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Nordstrom, Seattle, WA
Consultant, IT Business Analyst
Customer Order Management (COM), Enterprise Routing and Availability

Migrated existing COM SKU availability and order routing logic to new Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Directed several scope, current state parity, as well as joint analysis and system design discussions
Became cross-functional subject matter expert on inventory availability, inventory reservation, customer
order routing, and customer back order routing logic for cross-functional teams and stakeholders
60% reduction in redundant analysis with object-oriented documentation of system logic
Created visual aids of as-is and to-be to ensure long-term knowledge of system transition
Identified key test cases to clearly define "black box" order routing behavior
Mitigated significant project risks by negotiating and defining process for gap analysis

Microsoft, Redmond, WA
Chief Scientist / Data Resource Program Manager
Bing / Skype Translator

January 2011 June 2013

Saved $1.4 million per day on the 787 production line by discovering production system flaws
Featured by the CIO as the top project Driving Customer Value for 2011
Advised CIO, Senior Leadership Team, and stakeholders on 787 shop floor IT improvement opportunities
Led 25 person cross functional team identifying operational problems, performing root cause analysis to
prevent re-occurrence, and creating business plans for Senior Leadership consensus and approval
Analyzed business cases, determined scope, and return on investment to prioritize production issues
Featured in Boeing - Product Systems video showcasing the value brought to the airplane customer

The Boeing Company, Bellevue, WA

Systems and Business Data Analyst
Engineering Systems CAD/CAM

June 2013 December 2013

Determined requirements and established formal process for data acquisition

Advised management on deployment strategies and user stories for language translation services
Discovered bottlenecks, planned requirements, and suggested mitigation plans in current processes
Managed scrum and coordinated the acquisition of data to improve translation algorithm experiments

The Boeing Company, Everett, WA

IT Process Improvement Project Manager
767 / 777 / 787 IT Value Stream Lean+ Program Everett Lead

June 2014 Current

July 2006 December 2010

Developed leading-edge Integrated Visualization(IVT) software for digital pre-assembly of the Boeing fleet
Piloted outsourcing and subcontracting strategy of software functions to Tata (TCS) and Luxoft
1st Application in CAD/CAM to pursue Agile development based on my recommendations
25% increase in system performance by leading server migration from SGI to AIX
35% decrease in production defects by advancing regression testing through subcontracting
66% decrease in backend processing, from 21 to 7 Hours, alleviating late data delivery

Nyymbus, LLC
Owner, Lead Product Manager
EXPERIENCE (while Full-Time Employed)

October 2008 - Current

Led creation, technical development, and launch of web application solutions to solve todays problems
Managed project schedules and daily scrum for a portfolio of web applications currently in development
Conducted market analysis, usability studies, created business plan, and acquired external funding
Defined product roadmap and leveraged existing platforms to reduce custom application build
Created scope and analyzed metrics to define success of solutions with customers

Data Science Nanodegree,
Facilitative Leadership
Lean+ Academy
Lean+ 101
Project Management 101
Boeing Next Generation of Leaders
Dale Carnegie Communications Course
Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA
Bachelor of Computer Science
Concentrations in Japanese and Business

April 2015 - Current

August 2011
June 2011
April 2011
March 2011
January 2010
February - August 2009
August 2008, Dual Award Winner

Project Management, Product Development, Product Manager, Entrepreneur, Innovative Solution Creation,
System Architect, Data Analyst, Business Management, Program Management, Business Analysis, System Analysis,
Change Management, Product Designer, Agile Software Development, Lean+ Analyst, Business Process Analyst, IT
System Analyst, Project Management, Technical Writing, Release Management, Software Architecture, System
Architecture, Product Usability, Product Management, Risk Analysis, Software Consulting, Process Consulting,
Knowledge Management, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Customer Order Management (COM), Inventory
Management, Supply Chain and Fulfillment, System Documentation, Capacity Planning, Business Operations and
Reporting, Stakeholder Engagement, Web Application Development, Requirement Documentation, Outsourcing
Strategy, Test Plan Strategy & Development, Software Documentation, Software Development Life Cycle, Value
Stream Mapping, Database Architecture, Use Case Analysis, Case Study Planning, C++, C#, SQL, No SQL, MongoDB,
WordPress, Magneto, PHP, MySQL, Ajax, jQuery, HTML5, SVN, GIT, Microsoft Office, Visio, SharePoint, Google
Drive, Trello, Redmine, PayPal, Cloud Solutions, Atlassian JIRA, Confluence

Rebuilding Together, Seattle
Teen Feed, Denise Louie Education Center
501 Commons
Berlitz Language Classroom
Center for Wooden Boats
Art Institute of Seattle
SMILE Child Mentorship Program
Gonzaga Activities Board
Students in Service Award, AmeriCorps
Gonzaga Student Life

Former President, Board Member

Technical Advisor
Technical Consultant
Italian, Japanese
Sailing License
Culinary Arts Certificate
Former Director
Former Director of Coffeehouse
Award Winner, Students in Service
Award Winner, Gonzaga Legacy

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