Meta. by David Harrison and Blain Neale

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By David Harrison and Blain Neale

SCENE 1. EXT. RUN DOWN THEATRE. DAY. A masked man breathes intensely as he points a gun at his victim, his hand shaking throughout. CUT TO SCENE 2. EXT. ROAD. DAY. MYLES and his brother DEACON both rugged in appearance make their way along what appears to be an endless road. At roadside, smoke from burnt out fires fill the air. They are dehydrated and weak, wearing long thick coats and fur as they try to brave the cold. Their belongings hang over their shoulders in brown sacks. They pass a boulder on the side of the road with an M spray painted in deep orange. MYLES and DEACON pass it unnoticed. CUT TO SCENE 3. EXT. WOODLAND. NIGHT. They sit around a small fire. DEACON takes the last bite of meat as MYLES warms his hands on the fire, he then places them under his armpits. DEACON You cold little brother? MYLES nods in acknowledgment and DEACON throws him his coat. CUT TO SCENE 4. EXT. WOODLAND. DAY. Smoke rises from the remains of last nights fire. MYLES follows DEACON as they continue in their search for refuge, as they wander through the woods they hear faint whimpers, MYLES stops. MYLES Did you hear that? DEACON stops and turns to MYLES. DEACON What? MYLES waits in silence as DEACON stares at him looking confused. (CONTINUED)



DEACON Did I hear what? MYLES Huh. DEACON shrugs and continues walking, just as MYLES begins to follow he hears the whimpers again, but slightly louder. MYLES There it is again. (silence) It sounds like (pause) theres someone here. DEACON We dont need this, lets go. As DEACON is speaking to him MYLES slowly wanders in to the bushes next to them, he quietly makes his way through and hides behind a tree. DEACON (whispers) MYLES, MYLES (sighs) DEACON follows MYLES path through the bushes and crouches next to him by the tree. DEACON (whispers) What are you doing? MYLES Look. He peaks around the tree and points at a little girl sitting on the floor in the distance. DEACON then looks for a moment, he turns and begins to walk back the way they came, expecting MYLES to follow him. MYLES Its a little girl. DEACON What do you want us to do about it? MYLES Well, we should help her. DEACON Its not our problem.




As he tries to reason with MYLES he turns only to notice that MYLES is already approaching the young girl. DEACON lets out a sigh of frustration. He stands and debates whether to follow MYLES. MYLES Its okay, its ok, can I see your leg? SOPHIE gasps as MYLES takes a knife out of his sack. He cuts the clothing around the wound. MYLES Im just going to apply some pressure. DEACON enters and takes her leg, MYLES rips some material from his shirt, wraps it around SOPHIES leg and uses her hands to apply pressure. SOPHIE tries to hold in her pain but shows signs of anguish. DEACON Come on, lets go. SOPHIE Thank you. MASKED MAN Go where? Everybody freezes for a moment. DEACON and MYLES stand up slowly and help SOPHIE to her feet. Three well-built men armed with weapons stand tall, dressed in all black with distressing brown masks covering their faces. One masked man slowly moves towards them, everybody is tense, he strokes his fingers across SOPHIES face. DEACON Sorry, we dont want any trouble, were just.. MASKED MAN Now why would you think that were bringing trouble your way. Were just passing by (pause) it is funny though, coming across outsiders on META territory, you do know that this is META territory, right? MYLES and SOPHIE look away in fear as they stay silent.




MYLES We didnt... The MASKED MAN approaches MYLES and strikes him in the face knocking him to the ground. DEACON immediately moves towards him, the MASKED MAN stops DEACON by raising a bat to his head, it goes silent for a moment. MASKED MAN Get down, on your knees, all of you. MYLES stands holding his face. DEACON Wait, wait, we can help you (pause) DEACON thinks quickly. Were doctors, we were just fixing up this girls leg when you got here. The MASKED MAN stares at DEACON as they stand face to face, he seems intrigued. CUT TO SCENE 5. INT. OFFICE. DAY. POSSIBLE? DEACON, MYLES and SOPHIE have their hands tied behind their backs as the MASKED MAN nudges them into a dimly lit room. The LEADER OF META is there waiting. He is a large figure, has a tattoo on his left arm. He steps forward and begins to cut the rope from DEACON and MYLES wrists, he keeps the knife in his hand throughout the scene. LEADER OF META I hope these werent too tight for you. Its just a precaution. You know how these things are. Now, they tell me you two are Doctors. The MASKED MAN steps forward to speak MASKED MAN Yeah Boss, we found them... The LEADER OF META raises his hand towards the MASKED MAN before turning his attention back to MYLES, DEACON and SOPHIE.




