petitioner in a newspaper of general circulation in the Province of Leyte, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, with the last publication to be made at least one week prior to the date set for initial hearing. Furnish copies of this Order to the Office of the Solicitor General, the Local Civil Registrar of Villaba, Leyte, the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor of Leyte, Atty. Elroy Raymund S. Bertulfo, Office of the Civil Registrar General, National Statistics Office and the petitioner. SO ORDERED. Given in Chambers, this 18th day of February, 2014 at the Hall of Justice, Palompon, Leyte. (Sgd.) MARIO O. QUINIT Presiding Judge Copy furnished: 1. Atty. Elroy Raymund S. Bertulfo Torres Bugallon St. Villaba, Leyte 2. The Office of the Solicitor General Manila 3. Pros. Lorna Pades Palompon, Leyte 4. National Statistics Office- Manila 5. Elena P. Basilio- Brgy. Tagbubunga, Villaba, Leyte 6. Local Civil Registrar of Villaba, Leyte 7. EV Mail, Ormoc City EV Mail March 3-9, 10-16, & 17-23, 2014 Registrar General, National Statistics Office and the petitioner. SO ORDERED. Given in Chambers, this 18th day of February, 2014 at the Hall of Justice, Palompon, Leyte. (Sgd.) MARIO O. QUINIT Presiding Judge Copy furnished: 1. Atty. Elroy Raymund Bertulfo- Torres Bugallon St., Villaba, Leyte 2. The Office of the Solicitor General- Manila 3. Pres. Lorna Pades- Palompon, Leyte 4. National Statistics Office- Manila 5. Marina Calderon Brgy. Abijao, Villaba, Leyte 6. Local Civil Registrar of Villaba. 7. EV Mail Ormoc City EV Mail March 3-9, 10-16, & 17-23, 2014

Petition No. CCE-0014-101RA 10172 PETITION FOR CORRECTION OF CLERICAL ERROR IN THE CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH I, JULIVI MANSING ASTILLERO, of legal age, Filipino and a resident of Brgy. Tabunok, Palompon, Leyte, After having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby declare that: 1) I am the petitioner seeking correction of the clerical error in: My certificate of live birth 2) I was born on July 19, 1990 at Palompon, Leyte, Philippines 3) The birth was recorded under registry number 90-667 , 4) 4) The clerical error(s) to be corrected is (are): Item No. Description From To 2 Sex MALE FEMALE 5) The facts/reasons for filing this petition are the following: For error No. 1: to correct my sex which was wrongly written and recorded in my birth certificate. 6) I submit the following documents to support this petition. a) Certificate of Live Birth (SECPA & Office File Copy) b) Certificate of Baptism/DECS Form 137-E & form No. 137-A c) NBI Clearance/ Police Clearance/Personal Affidavit d) Court Order/Manifestation & Formal Withdrawal of Petition e) Medical Certificate/Sonographic Report/ Voter Certification f) Medical Certification / Certificate of Authenticity, 7) I have not filed any similar petition and that, to the best of my knowledge, no other similar petition pending with any LCRO, Court or Philippine Consulate. 8) I am filing this petition at the LCRO of Palompon, Leyte in accordance with R.A. 9048/R.A. 10172 and its implementing rules and regulation. (Sgd.) JULIVI M. ASTILLERO Petitioner VERIFICATION I, JULIVI M. ASTILLERO, the petitioner, Hereby certify that the allegations herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Sgd.) JULIVI M. ASTILLERO Petitioner SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 7th day of March 2014 in the city/municipality of Palompon, Leyte, petitioner exhibits in Community Tax Certificate No. 34484629 issued at Palompon, Leyte on March 4, 2014. (Sgd.) CARMELITA G. LODOVICA Municipal Civil Registrar Administering Officer EV Mail March 10-16, & 17-23, 2014

Republic of the Philippines) Province of Leyte ) SS

Republic of the Philippines Local/Civil Registry Office Province: Leyte City/Municipality: Palompon

