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Patricia Velzquez Romera CPR. AL-DEHECN Dehesas de Guadix (Granada)

One morning in March, when the students of CPR. Al-Dehecn, were working Maths, an urgent telegram came to our class , that said:We need your urgent help. The teacher and students were surprised. Where could this message come? Who sent it? Suddenly , they knew that the message had sent a princess castle of Dehesas de Guadix, because it was signed by Aspersury.


We need your help

Pupils of Primary School 4, 5 y 6-CPR. Al-Dehecn

It is urgent! An ogre has locked us in a room of the castle

Aspersury, Princess and Anthony Prince were trapped by an evil ogre who was in the town. For them to be released, they needed that a group of students did a mathematical test. If they get each test successfully, they could go to the castles rooms . Finally, they will have to arrive to the haunted living, and they will rescue the Princess and the Prince.

The adventure begins in a few hours. All students go to this huge black grille gateway. The door that forbids them to enter.

The children went to this castle. There had a huge sign saying:

1.- To access to the castles garden, you will have to sing a song in English. Then, the enormous black grating will open.

We arrived to the Garden!

Here the test is quite simple: 2.- The students will create: flowers, worms, ladybugs, butterflies, etc. Everything related with the Spring, to create a poster. Welcome SPRING! Simetry

We entered to the Castle`s hall!

The castles hall is decorated with a lot of geometric shapes, those students must identify those shapes, what vertices and angles are. Come on!

This is the library

4. Here the students

should draw what you think about how is the prince and the Princess Castle; They will do a brief oral description of their appearance.

And we're in the living room

Dear children: You have to guess this riddle

A snail falls into a pit with12 meters, every day it goes up 3 meters and goes down 2 meters at night. How many days will it take to get out from the pit?

This is the Kitchen:

The students must write a decorated recipe in English, about a typical dish.
1. Sunday roast y puddin Yorkshire

2. Eggs, bacon, sausage , mushrooms and bean

We go up the huge stairs. How many stairs steps are, if the ladder is four landings, and each section has 12 steps?

When you are in the top of the stairs, you could see three doors: We will open one of them and will be... The bedroom

On the headboard there is a poster:

Do you know the answer?

How to get 1,000 By adding the only involved numbers 8?

It isnt the number 3

9.- Now we are in the enchanted room, but we have a problem: to free the princess and the prince we must do a dance with a song in English. Come on! We can do it!


Project eTwinning:
Journey into the country of mathematics

CPR. AL-DEHECN Dehesas de Guadix Granada 4, 5 y 6 de Primaria Patricia Velzquez Romera

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