LEADER OF META Well.. speak up. DEACON reluctantly speaks. DEACON Yes were.. LEADER OF META Oh so youre the man to talk to then, whats your name? DEACON Deacon. LEADER OF META Im not sure if you are aware of the situation that you find yourselves in. The LEADER OF META slowly moves towards his desk, taking a gun out of his drawer and places it on the table. LEADER OF META You have stepped on to our territory, and now we have a decision to make. LEADER OF META steps towards SOPHIE and begins to touch her face. LEADER OF META turns and walks back and hits his desk. LEADER OF META Ive got it. Its simple really, to prove that you are worth my time, you must do something for me. LEADER OF META aggressively places his gun in MYLES hands whilst the masked man pushes SOPHIE to her knees and tapes over her mouth. LEADER OF META There is no space for the weak here in META. Now kill her (Pause) Kill her! As MYLES hesitates the LEADER OF META puts a knife to his neck. DEACON Wait, wait! Ill do it, give me the gun, Ill do it. (CONTINUED)



THE LEADER OF META looks over to DEACON and pauses before giving him a nod. DEACON instantly takes the gun out of MYLES hand pushing him back and pointing the gun at SOPHIES head, he pauses again for a moment. LEADER OF META Kill her! DEACON takes a deep breath and pulls the trigger. CUT TO SCENE 6. BROTHERS BEDROOM. INT. DAY. *MONTAGE SEQUENCE* MYLES and DEACON sit against the wall on opposite sides of the room. They stay in silence. A meta soldier opens the door and signals for DEACON. DEACON and MYLES both stand and walk towards the door. The meta soldiers allow DEACON to pass but stop MYLES, he tries to get past them whilst shouting. MYLES Wait, where are you taking him?! Suddenly MYLES stops shouting and freezes as he gazes through the door and sees SOPHIE in the distance limping along with another meta soldier beside her. CUT TO SCENE 7. OFFICE. INT. DAY. *MONTAGE SEQUENCE* DEACON enters the LEADER OF METAS office closely followed by a meta soldier, he seems dazed and confused, he takes a seat and looks at the plate of food in front of him. LEADER OF META You must be hungry. DEACON says nothing and looks at the LEADER. LEADER OF META We can provide a good life for you here DEACON, you and your brother. There is nothing for you out there, no food, no shelter. You are safe here. DEACON begins to hear the LEADERS voice as if he is under water with a high pitched ring throughout. CUT TO


SCENE 8. BROTHERS BEDROOM. INT. DAY. *MONTAGE SEQUENCE* MYLES is once again sat on the floor with his head in his hands. He hears a knock on the door, gazes over but there is nobody there, he gets up and approaches the door, tries to open it but it is still locked. He looks up through the window and sees SOPHIE, standing there staring at him, he moves away slightly as they share an exchange of glance for a prolonged period of time. As SOPHIE starts to walk away, THE LEADER OF META continues to speak. SCENE 9. OFFICE. INT. DAY. *MONTAGE SEQUENCE* THE MASKED MAN dips DEACONS head in to a bucket of water as he struggles. LEADER OF META This is not a test DEACON, this is an opportunity. Do you want to live.. Do you want MYLES to live. They lift his head out of the bucket for a brief moment. DEACON Yes. LEADER OF META Then you must do whatever it takes. They push his head back in to the water. CUT TO SCENE 10. WOODLAND. EXT. DAY. *MONTAGE SEQUENCE* MYLES is walking through the woodland, suspiciously looking around whilst guards loom around him. He hears a girl humming. He follows the sound until he comes across SOPHIE once again, walking through the woods. He shouts. MYLES Hey!.. You! As SOPHIE continues through the woods MYLES follows her, gaining on her whilst still acting casual as he passes meta soldiers. As he closes in on her he hears a guard behind him.




META SOLDIER Hey (pause) Where are you going? MYLES looks at the guard and when he turns back SOPHIE is gone. MYLES (pause) Nowhere. Meanwhile THE LEADER OF METAS dialogue continues quetly in the background. CUT TO SCENE 11. OFFICE. INT. DAY. *MONTAGE SEQUENCE* DEACON sits back in a chair with blood dripping from his mouth. LEADER OF META Do you know why were treating you like this. DEACON Yeah. (spits) LEADER OF META Good, are you ready to commit yourself to the cause. DEACON Yes. CUT TO SCENE 12. CUPBOARD/STORAGE ROOM. INT. DAY. *MONTAGE SEQUENCE* MYLES is looking around the camp he comes across SOPHIES body as it rests, standing motionlessas the vains on her neck pulsate. MYLES approaches slowly touches her face, jumping back in disbelief when he actually makes contact with her. Meanwhile the conversation between LEADER OF META and DEACON continues as a voiceover. LEADER OF META There is no space for the weak here. Once you say yes there is no going back. Will you commit to us.