VII; Series of 2012 of Notary Public Ma. Lourdes Madula-Vilbar. EV Mail March 10-16, 17-23, & 24- 31, 2014 Extrajudicial Settlement and Partition with Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property of the late REYNALDO ALBARICO re a parcel of land consisting One-half (1/2) share of Lot No. 2269-D-18, Psd-08-004276, situated in Brgy. Alegria, Ormoc City, containing an area of 104 sq. m., covered by TCT No. 24511 was partitioned among his heirs and sold in favor of ADELIZA DE LEON MANGILAYA married to MARIO SALAZAR MANGILAYA per Doc. No. 476; Page No. 96; Book No. CCCI; Series of 2013 of Notary Public Nicolas S. Maglasang. EV Mail March 3-9, 10-16, & 17-23, 2014 Extrajudicial Settlement NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that the property of the late ANUNSACION ELISORIO DALUMPINES re a parcel of land Lot No. 5341, situated in Barangay Salvacion (now Barangay Bagong Buhay,) Ormoc City, containing an area of 23,573 sq. m., covered by TCT No. 8016 was settled among her heirs per Doc. No. 44; Page No. 09; Book No. CLXX; Series of 2013 of Notary Public Nepomuceno P. Aparis I. EV Mail March 3-9, 10-16, & 17-23, 2014 Extra-Judicial Settlement and Adjudication NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property of the late DANILO V. ENECIO re a motor vehicle MAKE/TYPE- MITSUBISHI/ WAGON; SERIES- ADVENTURE ; ENGINE NO. 4D56A-M1640; CHASSIS NO. - PAEVB5WLN1B005759; PLATE NO.HAX633; CERT. OF REG. NO. - ___was settled among his heirs per Doc. No.461; Page No. 93; Book No. XXXI; Series of 2014 of Notary Public EV Mail March 3-9, 10-16 & 17-23, 2014 Extra-Judicial Partition NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the property of the late FELIPE BREGILDO re a parcel of land designated as Cadastral Lot No. 6980-P, situated in Brgy. Cruz, Palompon, Leyte, containing an area of 2,800 sq. m. covered by TD No. 31922-00022-R8 was partitioned among his heirs per Doc. No. 176; Page No. 31; Book No. I; Series of 2004 of Notary Public Josephine Mejia- Romero. EV Mail March 3-9, 10-16 & 17-23, 2014 Extra-Judicial Partition NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the properties of the late FRANCISCO BREGILDO re a parcel of land designated as Cadastral Lot No. 6980, situated in Brgy. Cruz, Palompon, Leyte, containing an area of 27,835 sq. m. under TD No. 02-31022-00145; and Lot No. 6980-P-B, containing an area of 2,800 sq. m. under TD No. 02-31022-00025 were partitioned among his heirs per Doc. No. 177; Page No. 34; Book No. I; Series of 2004 of Notary Public Josephine Mejia- Romero. EV Mail March 3-9, 10-16 & 17-23, 2014 Extrajudicial Settlement and Partition NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the properties of the late CARLOS MATUGUINA re a parcels of land consisting One-Half (1/2) share of Lot 2273-E-2, Psd-76144, situated in Barrio Alegria, Ormoc City, containing an area of 258 sq. m. covered by TCT No. 24769 ; Lot

Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT 8th Judicial Region Branch 18, Hilongos, Leyte SP. PROC. NO. 527 IN RE: IN THE MATTER OF THE CANCELLATION OF LIVE BIRTH OF ANNAPE ALBARILLO UNDER LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRARA NO. 96-404, ANNALIZA ALBARILLO NALZARO, Petitioner, -versusTHE LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRAR OF HINDANG, LEYTE and the NATIONAL STATISTIC OFFICE (NSO), Respondents. x---------------------x ORDER Petitioner, ANNALIZA ALBARILLO NALZARO, through counsel, filed the instant Petition before this Court docketed as Sp. Proc. Case No. 527. In support of her petition, the petitioner avers, THAT: She is of legal age, married to Pepito A. Nalzaro, Filipino, and a resident of Brgy. Poblacion 1, Hindang, Leyte; she is the mother of Annape Albarillo who seek the cancellation of daughters Certificate of Live Birth under Local Civil Registrar No. 96-404; the petitioner applied for the late registration of her daughter before the Local Civil Registrar of Hindang, Leyte, recently she founds out from the NSO that her daughter was registered in Valenzuela Metro Manila under Local Civil Registrar No. 92-3026, hence, prayed for the cancellation of the Birth Certificate of ANNAPE ALBARILLO under Registry No. 96-404 to conform to the facts surrounding her birth and to avoid confusion of having tow birth Certificate. WHEREFORE, finding the Petition to be sufficient in FORM and SUBSTANCE, the same is set for initial hearing on April 7, 2014 at 8:30 in the morning at which date, time and place anyone that may be prejudiced by the approval of the instant Petition may come to court in this first opportunity. Published this Order in a newspaper of general circulation in the Province of Leyte, at least once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks at the expense of the petitioner. Furnished copy of this Order in the Petitioner and her counsel at the given addresses for them to be present at the scheduled initial hearing. SO ORDERED. IN CHAMBERS, this 26th day of February, 2014, Hilongos, Leyte, Philippines. (Sgd.) EPHREM SUAREZ ABANDO Executive Judge ESA/csv EV Mail March 3-9, 10-16 & 17-23, 2014
Extra-Judicial Settlement of Bank Accounts NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the late BENJAMIN T. PARILLA had left an account with Land Bank of the Philippines under ESP Account No. 0951-0268-59; and Savings Account No. 0951-007675 were settled among his heirs per Doc. No. 197; Page No. 40; Book No. LXXVI; Series of 2013 of Notary Public Ruben R. Capahi. EV Mail March 3-9, 10-16 & 17-23, 2014
5288-A-10, Psd-08-008170-D, situated in Brgy. San Isidro, Ormoc City, containing an area of 1,195 sq. m. covered by TCT No. T-29145; Lot 2-C-2-B, Psd-08-006172, situated in Brgy. Doa Feliza Mejia Village, Ormoc City, containing an area of 151 sq.m. covered by TCT No. 25962 ; Lot 2-C-2-A, Psd-08-006172, containing an area of 149 sq. m. covered by TCT No. 25961; Lot 5288-A-7-A-1, Psd-08-027489-D, situ ated in Barangay San Isidro, Ormoc City, containing an area of 64 sq. m. covered by TCT No. 121-2011000631; and One unit Residential House erected on Lot Nos. 2-C2-A & 2-C-2-B were partitioned among his heirs per Doc. No. 90; Page No. 18; Book No. XLII; Series of 2014 of Notary Public Aleah Rafel G. Bataan-Tolibao. EV Mail March 3-9, 10-16, & 17-23, 2014 Extrajudicial Settlement with Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property of the late ERNESTO T. YMAS re a vehicle MAKE: Suzuki ; BODY TYPE: Van ; ENGINE No.: F6A-6485719; CHASSIS No.: DE 51V-822467; PLATE No.: YJT 483 was settled among his heirs and sold in favor of LENGIE S. DALUPAN per Doc. No. 309; Page No. 62; Book No. XXXII; Series of 2014 of Notary Public PHILIP A. ALBEOS III. EV Mail March 3-9, 10-16 & 17-23, 2014

March 17-23, 2014



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March 17-23, 2014

Irish Minister of Trade visits rice farms in Jaro, says he is pleased with what he saw
First Mass in the Philippines painting by Carlos V. Francisco. Source: Wikipedia JARO, LEYTE The Irish Minister of State for Trade and Development was in this agricultural town on the morning of Thursday (March 20, 2014) to see for himself the progress of an Irish-assisted agricultural rehabilitation program being implemented here by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Vast rice lands, ready for harvest by April, met the gazes of the Irish visitors and Minister Joe Costello said he was very, very pleased with what we saw. To the cheers of the farmers present, he announced that after seeing the fresh seeds growing and the crops ready for harvest in April, he would report about what he saw back to Ireland so that their government will continue supporting the endeavor. He said 500-million Euros were poured into the agricultural rehabilitation program. The Irish government, he said, immediately released 4-million Euros to help relief efforts in Eastern Visayas after they heard about Typhoon Haiyans damage. He added that the Irish people raised another 4-million Euros in donations to help the typhoon-battered Filipinos. Ireland is quite fond of Filipinos, he said, pointing out that there are about 17,000 Filipinos working in Ireland mostly in health services. He said the Irish people find Filipino health workers compassionate and do a great job, hence we were anxious