DEACON Yes. LEADER OF META Will you commit to us? DEACON Yes. LEADER OF META Will you commit to us? DEACON Yes! CUT TO SCENE 13. OFFICE. INT. DAY. *MONTAGE SEQUENCE* The LEADER OF META is now close up, face to face with DEACON and he speaks. LEADER OF META Good. You are ready. He stands behind DEACON and places the mask of Meta over his head. CUT TO SCENE 14. BROTHERS ROOM. INT. DAY. MYLES tentatively enters the room and takes a seat on his bed, looks across the room at his brother, DEACON is sitting on his bed tending to a cut on his arm whilst wearing the mask of META. MYLES Its been days, where have you been? He gets no reply. MYLES Whats happened to your arm? DEACON Its nothing.




MYLES Okay, theres something going on with this place. Theyre hiding things from us (pause) well from me anyway. DEACON, talk to me. DEACON What do you want me to say? MYLES I want to know whats happened to you, why youre acting like this. DEACON Like what? MYLES Like one of them. DEACON sends no response and just sits tending to his arm. MYLES You think you know whats going on here, but you havent figured this all out yet have you (pause) have you. DEACON stands and intensely looks directly at MYLES, he slightly raises his voice. DEACON You want to know what I know, what Ive been doing.. Ive been keeping us safe okay, keeping us alive. These guys know what theyre doing, they know what kind of people they need and they need me! And quite frankly we need them, there is absolutely nothing for us out there, nothing. Were safe here, we have food, shelter and what do they want in return, commitment, commitment from us, no questions asked.. Trust me, we are exactly where we need to be. MYLES Thats it, commitment is all they want. And how did they get you to commit hey, shooting a little girl, or have you done more than that, because that was just your first test, well.. whats going to be (MORE) (CONTINUED)



MYLES (contd) your last, whens it going to stop! Im not going to stick around to find out. MYLES goes to walk away but DEACON grabs him by the neck and pulls him close so they are face to face. DEACON You arent going anywhere. MYLES Yeah, and how are you going to stop me. DEACON says nothing, just breathes intensely and lets go of his neck. DEACON turns his back. MYLES Look at yourself. (PAUSE) Ive seen some things since youve been away you know, and I dont trust these guys at all. Just take that mask off and come with me. (silence) DEACON Where are you gunna go? MYLES Anywhere but here. You coming? DEACON I cant...just go. MYLES I wish it didnt have to be like this.. Goodbye brother. MYLES takes his bag and leaves. CUT TO SCENE 15. LEADER OF METAS OFFICE. INT. DAY. DEACON is called in to the LEADERS office. He enters. The room still dark and the LEADERS face unlit.




LEADER OF META DEACON. You have shown great promise. However today we have encountered somewhat of an inconvenience. I need you to handle it. The LEADER OF META slides a gun across the table. DEACON takes it. DEACON No problem. CUT TO SCENE 16. THEATRE. EXT. DAY. Breathing can be heard in the darkness. A single spotlight shines to show MYLES knelt on the floor with his hands behind his back. CUT TO The opening shot of the film. Deacon stands in front of MYLES with the gun raised and aimed at his head. He stands motionless for a moment, his hand then starts to shake. He lowers the gun and looks back at his men, then back to MYLES. DEACON Get up. He lifts MYLES up so he is standing, still with his hands behind his back, he aims the gun at MYLES head and pulls up his mask revealing the majority of his face. DEACON Im sorry it had to end like this. DEACON pulls MYLES close to him putting his head on his shoulder, moving the gun from MYLES to the side of his brothers head so that the bullet will travel through both of them. He whispers his final words into his brothers ear. DEACON Goodbye brother. The camera lowers as the gun shot is heard. MYLES and DEACON drop to the floor. CUT TO


SCENE 17. EXT. WOODLAND. DAY. The sound of the forest is heard and then three men appear wandering through the woods, they stop as they hear whimpers in the distance FADE TO BLACK MAN 1 Did you guys hear that? THE END

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