Limasawa prepares to mark First Mass anniversary

MAASIN CITY In commemoration of the First Mass in the Philippines and the Far East that happened 493 years ago, the Diocese of Maasin and the Province of Southern Leyte gears up for a simple celebration on March 31, 1521 in Limasawa, Southern Leyte. A fluvial parade from Maasin City will culminate in the municipality of Limasawa with the arrival of Sr. Sto. Nio and guests led by Bishop Precioso D. Cantillas of the Diocese of Maasin, Southern Leyte Governor Roger G. Mercado, Representative Damian Mercado, Maasin City Mayor Maloney Samaco and other guests. The image and delegation is expected to arrive at 7:00 A.M. in the island municipality according to Nedgar Garvez, Southern Leyte tourism officers. Limasawa Mayor Melchor Petracorta and local officials will welcome the guests at Triana pier as Sinugdan dancers of Limasawa will offer a dance ritual in welcoming the Holy Image. Foot procession follows from Triana port to Magallanes village, a 2-kilometer distance. A 6-gun salute signals for the Holy Mass to start. The anniversary Eucharistic Mass will be officiated by Bishop Cantillas at 10:00 A.M. A 3-gun salute follows with the Bishop blessing the people attending the event. The officers of the National Commission of Culture and the Arts will launch the Declaration of the Opening of the TAOID Heritage Program in Limasawa. The Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan planted the Holy Cross at the Magallanes village where the Friar Pedro Valderrama officiated the First Catholic Mass that saw the birth of Christianity in the Philippines. In historical accounts, the indigenous natives of the island welcomed their guests and showed them their hospitality. The natives were never converted to Catholicism, which may account that until 493 years after the First Mass, the Limasawa island residents of 6,000 remained a mixed of different religions. After the anniversary mass, a dance that recreates the beginning of the Christianity in the country, will be showcased in the Sinugdan Festival (the beginning) followed by the ceremonial tree planting. The Holy Image of Sr. Sto. Nio is expected to arrive in Maasin City around 5:00 P.M. A foot procession of the faithful around the city follows upon arrival and a welcome mass will be officiated by Rev. Fr. Jonas M. Mejares, OSA, Rector of the Basilica Del Sto. Nio, Cebu City. The worlds first navigator Magellan continued its exploration and reached the island of Cebu, where King Humabon and Queen Juana welcomed him. In the webpage of the Sto. Nio de Cebu International, it was mentioned that the authenticated entry in the Journal of Pigafetta, clerk in the Magellan expedition explains the origin of Santo Nio: On the day Queen Juana was baptized by Father Pedro Valderama, chaplain of that expedition, Pigaffeta himself presented her with the Image. The same Image now lies in the Basilica del Santo Nino and become a favorite destination for millions of pilgrims each year. For four and half centuries now, the Image of Santo Nino continues to make wonders in the lives of many Filipinos. On the thirdSunday of each year, in Cebu, millions flock to the streets for a colorful festivity, honoring and placing the Island and the entire Philippines under His Patronage. During the last World War, a bomb fell inside the Church but the Image was recovered unscathed. It was one of the numerous miracles and powers attributed to the Holy Image. In 2012, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines has issued a pastoral letter on the new evangelization to help prepare Catholics for 2021, the 500th anniversary of the arrival of the Gospel in the Philippines. We look forward with gratitude and joy to March 16, 2021, the fifth centenary of the coming of Christianity to our beloved land, the bishops said in their July 9 letter. We remember with thanksgiving the first Mass celebrated in Limasawa Island on Easter Sunday March 31 that same blessed year. We remember the baptism of Rajah Humabon who was given his Christian name Carlos and his wife Hara Amihan who was baptized Juana in 1521. Our eyes gaze on the Santo Nio de Cebu, the oldest religious icon in the Philippines, gift of Ferdinand Magellan to the first Filipino Catholics that same year. Indeed the year 2021 will be a year of great jubilee for the Church in the Philippines. Every year, the people of Limasawa and Southern Leyte celebrates the first Christian Mass in the country. This year, the theme revolves on Unang Misa sa Pilipinas ug Asia ug ang Sto. Nio: Maoy Naglig-on sa pagtuo ug paglaum sa katawhan taliwala sa katalagman ug kalisdanan. By Vicky C. Arnaiz

(L-R) Irish director for emergency and recovery Kevin Kelly, Amb. Joe Hayes, Irelands Minister of State for Trade and Development Joe Costello, farmer beneficiaries Edwin Castillano and Lisa Canaber, DA assistant regional director Jenny Lyn Almeria, Jaro councilor Rodrigo Arbas share a light moment as they pose for posterity during the ceremonial turnover of farm tools. At their back are FAOs Rajendra Aryal, deputy director for emergency and recovery Lisa Doherty, Elizabeth McEneaney of the Irish Embassy in Singapore, Jaro municipal agricultural officer Noel Bertis and (slightly hidden) Irish press aid officer Michael Treacy. The Irish guests were part of the ministers official entourage. Photo by Jose Sanro Jimenea to help out when we heard about the typhoon. Then, he added, the Irish Government released another 3-million euros for recovery and rehabilitation. All in all, the government of Ireland and its people donated 11 to 12-million euros to help the victims of typhoon in the span of four months. He also clarified that not a single centavo of the funds was given directly to the Philippine government. He said as a matter of policy, they give their relief aid to non-government organizations and humanitarian groups. We usually work with the United Nations, he said, and other NGOs like the Red Cross. Minister Costello was with Irish Ambassador Joe Hayes who is based in Singapore and Kevin Kelly, Irish director for emergency and recovery. Present to welcome them to Brgy. Olotan in Jaro, Leyte were Rajendra Aryal, FAO representative to the Philippines; town councilor Rodrigo Arbas and top officials of the Department of Agriculture in the region led by ARD Jenny Lyn Almeria. The Irish officials also did a ceremonial turnover of some farm equipment to the FAOs beneficiaries in the village. Rajendra Aryal of FAO said the interventions they introduced to the farming community was very small. Just bags seeds and NPK (fertilizer) but it represented hope and recovery, he said. It planted the seeds of hope and recovery because the farmers in the area were not only physically battered by the typhoon but psychologically devastated. He said that the farmers in the area were ready to harvest their fields when the typhoon took it away. He added that aside from giving them seeds and the fertilizers, the FAO would also help farmers acquire carabaos and tend layer hens. Aside from helping the rice farmers, he said, FAO is also helping coco farmers. The need intercropping, he said, to tide them through the years their coconut trees are recovering. A good portion will have to be replanted. By LMJ

DENR-8 allocates P 38-M to rehab Leyte Gulf

TACLOBAN CITY - The national government has earmarked P38-million through the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for the Leyte Gulf Rehabilitation Project, otherwise known as Leyte Gulf Mangrove/ Beach Forest Plantation, according to DENR regional executive director Leonardo Sibbaluca. The mangroves that used to grow along Leyte Gulf were badly decimated by supertyphoon Yolanda. The sooner the coastal-mangrove stands and recovers, the better it will be for all of us, Sibbaluca said. We have a lot of work ahead, but with the help of the communities, I am sure we will be able to fast track the implementation of the program, said DENR regional information officer Purificacion Daloos. Around 5:30 a.m. on Friday at low tide, the Leyte Gulf Rehabilitation Program was launched at Barangay 86, Anibong village, Tacloban City. There were 5,000 mangroves propagules that were planted in a half-hectare area. It is a collaboration be tween the DENR and the local government unit of Tacloban City. According to Daloos, the activities for this mangrovebeach and rehab program shall include delineation of easement areas of no-build zone. There will also continuous survey and assessment of proposed mangrove beach-forest plantation. The DENR shall also establish a mangrove nursery, and seedling production, as well as project monitoring and supervision. These activities will be carried out not only in Tacloban City but also other hard-hit areas by Yolanda in the provinces of Leyte, Samar and Eastern Samar. The total area covered in three provinces is 1,900 hectares. Some 1,500,000 propagules of different mangrove and beach forest species will be planted in the whole area. This program is still under the governments National Greening Program which shall target to plant 1.5 billion trees covering 1.5 million hectares from 2011 to 2016. According to Daloos, the inventory of the destroyed forest trees during the worlds strongest typhoon is still ongoing. We are optimistic that with the active participation of the communities along identified mangrove/coastal areas, we can bring back our mangrove beach forest stands, which will ultimately be our protection against typhoons such as the recent super typhoon Yolanda, Sibbaluca said. By Vicky C. Arnaiz

A group of disgruntled Yolanda victims who call themselves the People Surge staged a rally in front of Ritz Tower on Thursday, March 20, to air their grievances to DSWD Sec. Dinky Soliman who was attending a forum there, together with Public Works Secretary Rogelio Singson.

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